Stark and Company

Tony walked over briskly to Dr. Banner, an elementary smile spread across his face.


“Dr. Banner, glad you could make it.” There was a small hint of fanboyish excitement that his masculine voice did little to hide.

Banner noticed and grinned as they shook hands. “Thanks for having me.”


“No worries, I've got the whole night planned out. First I thought we'd have a couple drinks,” he paused to lead his guest over to the bar and poured them both a glass of bourbon, “Then we can get to the fun stuff. I've got at least 500 secret cameras set up around S.H.I.E.L.D's big “airplane of mystery.””


Tony downed his glass in one shot and continued, “Natasha helped me install them. You remember her, right? Red hair, leather suit, guns and glory, ya know. She's on the whole... modern Amazon thing.”


“How could I forget?” Banner emptied his glass in one hard gulp and made a sour, grimacing face, half from the drunk and half from his memories.


“Yeah, well she put them in for me.”


Banner looked at him quizzically, “For free?”


“BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA, haaaahhhhh,” Tony wiped at his eye, “Hell no. She charged me 10,000. That's WITH a “friendship” discount.”


“Hm... sounds really pricey... Hope it was worth it.”


“Oh yeah, it totally was worth it.” He walked over to the sofa and picked up his tablet. “I've got at least 10 cameras in every room, multiple angles, heat vision, optimized vision screening, all the specs,” he slid his finger across the screen to show Banner the live footage. “If Fury so much as picks his nose or Hawkeye pops a squat on the can, I'll know.” His face grew dark with mischief.


“Wow... sooo this is what the great 'tin man' does in his spare time.”


Tony turned toward him with a pained expression. “Insert Banner's first name, why would you say that?”


Insert Banner's first name's smirk faded vanished quickly as a worried expression covered his face. “Wha-”


“It's high quality titanium.” Tony chuckled and slapped him on the back. “Come on, let's get started.”

He tossed the tablet on the sofa and walked back over to his workstation. “Pardon the mess,” he said shoving an entire stack of files, papers, and other important looking documents off one side of his desk onto the floor. “It's my house, not my office.”

Banner walked over to him, taking off his jacket. “It's fine, I've worked in worse conditions.”

“Oh yeah, like what?”

“India was harsh. Pakistan was kinda rough too.”

“Ah. Well, aaaall of that is gonna seem like a dream compared to the crap Fury has us doing. Here, have a look. I've already started on deriving the-”


The two worked nonstop for 5 hours straight. They were tired and hungry but in good spirits because the job was nearly complete which mean Fury would leave them alone, finally, for a while. Banner took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes with a groan.

“Tired?” Tony asked half distracted from his complicated research and calculations.

“Starving. I didn't have anything to eat but a granola bar and a cup of coffee today.”

“Hm... are you the kind of person to get irritated when they're hungry?”

“Uuuhhhmm.... yeah.” Banner replied a little bashfully.

“Enough to say, turn into a giant, green monster and pillage a village?”

Banner chuckled and put his glasses back on. “No Stark, I'm not going hulk-mode for you. No matter how much you beg, whine, or pay.”

“Damn, those were the only methods I had,” mumbled Tony.

After another gruesome hour, the two men had finished and were now left with the choice of sleeping or eating.

“Tony, I'm tired. I'm going home.”

“No you're not, Jarvis, lock all exits.”

Yes sir.”

“You really think Jarvis is going to stop me?” Banner asked, amused.

“No, but a king-sized order of schwarma and a couple of ice cold beers will.”

Banner thought for a second. “Alright. I'll stay.”

Tony smirked in triumph. Nobody left his sleepovers. Ever.


When the food arrived they sat on the sofa together and watched the recorded footage from the secret camera's previous day. Laughing, eating, talking, and drinking, the boys fell asleep with one another feet in their rib/face. The next morning Pepper walked in and smiled at how cute the two looked with their food stained, unshaven faces and loud snores. She quietly covered them both with Tony's favorite Hulk felted blanket and left them to sleep.


The end.

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Chapter 1: Lolol! Obviously AFF doesn't recognize a real - um ... person when they see 'em. Website for Asian Fics, not a single F was given.
I loooooveddd it, totally surprised I didn't cringe when Pepper kissed MY Tony. Like, if Banner can't have him - then he's mine. She better back up! But really - Fury needs to chillax and let my bby have his dang slumber party. >.<