Stark and Company


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 Fic for my Nig.

Iron Man and Hulk

“I MEAN it Stark,” said a stern, serious voice. “Do NOT incur the wrath of the Hulk.”

Tony rolled his eyes and sighed an exasperated sigh at the screen in front of him. A frowning Fury glared back at the coy rich boy and placed his hands on his hips to further display his authority.

“Dr. Banner has been doing good lately and considering all the pressure that’s been put on him for this new project, it’s a wonder he hasn’t gone complete “hulk-smash” on those bastards up at capitol hill.”

“Yeah, well, maybe you guys shouldn’t put him in such a state. Then he wouldn’t be so likely to destroy the city when he comes to my slumber parties,” Tony replied with his arms crossed over his chest. He was sick of Fury and his hounds mothering Banner as if the man couldn’t live his life without being under constant supervision. It irritated him and he wasn’t even the one being supervised. Well, not as closely.

“This is NOT a slumber party, Stark. It is an-“

“An overnight research compilation between two scientists. Nothing more, nothing less. I know, I know. You’ve told me. Four times to be exact.”

“Then make it a fifth,” Fury said with the same unchanged, unblinking face of obvious annoyance. “Banner is to arrive at Stark Tower at exactly 8 pm and leave the following morning at 8 am. No excuses, no mishaps, no trouble. Understood?”

Tony clasped his hands together and leaned towards the screen with an innocent pout on his face, “Of course, Mr. Fury, sir. Can I get you anything else? Perhaps some cream with your coffee? A little Vicadin for that bulging vein in your neck?”

The vein in Fury’s neck twitched once more before slowly sinking back into a mesh of skin as he regained his composure. Stark might have been the biggest in the world, but he was a smart one and a vital one, unfortunately, to SHIELD’s cause to protect the earth. So, in order to keep the peace and a hefty paycheck, he could put up with his childish teasing, for now.

A smirk played on Fury’s lips as he put his hand on the button to end the video call. “Keep it up Stark and I’ll have Jarvis reprogrammed with Jermaine (SHIELD’s Irish accented operating system)”

Tony stood up straight and furrowed his brow at Fury. “Don’t you dare replace my supreme London voiced operating robot with that tasteless, SHIELD knockoff trash.”

“Just get the job done.” Fury pressed the button to end the call. He stared at the black screen for a moment, thinking to himself “What have we done?”  And with that, he pinched the bridge of his nose and swore under his breath at the hellacious amount of unconceivable damage the city would have to pay should Stark and Banner’s ‘slumber party’ get out of hand.


On the other side of the screen. Tony rolled his eyes and turned to see Pepper walking towards him. She was dressed professionally, yet ily, in an all-black two piece suit and two-toned , black heels with a glossy cream colored purse casually drooped over her shoulder by a silver chain. He leaned back against his desk grinning and took in the view with appreciation and excitement until he spotted the brown, leather suitcase in her hand and a tan overcoat slung across her forearm. The smile quickly disappeared.

“Okay, I’m off to Malaysia,” she breathed, setting the suitcase down on the floor beside his feet. She gave him a smile which was only met by an upset pout, similar to that of a two-year old.

“Oh Tony, don’t start that. You knew I was going to leave.”

He crossed his arms again and frowned at her. “Yeah, but I didn’t think you’d actually go.”

“Uh, it’s kind of my job to go, remember?”


Pepper sighed and caressed the unshaven cheek of her boyfriend. “Well somebody has to. And we certainly can’t have our best Avenger leaving his city unprotected from the baddies, now can we?”

Stark shifted his weight and turned his head to stare out at the nightscape of New York. “No, I guess not…” he mumbled.

Pepper leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek before picking up her bag and heading to the elevator. “Have a fun boys night out. Don’t worry Fury too much,” she called back.

Stark chuckled and replied, “Don’t worry, I will.”

She gave him one final charming, chastising smile before the elevator doors closed. Tony turned back to his work and shuffled some papers when the elevator door opened again.

“Forget something?” he asked not turning around.

“Nope, I think I’m all set,” answered a male voice.

Stark paused and Jarvis spoke up, “Sir, Dr. Banner has arrived.”


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Chapter 1: Lolol! Obviously AFF doesn't recognize a real - um ... person when they see 'em. Website for Asian Fics, not a single F was given.
I loooooveddd it, totally surprised I didn't cringe when Pepper kissed MY Tony. Like, if Banner can't have him - then he's mine. She better back up! But really - Fury needs to chillax and let my bby have his dang slumber party. >.<