Xiumin's Café

Xiumin's Café

Luhan wasn’t particularly fond of coffee, but when it was 2 in the morning with piles and piles of work still left to do, he would do anything to keep himself awake. He decided to leave his office for a bit in search of a café still open at this time. Much to his dismay, he found a brightly lit, little café not too far from his job.

He groggily rubbed his eyes and stared at the sign hanging on the window, “Xiumin’s Café: Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” Hmm, what the hell is a Xiumin, he thought. The inside of the café was small and cozy; a warm, brown colored paint covered the walls, jazz music played quietly through the speakers, and only a few chairs and tables were placed in the whole room. No one else occupied the little café except for Luhan and one other boy behind the counter. He didn’t seem to notice that Luhan had walked in and continued to prepare himself a latte.

Luhan walked up to the counter and cleared his throat, “Ahem.” No answer. “A-hem.” He hadn’t noticed that the boy had been wearing headphones this whole time, “Oh—.” He decided to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.

“Hm?” The boy turned around and immediately took out his headphones, “Oh! I’m so sorry! Hello, how may I help you?” Luhan didn’t reply to the boy, but he couldn’t stop staring at him. He had brown spiked up hair, milky white skin, and the cutest chubby cheeks Luhan had ever seen.  Crap, he’s cute, Luhan thought to himself. The boy waved his hand in front of Luhan’s face, “Um, sir?” Luhan snapped out of his trance and blushed at the boy.

“Ah—I’m sorry, can I just take anything with a load of caffeine?” Luhan continued to rub his sleepy eyes.

The boy laughed and picked up a cup, “Working hard, huh?” Luhan nodded and he smiled, “Well, then this one’s on the house, okay?”

“N-no, it’s fine! You seem to be working hard as well,” Luhan protested, reaching for his wallet.

The boy shook his head and took out a marker, “Name?”

Luhan blinked and looked around the café, “But…I’m the only one here…”

“So? Name please~” He chimed.

Luhan smirked, “Luhan, my name is Luhan.”

“How cute, I’m Minseok. I happen to be the owner of this café.” Minseok grinned and quickly made Luhan his latte.

Luhan took the latte and left the café. He had to admit that although he wasn’t a fan of coffee, the taste was amazing and he was able to finish all of the paperwork he needed to get done. Just as he was about to throw the cup away, he noticed extra writing on the cup.

“Work hard and stay awake, Luhan!

-          Minseok”


Luhan smiled and decided not to throw the cup away, but keep it at his desk as his new pen holder.




The next night, Luhan went back to the café for another latte. Lucky for him, Minseok was there again standing at the counter and preparing himself another Latte. This time, he noticed Luhan come in.

“Hello, Luhan, another long day at work?” He grinned.

Luhan smiled, “Yeah, thanks for the words of encouragement yesterday, Minseok. I’ll just take something like what you gave me yesterday.” Minseok nodded and Luhan remembered something, “Say, since you’re the owner, why is your café called ‘Xiumin’s Café?’”

Minseok let out a little chuckle, “Ah, that was the nickname I was given when I went to study for a few years in China. Many people called me that even when I came back to Korea, so I decided to keep it like that for the café’s name.”

Luhan’s mouth turned into an ‘o’ shape, then he started to grin, “So you can speak Chinese too? I’m actually from China and came to study in Korea a few years back!”

Minseok waved his hands in front of him, “No, no, my Chinese isn’t very good. But that’s very cool of you! Your Korean is pretty impressive.”

“Thank you,” Luhan blushed and the two stared at each other until Minseok realized what Luhan came here for in the first place.

“Ah—I forgot about your latte!”

Luhan laughed, “Its fine, I’ll take a seat while you make it.” Minseok nodded and Luhan sat down at the table nearest to the counter.




It wasn’t long until Luhan’s latte was made; this time added with a cute little bear design made with cream at the very top of it. Luhan’s eyes gleamed, “It’s so cute, I don’t want to drink it!”

Minseok chuckled and brought his latte with him to sit at the table with Luhan, “You won’t know how good it is until you’ve tried it.”

Luhan nodded and took a sip, “Uwah—This is good, even better than yesterday’s! Thank you so much, Minseok.”

Minseok shook his head and smiled, “I’m glad you like it.”




Luhan’s trip to the café went from 20 minutes to 2 hours. During the entire time, it was just Luhan and Minseok talking about almost everything; their jobs, life, interests, hobbies. Luhan learned that Minseok had gone to China to study music and when he wasn’t working at his café, he composed music. Minseok told Luhan that he had the night shift so whenever he needed a boost of energy late at night, just come to the café. Luhan told Minseok that he was working in the business field and in his free time, he enjoyed singing. The two found that they had quite a lot of common, and without Luhan knowing, he began to take a liking to the café boy.

Neither of the boys had realized that it had turned to 4 AM in what felt like a few minutes. When Luhan looked up at the clock, he almost had a heart attack.

“F-f-four in the morning!?” He jumped from his seat and ran to the door. “I’m so sorry, Minseok, I have to finish my paperwork! Thank you for the latte, it definitely kept me up,” He opened the door and turned to Minseok, “and I can assure you that I’ll be back,” he winked and left to his office.



The next few days were just like the first two. Luhan would stay a few extra hours at work and would always stop by at “Xiumin’s Café.” He would order a latte, and the two would talk for hours on end. On some days, Luhan would get off early and instead of going home, would go straight to the café and wait for Minseok to get off of work.

A few days when work was busy and Luhan had to get back to his job, Minseok would make him a latte and leave messages for him to read similar to how he did on the first day.

“Work hard today, Lulu!”

“Don’t forget to visit when you’re done~”

“Have a nice day (o u o)”

“Luhan, you don’t have to come every single day. If you want to talk, then just call me! :’D 1(923)-865-2938”

Every time Luhan would get a little message he would smile and save the cup. The messages and late night lattes were the only thing keeping Luhan from falling asleep at work. Every day that he could, he would visit Minseok at work. One day, the two decided to take off of work for a day just to catch up and hang out with each other.

They walked to the nearest park and managed to find a shady spot under a tree. It was peaceful and quiet with very few people to be found.

“So, what do you plan on doing in the future?” Luhan asked Minseok as he lay down on the grass.

Minseok took a seat next to him, his back leaning against the large tree that provided the two cooling shade. He didn’t talk for a few moments, trying to process the question. He never really thought of anything else after he opened his dream coffee shop. “I guess…” he began, “that I’d like to expand my business, you know?” he shrugged. “A lot of people here like my café, so why not try to give other people in different cities and maybe even countries a taste of the coffee that people love so much. But I believe that everything happens for a reason, and I’ll just have to let things go with the flow, y’know?” He looked down at Luhan and tilted his head, “And how about you? Anything you want to do in the future?”

Luhan looked up at the sky and let out a heavy sigh. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I’d love to get a promotion at the company I work at. I’m already at a pretty high position, so maybe trying to go for president or vice president would be nice. But,” he paused, “I don’t want time to fly so fast. I want to enjoy my team here, right now, with y--.” Luhan stopped himself before he said something he would regret.

Minseok knew what Luhan was trying to say, but kept quiet about it. Minseok began to run his fingers through Luhan’s soft hair and smiled. Luhan closed his eyes and cuddled up to Minseok’s legs, loving the feeling. “I don’t want time to fly either,” Minseok whispered before drifting off to sleep.




Things had begun to get busy for Luhan at his workplace. His company had begun to move people to company branches all over the continent, and Minseok feared that Luhan may be one of them. Although they couldn’t see each other much, they’d often text each other. Minseok was disappointed because he wasn’t able to see Luhan’s face go from tired to refreshed when he would enter the café every day, but he knew that Luhan had an important job to attend to so he didn’t like to bother him with his texts.

About two weeks after Luhan’s busy work schedule, he had finally paid Minseok the visit he deserved. When Minseok noticed the door open he immediately greeted him like he would a normal customer until he realized who had walked in, “Hello! Welcome to Xiu--LUHAN!” He ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug he had ever given. It wasn’t until he pulled back that he noticed the grief on Luhan’s face. “Luhan…what’s wrong?” Minseok asked with a worried look.

“The future…came too quickly for me, Minseok,” he mumbled.


“I GOT PROMOTED MINSEOK.” Luhan yelled at him, and Minseok was taken aback.

Minseok grabbed Luhan by the shoulders and grinned, “Luhan, that’s amazing, though! You finally got what you wanted all along, why are you so down? Be happy!”

Luhan shook his head and peeled Minseok’s hands off of him, “No, you don’t understand. I’ve been promoted as President…”

“And that is bad, why?” Minseok still couldn’t understand what was so wrong with what Luhan was trying to tell him.

“It’s our second main branch, in China.”

“CH-CHINA!?” Minseok shouted loud enough for multiple customers to turn to face him.

 Luhan nodded and tears began to form from his eyes. “I don’t want to go, I really don’t, but this job…I don’t know when an opportunity like this will ever come again. It’s the title of President for a big name company, but I really don’t want to leave this place. I don’t want to leave you.”

At this point, Luhan was bawling and Minseok wrapped his arms around him, engulfing him in a hug. He rubbed and patted his back in an attempt to comfort the boy, but he continued to cry. “Please stop crying, Luhan.” He pulled away and used his finger to wipe away Luhan’s remaining tears.              

Luhan sniffled, “B-but, if I take this job there is a chance that I’ll never be able to see you again.”

Minseok frowned, but tried to stay positive, “We will see each other again, Luhan. Okay?” Luhan nodded. “I want you to take this job. I know you can be the best President the company has ever had to offer.” Minseok smiled and pulled Luhan in for a final goodbye hug.

Luhan held him tight, “I’m going to miss you, Minseok. So, so, so,so, much.”

“I’ll miss you too Luhan, I’ll definitely miss you too.”




Luhan didn’t let Minseok know when he was going to leave for China, he didn’t want to pain of seeing him again, and he didn’t want to have Minseok worry about seeing him off. Instead, he went alone, leaving a country that he loved and a man that he loved, behind.

After Luhan had made it to China, he kept almost zero contact with Minseok. Luhan had changed his number, and never decided to give it to Minseok. They would email each other once or twice a week, and that turned into once a week, which then turned to a few times a day. And as time went on, they wouldn’t talk at all.

Although this crushed Luhan’s heart, he had his company to keep him busy. Ever since he was given the title of President, he had never been so busy. He didn’t think it would be such a hard job, but he learned to deal with it, even if it meant giving up talking to Minseok.

Minseok respected Luhan’s job, and he knew that such a job required a lot of work so he decided to bother him as little as possible. Eventually, he gave up trying to talk to him and tried to move on. Yet no matter how much he tried, he wasn’t able to. After about 6 months of still trying to keep communication between him and Luhan he couldn’t take it anymore, I have to do something about this… Minseok thought to himself.




A Year and a Half Later:


Luhan rubbed his entire face with his hands, stressed. He peered at his desk clock. “2:34 AM.” He rubbed his eyes once more and leaned back on his chair. He looked down at the enormous amount of paperwork he had left. He was the only one left in the entire building and he didn’t think he could go on anymore without knocking out right then and there.

He decided to go for a midnight walk like he used to do when he was up late at work back in Korea. Luhan let out a heavy sigh and took in a breath of the night’s air. As he walked further down the dark street, he noticed a warm, bright light coming from one of the shops at the corner of the street.


Luhan stopped dead in his tracks when he realized what was in front of him.

“Xiumins…Café…” He read the little sign aloud. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the sign once more, it was the real thing… “B-but why? How…”

Luhan cautiously opened the door to the café. It was like he had stepped in a teleportation device that sent him back to the café in Korea. It had the same warm feel, the same paint colors, the same furniture, and the same jazzy music that Luhan loved so much. The only thing it was missing was Minseok. In fact, it was missing people in general. Not only were all of the chairs and tables empty, but there were no employees behind the counter. Luhan decided to take a seat in the corner while he waited for someone to come out.

Eventually, an employee returned to the counter and noticed Luhan in the corner, only the back of his head could be seen.

“Oh! Excuse me sir, would you like some…thing…” The employee was at a loss of words when Luhan turned to face him. Luhan’s face brightened almost instantly when he saw the man he loved standing right in front of him.

“M-Minseok… Is it really you?” Luhan asked wearily. Minseok nodded and stretched out his arms and Luhan stood up so fast that he knocked over at least two chairs before running into Minseok’s arms. He sobbed into Minseok’s shirt, tears staining his work clothes. “I…missed you so much…” Minseok hiccupped, “I’m so sorry…so, so sorry. I should’ve never stopped talking to you, but, but---“

Luhan was interrupted by a pair of lips gently placed on his. Minseok cupped his hands on both sides of Luhan’s face to deepen the kiss. When he pulled away, the two turned a bright red and looked away from each other. When Minseok looked back he petted Luhan’s head, “It’s okay, Luhan. Really.” Luhan smiled and gave Minseok a thank you peck on the lips.

“But Minseok…why are you in China?” Luhan tilted his head and Minseok grinned his gummy grin.

“My future came too, Luhan. I was able to successfully open a second store in China a few weeks ago, and since you were here I decided to work at this location instead. But honestly, I would have never expected to see you’re beautiful face walk in through these doors. China is a big country, y’know.”

Luhan couldn’t stop laughing at Minseok’s adorableness, “Minseok you idiot, my company’s building is less than a block away from here.” Minseok looked at Luhan wide-eyed, blinking a few times before Luhan spoke again, “But knowing this, I can visit you whenever I want to~ It’ll be like it was in Korea, except in China.”

Minseok smiled and pulled Luhan in for another big hug, “You have no idea how happy this makes me…”

“Me too Minseok, me too,” Luhan nuzzled his neck.

There was a long, yet the least bit of awkward, pause until Minseok spoke up, “Hey Luhan?”

“Hmm?” He hummed, still enjoying Minseok’s warmth.

“Wanna be my boyfriend?” He asked, grinning. 

Luhan quickly pulled back. He had never smiled so widely before. He nodded and returned to his hugging position, “I wouldn’t want it any other way, Minseokie.”




After that night, there was not a day that Luhan didn’t visit his boyfriend at work. Minseok would always insist on making him a free drink, but Luhan would always pay full price to help him earn a few extra bucks. Luhan’s workload began to lighten up, giving more time for Luhan to hang out with Minseok on days that he was off.

Things that had seemed would never work out, has helped everything fall into place. The two boys, with two different dreams for the future, never thought that they’d be able to spend every day together; even when the future did eventually come.

 Everything that had happened was for this reason. 





merrr. it could've been better LOL.

i hope you all enjoyed it though.

now i have to work on my other two fanfics TT TT

sorry i haven't updated, I have like 3 projects in school sobsobsob. help me.

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Chapter 1: This fanfic is so romantic and sweet. Thank you. author-nim.
Chapter 1: Awwh that was super sweet~ :)
NaFujoshi #3
Awww i love your story, so beautiful, best romance LuMin ever, so cute >_< please update soon or make some story about LuMin again please , thank you... *bow*
Chapter 1: Awwww~~~
Thank you so much *-*
I love it when it end up both together and happy!
Chibi_ #5
Chapter 1: SCCCRREEAAMMSSSS this was so cute omg djnefrendf
xiuhanfans #6
Chapter 1: aw~ this is so sweet~ thank you for this ^ ^
Chapter 1: aww that was sweet.. they are really destined for each other, thanks for this amazing story \o/
asdfghjkl; this seems cute, >_<
the-totoro #9
Chapter 1: Sweet :3 I'm glad they ended up together
Chapter 1: Awwwww that was soooo cute. I don't even ship xiuhan haha. Good job. Sweet story