Chapter 6




*Yongguk’s pov*

I went to see how Daehyun was doing. Daehyun was sitting there, with his wing out for Himchan to treat it. “You should have let me treat it earlier! The wounds could get infected you know?” Himchan nagged as he cleaned the wounds. I went over and sat infront of Daehyun. He looked up and I realized how pale he looked right now. He bit his lips when Himchan was tending to the bigger wounds on his wing. Daehyun remained silent for the whole process. He kept his wing when Himchan was done. Daehyun stood up and walked out with Himchan. I followed them out and we all sat on the sofa. Daehyun spoke suddenly.

“I came here for the first time 20 years ago. I wandered around until it was late at night. I went into a place that was very noisy and colourful.” He paused and took a few deep breaths before continuing. “There were lots of humans dancing and Jaewon approached me. He offered me a drink and I drank it. It didn’t taste bad. He talked to me and I felt myself getting weaker. I wanted to get away at that moment so I stood up, wanting to walk away. But I felt my legs gave out under me. Jaewon caught me and offered to bring me away from that place. He… he brought me to a room.” Daehyun bit his lips. “And… he… he me after that.” He said softly. “He me for the whole night.” His voice was shaking. “I got back to my world somehow and I locked myself away. My parents got really worried so they kept on asking me what happened. After they knew, they got me to do lots of therapies and tried to get me to forget about what happened that night before I began to open up to them again.” Tears are already rolling down his cheeks and I went over to wipe it away. He tensed for a while but relaxed after he realized that it’s me. “I am sorry that it happened to you.” Himchan said. “So many things happened to you.” Daehyun shook his head. “Aniyo. I am still here, safe and sound, so it doesn’t matter.” He said with a small smile before he stood up. “Daehyun, are you tired already?” I asked and he nodded. The rest just nodded knowingly. “Then you should go and rest. So much happened today.” Himchan said and Daehyun walked a few steps before falling sideways. I caught him and carried him. The rest looked over worriedly and I said. “I am bringing him back. He is too tired.” I placed Daehyun on my bed gently before climbing in, falling asleep quickly.

I woke up from the rustling from the other side of my bed. I looked up groggily and saw Daehyun kicking around on the bed. “S-stop…” he cried. “Don-don’t touch me…” I sat up and moved closer. “Daehyun. It’s okay. There is no one else here.” I said softly as I ran my hand through his hair gently. “Help…” he called helplessly and I felt my heart clenched. “Shh, Daehyun, no one is here.” I said and caressed his cheeks, wiping the tears away. His eyes flew opened and he trashed around, throwing kicks and punches everywhere. “Go away! Don’t touch me!” he shouted. I grabbed his hands, straddling him to stop him from trashing about. “Shh, it’s just me, Yongguk. I won’t hurt you.” I said softly and his movements stopped as he stared at me. “Yongguk hyung…” he said softly and relaxed a little. I moved back to my original place, sitting there while Daehyun stares at ceiling. Tears are flowing down from his eyes and I leaned over, wiping it. “Shh… It’s okay. He is not around, no one would hurt you here.” I cooed softly. “Why are you treating me so nicely? I don’t deserve it… I should have died with my parents.” He asked calmly. How can he say things like that about himself like that calmly? “Yah! Don’t say things about yourself like that. Jaewon is the one that deserves to be killed, not you. Besides, you stood up after so many things and even ruled your world. That’s strong, so stop thinking about those stuffs.” I blurted out and he just continues to stare at the ceiling. It hurts to see him so torn apart. He stood up despite all those s that happened and now, he got slapped in the face by all those s again. Why is his life so harsh on him? Maybe the one that needs to be saved is not anyone of us, but Daehyun.

“Hey, Daehyun.” I called but he didn’t respond. “Hey, stop looking so dead. At least you still have us right? We definitely won’t hurt you.” I said and he turned over slightly. “Chinja? Or are you just lying like Youngjae? Can I trust you?” he asked weakly. “Yes. We won’t hurt our family members. Anyone living here is a family member. No one would hurt their family would they? We can depend on each other. You can cry whenever you feel like it and our shoulders would be here for you. As corny as it might sound, that was Himchan’s speech when we first came together.” I said and he started crying. I hugged Daehyun and he cried against my chest, letting out all those emotions that he kept for god knows how long. “Why? Why did Jae betray me? I trusted him so much… Did I do something wrong?” he cried and I patted his back. “It’s okay, you don’t need him when you have us with you.” I said. “Just let it all out. Don’t keep it in and suffer alone. This is what family is for and why they exist right?” he just cried and cried and cried until he fell asleep. I just hugged him and fell asleep with him, hoping that he felt better at least by a little.




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This fanfiction is really nice!! TvT I like it!
I'm kinda curious tho what will Human Daehyun be like, and still a bit confused about who is that universe king but nevermind, the story was great!! X)

Daehyun was dead! /flips table/ but back alive and I was like omg thx god that is the King!

So.... Any sequel?
But really, this is like a breath of fresh air. All the Bangdaes that I read are ALWAYS dark as hell, but this, this made me cry. When daehyung died, I cried. When he came back, I was soooo happy that I shed a tear. So CONGRATS!!! YOU ARE A AMAZING WRITER, NEVER STOP WRITING

- \(>3<)/
CheshireSmile #3
Chapter 16: T^T This is such a happy ending that I couldn't just read it without tears I love it seriously I love it.
k0j3t4 #4
Chapter 16: Can't believe this is the end. :(
But still happy ending after all eventhough he forget gukkie.
Chapter 16: is it the ending already :(

ahhhh the king is OTL

finally an happy ending ,please get a proper sleep now with ur beloved daehyun on ur side bbang :)
Chapter 16: This is soo beautiful *sobs* but i have an idea: *whispers sequel* hahaha jk okay if you don't want to it's okay. i just want to say that this fic is so beautiful and you've done a great job author-nim! :)
Chapter 16: end? you didn't tell who is that hot guy.who is he? anyway, nice story!! the plot is beautiful. keep working and good luck!!
bae2suji #8
Chapter 16: yay finally.. happy ending ;u;
but it's seems that they still have long way to go.. ahh at least they're not separated.
thank you for write this fic. this is one of my fav <3
i'll definitely wait for your next bangdae fic! ^^
Maknaelover88 #9
Chapter 15: W-what? Daehyun? He died? No please I felt like crying so much