Message Through The Window

Painting In The Sky

Sunggyu feels his heart was  about to jump from his ribcage when a figure that he is   covertly watch out  turned towards his direction  where he was hiding.


"That was so close " he says to himself.


He is so sure his new neighbors would not know if it has been several days, he was spying him - using his ridiculous binoculars-  through his transparent  window . But still, when the boy looks up at him –at his window direction actually-  the thrilling, scintillate , tense sensation has even appeared like a criminal  would be caught soon. In point of fact,  the distance between their respective room not too far, but with practical thing called binoculars, Sunggyu could more clearly see what is being done by the owner  across of the room.


Once again he is crouching down close to the window, carefully his binocular be directed to his new neighbor's room. He grins  when he found out what he wanted to see  in that morning still there. Even though the glasses over that room  is preventing his vision but he still clearly saw what happened there.  


A teenager who looks like has the same age with him was  busy preparing his school stuff. That morning the boy woke up late, Sunggyu has known. Don’t ask because it has been a hour ago Sunggyu put his nose, observing all  activity in that room.


Oddly enough, the twos have never spoken to each other. He knew that the boy’s name was Woohyun, thanks  for the information he got from his mother who always forced him to socialize with him , but Sunggyu prefers to socialize in his own way by observing that poor boy through his window .


Woohyun  and his families have just moved. Both also not in the same school, which also made him reluctant to start a conversation with him. What's the topic they would talk about, he thought. He already knew his name, where school he was attending, how much family number who live with him, his favorite food –since Woohyun always ate that specific food all time at his room whiles doing his activity- his hobby -he always scream at his laptop when he lost in a game, every day-


Not because that boy was arrogant. No. The boy seemed friendly, proved by many of his friends always come to his home –playing games-.  Again, don’t ask why Sunggyu could know  if it was not thanks to  his assistance, binoculars.


They just exchanged smiles when these two were crossing paths in the middle departed for  schools. According to Sunggyu statement, it is  the sweetest smile he has ever received in his life and claimed wholeheartedly if the smiles are  only for him. Shameless, right.


"YA!! Sunggyu-ah, drag your  lazy down here and have  breakfast before you are late  "his mother cries in seven  octaves.


"NEE .. UMMA!!!! " Sunggyu replies, equally loud and he immediately hides  his self  behind the  curtains  when Woohyun turns in his direction, or maybe he thought Woohyun turned in his direction because seriously, he has yelled like a tarzan just now. Maybe he has heard him screaming before, he thought frantically.



Still 8 p.m. but Sunggyu has been nesting beside his  transparent  window, holding his sacred binocular. He makes his room  looks dim so that the shadow which come in his direction doesn’t uncover his secret movement.


And here he comes

Awful smile is painted on his lip when both his eyes caught the sight inhabitant  of that room, laying on the bed, seen busy reading something. He tries to adjust  his zooming scale but poor, it is always futile when he did it.


He chuckles  at his stupidity also at Woohyun’s moving mouth, following each word on what he was reading. How cute, he thinks. He takes a ship his milk then put it back on the floor, he sweeps the stain milk on the corner his lip with curtain which is located next to him, his eyes never leave that poor victim.


The next second, Sunggyu almost pukes his milk out when he saw Woohyun get up. With sensual manner -bites his lower lip, slowly move, wriggle, all is counted on it-  he removes his shirt until his tummy area.. Yeah.. Almost exposing that area but he pulls his tank top down which accidentally or not  involved when he gets rid  his shirt. Sunggyu groans in disappointed, he almost  saw that part but here  his ing black tank top left over his body. 


It was enough to make his heart beat in an abnormal way. He is so innocent, deal with it because it is the first time he saw Woohyun being like that.  And somehow he hoped that Woohyun also removing that black thing or if not, maybe something that called pant. But alas , it never happened . Sunggyu was facepalm with his thought. He is innocent, he thought.


Then the boy disappeare into a room that Sunggyu thought it was a bathroom. A wetting Woohyun always came out from there. His hair he means.

Sunggyu release not satisfied grunt , he must wait a bit  longer to see Woohyun again. He hopes the next scene will be more interesting, because whenever Woohyun out of that small room,  Sunggyu always get a good view.


The minutes passed and milk in his glass almost running out , but there was no sign of Woohyun . His mind is  drifting in the readable objects that Woohyun was reading just now, whether it was an adult men's magazine ? And Sunggyu almost have an amazing fantasy about it, if only Woohyun came late out of the bathroom  in split-second.

Shirtless of course, too much for Sunggyu happiness. And too much for Sunggyu misery –because he still put a hope that a scene he just saw a moment ago would be continued after he has done - annoying towel also there, hanging around his neck and covered almost his upper body. As usual. 


Doesn’t get a good view of his body    then  Sunggyu stares sheepishly into that boy’s private area  that it is only covered by a boxer. He feels heavy blush creeping up his cheeks.


Inwardly he thought it was better when Woohyun came out with a towel covered his body, he would be going crazy if he doesn’t. In other way he also curious –or sorrow? -  What kind of limb under there, since that boy always looking nice on whatever shirts he was using.

" YAH ! Sunggyu - ah , why is your room really dark? Should you study at this hour ? “Her mother's voice broke the silence, blaring spread all over the room . And soon light is  illuminating his room . His mother finds Sunggyu at his favorite  spot, not move even an inch.


 “You  already asleep ? Cck, slacker.  Are you going to  sleep beside the window? "

Some second passed and Sunggyu has realized, it is his mother who was standing in the doorframe.


“UMMAAA ... "

He was (too late) surprised to find his mother , also shocks on realizing the possibility of the boy across his home  know his behavior because his mother’s cries were  able to reach out to  radius of five kilometers . He immediately moves away from the window after first  closed  it with  curtains . .



Sunggyu doesn’t  know, if he has to run back  into his home  or keep walking and pretend to be cool, because now Woohyun is walking  at his direction. He should  passing the  stunned Gyu who just showing his face in this world -out from his home-  to reach his home. And what happened last night still enveloping  Sunggyu’s little mind.

Seeing Woohyun in wet because of the shower – although it’s only his hair-   actually hot but wet in sweats is hotter.  He grins inwardly at his thought.

Sweat was running down  at his side face, go down at his jawline. His bang looks so damp too, the way he wiped his bangs to aside only make him look more seductive.

Sunday morning,  it's natural for his neighbor sweating like that, he always jogs in the morning.  Too much different from  Sunggyu.  If it was not her mother who kicked his to get out for  sipping some fresh air better than wallowing in his bed,-and  probably asleep Sunggyu going until late afternoon. And for sure  he would miss the view of sweating Woohyun in this proximate . He will thanks to his mother later.


Woohyun just gives a small  smile likes usual -but too sweet  for Sunggyu until he thinks he could get  toothache  - just like when they bumped to leave for school.  But seeing Woohyun smiled like that with the sweat running down at his jawline makes Sunggyu cannot move an inch.


This morning is like a heaven.


Wait, If Woohyun had finished jogging, that is  means maybe he would ...


Sly smile is blooming  in  Sunggyu’s face. He is quickly running into his home, despite he had just a minute ago was outside the home. Having struggled to escape for his mother’s radar, finally he gets into his room and takes  his sacred friend, binoculars.



He hopes what in his mind a few minutes ago doesn’t  happen or not because now , Sunggyu almost fainted watching the scene . There, on the balcony , Woohyun without any  piece of cloth that covers  his  upper body, and it gives a refreshing sight for Sunggyu. This is what he has been waiting since last night .


Woohyun was  sipping a warm drink while leaning on the railings . The view is clear without any glasses hinder his vision, unlike when Woohyun inside his room . This time Sunggyu’s  magnification binoculars works to help him  (also thanks to the natural light in that morning) to set up the  clear vision  each curve of the Woohyun’s body .


All are now clearly  illustrated how each muscle in his  arm moves in  beautiful way every time he raises his glass to his lips , how each vein  in his  neck moves under the damp skin when it  responded the drink into his  throat . And he is dying inside when those plum lips were  wiped by his tongue.


He gulps.  Thats deliciously toned body.  And he is understand why Woohyun always good in every cloth he was using.

 Sunggyu feels like heis  being burned by that view. He cupped his  chubby cheeks  like a fool, hoping that unwelcomed warm feeling disappears on  his  face . He was well aware, for stoping  the growing sense of warmth spreading across his face is he should stop looking at Woohyun but he could not . Blame it on  Woohyun , he thought .  


An instant later Sunggyu really want to bury him himself alive . He believes Woohyun turned to him . He again tries  to hide in his usual spot but the curtains in his room has  somehow disappeared . His mother has  washed  those  curtains because it was very very dirty , well of course it’s, how’s not , it's been almost a week, those  curtains Sunggyu used as a hiding place in a variety of circumstances . Until removing  his drools  he did  on that poor curtains .

Ottokhe .. Sunggyu strengthen his heart . Hope what he has  just experienced only an illusion. He has caught Woohyun’s eyes on him.

His heartbeat calms a little and he tries his lucky again, such washing time if he doesn’t see all the view over there.  Its rare view on Sunggyu’s dictionary.

He pokes  his head out from the window , do not forget the binoculars on his hand . With remaining of shame he has , binoculars now is  directing  to where Woohyun is  standing.


Woohyun still there . Standing casually and looked right at him with a tiny smile on his face. Okay , Sunggyu thought it was just a coincidence , maybe he just smile to various directions  and the coincidence that it’s lead to his direction .

However, that  hypothesis is  vanish like dust blew by the  wind  when Woohyun raises a glass to him , as if giving a " cheers "  sign  and there Sunggyu , lying on the floor, full of deep shame .

No doubt . He knows.



Sunggyu did not know why he should  play cat and mouse with Woohyun. He  has stopped watching over Woohyun since the incident that morning.  He admits, his hands are itching to grab his binoculars. But, the idea Woohyun already knew what he has doing, gives him a deep shame.


 He begins  to alert about  his surrounding , hope he does not cross paths with Woohyun when leaving or back from school.  He still wished what happened in that morning  was not real.  Oh, what Woohyun would thinking about him. A ert neighbor, then Woohyun will move to another room and he couldn’t see spying him again . He stubbornly convince himself if it was not his fault, it's all because Woohyun was being cute, handsome with captivate smile, adorable and became a hottie. Yap, yap, blames Woohyun who has it all.


He was tired all day rolling around in his bed.  Ughh, what is Woohyun doing now, he thinks. His hands are  itching to grab his binoculars and directing to Woohyun’s room but he tries to control himself.

Should not, must not, he is chanting in his mind.

But a moment later Sunggyu been sitting under the window, the blanket tightly wrapped his body likes a cocoon. After ensuring those curtains  is installed properly, a precaution to hide, he then launch his  mission.


He sighs as no sign of Woohyun there. He is probably hanging out with his friends , he thought sadly. If only he could start a normal conversation with Woohyun, maybe they could be good friends and hang out occasionally on weekends, errr, although he wants more with that . He suddenly feels sad when he imagined Woohyun having fun with his friend.  If only he could start a normal conversation ….


He wipes his binoculars lens as he thinks to pensioned it. Time for watch out  Woohyun is over.  He then thanked his binocular -in dramatic  way- for always be with him. And as the last step, for the last time, he wanna see Woohyun’s room. Wrong. He wanna see Woohyun in his room.

And  a happy smile on his face. Yaiy, Woohyun  is there finally, looking as good as ever. And the idea for pensioned his binoculars is immediately  forgotten.


But again, lucky isn’t on  his side when a burly hand pulled the blanket that covered him, his body which wrapped in it also rid up with it and  there was standing her mother with a spatula in her  right hand.

"HEY, Kim  Sunggyu. Should I drag your for having lunch, huh? "

"UMMAA, Aish, why are you  always show up at the wrong time?  I will go down for lunch " Sunggyu grumbles, repairing the blanket to cover his body again.

"If you want to diet, not to shut your self  like this and skip lunch. And please take that blanket. " his mother says as she comes out, leaving the grumpy Sunggyu in the corner.

Sunggyu snorts in disgust with his mother’s ​​super caring behavior.


And he just realized  why he must hiding there. Sense of horror is evokes each his fuzz in second. He bites his lips for a short while before could think the next moves. He counts until  three and eventually turns to face the balcony where Woohyun is.  He almost chokes on air in the next moment. Woohyun is standing there, looking directly at him throught  transparent  window.


His hand propped his  head aside  as he looks toward Sunggyu who still wrapped in the blanket. And Sunggyu could not avoid a wink and fool grin from Woohyun. Sunggyu’s face heats up in instant and he can’t believe his body betrayed him because of a stupid wink.

With hard effort, he is jumping around in effort to stand away from that window with his stupid blanket still wrapped him.



The window as his reconnaissance has been transformed into a restricted area. Some of the lines that say "police line, do not across" is  glued from end to end the window. Pliss, don’t ask, he has police lines was from where. He doesn’t going to come near the area.


He lays helpless in his room again, after trying to take his mind off at what his neighbor just done to him. He dumbly staring at the ceiling. Nothing he can do. Already eat, drink his milk, also  finished all his school task -in attempt to get rid the thought about Woohyun- which usually he would  spent  many days or weeks  to finished it but now, amazingly it’s took only a few hours.

He wants to sleep soon, the thought of his neighbor became strong when he doesn’t do anything.


A light passes  the  crack, the curtains did not close completely. In a dimly lit of his room, it’s seems clear incandescent. Then followed by some variation duration in each of light. First, Sunggyu ignored it, thinking it might be the light of lighthouse and Sunggyu also not sure since when in his  residential area where he lives has a lighthouse.

The light is  glowing again  and then attracted Sunggyu’s  attention. That is sort of Morse code . Sunggyu smiles at his genius  brain.  He knew Morse code because he once on  scout team.


Sunggyu gets  up eagerly  and tries  to find the source  of the light. It’s kind of remain him when he was at scout. When night came, he played with his friend using those codes. It is fun anyway. His bare foots  bring him come near the restricted area . At first he was  hesitant to approach the window. He might be able to see the source through the window.

But who’s care about Woohyun.

The light is  still visible and he is immediately open the curtains and removing the “police line” there. The window is  wide opened and right across there, Woohyun is leaning on the balcony railings, holding a small flashlight in his hand.




The next  message comes.

Errr, Sunggyu doesn’t  know what to do, should he close the window and go back to sleep , or pretend falling from window so he can bury his embarrassment  or maybe chatting with him, ah, maybe he can explain what he's always done behind the window, if Woohyun need an explanation.


Sunggyu waves  his hand with uneasy feeling. And with that he could see Woohyun smiles with the help of moonlight that night. It’s somehow erasing his uneasy feeling.

"Can I talk to you?" Woohyun gives the signal again.




Sunggyu  soon runs out of scene. Seeing Sunggyu  just run away like that, Woohyun could not hold his disappointed  but it doesn’t  last long when he gets   "ok" from the light Sunggyu sent. Yelling at night to answer question is not a good thing.


"I am Woohyun"

"I knew"

"How come?"


"answer me"

"It is… I knew from my mother. I am Sunggyu "

"I knew. Your mother always yelled your name"

And both laugh. They already know each other without formal introduction.

"So, where is your binoculars?"

Sunggyu was flushed .

"Do you know? I'm not stupid enough to realize someone always watching me "


"So all this time you already knew?"


"And you purposely acting when you knew I'm peeking from this direction?"

Seem on the other side Woohyun is  trying to hold back his laughter .

"YA! "Sunggyu shouted from across.

"Did you enjoy it?" Woohyun shouts.

"No" Sunggyu counters . Embarrassed and shy.

"Should I need to do it again?" Woohyun asks . The flashlight for long neglected.

"You're a teaser"

"And you enjoyed it" Woohyun says while holding back laughter.


Sunggyu doesn’t  understand whats wrong with that guy. Okay, he likes to see Woohyun acted  like that  and also Woohyun  like to get attention from him? Oh yeah, such a teaser ...

Without thinking twice, he immediately closes  the window.

He is  about to go to bed and bury his embarrassment, until Woohyun shouts  about something  that makes his annoyance disappears  in instant.

" Sunggyu-ah, I think we should go out sometimes, just two of us, umm, maybe?"

And the chorus sounds of "aww" accompanied with  whistling could be heard from first floor both of their  home. He is covering  his face with his pillow, realizing that the source  of the cheering sound comes from his  family who  may be gathered watching  silly drama  that’s currently running in TV.

Aish, Nam Woohyun, why does he has to shout like that .He could deny the fact that his heart flares up and his inside starts twisting.

Sunggyu turns  his flashlight  on  and sending  the answer, didn’t bother to open his window, because he was sure Woohyun could see the light  that came out through his window with dim backround .

"let me think about it"  Sunggyu says, completely red

Yep, good start to begin a relationship. And then he smiles and overwhelmed.





Milky_Sky : :D Happy reading. New chapter is up

Gyugyu89 : nothing much I can say. Hope you all enjoying this chapter and for Milky_Sky, I will try to update it, sorry, this chapter takes long time that I think.




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lol ahahahahhaha creepy sunggyu spying on his hot neighbor xD

but he made a cute stalker :3 namu should keep him forever <3
ananano #2
Chapter 2: aww so sweet!!!!
Chapter 2: Sunggyu you're so creepy. >_<
Chapter 1: heheheh so jealous about the bet xD

update please ^-^
ananano #5
this is so cute! a sequel pleasee.....
Chapter 1: Omo WooHyunnie, poor SungGyu! This is going to continue? You got me curious Author-nim ç^ç
Chapter 1: eyyyy nambabo... gyu's lips is iressistible :3

this is cute. and i like their first kiss scene :p