(A/N) Add-in to 'Not an Update'

The babysitter

I have got this done. I will give you guys a new chapter in the next 2-3 days. Sorry for this very long wait.

As you guys know, I gave an idea for story requests.
If you would like to try that out, Its my newest story on my profile.

All information needed is in there, if you guys have anymore questions regaurding this, ask me.

          Thank you. ~Sujulovers15

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man this is the first shines fanfic I have ever read and I`m enjoying it :) love it!
Pls upload the next chapter. The Story sounds cool
noomin #3
Chapter 3: awesooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmme plzzzzzz updates soon