First Day

The babysitter

Kamyi really wanted a job, she was really good with kids. So she decided to do a babysitting job. She saw this one family that will be gone for a month and needs care for their child Kiki. She called them up.
"Hi, this is Kamyi, the babysitter looking for a job. I was wondering if you still had the offer?" Kamyi said as she closed her laptop.
"Oh, yes. We will need you for a months, does $50 sound okay?" The lady on the other end asked.
"Oh yeah, that's perfect!" She replied. "When would you like me to start?"
"Does tomorrow sound okay?" The woman asked. "By the way, the name is Mrs. Lee"
"Oh, yeah that's good Mrs. Lee"
They stayed on the phone a little longer talking about tomorrow. After Kamyi got the address she hung up to pack her things and get ready for bed. 'Okay, that's done, now get to bed.'

Kamyi woke up at 7 a.m. Took a shower, got dressed, ate and headed to the house. When she got there she noticed the house was really huge. She went up to knock on the door. A 7 year old boy answered.
"Hi, I'm Kamyi, the babysitter~?"
The boy turned around. "Umma! She's here!"
"I'll be down in a minute!" Mrs. Lee yelled from upstairs.
The boy gestured for Kamyi to come inside. They went to the living room and sat on the couch. It was nothing but silence for a while. Until Mrs. Lee came.
"I'm here." She said half way down the stairs.
"Hi Mrs. Lee" Kamyi said as she bowed. "Hi"
"Kamyi, I have a room for you to sleep in when you are here." Mrs. Lee said. "Taekimi, take her to her room please."
He stood up and walked upstairs with Kamyi behind him. The room was really big. bigger than Kamyi's kitchen and living room together. She set her bag down by the bed and looked out of the window while she sat on the windowsill. The yard was really huge too.
"The bathroom is the first door to the left when you come upstairs, there is an other one downstairs." Taekimi started. "Kiki's room is down the hall second to last on the right. Most of his stuff is in my parents room across from your room, the play room is on the other side of the house down that hall we passed."
Kamyi nodded and saw something fluffy lay on the bed. "Aww! Cute kitty!"
Taekimi laughed. "That's Michi."
"Cute name too." Kamyi replied as she pet the now sleeping cat.

They went back down the stairs to see everyone about to leave. "Kimi grab your coat." Mrs. Lee said getting her phone from the table.
"Really Umma?" He replied.
She laughed. "Yup."
Everyone was ready to go now and Kamyi sat on the couch. "Okay, let's go! Kamyi, Kiki is upstairs playing with his toys in his room, could you check up on him every once in a while?" Kamyi nodded.
"Okay bye~"

And with that Kamyi was left alone downstairs. After a while she didn't know what to do so she decided to take a visual tour of the house, and headed upstairs. She went to look at the play room first. That was actually bigger than every room in the house. She could tell everyone that lived there uses it. There was a computer with a bunch of papers on it, a comfy looking chair with a coffee mug next to it on a table, a large Tv with video games all around and a gate with a bunch of toys on the other side of it. 'Sweet! I love video games, maybe sometime I can come over and play them with Taekimi.' She smiled and left to room. She found the parents bedroom. and tripped on a few toys. Found Kiki's room too. He was asleep on the floor, she picked his up and set him in his bed. Then she found Taekimi's room. He really must like the color blue, everything in there was blue. She stepped out of the room and closed the door. 'hmm, what are in these two doors?' Kamyi didn't know which one to look in but didn't thinker what to do so she went to her room to unpack.

Once she was done unpacking, she decided to go on her laptop and check her accounts on some websites. After that she was getting a little hungry. Kamiy then walked out of her room, then remembered the two doors she never opened, and walked up to them. Put her hand on one door knob. And opened it. The room was really dark so she couldn't really see anything, she stepped in a little more and grabbed her phone for a little light. She noticed a guy laying on a small bed.
'Who is he? Did they have an other son and not tell me?'

"Hello?" Kamyi said.
"......" No reply.
"Hello?" Again, no reply.
She went up closer to the guy on the bed. 'Oh..... He's asleep'. She went downstairs to get her snack she wanted along with called the parents of the home.

"Hi Mrs. Lee." Kamyi said while grabbing a sandwich. "Um, who is that boy upstairs?"
"Huh? Oh, that's Taemin. He didn't want to go on the trip and told us at the last minute. Sorry I must have spaced out on telling you." Mrs. Lee replied.
"Oh it's okay. I'm gonna go check on Kiki so..... Bye bye." Kamyi said grabbing a plate and heading upstairs.

So she headed to Kiki's room and found him still asleep. Then went back to her room and sat on the windowsill to eat the sandwich. Kamyi wasn't even half done with the sandwich and decided to go look at one of the doors. The one she never opened. She stood up and went. She put her hand on the knob and turned it. 'Locked? Okay.......' And walked past the room with Taemin in it. Kamyi noticed something and backed up to the door. No one on the bed and a faint light coming from the corner of the room. She walked inside. The room was really small. WAY~ smaller than the smallest room in her own house. Taemin was at the edge of the bed trying to get to his computer to look at stuff and music playing on the radio quietly. Kamyi just stood there amused the the shirtless man on the edge of the bed but got cut from her thoughts.
"Are you the babysitter?" Kamyi nodded.
"My name is Kamyi......"
"okay cool..... You enjoying that sandwich?" Taemin said as he laughed. Kamyi nodded slowly.

Everything was quiet for a minute. Kamyi didn't know what to do but stand there, but she sat on the bed as Taemin suddenly put a smile on his face and turned. "You bored?" Getting a nod. "You like video games?" Kamyi quickly nodded and smiled that time. "Sweet. Come with me." And opened a door that was next to his computer.
'So THIS is what that door leads to?' Kamyi thought.
"You're lucky. I don't usually let people in here, so that door is locked." Taemin said pointing to the door on the other side of the room.

Taemin and Kamyi started play video games then. Kamyi kept winning and making Taemin mad so she let his win a few times then stopped letting him. It made her laugh. They were playing for a long time. No one noticed till Kamyi decided to check the time.
"We played for three hours?!?!" Kamyi said looking at the clock on her phone. "I have to check up on Kiki!"
Taemin sighed. "I'll do it." and got up. "I'll get snacks too."
After a few minutes, Taemin came back with snacks, drinks, and finally a shirt on. Kamyi laughed when she saw he favorite cookies and ran right to him to snatch them from him.
"Mine." She stated.
"Hey. Don't eat all of them. Those are my favorite." Taemin said snatching them back. "He's fine. Playing with toys."
Kamyi nodded and grabbed a few cookies. Taemin turned of the game system. "So what now?"
"I don't know. Let's eat first." Taemin said getting a drink.

While eating they started talking. Turns out they have a lot in common with likings of things. After eating they just watched Tv. Kamyi got bored and fell asleep and her head fell into Taemin's lap. He decided to stay there a little longer after the movie was over. It's now 5 in the afternoon. He lifted Kamyi's head and sat up and went back his room and came back with a pillow and blanket for Kamyi. A few seconds of not knowing what to do, he decided to go downstairs and make dinner. It will take an hour. He can let her sleep, and went downstairs.

20 minutes before dinner was ready Taemin went up to get Kiki and get him ready for dinner then bed. Brought him downstairs to set him up and went back to get Kamyi. "Hey. Kamyi" He said as he shook her a little bit. "Kamyi~, time to get up." She woke up. "Good. Get ready for bed. Dinner is almost ready." She nodded and get up to get ready.

A few minutes later, Kamyi came downstairs still half asleep. "What time is it? and I need a brush."
"Six." Taemin stated and grabbed a brush that happened to be next to him. "Turn." And began to brush her hair for her.
'Yawn~~~' Taemin laughed. "Tired still?" Kamyi did a slight nod and smile but Taemin couldn't see it cause she was facing the other way while her brushed her hair. He noticed something weird about her hair after brushing it and turned her head a little.
"Stay still." He said grabbing a pair of scissors, and cut some hair to make it look even. A few seconds after, he grabbed a mirror as Kamyi looked.
"It's weird how you have those in the kitchen." Kamyi stated. "But you do good with cutting."
Taemin pointed at Kiki who was sitting in a chair with food by him stating that Kiki puts things in random places a lot. Kamyi laughed and sat down to eat.

While eating, the two decided to chat some more. Then laughing when Kiki had all his food everywhere on his face but his mouth. Kamyi ended up feeding him herself. Taemin thought to be funny and feed her while she feed Kiki, after a few tries Kiki joined and started trying to feed Taemin. It was adorable and Kamyi had to take a picture. She set it was her wallpaper on her phone.
"How dare you take that picture." Taemin said.
"What?! It's adorable!" Kamyi said in the middle of laughing.
Taemin smirked a little. "Can you put him to bed? I'll clean this up."
"Okay!" Kamyi said and grabbed Kiki. "Let's go to bed~!" She said in a little kid voice, Taemin couldn't help to laugh at that.

A few minutes later. Taemin came upstairs and saw Kamyi still in Kiki's room.
"Good night~" She said softly and walked out as Taemin closed the door. "Wanna play video games again?"
"Sure." She replied. Taemin put his hand of her shoulder and went to his room. is took them a while to get through his room. it was so small, but they got through.
"How come you got the small room of the house? It's smaller than your bathroom!" Kamyi asked in the middle of picking her character in the game they chose.
Taemin kinda laughed awkwardly. "I don't wanna talk about it."
Kamyi looked at him confused for a minute, then shrugged him off and paid attention to the game again. Taemin finally won without Kamyi just letting him, he was happy for that. After two hours they decided to watch Tv again. This time Taemin fell asleep, but not long after it, Kamyi was asleep too.

Around 4:30 in the morning, Taemin woke up and noticed they were on the couch in his little room then looked down at Kamyi who was asleep in his lap again and moved her hair from her face. After a few minutes of silence he lifted her head and got up to her room and got her bed ready. Went back in the room and grabbed Kamyi's phone and put it in his pocket and picked her up in his arms to carry her to her room. He set her down in the bed and covered her with the blanket, plugged her phone in the charger and kissed her forehead, closed the door and headed to his room. In the middle of the hallway he tripped on a toy and cut his leg somehow and went to the bathroom to clean it up. After he was finished he went to this room and found it was now 5 in the morning, and fell back to sleep for a couple hours.

So sorry for the wait! I promise I will get both storied updated tomorrow! :)


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man this is the first shines fanfic I have ever read and I`m enjoying it :) love it!
Pls upload the next chapter. The Story sounds cool
noomin #3
Chapter 3: awesooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmme plzzzzzz updates soon