Chapter Eleven


For a tiny fraction of a second, Woo Bin felt nothing but loathing for the name reflected on his phone.

"Who is it?" Ga Eul asked beside him.

"It's--" Woo Bin swallowed heavily, certain that fates must be playing tricks on him as his phone continued to ring. He stifled his groan, forced out a smile, and chose to show his screen to her instead.

Her eyes rounded, just as he knew they would. "I think he knows you're here with me," he said. A beat. And because a part of him was decidedly masochistic he asked her, "Do you want to talk to him?"

The bigger part of him wanted her to say no. 

The very same part of him that was afraid she would say yes.

Hesitation was clearly written on her features as she stared at Yi Jung's name, wide-eyed and uncertain.

Still he held his phone out to her, waiting for her to decide. Hating that he even gave her this option, when he could've just shoved it aside.

A second later and she did.

But just as she was about to take the call, the ringing ceased.

Ga Eul blinked. "...oh."

Woo Bin released the breath he was holding, glanced at his phone, then looked back at her. Reading the disappointment on her face he ventured tentatively with, "I can call him, if you want." No, no. Don't want it.

What the hell are you doing?

But Ga Eul was fiercely shaking her head as she stepped away from him. "No, there's no need. Besides, he called you, not me. I-- It's not appropriate for me to take it." A beat. "Thank you for the offer, though."

He shrugged. And decided to turn off his phone, just to be safe, before putting it back to his pocket. Choosing to address the obvious he asked, "I take it Yi Jung hasn't been calling you?"

Her eyes darted from his phone, to his face, before seemingly coming to the conclusion that she was better off staring at her shoes. Quietly, timidly she said, "Should he be?"

Song Woo Bin was nothing but a great reader of many women - so he couldn't be far off the mark when he thought he definitely heard a smidgen of venom in her tone. And it interested him truly, because--


Just because.

"Ga Eul," he asked, careful now. "I never really asked this before, but you and Yi Jung--"

She glanced at him but said nothing.

"--are you still...?"

When he couldn't properly voice out the continuation of his query, she took pity on him and replied, with a slight smile, "You'll think I'm an idiot."

The silence that came after her words were deafening.

At least, to him, it was.


Those words - and her expression - gave him something far more than he ever wanted to know.

And he thought, he knew this already. But having confirmed it now--

His heart lurched again, only this time, it was painful.

"Before he left for Sweden," she said, looking down at the ground again, "He told me-- he told me that when he comes back, he'll come to me first."

Despite himself, Woo Bin laughed. Smooth, Yi Jung.

"But only if I haven't found my soulmate yet." At this, she glanced at him - and probably found that his expression betrayed his utter confoundment.


Ga Eul's cheeks reddened. "Don't laugh." She reached forward to hit him on the arm.  "Sunbae, I said don't laugh!"

"Hey! I wasn't laughing at--"

"They exist, all right? I know it."  

It was her earnestness, he thought, that could make even what seemed an absurd concept plausible - if it came from her. He shoved his hands in his pockets and regarded her almost fondly.

As though she hadn't said anything that clawed at his chest, before.

It was easier that way.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at him. "I believe everyone has a soulmate. Don't you?"

And Jun Pyo's words came back to haunt him: You've had so many women, do you even know what your type is?

Just as he had no words to the Shinhwa heir then, Woo Bin found that he still had no response to queries along that line now - despite the intrusive ideas currently plaguing him. 

Carefully he said, "I believe everyone has a right to like whomever they want, just as they have the right to fall out of love with them anytime they please." He paused and glanced at her. "But even I have to admit that the thought of having just one person to love for a lifetime has its appeal. It's certainly less... troublesome."

Ga Eul nodded. "Falling in love with your soulmate, raising a family with them, growing old together... it'll be a dream come to life, I think."

She sounded so wistful then that Woo Bin just had to ask: "And you think So Yi Jung is yours?"

Her soft expression froze at the question, and Woo Bin almost regretted springing it.


But he had to know.

As if summoning her courage, Ga Eul drew a deep breath. "He left Korea almost a year ago, now," she said evenly. "And he's not due to return for another three to four years. I think... I think a lot can happen in between those years." She stopped and laughed at herself. "I'm not making any sense, am I?"

He didn't say anything.

Taking it as some form of permission to continue, she did. "I... I like Yi Jung-Sunbae. Of course, you know that already."

Feeling hollow and refusing to acknowledge the reason for it, he nodded.

"But sometimes I think... sometimes I think it's unfair of him, that he'll leave me behind with a promise to return to me only when he decides it's time. That for five years I'm supposed to remain here, waiting for him, just because he told me so."

Woo Bin raised his brows in silent surprise and just looked at her.

"And sometimes I hate it, because he's just... what if something happens? What if he doesn't come back? What if I chose to leave? And he doesn't call me at all! He wouldn't initiate any sort of communication with me so I don't know how he is now or how he feels about me as of this moment, so I'm left to wonder if I should continue to wait for him or if I should just... stop." She hugged her bag to her chest. "A lot can happen in five years, Woo Bin-Sunbae. What if he comes back to me and I don't love him anymore? Am I not allowed to move on from him, just because he told me I'm the first person he'll go to when he returns? What if--"

"Ga Eul," he said softly, reaching to hold her arm. She was shaking, he realized.

She paused, drew a deep breath, and exhaled it in a rush. She closed her eyes, swallowed heavily. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice low. "I never-- I've never told anyone about this before. Truth be told I don't think I've ever said any of this out loud - not even to Jan Di. I don't think I ever even thought about it that much." She laughed softly. 

"I asked," he reminded her.

Sheepishly she said, "You're probably sorry you did."

Woo Bin shook his head and let her go. "I wouldn't ask it if I didn't want to know your answer." 

Just... don't ask why I want it.

"You're... not going to tell Yi Jung-Sunbae, are you?" There was fear on her face as she spoke, just then.

"Not unless you want me to," he said, driven by the desire to soothe. "Besides, what is there to tell? That you still like him, despite your doubts?"

Her voice was very small, and she wouldn't look at him, when she said, "You... probably think I'm an idiot now."

"Ga Eul-yang," he said, nudging her chin to gain her attention. "If there's an idiot here, clearly it's Yi Jung."

"Woo Bin-Sunbae," she said, seemingly offended on his behalf. "He's your friend."

"All the more reason for me to say it." He rubbed his nape. "It's just-- I don't understand. Yi Jung must have his reasons for giving you his promise. But to disregard you like that-- he must have his reasons for that as well. Perhaps I'll ask him, one of these days. Will you want to know his answer?"

Thinking it through for some moments, she said, "If you think I should know, then you can tell me." Her eyes were soft when she added, "You don't have to do any of this."

"We've had this conversation before," Woo Bin said, smiling slightly. "Aren't we friends, Ga Eul?"

Friends. The word hung between them, heavy with meaning.

Just like Yi Jung did, at that moment.

"Of course," Ga Eul said. "Like you had to ask?"

"Maybe I do," Woo Bin said, refusing to dwell on the weight on his chest any further. "Come on. I'll take you home."

Unlike earlier, however, he didn't move to take her hand in escorting her back to his car. 

He did, however, open the door for her.

Some gentlemanly ways should still be observed, after all.

A few minutes into the silence, Ga Eul said, "Do you think I still should?"

Woo Bin glanced at her. "Should what?"

She stared at the passing scenery beside her. "Wait. For Yi Jung-Sunbae."

He looked down, saw the white-knuckled grip he had on his steering wheel. Easing it he said, "You believe in soulmates, don't you? If you think Yi Jung is yours, then do what you think you should do."

Ga Eul glanced at him, then looked away. For some reason, he could sense disappointment coming off her from his response.

Well. How else was he supposed to respond to such a query without sounding like he had--

--no, no, he did not. 

Could not.

They didn't speak the rest of the trip. Her parents were outside their house, waiting for her, when he pulled over. Again - as any gentleman ought to do - Woo Bin opened her door and escorted her until they were both under their roof.

Her parents were vigorous in their efforts to invite him in, but Woo Bin merely dimpled at them and committed nothing. He bade them all good day, and if his gaze lingered on Ga Eul for far too long it was only because she was his friend.

Only his friend.

Of course.

Today's events validated that, didn't they?


It was only when he was already in the confines of his room, nursing a bottle of scotch, that Woo Bin belatedly realized:

Today, not once did Chu Ga Eul say she considered So Yi Jung her soulmate.

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Chapter 16: Does anyone know what Ga eul want
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 16: Aaaaish...that went over well...
seamusmommy #3
Chapter 15: Nice WooBin but now you have to face the competition. Who will win the hand of the fair maiden Gaeul. Casanova or Don Juan. Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 15: Authornim welcome back!!!
It's fun to see woo bin flustered. Yi Jung be warned, you are about to enter so much drama
Chapter 14: Woobin you are whipped. I wonder what happened to yi jung
Chapter 13: Good decision woobin. All the best.
And junpyo is not so bad. He is just a bit childish
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 13: Eeeeh! Yes,do talk WooBin and yes, God bless Jihoo for being the voice of wisdom in the F4. Jihoo definitely has knowledge in this situation, so i'm glad he was the one WooBin turned to. How will the conversation with YiJung gp?
Chapter 12: Woobin don't run away from your feelings. Confront them. Gu Jun pyo I miss you
seamusmommy #9
Chapter 12: WooBin? Prince Song? Running away from a girl?
Chapter 11: Aww woobin you already fell for her, didn't you ?