
Forever My Love

Kim L's POV 

"Hurmm, there's nothing to do in this class...I'm so bored !!" I looked at the window ... 

I hope I could play soccer with my friends again ~ 


"Hyung , let's play soccer ~!!" I said and looked at my hyung ...

He's so lovely , kind and smart guy ! I swear ! 

He's so lucky because he has a pretty face ~ So, the other girls liked my hyung !!

"Okay ,but , first , we have to ask for permission from omma and appa ~~" He answered 

After asking for permission from omma .... we run together to the field ...

Suddenly ...


I was scared  and screamed loudly ... I can't think anymore 

My hyung was faint and there's a lot of blood !!

SInce that day , I hate playing soccer 

-end of flashback-

"I wish I could meet my hyung again ..."



I'm sorry , I'm not that good in english ^^ 

Anyway ... I hope you'll enjoy this story 

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