Like always

Forever My Love

Hurmm . It so difficult to understand this story ... 

"Just keep reading .."

"Warghhhhhh, I'm tired now.. Okay , it has been 20 minutes already ~~" 


Oh no , the bell is ringing ..I must hurry up before Mrs Yooanha  start the class ..

" Kim Myung Soo !! You are late ! Please go outside class and read this note loudly !" Mrs Yooanha  standing near with me and scold me ..

"Yes , teacher .." 

"Okay , start now!" 


People say Roses are Red, 
Then, Red Roses for my passionate love to you
People say Roses are Pink, 
Then, Pink Roses to show that I admire you
People say Roses are Yellow, 
Then, Yellow Roses to brighten your day
People say Roses are Lavender, 
Then, Lavender Roses to say that I love you at my first sight
People say Roses are Orange, 
Then, Orange Roses to say that I want to build a relationship with you
People say Roses are White, 
Then, The White Rose for the purity and confession of my heart
To confess in my heart that I am truly falling in love with you. 

"okay , you may go inside the class" Mrs Yooanha smile

"thank you , Mrs Yooanha " 

"okay , pupils stand up .. Thank you , class "

"Thank you , teacher " 

After Mrs Yooanha leaves the class, all the students are talking with their friends ...It's normal..



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