The Hidden

-Graduation Party-

You and Sungjae walk into the hall that's filled with hundreds of other students. People dancing, eating and chit chatting with each other. The loud music accompanied by the colorful lights made the party look like those in the clubs. It's the last day that the whole batch of students will gather. After this, everyone will go their ways to pursue their dream and what not. 

"Yun Ji ah!", a loud high-pitched voice could be heard from among the crowd. 

"Oh! Min Ju!", you turned around and hug her. 

"C'mon let's go over there!", she drag me into the crowd, away from SungJae.

Whispering into my ear, "Yah.. are you really getting married next month?"

"Yeah~ why?"

"Nothing haha congrats!", Min Ju clapped her hands and congratulate me. 


"SungJae-ah where are you?"

"I'm with MinHyuk-hyung and HyunSik at the school field. Why?"

"Oh okay. I'm heading home now. I'll just see you at home!"

"Ah arraso. Min Ju's with you right?"

"Nope, she's leaving later. Alright i'll hang up, my batteries dying." 

You hang up your phone and look at the remaining batteries that you have left. 12%. 

It was a breezy and cold night. You had your jacket on but it was still cold. You realised that you forgot about your gloves. No wonder your fingers are freezing. Rubbing your palms together, you could feel a little heat.

Suddenly, you could hear a loud commotion nearby. There was a fight going on at a tent stall. Tables were flipped and chairs are thrown everywhere. As you passed by it, the people have already leave. Left with an old uncle, cleaning up the mess. 

"Excuse me? Do you need help?" , you asked the uncle, who seemed to be the stall owner. 

With a slight smile, he refuse your help. However, you pick up the chair that was near you and put it back properly. Cleaning up the thrown food that was on the floor and also the plates and utensils that was all over the floor. You helped him pack up the stuffs before he close for the day. 

"Thank you", he thank and bow while giving you a $10 note. 

"No, it's okay." , you bowed and smile at him, leaving the tent. 

You continue on your way home. You felt your handphone vibrating. 8 % left. 

All of a sudden, you felt someone pulling you from behind. A hand covered your mouth. Preventing you from screaming. Your handphone that you was holding on to ,left your hand.

"oh hello.", a man in a black coat grinned at you.

"What do you want?" 

"Do you know that old man? Are you, perhaps, his daughter? "

"No I'm not." , you tried to push his man away and get out of the alley but they were too strong. 

"Pay up and i'll let you and your dad live. " , he raised his voice. 

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

He suddenly motion to his man to get you. But before they could hurt you, you punch and kicked them. You tried to protect yourself but after a few punches, you fell to the ground when you got hit by a wooden plank. They kicked you and before they could hurt you any further, a loud voice called out to them. 

Your eyes turned blurry from the tears that formed from the pain and fear. You could hear the fight that was going on and not long after that, all of them ran away. You tried to move but your hand was badly bruised that you can't push yourself up. 

"Yun Ji!" , a familiar voice call out to me. He threw the metal rod that he was holding to the floor. 

His face became clearer when he move near me. It's SungJae.

"Are you okay?" , he help you up.

"I'm okay." , you tried to speak but only a soft whisper came out. 

"Yah.. you are bleeding!" 

SungJae carry you on his back and the both of you leave the alley. 


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nice story ^^