The Love We Share

AN: I don't really thnk it turned out to be angst that much, but the ending is I honestly don't know *^* so I'm sorry if you guys hate the ending, but I hoped you enjoyed this two shot and hopeful maybe soon I'll put up a story that solely focuses on any exo ship and make one-shots regardless of them being requested or not~ so finally updating this fic after so long~ so here is pt 2~ enjoy!


Kyungsoo’s POV

    I blinked as he looked at me and sighed softly as I knew that I was breaking down inside. It hurt to see him like this. It hurt to make that phone call that broke his heart, even if we were in two different countries.I didn’t know he came to live in America, but I wanted to see him even if I was the one who ended this reason. I was kind of glad that he came, but my mouth betrayed me in saying why was he here and now we were standing outside now with warm cups of coffees in our hands, while I was looking at the ground and he was trying to keep his tears in. I felt ashamed of choosing the hard way and not understanding this situation enough, to say this was a foolish mistake was even more stupid than foolishness, I guess I didn’t think before I even picked up that phone. I didn’t know that Sehun would call me and say that he cheated on me, I just didn’t even let him explain. I crushed the years that we were together and now here we are again as strangers instead where the outside world would think that I broke his heart right there instead of 3 years ago…

    So here we were just standing in the cold, like two stupid kids which we were those kids in our high school years which seemed like long ago. I looked up at him to see he had gotten much taller and was now a handsome young man. I guess you could say I was still short among the crowd but I manage. I tugged on his arm slightly and he looked up at me as he nodded silently and followed me into the crowded streets of New York. We walked until we arrived at my apartment, I guess you could say that right then that I was about to make it right and be together again. But real life doesn’t work that way and only fairy tales seem to be the only ones with happy endings so far.As I unlocked the door and led him inside as I closed it and made sure to lock it. I took off my coat and placed it on a hook while kicking my shoes off. I saw that he did the same and we then walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed together. That’s when I started to cry… I let my heart sob for my awful choices and stupid mind. He hugged me tight and sighed softly as he my hair until I calmed down and laid my head in his lap. I sniffled and looked up at his handsome face and he wiped the escaping tears from my eyes.

    “I missed you hyung ah…” He said those words breaking my heart as I nodded, I was unable to speak, but my mouth did the opposite again. “I-I’m sorry…” I stuttered and he gave me that sad smile. “It’s okay, I understand,” but I shook my head. “No it isn’t, it’s mine, I didn’t let you explain and just broke it off with you. Now it breaks my heart to get back together with you after 3 years.” He looked at me as he bite his lip, “Wae Kyungsoo ah? Wae? I missed you so much and I want you back in my arms, to make you mine again and I wanted to marry you someday..” I sat up and moved myself to sit in his lap and turned my head to face him. “I do miss you arrasso? I still love you...Just that now it would take time again to be yours again…We’ll be friends for now, but soon I swear that I’m yours again okay?” I peck your lips and patted his cheek as I waited for an answer. “So it’ll be like the beginning again… but different?” He tilted his head and I chuckled at his cuteness, “Deh.. just promise me you’ll try…” He smiled slightly and kissed my lips briefly and nodded quickly, “Of course! Anything to get you back...Maybe by the spring where the weather is nicer and warm, then I’ll have you hyung.” I shrugged and nodded, “Hmm~ maybe Jongin ah… Maybe~ I’ll play hard to get this time..” I chuckled as we teased each other and I felt some of the guilt fly away from my heavy heart, just to hear him laugh and smile made my day, while forgetting those awful three years of guiltiness and depression… I get to see my hope again which was him… Kim Jongin...It’s that special love we share that somehow over the years still survived and was as strong as ever between the two of us.

So now we end up here…On this park bench two years from the long process of starting over with my arm linked with his and our feet tangled with each other… We did have a special story and I guess it’s still in the process, but I’m glad to see him and be with him again… I guess you could say that we are together again…


No one’s POV

“So here lies the two secret lovers who died suddenly on the day, at the same place, and at the same time. It saddens us that they departed at such a young age, just in their rich twenties and poof, their life is gone then. But to say that on the bright side, we say that the clouds have been happier and the sky is brighter than ever, it’s good to hear those two are together up there… I have no idea what happened, but it’s nice to see that…” Luhan said as he finished his short speech to the two pictures while Sehun hugged him from behind. “Luhan ah~ were you talking to Kyungsoo and Kai about their story again?” Luhan nodded and smiled as he sniffled slightly. “Sehun-ah~ did you read their letters, it was like their letters connected on purpose and it was their story to where here they are in just pictures now.” Luhan mumbled as he read the page on the screen of his laptop and he saw Sehun sitting with him.

    Luhan turned from the bright screen and to Sehun as he asked “Well you know why they decided to die together Luhan?” Luhan looked curiously at Sehun and blinked, “Wae?” Sehun smiled and just simply said, “It was because they had that special love that they share with only between them like how we love each other is so much different than them and the next couple and the next. Its the love that they shared for each other and only them.” “Chincha?” Luhan blinked again and widened his eyes slightly, “Sehun, this is such an amazing story to say. Sehun chuckled and ruffled his hyung’s hair. “Well hyung, maybe you should stop reading these silly kaisoo fanfics. “Y-Yah, dun tell the others arrasso, I was reading allowed from the computer with their picture there. And you should stop tricking me into thinking of those endings that you make up.” Sehun laughed and continued to hug Luhan, “Well our imagination is big and so anything could happen right?” “Deh… I guess..” Luhan quickly closed the laptop to see Kai and D.O at the door. Kai coughed slightly, “Umm our performance starts in a few minutes guys… “ “Oh right!” Luhan smiled to himself as he dragged Sehun along while following the  “Kaisoo” couple.

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jusst posted the finished part for part one


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