The Love We Share
Chapter 1: The innocent past...
Jongin's POV
His small fragile hand fits in mine. With the wild dreams of him becoming a singer, while I become a famous writer. We were high school sweet-hearts and this was our last year with the leaves falling outside with the weather becoming colder. He was so sweet with those heart-shaped lips that I love to kiss to his nose and cute eyes. His big doe eyes showed his true innocence... They were the very features that made me fall in love. We had our hot chocolates in hand and bundled up close together with a large blanket covering us as a romantic comedy drama was on. I smiled as my hand was intertwined with his and hoping my future was with him forever. I leaned in closer to his cheek and placed a kiss there as I trail a hand up his thigh slowly with light touches up his side. I smiled as he turned his head with his eyes and sweet lips that I loved to kiss. I leaned in closer to press my lips against his as time passed with the tv forgotten and clothes thrown on the floor as our first love making time was spent as I carried him up the stairs to my bedroom. I kissed his forehead to assure him that his first time wouldn't be the worst as I closed the door....
As spring passed and the beautiful blossoms of the cherry trees showed that winter was long gone with his hand intertwined with mine as we walk through the busy hallways of school with graduation and colleges on our mind. He smiled as we arrived in the classroom and we let go of our hands as he sat up front as the top honor student while I was at the top with school activities as the school president and basketball team captain. I blinked as the class started as all I could do was watch him answer the questions to just hear his voice while I got a tap on my shoulder by my best friend Oh Sehun. "Yah~ I hear there is a new Chinese exchange student coming today." He said as I look at him while the bell rung. "What is his name?" I asked as I walked with him to the next class as I gave a kiss to my boyfriend and smiled. "I hear his name is Xi Luhan." Sehun said. "I think he has the next class with us." 
Well, the first time seeing Luhan was like the time slowed down as we made eye contact. He looked beautiful with his golden hair and small lips with a beautiful smile. I had to break the eye contact as the teacher introduced him as I look out the window to look disinterested until he took the seat in front of me. He turned around in his seat to smile and wave. "H-Hello... As you might have heard my name is Luhan." I blinked as I turned to him and saw he looked even prettier up close. "Oh.. I'm Kim Jongin." I said while we started to talk as Sehun told me he was going to talk to Kyungsoo as I nodded since I was too occupied with Luhan.
I got to know Luhan better and we started to be close friends as time passed. It was graduation today and I had my crisp white dress shirt on with a bow tie with black dress pants with shiny shoes. I waved to my parents as i knew they would attend later on as I drove my car to Kyungsoo's house. I knocked on the door to see him in a navy dress shirt with kakis. I smiled as he was adjusting his tie with his mom greeting me. "Hello Jongin! Wow. You two have grown so much and  now my babies getting ready for graduation." I hugged her tight as I saw tears and smiled softly as Kyungsoo kissed his parents goodbye and linked his arm with mine. "You look good Jongin." He complimented and pecked my lips as I opened the door for him. "And you look absolutely breathtaking Kyungsoo ah~" I said as i started the car and we were off to school with him blushing as we sang to pop songs along old tunes.
I smiled as I received my diploma while making a short speech in dedication to my parents and boyfriend with cheesy lines in between with small laughter from the audience. I smiled wide as Kyungsoo made his speech as valedictorian. After it was over, we had lunch together with our parents and later on had a dinner date which we talked about things such as school and what colleges we got in. "Jongin... I got to tell you something." He said. I bit my lip slightly as I hoped it wasn't something bad. "I got accepted into Julliard." I blinked as I hear him. He's going to a school in America? That was wonderful but would that mean the end of us? "That's great Kyungsoo ah~" I smiled as I held his fragile hands. "We can make it through alright?" I said as I kissed away the tears and he spent the night at my house as my parents went over to his. That was the last night we had together as I smile with his lips moving slowly against mine. It was the last time we made love with meaningful touches and kisses since his flight was at 3:00AM In the morning tomorrow. 
I yawned sleepily as I waved goodbye and kissed him one last time before kissing his tears away as I wave while he walked through the crowd with his suitcase. I sighed as I looked away with sad tears while driving home to pack up my things. I waved goodbye to my parents and kissed their cheek as I wave one last time while arriving at my new home at Seoul National University for a writing/arts major. I smiled as Sehun was with me and we walked in to find our dorms. I walked towards my room as I waved to Sehun as his was down the hallway. I walked in to a suitcase already laid out on the floor to hear the shower running in the bathroom I hung my jacket on a nearby hook while laying my suitcase on the floor next to the other bed with calling Kyungsoo. We had small talk and I asked how he was and we laughed while i told him where I was and things. He ended the call as he said class was starting soon and said our goodbyes as I charged my phone and looked up to see my roommate to see it was Luhan with just a towel around him. "Oh Hey there Jongin~" He said in a giggly tone which cause me to smile as he walked over to peck my cheek. "How have you been?" He then asked as he walked over to hus suitcase and let the towel drop to the floor as he slowly changed while I blushed as I looked at him shyly fro the corner of my eye. "I've been fine Luhan.. The summer was good, but Kyungsoo left for school in America when i got accepted here. So what is your major Luhan?" I asked as he sat beside me on my bed with our thighs touching. "That's good, but are you two still together?" "Nae~ we are just long-distance." I said as I blush slightly while his face was close to mine with the innocent doe eyes." I felt his breath on my lips as he leaned in closer to press his lips on mine as I widened my eyes while the door opened to a surprised Sehun.
I quickly pulled away as I adjusted my collar of my shirt while I look up at Sehun while a camera was in his hand while his roommate looked like he was chasing him until he stopped while seeing the awkward scene. "S-Sehun?" Luhan said as he quickly scooted away from me and blinked. 
The next day, I sat on a bench under the cherry blossoms trees while the cold air hit me as I hugged my jacket tighter. It was winter so the branches were bare and snow was falling lightly. I sighed as my phone never ringed except for Luhan. Kyungsoo never replies and neither has Sehun. The inncident happened a month ago as Kyungsoo has been increasing busy with college and over here I had broken my promise and love to him. My phone rung with the familiar ringtone of Kyungsoo an I quickly picked it up expecting a warm hello and laughter but I heard crying instead with a cracked voice of "I-It's over." And he hung up.

I widened my eyes as I dropped my floor to hear the dull thump it made as it hit the floor. It’s over? It’s over? I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair and laid down on my bed to stare at the ceiling. It was only a two months we’ve been apart and we’ve broken up over a mistaken kiss while my best friend told my boy- ex boyfriend about this.

Every day was a new depressing day for me which included getting up at 7, taking a shower, and going to my university classes which my major was business. I gave up on my future career as a dancer since we broke up. I missed him and now its been a year without a single reply to my text messages, calls, anything to contact him… He wouldn’t reply. Me and Sehun were on good terms to say, we just couldn’t give up on the 10 year friendship that we had with each other. I have been avoiding Luhan lately since the incident kiss and declined all his invitations to lunch or parties and such. All I was focused now was finishing college so I could see Kyungsoo again and make up. I missed him and hoped we eventually see love in each other’s eyes again.

Now it’s sophomore year of college while I still share the same dorm with Luhan and had enjoyed myself with going to parties with Sehun and things. I’ve been letting loose a bit, but I’m still maintaining my grades and such with being the top of the class. Luhan and I have gotten to be friends again while hanging around doing who knows what from arcade games and studying today late at night. I guess it was okay to forgive him if we stay as friends. This was the year that I started forgetting about my hope for Kyungsoo to  be mine again.

It’s refreshing to be a senior in college now with time has been changing with the year half way gone. I smiled as I laid in bed to watch a horror movie with Luhan as we laughed at the oblivious choices the characters make while Luhan would squeal at the parts where something pops outs at the screen as I chuckle.





“I’ll miss you hyung…” I said as I hugged him tight as we hugged our graduate degrees and I smiled happily to the camera with him and Sehun as I knew my new life as an adult as started.

“Nae~ Kai ah~ me and Sehun will miss you lots” Luhan giggled as Sehun hugged his waist and waved as Sehun dragged him to his car as we had a small chat. I was happy and now kissed my parents goodbye before boarding the airplane to New York.



I smiled as its been a year as I successful secretary to the most successful CEO and company in New York. It was the life experience and I enjoyed my life living in a very spacious and fancy apartment.

It’s been too busy of a life to think about love with running around everywhere to keep up with this job and I actually love it.


Today was a nice day to go to the coffee shop on the very rare days that I get a day off. I smiled and entered through the door as I hear the bell ring and chuckled softly.

I saw a familiar face from 5 years ago that I had forgotten. It was Do Kyungsoo. My first love and relationship since high school… His hair was a brownish sort of cameral color while his eyes still stayed those cute eyes since high school.

Maybe we could talk again? He should’ve forgiven for that incident right? Well here goes nothing.

“Kyungsoo ah?” I said as I tapped his shoulder lightly smiled softly as he turned around to see me with eyes slightly widen, I missed  those big yet cute eyes and soft feature.

“What do you want?” I was shocked to received a cold reply which felt like I was hit in the face with a brick or something dangerous.

“Jongin don't mess with me anymore.... I knew about Luhan.... now you came to ruin me again. But you know what. You can't anymore because you don't exist in my heart anymore. I'm glad to be alone. So don't come back into my life now.”

I stood there.. shocked.... where had the sweet hearted Do Kyungoo gone?


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jusst posted the finished part for part one


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