
Be With Me Forever

                The sound of the alarm is ringing noisily in the room but sadly, only Taeyeon can hear it. Haeyeon woke up earlier than Taeyeon and she is currently in the bathroom showering. Taeyeon groans, loud enough for the whole room to hear her desperate voice of wanting to kill the alarm clock (if it was a human). Taeyeon took out her arm and begin to search for the stupid alarm clock at the headboard  by using her sense of touch.  She feels something hard and smirks proudly to herself. She grabs it and let it fall on carpeted floor. She watch it with amusement written on her forehead as she knows the alarm will shut up once it reach the earth. And it did.

“Cat got your tongue huh, clocky?” Taeyeon  grins like a drunk person on the streets. She let out a sigh of relief and let herself drifts into the dreamland. Haeyeon came out of the bathroom and sigh.

The clock’s broken again you stupid unnie

“Yah unnie! How long do you think you’re gonna sleep?! You said Jessica unnie is going to find dresses for you today” Haeyeon said with her hands on her hips.

“How did you know...?” Taeyeon mumbles, loud enough for her sister to hear.

“I have my sixth sense now get up!” Haeyeon chuckles to herself for the stupid excuse she gave to her sister. She grab Taeyeon’s arms to make her sit up straight.

“I’m going to punch you, you little brat” Taeyeon mumble cutely, making Haeyeon laugh.

“I knew you were eavesdropping us yesterday!! Geez” Taeyeon said with her eyes fully opened now. Taeyeon was never the morning type. She goes on blabbering something stupid that makes people just want to punch her to knock some sense into her. Haeyeon also gets furious sometimes because her sister keeps on blaming her for something she didn’t do but being the understanding sister she is, she tried to control her anger with patience.

“Now go and wash up. I’ll prepare breakfast” Haeyeon gave Taeyeon a flying kiss before she left downstairs.

“For God sake, I swear she has the potential to become a lesbian one day. That sassy brat. Please, I’m sassier than your existence combine with Baekhyun tch” And with that, Taeyeon left to the bathroom to wash up.







Ding dong ding dong

“I’ll get it! You stay there! Don’t touch my milk!” Taeyeon shouts as she runs to open the front door. She was surprised to see Jessica standing there, smiling.

“Yah Kim Taeyeon! You look like you just saw a ghost when it’s just me” Jessica pouts

“No, I’m just surprised you’re freaking early when i was just touching my bread” Taeyeon shrugs, opening the door until it’s wide enough for Jessica to enter.

“I’m not that damn early, you were the one who was sleeping like a log” Jessica flicked her forehead and went to the kitchen to greet Haeyeon. Taeyeon groans in pain.

“Hi Haeyeon!”

“Hi unnie!!”

“Cooking for breakfast I see”

“Yeah sinc e Taeyeon is too ‘busy’ with her sleep” Haeyeon said with a sarcastic tone while smirking playfully at Taeyeon.

“YAH! I’m not, im just-just-urgh whatever”

“Finish your milk before I shove it down your throat” Jessica said with her icy cold glare.

“O-o-okay, geez calm your chill woman” Taeyeon drinks her milk in one go and drags Jessica with her. She says her goodbye to her sister and went to Jessica’s car.

“So where are we going?”

“To the park” Jessica playfully rolled her eyes.

“THE PARK?! Is there a cloth store there?” Taeyeon exclaimed while getting in the car.

“No you idiot, we’re going to the mall of course” Jessica starts the engine and let the engine heat up for awhile. Taeyeon was jumping up and down (not literally) like a kid.


“Geez you look like you haven’t seen a mall in a century” Jessica said as she drove off





“Baekhyun hyung, let’s go buy some bubble tea. I heard there’s a new bubble tea store at the nearest mall. Please~ hyung pretty please~” Sehun pouts. God, how Baekhyun hated it so much when Sehun pouts because he tends to get people kneel to him with that stupid lips that’s being dragged up to the sky (as if). Baekhyun looked away but Sehun is not going to let go that easily. Everywhere Baekhyun look, Sehun will block it and made his lips as the view instead. Sighing,Baekhyun finally give up.

“YAY BAEKHYUN HYUNG IS THE BEST” Sehun shouts with his fist pumping in the air.

“Yeah right, I thought you called me the noisiest and the worsest hyung ever” Baekhyun tsked

“I take that back. Now, let’s go hyung!” Sehun drags Baekhyun out of his house and went to his car. Sehun starts the car while humming happily. Baekhyun gave him the most judgemental look ever. If eyes could kill, Sehun would probably enjoying the bubble tea in heaven instead of with him later. He sigh, not wanting to dissapoint the youngest.

“We’ll walk around the mall too okay? I need to get something off my mind”

“Ohh” Sehun cooed. “And what is this ‘something’ you’re talking about? Is it a girl?” Sehun wiggles his eyebrows while focusing on the road

“Yeah...” Baekhyun mumble quietly but it’s loud enough for Sehun to hear. Shocked, Sehun turn to Baekhyun with his hands on his mouth that looks like a girl that is shrieking (but apparently he’s not). Luckily, the traffic light is red or else only God knows what’s gonna happened to these two sassy idiots.

“OMG WHO?! HYUNG WHO?!” Sehun shook Baekhyun’s shoulders.

“What the hell—yah! Are you gay or what, shouting with a girly voice like that? Man up!” Baekhyun said while slapping Sehun’s arm.

“Urgh do we really need to bother about that?” Sehun rolls his eyes.

“Of course dude, how are you gonna grab a girl if all you does was swaying your hands like those rich aunties?”

“Back to the topic, who’s the girl?!”

“YAH! It’s already green! Press the pedal!” Baekhyun pointed at the traffic light. Sehun look at him with his poker face completely unsatisfied before pressing the pedal.

“So who~” Sehun cooes.

“None of your business kid”

“Awhh come on, tell me” Sehun whines.

“I will someday okay?”

“Promise?!” Sehun holds out his pinky finger.

“Yeah yeah whatever, although I swear to God this is embarassing as hell because only girls do this” Baekhyun interlaces his pinky finger with Sehun, making the younger one dances his victory dance in his mind.

“Urgh why are you my best friend once again?” Baekhyun groans and in his mind he was asking himself what kind of sin did he do in the past to receive a friend like Sehun.

“But you still love me” Sehun whistles.

“I swear to God, you have the potential on being a third class gigolo”

The both of them arrived at the mall. Sehun parks his car at the parking lot and dragged Baekhyun since he knew Baekhyun’s gonna walk in a small and slow steps. Baekhyun just let himself being dragged by Sehun since he’s too lazy to walk anyways. When they arrived at the bubble tea store, Sehun quickly orders his favourite bubble tea. He couldn’t control his happiness since he keeps on doing aegyo to himself. Baekhyun shook his head, knowing Sehun’s love for the bubble tea. After they bought the bubble tea, they walk around to find a store that sell snapbacks. Sehun spotted someone in a dress store.

“Hey hyung, isn’t that Taeyeon noona and Jessica noona? The ones who are in the same class as Luhan?” Sehun pointed at Taeyeon and Jessica that are searching for dresses. Baekhyun looked at where he pointed and he saw Taeyeon smiling happily. He smirks to himself.

“Hey Sehun, can you buy a few more bubble tea? The others request for it. Here, you can use my money” Baekhyun took out a few cash in his wallet and handed it to Sehun. Sehun was about to say something but Baekhyun cuts his speech by saying “You can buy one for yourself again”

“Really hyung?! You just said what I wanted to ask. Really, you’re the best hyung ever!” Sehun said excitedly.

“Yeah yeah, now go shoo” Sehun left him to go the bubble tea store. Baekhyun look at Sehun walking away until he’s out of sight and turn his attention towards Taeyeon who is in the dress store.

“Searching for dresses huh princess?”




Author's note:

OMG I CAN"T BELIEVE IM WRITING AGAIN I HONESTLY THOUGHT THIS STORY IS GOING TO BE HANGING ON FOREVER BTW IM SORRY I HAVENT UPDATE THESE STORY IN AGES :( i thought i was going to update it when the baekyeon dating was revealed but i got no inspiration, I really hope you can forgive me warghh and I hope you guys like this chapter! Please comment, subscribe and upvote! Oh and the next chapter will be updated in a short time (although i cant guarantee that myself) ;uuu;

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i feel like making taeyeon as a sarcastic girl


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Chapter 8: morreee
yasmin98 #2
Chapter 8: Please update this story..
Chapter 8: oh my god
that was so cool
like it
update soon
LoveBaek #4
Chapter 8: Don't worry you did a great job there ^^
YavBaekyeon #5
Chapter 8: update soon author-nim !
LoveBaek #6
Chapter 7: oh~ hoho! baekhyun is so mischievous
baek_yeon3 #7
Chapter 6: Uwaaaaaaaaaa update soon
Chapter 6: Update soon~
New reader here~♡
Taemeyyaaaa #9
Update soon authornim! ^^