Chapter 2

Be With Me Forever



4 pm


Taeyeon just finished her vocal lesson with her friends. She is now in an exhausted situation since the teacher ask her to reach the high note many times. She was successful but it made her tired also. And Jessica is also a part of the reason for her exhaustion since she couldn't stop blabbering to Taeyeon for being late. Taeyeon wish there was a blindfold right in front of her eyes so that she could quiet down Jessica's high voice and her blabbering by tying with the blindfold. 


She suddenly remembered something that she need to settle. She grin evilishly while heading to the janitor closet. She search for a pail and she found one that is red and quite big.


"This may do the trick"  Taeyeon thought to herself


She was heading to the woman's toilet and start to fill the pail with water as she twist the pipe. She wait and wait until the pail was full of water. It took a lot of effort on bringing that thing to the rooftop. She wipe her sweat that was beginning to fall down from her forehead with her blue handkerchief. She noticed that the door wasn't locked (usually it was locked) so she peek a little. that the door wasn't locked (usually it was locked) so she peek a little. She saw nobody and sighed. She was about to go down and close the door when she heard a whining sound




"That sounds familiar" Taeyeon thought. She went to search for the source of the sound and found out that it was Baekhyun lying on the floor sleeping but he was also whining like a puppy. Taeyeon find that cute so she decided to go closer to him. She put the pail down beside him while she sit beside the pail. She was about to bend down to squish his cheek when suddenly she felt somebody grab her legs




"YAH!" Taeyeon look down to see that it was Baekhyun that was grabbing her leg


"Try to disturb people's sleep huh?" Baekhyun said while smirking. Taeyeon blushed but she quickly hide her face from letting Baekhyun see it.


"Yah,I came to splash this water to you for what you did this morning!" Taeyeon wanted to lift the pail but since Baekhyun was grabbing her leg and the pail was too heavy to lift up,she instead pushed the pail with strong forces until it fell down and the result was Baekhyun got soaked. But eventually,it got her soaked too since Baekhyun quickly took the pail that wasn't heavy enough anymore and splashed it too her. She was looking down at that moment and gasped.


She was about to yell at him for doing that and look up causing her lips to accidentally touched his bottom lips. Their eyes widened and quickly pulled away. They both turn around at the same with a blushing face,embarassed for what just happen. Taeyeon's face reddened and as red as a tomato. Same goes to Baekhyun. They couldn't turn around to look into each other.  Suddenly Baekhyun got this courage out of nowhere turn around and force Taeyeon to turn around also. At first she hesitated but eventually gave up when Baekhyun grab her shoulder and turn her around. She look away to avoid eye contact from him.


"Is that your first kiss?" Baekhyun ask with a soft voice almost making Taeyeon want to lose control


"Why do you have to care about it?" Taeyeon reply with a cold voice,still looking away


"So it is huh"  Baekhyun thought


"Look I know we're in an embarassing situation but please I want your first kiss to be meaningful to you" Taeyeon didn't even have to time to reply for what he said when Baekhyun lift up her chin and crashed his lips with her. Taeyeon's eyes widened but soon gave in because the kiss was too soft and gentle to pull away and eventually the magic is working on her. 


But she didn't wrap her arms around his neck. Neither did Baekhyun,he didn't wrapped his arms around her small waist. He just touched her chin and that's all. When they were already lacking of air,Baekhyun slowly pulled away and looked into her eyes. Taeyeon seems to lost her gaze into his brown eyes.


"I just remembered I have something to,gotta go" Baekhyun got up with one of  his back hands covering his mouth while looking away and went to the door,leaving Taeyeon speechless and frozen like a statue for what he just did.


"D-d-did he just...kiss me? Why did he do that?" Taeyeon asked herself with a stuttering voice while touhing her lips. She was blushing like crazy when she remember back about the kiss. She suddenly felt that she wanted Baekhyun to do that to her again.


"What is this feeling? Am I in love?"





Annyeong!! Done updating chapter 2! Hope you guys like it! And also sory for the late update :(

Really sorryy :( >_<

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Kamsahamnida !! <3



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i feel like making taeyeon as a sarcastic girl


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Chapter 8: morreee
yasmin98 #2
Chapter 8: Please update this story..
Chapter 8: oh my god
that was so cool
like it
update soon
LoveBaek #4
Chapter 8: Don't worry you did a great job there ^^
YavBaekyeon #5
Chapter 8: update soon author-nim !
LoveBaek #6
Chapter 7: oh~ hoho! baekhyun is so mischievous
baek_yeon3 #7
Chapter 6: Uwaaaaaaaaaa update soon
Chapter 6: Update soon~
New reader here~♡
Taemeyyaaaa #9
Update soon authornim! ^^