A question that had an answer that led to us~


I was recently asked an ever popular question, you know the kind to see how well you deal with a tricky situation and benefit from it and all that...Well, here it goes, you were to be driving on a stormy night, and so happen to drive by a bus stop. At that bus stop, stood three people, an elderly who was close to dying, a person who once saved your life, and your dream guy. You would want to save all of them I’m sure but too bad your vehicle could only sit one person, so you were more likely using a motorbike or a smart car, either way, you could only save one, who would you pick?
Well, here was how I looked at things, there was a sick dying woman, a girl who saved my life and Taemin, the love of my life.
Well, I answered simply, I'd save the old woman because, I didn't want to waste time switching drivers, Taemin would’ve wanted it and I'm sure he would enjoy the company. 
The actual answer was that you give your keys to the person who once saved your life, and told that person to save the older person's life while you stayed under the bus stop with your dream guy and since it was stormy, you'd get to chat with him, get to know him, sort of like a mini date. 
Well even if I knew that, I never changed my answer cause, I knew, I'd run away, into the stormy night because Taemin is that awesome, and my small self-confidence can't stand that much awesomeness. I would literally run under the rain with the thunder and lightning just to stay away from the guy I like so much >< sorry Taemin, but it is the truth of which I speak.


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AsalAmiri #1
Chapter 1: Oh!! :XxXxXxX
So sweet :X
Liked it a lot :)
CloudieSky27 #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha of course he would confess accidentally. This is so cute!!
I would have done the 'right answer' but not becuase it would mean I could be with my dream guy. I owe the person who saved my life, and the elderly person deserves the warmth and if they are unwell to begin with they should be at home. I could always catch the bus and I'm sure I would get my car back later. *shrugs* I would probably freak out if I was at a bus stop with Taemin... I would probably pass out if I was there with Onew... haha...