Eight Years

Just a bunch of Wonkyu

Kyuhyun was packing the last of his things to go to Mexico when he felt two strong arms embrace him behind.  He smiled as he felt the familiar warmth of his Wonnie spread all over.  The two merely stood like that for a couple minutes, enjoying each other's company.



"It's today."


"Today, eight years ago, we debuted as a group.  It's already been a whole eight years..."

"Oh, right.  It's today..."

"I remember the day perfectly.  It was the day our hard work finally brought us on stage.  I can't help but feel elated.  All these years have brought us to this place."


They fell silent again.  Siwon was shocked when he felt tears fall on his arms, which were still locked around Kyuhyun.

"Kyunnie..?  What's wrong?"  Kyuhyun took a couple deep breaths to calm himself down.

"I...  I wasn't there."  It hit Siwon like a hammer.  That's right... He debuted half a year after...  He joined later...  Siwon could understand why Kyuhyun was crying.  He was never there to enjoy that satisfying feeling.  Even worse, he was under a huge amount of pressure when he joined.  None of the members were very pleased to hear they were getting a 13th that was recruited on the fly.  It was like Kyuhyun was thrown into a snake pit, charged with finding his own way out.

Siwon turned Kyuhyun to face him.  Kyuhyun fought to keep his tears in, but they kept streaming out.  He didn't know why he was crying so much, he just did.  Siwon's heart melted at the sight.  He leaned in and gave Kyuhyun a gentle kiss.  No nibble on the lips, or any tongue trying to force its way in.  Just classic lip pressing.  Siwon did his best to convey all of his love into that one kiss.  They finally broke apart, taking a minute to catch their breaths.  Siwon gave him another tight hug, and Kyuhyun snuggled into his lover's strong chest.  They stood for a few more minutes, and Siwon finally spoke,

"Kyuhyun, it's true you joined late.  Maybe it's true I wasn't the happiest to see you walk in on that day, introducing yourself as the 13th member.  But, now, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.  I'm sorry you feel left out like this.  But now, you're a part of me.  No, you're a part of usWe all consider you a vital part of our family.  We're inseparable now.  So our anniversary is your anniversary too.  You deserve to feel what we feel on this day.  And for the record, the day you first performed with us is just as important."


"Because.  That's the day we all performed as a permanent group.  That's the day we set ourselves in stone.  And, that's the day I knew we would be together forever."  Kyuhyun looked up to see the sincerity in Siwon's eyes.  That's when he felt safe.  He had forgotten that he was now completely accepted in the group.  He felt alone for the briefest of moments.  But now, he was happy.  And he should be.  He should be happy for the group.  He should be happy that they are happy.  And most of all, he should be happy that he has the best boyfriend in the world.  Even if Siwon was a bit cheesy during that speech, Kyuhyun couldn't help but love him even more.  Siwon was his guardian angel, his comfort, his life.

He snuggled more into the warm chest, and smiled.  The tears were now dry, and only a smile was plastered on his lips.  He lightly pecked Siwon's lips, and gave another smile.  He felt goofy, smiling so much all of a sudden.  But it also felt so right.  He took a breath, and said the words that never fail to lose their magic.

"I love you."  Siwon smiled at the words.  He hugged Kyuhyun even more tightly.

"I love you too, baby."



A/N:  Just a quickie for Suju's 8th Anniversary!  I just wanted to write something, even if it was super short.  I'm so happy for them, and I'm super glad that they've stayed strong up to this point!  Happy 8th, and stay strong forever Suju!!! ^^

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wonkyunnie #1
Chapter 3: mmm... best 8th year story ever. It's true Kyu only came in later, but its what keeps them together up till now that matters. And I love how Siwon is always there to make sure Kyu will never shed a single tear, to feel pain & burden. Kyyaa~ love it, nice work. Happy 8th Anniversary SuJu! <3
Chapter 4: Like this very much....
Chapter 4: Keep writing your one shots like the chapter 3. It is so good! I am subbing! :)