I need you too~





Sunggyu grasp Woohyun's hand tightly as he tried to pushed the baby out. It been few hours since he felt the contraction of labouring but still the baby didn't come out yet. He's sweating a lot and Woohyun help him to wiped away the sweat.



"You can do it, Gyu! I'm here with you." Woohyun keep replying his words to comforting the others.






"Pushing harder, Mrs. Nam. The baby still didn't showed up." said the doctor.



"I can't..." Sunggyu's whimpering.



"Gyu, i believe in you. You can do it! Please, don't give up..." Woohyun's begging as the tears starting to flowed.



Sunggyu's frowning as he tried to make another pushed again. He keep pushing again and again before he collapsed his head on the pillow. Trying to regain his strength again before he make another pushed as the doctor told him to.



"I can see the head. You almost there Mrs. Nam. The baby is already came out a little."



Hearing that, Sunggyu grasp Woohyun's hand more harder, before he began to make another pushed again.



"Ngghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....Hyunnie!" Sunggyu gave a loud of scream as he pushing the baby's out. And after a few minutes, they heard a little tiny voice that cying. Sunggyu's smiling before he collapsed on the bed. He's tired of course.



"It's a boy! Congratulations for both of you!" said the doctor as he gave the baby that already covered with a thin cloth to his daddy.



Woohyun take the baby boy with a smiled before he kissed it. "He's cute just like his mom with a milky skin like his mom too! Thank you, Gyu! Today is the happy day in my life! I love you!" Woohyun kissing his wife's forehead and showed him their baby boy.



"Yeah, he's cute...he got your eyes, Hyun." Sunggyu said weakly with a smiled.



Then the doctor told Woohyun to wait on the outside as they need to clean up the baby and his mom.






Sunggyu's ward...



"So, are you forgiving me for what have i done to you before?" Woohyun suddenly asked.



"My baby needed his dad, so i think i have to..." Sunggyu answered.



"You mean, you still mad at me?"



"Of course. It's not easy for me to forgive you that easily after what have you done to me for the past 6 months, Hyun. I'm alone when the time i need you to be by my side. You have no idea what i'm going through the day without you before. I have to work by myself even i can't according to my state before. I'm alone when i craving in the middle of the night. And i've been through all of difficulties all by myself."



"I'm sorry...i wish i can turned back time, but i can't...so, i'm sorry...that's all i can say. But if gave me another chance, i can take care of you and our baby boy. As you says, he needed me as he dad. Right?"



"I know, so that's why i let you to be here. And thank you for looking for me all this time and realize that you love me."



"I really mean it, Gyu. I love you!"



"I love you too though i'm still mad at you, Hyunnie. So please don't throw me away like you did before. Eoh? I'm begging you..." and with that, Sunggyu burst into tears.



Woohyun quickly pulled him into a hugged and slowly his back. "I won't do that again. I promise! And if i did, i'll be dead immediately in front of you. I swear..."



"No! Don't say like that! It's not nice, okey? Don't scared me like that. I won't let you die. I need you."



"So do i. I need both of you..."



Sunggyu fell asleep in Woohyun's embrace while their baby still sleeping in his crib beside the bed. 'I'll take care of you and our child forever and ever...i promised!' Woohyun's kissing his wife's forehead before he sleep also.




A/N: The End ^^ I know it short...but bear with me, eoh? Have a nice day! :D




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lulujo #1
Chapter 3: Finally happy ending!!
Chapter 3: it seems rushy here but bcs I like preggy gyu and your fluff slash angst story, I like it, I was mad at hyun when he did that to gyu ㅜㅜ gladly hoya came
Chapter 3: Beautiful story :) i love it WooGyu :3
bohyemi #4
Chapter 3: Naaaaaawwwww
Chapter 3: OMG that the best ending ever!!!! love it so so much^^
Chapter 3: Daebak!!!!!!!!!!!
Feel so happy for WooGyu but sad for Myungsoo.
But still hate him when he hit sunggyu.
Let just pretend Myungsoo married Sungyeol.
Anyway, OMG!!!!!!! This is just wonderful. It maybe short, nut at least it os DAEBAK!!!!!!!
Author thanks for the amazing story!!!!!!!
hikarilight #7
Chapter 3: It's a nice story but I dont think that 6 month fetus will survive and the premature baby must be delivered by operation
kawaiiboo #8
Chapter 3: * -- * so so cute >u<
really a lovely ending... <3