Operation: Lunch

Operation: What The Heck?

After Lay, Yoora & Jongdae's stupid prank of somehow messing with the school's speakers and making it play the theme song of Spongebob Squarepants, everyone already knew this had to be their Flower Boy's (plus Park Yoora, of course) 92-liners' doing. Though even if they had enjoyed it, Chanyeol was a little disappointed he wasn't part of Jongdae's back-to-school prank. Lay dreaded it at first (and still dreads it now) but he couldn't help but admit it was fun.

Soon came lunch and the Flower Boys & Girls gathered by their usual place to eat; in the back building by the grass under a big tree where they could watch the soccer players have their practice.. First to arrive were 2nd years Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Yura, Minah, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Jongdae and Tao. Although since they weren't in the same classes, it was actually Minah, Yura, Jongdae, Chanyeol & Kyungsoo to come first.

As Yura & Chanyeol were, once again, arguing about puppies, Kyungsoo tried to stop them. Sometimes tossing in an annoyed 'Shut up,' and a growl. But no one listened. Chanyeol just brushed him off while Yura wasn't really that close to him to even hear what he was saying. Minah, standing in between Kyungsoo & Jongdae muttered to him that it would be no use.

"They can't stop arguing to save their lives," Minah let out a sigh, lips pursed as she looked up at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo looked back down with a frown, "I still find this so ironic," he said, referring about how Chanyeol should be hitting on Yura and not constantly picking up useless debates about which type of dog was better.

"Don't we all?" Minah shook her head.

Jongdae suddenly perked up from his seat, "I have an idea,"

Both people turned to him, "What?" they chorused.

"Let me handle them," Jongdae grinned mischievously but when he caught the two cluelessly blinking, he continued, "I'll make them stop from arguing,"

The two once again blinked but soon the frowns on their faces deepened.

"You can't do that," Minah uttered.

"It'll be hard and uhm, I don't really know how to say this in a nice way," he gave a sideway glance at Minah and she nodded as if she had read his mind.

Minah turned to Jongdae with a poker face, "We don't trust you,"

Jongdae acted hurt and pouted like a duck, "Ouch, Minah. You can really be mean, you know," he said sarcastically as he sniffled fakely since Jongdae doesn't really take things to heart because he usually doesn't give a damn.

Minah rolled her eyes and shrugged at Kyungsoo who shook his head at Jongdae's act.

Once again, Jongdae spoke about handling the two barking people and soon enough, Minah & Kyungsoo shut up mainly because others have already invaded and joined them.

There was then a big circle as everyone put out their lunches and started to eat. They were a big circle of friends and everyone knew it was already normal for the most popular groups to be friends. Originally, the boys & girls were separated but until Minah & Baekhyun and Suho & Jihae became the best of friends, they all gathered together slowly.

Along the way there, Jihae had already mentioned Suho about his surprise and he was ready to tell everyone but someone had interrupted him already.

"Jongdae, was that you that messed up with the speakers?" Minseok spoke, taking a bite out of his apple.

Jongdae immediately looked up and grinned, nodding proudly with his chest out, "Of course. Who else would it be?"

Lay rolled his eyes at his cockiness before widening them when Jongdae mentioned him.

"Lay hyung and Yoora noona also helped though," Jongdae spoke, chest still out and groaning when Minah punched it down ("Stop being so cocky," she uttered)

Everyone's eyes turned to Lay, all with shock and confusion. It was normal for Yoora since she was known to be Jongdae's fellow troublemaker but for all they knew, Lay was someone who stood in the background and tried not to get into things that might get him into trouble. He was usually laidback, nonchalant and quiet. All he was interested in was music & dancing.

"Lay?" Chanyeol exclaimed, "You brought Lay with you and not me?!" he turned to his noona, "Why didn't you call me, noona! I would've loved messing with the speakers with you!"

But really, Yoora just shrugged, a pout on her lips to , "I figured you would be too busy to come with us,"

"Busy?" Chanyeol mused, "I was just with Baekhyun. I wasn't busy!" Yoora didn't say anything else but to smirk playfully.

Lay threw him a narrowed glance, "Yah, even though you're upset you should still call me with hyung," he uttered, rolling away from the circle and lying down on his back behind where he sat, plugging in his earbuds.

Everyone toned down as Baekhyun tried to comfort Chanyeol & Jongdae and Yoora constantly reasoned with him. Well, at least tried.

Realizing everyone was done with the topic, Suho decided to open his mouth and talk but now Jongin interrupted him.

Apparently, Jongin has small patience and since he was sitting next to Chanyeol who was bickering with Yura, he just can't help but burst.

"Yah, Chan hyung, please stop!" he roared, taking most of the people's attention, once again making it impossible for Suho to say something.

Chanyeol turned to him, "She said giraffes are stupid,"

Yura sighed, "It's true,"

"You're one to talk!"

"I'm not even tall enough!"

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

Kyungsoo & Minah shared a look before turning their heads at Jongdae who was smirking at the two. Minah rolled her eyes and nudged him, "Yah. You said you'd handle this. What are you doing now?"

Hearing the conversation (since he was sitting next to Minah), Baekhyun snorted, "Jongdae will handle what?"

Jongdae looked at him, "I'm gonna fix Chanyeol & Yura's relationship!" he declared, a grin with mischief and playfulness on his face.

Everyone looked at him confusedly, weirdly or cluelessly.

"Why? Is there something going on between them?" Jongin smirked at them, slowly calming down as he leaned on Kyungsoo's arm.

Both people immediately widened their eyes as they strongly protested.


"I'd rather eat a giraffe,"


Everyone sighed as they started to bicker once again. Suho looked at Jongdae who continued to grin as he watched them yell at each other's faces.

Suho blinked, "You're sure you can handle it, Jongdae?" he asked, looking doubtful at the thought of their resident troll & troublemaker trying to fix a problem. Well, everyone was doubtful. Jongdae wasn't really a person who fixes a problem. He was actually a person who makes it worse. Chanyeol & Yura's relationship were already at the worst; what more if Jongdae suddenly meddled?

Jongdae furrowed his brows and looked at Suho, "Of course. I'm on it,"

"You're not even doing anything," Hyeri said innocently, blinking at Chanyeol &  Yura.

"In a minute," Jongdae dismissively waved his hand and listened attentively at the useless debate of the two.

Everyone either sighed or rolled their eyes at Jongdae who will (already have) failed at trying to make amend with ChanYura's relationship. Soon enough they had minded their own business and went back to little talks with their small groups of two or three (Baekhyun, Kyungsoo & Minah/ Sojin, Luhan & Xiumin/ Sehun, Jongin & Hyeri/ Tao & Lay/Chanyeol & Yura ft. Jongdae). And Yoora was ready to take a nap.

Jihae nudged Suho and gave him a look indicating that he should talk now or it would be too late again. Suho waited til someone spoke, and when no one did, he opened his mouth.

But someone disrupted once again.

"Suho hyung," Tao called, breaking away from annoying Lay who actually wanted to just lie down on the grass and listen to music peacefully and looked at the called person.

Suho let out a sigh and closed his mouth, turning his head at his son, "Yeah, Tao?"

"Didn't you say you had an announcement?" as he said it, he slowly beamed and jumped on his excitedly.

Overhearing Tao's question, Kyungsoo also spoke, "Announcement?"

Suho grinned, "Yeah. I was just about to tell it," he sent Jihae a brief grin before facing the others, "Everyone, I have an announcement," he declared but anyone barely turned their heads to listen.

Suho was a nice, angelic guy but he was that typical gentleman whose mouth would just be full of words that didn't really intrigue any of his friends. He would usually talk about assignments, projects, activities that's going to happen in school (sometimes they would be interested in that if the event was something to look forward to) since he was in the student council. And usually, the guys just turn to him if he said that he was treating them out for food because he was filthy rich that way.

He sighed seeing as know really turned his way. Tao would've helped him but the kid was just shaking Lay's arm who was pushing him off. Kyungsoo was also trying to help him.

"Guys, Suho has to say something," his voice let out, widened eyes blinking at every person who didn't turn around. Kyungsoo sighed and puffed his cheeks out. Jongin, who sat beside him, had his back facing him since he was conversing with Sehun & Hyeri. Also, Baekhyun & Minah - who he was chatting with seconds ago - were so into their topic that they barely noticed Kyungsoo stopped talking (besides, he didn't really talk. Kyungsoo was more of a listener).

Suho looked down until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Jihae smiled slightly. She would've tried to say something but Jihae was a very shy girl and even if she was part of the gang, she still hated having everyone's attention on her.

"Guys," Kyungsoo tried again, but this time, only getting Jongin's attention. 

The younger boy blinked at him, "What's up?"

"Suho has something to say," Kyungsoo replied.

"Is it something interesting?" Jongin looked at the president and smirked.

Suho just furrowed his brows and said nothing. All it took was Kyungsoo's roll of the eyes and lecturing stare to get Jongin to finally help.

"Guys... Guys, GUYS!" he burst, calming everyone down (as well as Yura & Chanyeol) and getting all of their attention, "Suho has something to say,"

"Is it boring or will it knock our socks off?" Yura semi-innocently asked, her voice coming off as a sarcastic reply. Some people snickered.

"That's what I said," Jongin muttered, the same smirk still on his handsome face.

Suho ignored the comments and continued, a happy grin on his face knowing he finally got everyone's attention, "There's a transfer student coming by tomorrow,"

Other than the groans and mumbles of "Who cares?" "This is your announcement?" "Really?", the maknaes (plus Sojin) seemed interested.

Tao beamed, "Where's he from?"

"Which year is this student going to attend?" Sojin followed, a smile on her face.

"Is it a she or a he?" Hyeri fully grinned, hands clasped together in interest.

Suho was thankful for the few who considered his announcement, "He's from China," he answered, making Tao beam even more, "He's ending his high school year here, so basically, he's our classmate," he nodded at Sojin who nodded back, "It's a he," he chuckled at Hyeri who smiled even brighter.

"Is he a hottie?" Minah caught up, not noticing Baekhyun's semi-disgusted look on his face.

"Really?" Baekhyun asked in disbelief, amused at how Minah's so lovestruck, "Someone just dumped you,"

"Shut up, Baekhyun. We weren't even dating," she pouted, an image of a sweet confession gone wrong flashing in her mind. Curse you, Jung Daehyun!

Suho chuckled, "Yeah. Kris is a handsome guy,"

"Kris?" Luhan repeated, "Someone from China is named Kris?"

"He's Chinese but was born in Canada," Suho explained, "Also my childhood friend when I was 6," he looked at Tao whose mouth was open and expression slowly lightening up, "Tao might know him,"

"KRIS GEGE IS COMING BACK?! WOOHOO!" he exclaimed, jumping on his once again.

Everyone watched as Tao started to act eccentric about the news. His screams also caused Yoora to jump awake.

"Yah, someone's trying to sleep here," Yoora glared at the kid who just blinked at her.

"You still look pretty with your bedhead, noona,"

Yoora blinked, "My hair's perfectly normal,"

"Oh really? Well, still pretty," Tao grinned.

"Oooh, maknae knows how to hit on noonas now," Sehun mused teasingly.

Tao blushed and Yoora just shot Sehun a look before going back to sleep.




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xolovekpop_isabella #1
Chapter 4: UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Yaaayy Everyday ExoDAY xD
HYEHUN .... :D
OMGG! #exoday
Keep it up dear author-nim :)
Chapter 4: This makes me miss school :'''(
--kyeopta #5
Chapter 3: Aw, tao reminds me of someone from starry sky ♡
It's really cute omf and I love the relationship between chanyeol and yura!
Chapter 3: Omg, this is like the first chapter you wrote(though I like the first one better) but still it's cuteeeee :''''>
I love this pairing ~~
Update soon :D
Chapter 2: Waaaaah this is funny. It's like a typical high school in real life :3 I wonder who was the "her" of chanyeol. It's funny chanyeol hates Yura and their oldest sister was named Yura too xD I wonder where kriseus is. Omg the SehunxHyeri :3 jongdae... such a troll xD