Operation: First Day!

Operation: What The Heck?

You know it's a new day when Baekhyun and his best friend Chanyeol walked around by the fountain behind the school's building to find his other best friend. Chanyeol was beaming, eager to see someone until he saw another face he didn't really want to see so early in the morning.

Chanyeol's morning would've been nice.

"Yah, Park Chanyeol. I've been trying to wake you up for the nth time!" Sojin squealed as she pulled on Chanyeol's arm with their other sister Park Yura.

Chanyeol shifted his weight and moved a little almost pulling Sojin & Yoora along with him, "N is not a number, noona," he grumbled.

"Chanyeol-ah, you wouldn't want to be late and miss the chance of seeing her, right?" Yoora spoke in a sly voice, feigning innocence though sharing mischievous smiles with Sojin.

Chanyeol's eyes immediately widened, already knowing who this her they were talking about was. And so, his body scrambled and sat up, "D-Don't tease me!"

The girls laughed sneakily.

"We're not teasing you,"

Chanyeol furrowed his brows and childishly pouted at them, "You are too," he paused and watched as his noonas continued to giggle, "I'm going to shower," he uttered and passed by them out of his room.

The two girls grinned at each other and slapped each other's hands, jogging down the stairs to eat breakfast and wait for their brother.

But now his morning was (kind of) ruined by Kim Yura.

"Hey, camel," Yura teased with a wide grin.

It was so ironic that her name was just as the same as his beloved older sister. Nevertheless though, that didn't stop Chanyeol from disliking her.

Chanyeol & Yura have always been the best of enemies. No one knew how their angry tension started though, no one knew why as well. There was just a day they had walked in and saw the two looking as if they want to bite each other’s ears off. It was ironic as well since Chanyeol was a known Casanova while Yura was the prettiest girl in school. They should be flirting (or at least have Chanyeol drooling at her while Yura constantly ignored his presence) and not be at each other’s throats.

There was a main reason why they had begun fighting; it was because they were both fighting for the 1st top title. Yura was always second and Chanyeol was always first. Yura was always very competitive and started to compete with Chanyeol even when he didn’t know. At the time, Chanyeol was attracted to her given the fact that she was the prettiest girl in school, as well as the smartest girl in their grade. However, it was hard approaching her since she kept on picking battles with him, and somehow it just led them to being frenemies. 

Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the nickname, but didn't let himself lose either, "Yo, sloth,"

Yura glared back. Minah and Baekhyun exchanged glances and smiled; they were used to the daily arguments of Yura & Chanyeol since the start of high school and even when it's kind of weird, the two best friends missed their pointless fights.

"Just date already," Baekhyun remarked, which earned him two pairs of glaring eyes shooting imaginary lasers at him. His eyes widened and he put his hands up in defense. "H-Hey, I was just- OW!" And Yura hit his arm, hard.

Yura snorted and Chanyeol frowned, "Shut up," they both mused, looking at each other at the syncronization before looking away with arms crossed.

Minah laughed, "Wow, are you guys really high school already?" she teased freely, knowing she'll get a face from Yura before the hitting.

Chanyeol pursed his lips, "I am. I'm not sure about her though," he jerked his head towards Yura as he emphasized 'her'.

Baekhyun, still rubbing his hurt arm, snortled, "You guys have like a couple bond of grade schoolers," he laughed but stopped when Yura marched closer, "O-Oh wait, Y-Yura don't- OW!"


At the other side of the building, Tao jumped right into Suho's arms, "SUHO HYUNG!" he yelled as he crushed the latter in his tight hug.

"O-Ow, Tao. L-Let go-" Suho muttered against the tall younger's sweater. On his right was laughing Jihae who watched the scene. It was like a child missing his mother and seeing her after a long time of separation.

Tao finally released him, "I missed you!" he exclaimed, his body moving up and down in excitement, "It's been so long!"

Suho furrowed his brows, "Are you serious, Tao? We've been together all summer. You wouldn't stop calling me and asking me to hang out with you every three days!" he exclaimed, making Jihae laugh even more, "And you've been also inviting Jihae,"

Jihae shrugged, "I'm not bothered by it," she giggled.

Suho wanted to say that he was but the look on Tao's face told him not to say anything else. The younger was pouting and looking away. Suho sighed and nudged his arm, "I missed you, too," he flashed a small, genuine smile.

Tao beamed and opened his arms, "YAY! FAMILY HUG!" he bellowed, pulling both of his friends in a tight hug.

A family hug is what Tao always calls for when he's happy to see Suho and Jihae. They have been best friends ever since Tao's freshman year when he and Suho met Jihae. Suho and Tao are childhood friends, along with a fellow named Kris. Kris left and they both attended school together. They met Jihae, who competes with Suho for the top 1. People thought there would be a big competition for the place but the two were mature enough to become close friends about it. Suho is a senior now and also the school president. Jihae is his vice and Tao is their 'son' - or daughter.


"Hyeri!" Sehun exclaimed from afar, running towards the girl standing by her locker.

Hyeri turned around and grinned, "Hey, Sehun. It's good to see you here,"

Sehun smiled charmingly, clear that he's drawn to her, "It's better to see you,"

Hyeri didn't take notice of his lovestruck gaze when she saw a familiar figure walking towards them. She gasped and her eyes widened, "Jongin oppa," she whispered, making a frown appear on Sehun's face.

The boy turned around to see exactly who Hyeri muttered. It was Kim Jongin strutting with his best bud, Do Kyungsoo. Sehun furrowed his brows and turned to look at Hyeri's charmed gaze. Others who were around watched as Jongin and Kyungsoo walked ever-so-coolly towards the two freshmen, clearly amazed at their good-lookingness. This was exactly the reason why people thought they were cool, collective and cold - ignoring the fact how they're both just big misunderstood dorks. 

"Hey, guys," Jongin greeted, a small smile appearing on his face. Kyungsoo also flashed a smile to both youngsters.

Hyeri continued to grin, "Hi, oppa! Still remember me?" 

Jongin blinked down at the familiar face then nodded when he remembered being greeted everyday with her cute waves and big smiles back in middle school. "Ah, you're Lee Hyori, right?"

Hyeri's grin faltered into an embarrassed smile, "Uhm, it's Hyeri,"

Jongin smiled sheepishly, "Oh! I'm sorry!" He reached to pat her shoulder, causing Sehun to give him a dangerous glare and Hyeri to smile fully again. 

Kyungsoo, being the observant guy he is, noticed Sehun's death glare and chuckled inside. Someone's jealous. 


On another side, Sojin opened her locker while Luhan walked to his. Since their lockers were just beside each other, it was a perfect place for them to interact - perfect for Luhan, that is.

Luhan smiled at the beauty, "Hey, Sojin. It's been a while," 

Sojin turned and blinked, "Oh!" she squeaked, "Luhan-ssi. How have you been? It has been a while," a soft smile appeared on her flawless face that was enough to make Luhan fall all over again.

"I've been fine," Not too happy not seeing you, though. Luhan thought. His summer was equally peaceful but boring. He always went out for short walks in mind of hoping to see Sojin somewhere. "How about you?" he asked, watching intently to see if her expression would change. Luhan knew Sojin wasn't single and have been taken by a good-looking guy from another school. But a rumor was going around about Sojin being single back again. He wasn't hoping that she had broken up with her boyfriend; he wasn't greedy. He was just making sure to know if he can make a move on her already or not.

There wasn't any change in her expression. Sojin was still smiling, however, it faltered a little, "Fine,"

Luhan snorted inside. Being a brother with 4 sisters taught him that 'fine' didn't really mean 'fine'. "That doesn't sound good," he said, earning a surprised look from Sojin.


"One thing I learned from being a brother with four sisters was that fine didn't really mean she was alright," he closed his locker door gently and leaned against it, "Something was wrong,"

Sojin was amused at his words though she frowned, "Uhm, yeah. Well, Jonghyun and I broke up," she muttered.

Luhan was now filled with mix emotions; he was proud of himself spilling it out of her, but was also happy that he can finally make his move. Though, also sad at the news, "What happened?" he slowly asked.

Sojin's fake smile appeared and she raised her head, "Well, he broke up with me - said he can't take the long-distance relationship anymore,"

Luhan furrowed his brows. Long-distance relationship? "What do you mean long-distance?"

"Oh, my family and I went on a vacation to America to visit our aunts and uncles," she explained with a sheepish smile. 

Luhan was still confused and now also embarrassing knowing that him walking around town to wish to see his beloved Sojin around was stupid since she wasn't around the town those times. "That's cool," he grinned, hoping he knew. But how was he to know? They weren't that close and no one else told him about it. He wasn't even that close to her friendly, hyperactive brother & sister to know either.

Sojin had nothing to say anything else to his reply so she only nodded with her lips pursed as a smile.

Luhan realized the brief silence and was alert, not wanting to end the conversation so awkwardly, "So, uhm, how was your vacation?" Stupid Luhan.


Luhan chuckled, "Please, Sojin," he raised his brow in amusement.

Sojin looked at him and giggled a little, "Right. It was fun, but Jonghyun's case wasn't, I guess,"

Luhan frowned for her and patted her shoulder, even when he did a small pause to do it, "He doesn't deserve you,"

Sojin smiled at least a little, "And who does?"

Luhan wanted to playfully say himself but he was afraid he'd make it awkward or he'd spill anything else since it would make him nervous, "Someone... out there," he chuckled nervously.

Sojin nodded, "Maybe," she closed her locker door and flashed another goddess-like smile, "Hey, which class are you this year?"

"B," he replied, pushing himself from the locker, "You?" his eyes twinkled in hopes of being in the same class as her.

Sojin beamed, "Me too! Do you have anywhere else to go or do you want to walk to the classroom together?"

Luhan's smile stretched wider into a happy grin, "Of course!" he exclaimed, pausing when Sojin looked at him weirdly, "I-I mean sure," he blushed in sheepishness of his overly excited actions.

Sojin laughed and they both turned to go to their classroom when a short, adorable student stood in front of them, surprising them both.

"Hey, guys," Minseok flashed his very wide gummy grin that could make any girl go 'aw'.

Sojin smiled back, "Oh hey, Minseok-ssi!"

Luhan's eyes widened for a minute, especially when Minseok gave him a knowing smile, "Minseok-ah,"

Minseok chuckled, "Happy to see me?" he winked at Luhan, "Where're you guys headed?"

"3-B," Sojin answered simply.

Minseok blinked, "You're in that class too?"

Luhan smiled at the girl briefly, "Yeah, we're all in 3-B,"

Minseok grinned even wider, "Perfect," he sent Luhan another sly wink, which the latter blushed to.

Sojin looked at Luhan and giggled, wondering why his cheeks were glowing pink. Soon, the three went away to their classroom with Minseok blabbering comfortably with Sojin while Luhan shyly stole glances from her.


It was 9 minutes til the bell rang and most students were already heading to their rooms. And three of the few students who just hang around was Lay, Jongdae & Yoora.

"Come on, Lay!" Jongdae exclaimed as he and Yoora pulled him.

Lay didn't really want to get involved with the two of them, knowing it will just get him trouble.

"I don't want to go," Lay simply stated, pulling himself back to no avail and knowing that his statement wouldn't get him anywhere but to the two's shenanigans.

Yoora let go of him and stood in front of the two. Jongdae blinked in surprise while Lay just stood there. They all froze in the middle of the hallway with people constantly watched or gave them glances.

Jongdae furrowed his brows at the girl, curious of why she suddenly stopped. His question was answered when Yoora bent down and held onto Lay's right leg.


Lay was surprised but got even more surprised when Jongdae grabbed his left leg and did the same as Yoora.


"What the ? Guys get off of me! Stop it!"






yay! finally done. so sad the former first chapter was perfect already but it got deleted. :( anyways, here it is again. i rewrote it. --'' ty for the 15 subs and upvote! ily guys. ; ; pls keep supporting me, girl's day, exo, exoday and our dear park yoora. hope you guys liked it. <3

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xolovekpop_isabella #1
Chapter 4: UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Yaaayy Everyday ExoDAY xD
HYEHUN .... :D
OMGG! #exoday
Keep it up dear author-nim :)
Chapter 4: This makes me miss school :'''(
--kyeopta #5
Chapter 3: Aw, tao reminds me of someone from starry sky ♡
It's really cute omf and I love the relationship between chanyeol and yura!
Chapter 3: Omg, this is like the first chapter you wrote(though I like the first one better) but still it's cuteeeee :''''>
I love this pairing ~~
Update soon :D
Chapter 2: Waaaaah this is funny. It's like a typical high school in real life :3 I wonder who was the "her" of chanyeol. It's funny chanyeol hates Yura and their oldest sister was named Yura too xD I wonder where kriseus is. Omg the SehunxHyeri :3 jongdae... such a troll xD