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Rain-   It was all because of the rain. The rain was the reason why Top was so alone, the culprit that made him sleep alone every night.    The athumn night came again and Top's old grandfather clock stoke midnight. It was that day again. That day when he last saw him. The green haired man clasped his plams together, as if he was praying for whatever deity there is for that one last oppotunity to see that flawless milky skinned man again.   ------   It was pouring, but instead of staying at home with his lover, Top decided to land the both of them in the middle of the town, in his aged car.    The windscreen wiper squeaked loudly with every swipe, and the car was at the edge of breaking down. The little lighting on the street did not help with the situation at all, and it disturbed Top to no end.    Jiyong however, was beside him with his usual cheery expression on, swaying to the rythematic music that was forced out of the old speakers, accompanied by several high pitched screeches it made when it decided to be rebellious.    Jiyong didn't seem to mind the slightest, instead, he clasped Top's large hands in his and gave him a crinkly eye smile. Now that helped Top with smiling. Top grinned broadly back at his lover as he adjested his fingers so that his fingers were now tangled with Jiyong's.    Jiyong sighed contentedly. He loved Top's personality so much. Top was just this quiet man that actually swore quite a lot in his brain. He may look cold and doesn't interact much, but he's actually a warm person inside, and little acts like Top taking the initative to hold hands made Jiyong beam.   Top pulled over by the street. There wasn't many people around, just occasional cars passing by. The dim street lights failed to aliviate the gloom and made the streets look more eerie. The muscular man rummaged his bag, mentally cursing when he only found one umbrella.   "Yongie, i've to go there, can you wait in the car?" Top asked, pointing to the cake shop opposite the street he parked his car at. The cake shop was bright pink and had little pictures of white bunnies around, making Top feel like gagging and rainbow skittles. Unfortunately, that was the only bakery that was available in the district Top lived in, so he had no choice when he came to cake buying.   "A cake shop? Wow its pretty." Jiyong chirped and Top marvelled at how completely different they were; but the both of them seemed to find a way to fill in the empty gaps they had. Top reached out and played with Jiyong's hair. "Yeah, i needa collect a cake for Daesung's birthday."    Jiyong completely shut Top out from his brain by then. He was still imme
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Chapter 1: Aaaaa so sad.. u make them finally together.. but still sad TAT
cristy888 #3
Chapter 1: T.T so sad.
SunnyKid #4
Ah, angst. I'd like to see more of you in this tag in the future.