
Our faults

This is not Junsu, what has gotten into you?Do you have any problem? Tell us, we can help.Please say anything, dont make us worry. Are you alright?



Junsu feels his hand balling into a fist, forcing the trembling of his body to stop. He wants to shout to the world, to let them know that he will never leave them in the first place. To tell them that he needs someone to lead him through this dark passage, someone to give him  light.

Do it, Junsu mind is telling him to just blurt it out but his heart is forcing to the opposite.

Do it, your parents life is at stake, 

Junsu feels a gentle hand on his cheek, careressing softly followed by that caring voice,

"What is wrong, baby? Tell us, will you?" Jaejoong patiently and calmly try to persuade Junsu whatever things that have been invading his mind.

Junsu almost want to lean into the touch, to let his hyung hold him tightly and never let go, to told him that everything is gonna be alright.

If only...

If only those thing didnt happen..

"Dont ing Touch Me,!" Junsu hissed

Junsu slaps Jaejoong's hand again, and it takes all his will to do that, while closing both his eyes. He doesnt want to see the hurt in his hyung face, that will surely broke his heart again. Tears threatening to fall. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself to go through this

 "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, HYUNG?!" Changmin who have been watching the drama silently, finally shouts at Junsu as he thinks that the man is acting overboard.

The maknae clench his fist tightly, he know something wrong had happened to Junsu, but he cant take Junsu action to Jaejoong hyung. The oldest in the group has softly asking Junsu,, but only got a rude slap as the respond


Junsu himself is surprised with what he has said, that's it, the damage had been done. There is no way back again.


Junsu found himself on the floor, with his left cheeks stinging like crazy. He looks up and see Yoochun clenching his jaw and fist tightly, tears of anger and pain in his eyes threatening to fall. And he almost breakdown with those images.

The manager hyung that has long watching them, got into the arguement as it seems going to turn into a fist and kicking fight. Pulling up Junsu to stand, 

 "If you want to leave, dont leave us with scar Junsu, just go as you want " Yoochun hissed angrily, his voice is almost the same like those killer. Yoochun looks at Junsu like he was the disgusting he ever see.

Junsu swipes the corner of lips that has covered with blood, 

 "Oh Come on, who is leaving the scar at who, joking with me without knowing my limit, without realizing whether I am hurt or not, did all of you ever notice this, huh? 

Yunho cant stand anymore, he sees TVXQ crumpling bit by bit, 

 "Because we love you, Junsu-ah, stop talking crap, we can discussed this at the dorm, please "Yunho pleads, he dont want TVXQ to breakup, moreover with this ugly way.

 "I am not going back, whoever wants to take my place its up to you, it just not important to me again, I surely can live well without all of you ", Junsu smirks but he swear something inside him just broke over and over again.

And Yunho as the leader hurts the most, his tears almost came out after the last word that Junsu utter. But he hold himself, as he thinks that Junsu really has problem, they have been friends for almost tem years now, that will be enough to understand each other right?

 "Junsu, please stop whatever you doing right now, please, we can solve this together, there is no use of fighting, hmm? "

I want to hyung..but I cant..Its for our team safety too..

 "Oh leader trying to be a leader, look who is talking,  "Junsu smirk his arrogant face

 "YOU ING STOP!!JUST GO AWAY "Changmin was on fire when heard what Junsu said and pushed Junsu harshly that his back collide with the sharp edges of the shelf on his back, surely leaving a big blue bruised tomorrow.

Stiffling his wince of pain, he flash one last arrogant look to them before walking out, his tears fall by steps he takes. He left with his heart for .



Junsu walks and walks, not caring if he bump with anyone or even collide with something. Not caring the crowd that screaming his name, what is the use of famous when you have no one with you.



 "You!!!!YOU..YOU PROMISED ME NOT TO HARM MY PARENTS!!!WHAT DID YOU DO!! "Junsu runs to his parents body, where they lay unmoved, on the cold floor. The man was just laughing like crazy

Junsu was like a crazy man, shaking his now cold parents body, pleading them to wake up,

 "OMMA!!APPA!..This is Junsu, please..open up, this is your son..APPA!!OMMA!!!!PLEASE!!WAKE!! "Junsu shouts his heart out

What had happened, did his parents really has left him, no, no, no..this isnt happening

 "OMMA, wake up Omma, I am here for you, so wake up, huh? lets go home, dont sleep here.Appa, get up Appa, its cold here.  "

Junsu keeps repeating those words over and over again, tears, snorts wetting his face, but he doesnt care. He only care about his parent now.

 "They died already, little boy, not my fault "

Junsu stand up and ready to hit the man, but he found no strength in his knee to even stand up...He can only look at the man, with both his parent on his lap.

 "You, what did I do wrong?What did they do wrong that you did this to my parents, you monster!!! "Junsu intended to yell with all his heart, but only hoarse voice are heard.

 "Molla~~ "the man answer in sing song voice and left from the place, leaving Junsu with his parents body.

 "Appa, answer me,please ".Junsu kissed his father cold forehead many times, trying to gives heat to the cold body.

 "Omma, dont leave me, please, dont leave me alone, I am alone , I am sorry, am sorry, I will be a good son, so please wake up, Omma"

1 hours passed, Junsu sits there with his parents body on his lap, staring at nothing, he has nothing now, no one, no family, no members. Can he live?



This si really terrible, its 4 a.m and the story really . I am sorry i didnt did my best



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My come back from years of hiatus. I am sorry


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Indrestat #1
Hope you'll update soon!! :)
Seventhy #2
Chapter 11: Please update~ ♡♡♡
sisca23 #3
Chapter 11: i'm crying for junsu huhu....please be strong,junsu-yahh...!!!and please update more hehe..
Chapter 11: i feel like crying whenever i read this story. please update more? *needtissues*
Chapter 11: Oh yeah! Thank you very much dear xijunna for updating this fic. Please update more.
Yamachanlurve #6
Chapter 11: Yes..an update...please update more...
lunabie #7
Chapter 11: Hiii xijunna, finally an update. I'm so happy to read this. poor suie like always. just hope he will find his happines sooner. thanks for your update^^
Chapter 11: Just found this fanfic...this fanfic was so bad because it make me crying so badly
Chapter 11: they are so cold towards junsu. be brave junsu. one day i'm sure they'll know the truth.
Chapter 11: finaalllyyyyyyy! thank you very much dear xijunna for updating this fic! *crying of happiness* :)