07; Notice me Duizhang--KrisChen

Everybody Loves Kris


Notice Me Senpai Duizhang

Wu Yifan has always been a quiet person. Well, mostly to Kim Jongdae. Yifan never looks at or talks to Jongdae unless he has to like in interviews or on TV shows. It’s depressing, too, because Jongdae always finds himself trying to get his duizhang to notice him. To no avail. Yifan claims that he’s an awesome roommate. Claims that he’s good looking. Claims a lot of other things about Jongdae…but are any of those claims true? Jongdae doesn’t know. He suspects not, but how should he know?

Jongdae sees Yifan talking to Zitao a lot. But Zitao is Chinese like Yifan and they seemed to have been really close from the start. Jongdae was just a mere Korean in a Chinese band. But at least he’s not the only Korean in the band. At least everyone else (except Yifan) treats him well and notices him and talks to him a lot. In the bat of an eye, he becomes close friends with Zitao (but yet still Yifan doesn’t notice Jongdae, even if Zitao is at Jongdae’s side just as much as he’s at Yifan’s side).

“Zitao.” Jongdae says, deciding to ask about Yifan. And since it’s Zitao he’s asking, Zitao’ll know practically everything about Yifan.

“What is it, gege?” Zitao responds, turning to the older Korean vocalist of EXO-M.

“Does…does Kris-ge talk about me?” Jongdae asks, a little bit quicker than he intended it to. “Like…at all?”

“Yifan-ge? Why?”

“Just…curious. Can’t I be curious?”

“I never said you couldn’t. But…he’s one of your roommates…don’t you talk at all in your room?”

Jongdae shakes his head. “Never. Whenever I walk in, duizhang is fast asleep.”

“Well that’s funny…gege always says he never gets to sleep until late…don’t you usually go into the room after getting a light snack at 10:30?”

Jongdae laughs. “You know me all too well, Zitao. Yeah…he’s usually the only on lying on his bed with his eyes closed. Jongin is normally dancing in the mirror, and Junmyeon-hyung is normally reading or something.”

Zitao hums thoughtfully. “I’ll talk to him about it later, if you like.”

Jongdae looks at Zitao with hidden hopefulness. “Will you?”

“He owes me Gucci anyways.” Zitao says, causing Jongdae to laugh. He gives the older a confused look. “What’s so funny?”

“N-nothing…” Jongdae manages. “The way you said that…was so cute. ‘He owes me Gucci anyways.’ You’re so precious, Zitao. No wonder Yifan is always talking to you.”

“Jongdae-ge…You like Yifan-ge, don’t you?” Zitao asks straightforwardly, catching Jongdae off guard.

The vocalist looks away, hiding a blush. He manages to smoothly say, “No. What makes you ask that?”

“Then do you like me?” Zitao presses, a slight hopeful edge in his voice this time. Jongdae dismisses it.

“As a best friend, and as a little brother, of course.” Jongdae responds truthfully.

“Then…do you think of Yifan-ge as anything more than an older brother?”

“Why are you asking me these things?!” Jongdae asks, no getting a little aggravated by these personal questions.

“Research.” Zitao responds. “What is Yifan-ge to you?”

Jongdae bites his lip to keep himself from lashing out on him. He wouldn’t want to hurt Zitao’s pretty little face. Yifan would probably kill him then. He looks at his watch, realizing what time they’d started talking and how long it has been since then. He grins when he notes his watch reads a quarter past ten.

“Oh…it’s almost 10:30. I need my nightly snack before I go to bed.” He says, trying to contain his eagerness to get away from the curious Zitao. “Can we continue this later? You know how scheduled I am. I have to do things on time or I get annoyed.”

Zitao opens his mouth to say something, but sighs and waves his hand dismissively. “Fine. Have a nice sleep, gege.”

Jongdae stands up and turns to Zitao. “See you tomorrow, Taozi.”

With that, Jongdae walks towards the kitchen leaving Zitao staring after him with an annoyed frown. He pulls out his phone and starts to text the person they were just talking about.

When Jongdae walks into his shared room with something he found in the fridge (Kyungsoo probably made it), Yifan is just about to text Zitao back. Jongdae eyes Yifan, noting that for once he’s not asleep, and Jongin and Junmyeon are nowhere to be seen. Slowly he approaches his duizhang, stuffing the snack in his mouth unattractively.

Yifan looks up, hearing movement near him. He nearly chokes as his sees Jongdae, mouth chubby because of whatever he’s eating. He bites back laughter and puts his phone down. He eyes Jongdae curiously. Judging by what Zitao just messaged him Jongdae had been the one to ask about Yifan first.

“What are you doing?” Yifan asks coldly.

Jongdae freezes, not realizing Yifan has been watching him until now. He shifts uncomfortable from one foot to the other. Quickly, he swallows his snack and his lips before answering.

“I…was just going to bed.” He lies.

“You’ve got something on your lips.” Yifan says, cutting Jongdae off from further words. When Jongdae reaches up to wipe it, Yifan swiftly moves to stop the hand. “Allow me.”

And without further words, Yifan kisses Jongdae, removing the sweet icing that tasted like oranges. Then as quickly as it happened, Yifan pushed Jongdae away and the young vocalist stumbles backwards and lands on his own bed, half on and half off the bed staring at the ceiling in shock.

“Go to bed, Jongdae.” He hears Yifan say. “We don’t want you being tired in the morning. You need to be your normal cute, hyperactive self for tomorrow’s schedules.”

Cute? Jongdae mouths, righting himself on his bed, still staring at the ceiling. He touches his lips gingerly, remembering the way Yifan kissed him only two minutes before. A grin appears on his thin, angel like face and he falls asleep with the smile still on his face.

As he dozes off, he vaguely hears Yifan say, “I don’t ignore you. This is for your own good.”


The next morning, Jongdae springs out of bed happily. When he all but skips into the dining room, causing everyone in the room to look at him like he’s an insane person. He plops down in the seat next to Zitao and flashes a giant smile at all his hyungs and dongsaengs.

“Whoa, what’s got you in such a good mood so early in the morning, Jongdae?” Junmyeon asks.

Jongdae shrugs. “No~thing.” He responds on a singsong voice.

Zitao who is staring at the vocalist nudges him in the stomach to get his attention. The latter doesn’t seem annoyed at all by the action and turns to Zitao. The smile on Jongdae’s face makes Zitao, for the first time ever, want to puke. It’s a little too happy.

Gege, just what the hell happened last night?” he whispers.

“Ask Yifan-hyung.” Jongdae responds.

As if on cue, Yifan walks into the room tiredly. He sits across from Jongdae. Zitao eyes the duizhang of EXO-M, who is staring at Jongdae as he chats up a storm with Minseok. Zitao rolls his eyes. He senses something interesting is going to happen soon.

“Yifan-ge…” Zitao whispers to Yifan, leaning across the table. “What’s up with Jongdae-ge? When I asked him, he told me to ask you.”

Yifan shrugs. “I don’t know what you mean, Zitao.”

“Right…you just got in.” Zitao muttered. He looked over and tapped Jongdae on the shoulder.

Jongdae stops talking to Minseok and looks at Zitao with a bright grin. “Yo, what up, Zitao, ma brother?” he asks in English.

Zitao stares at Jongdae incredulously. “Gege…something is up with you. Are you high or something? Did someone put drugs into your late night snack?”

“Tasted fine to me.” Yifan mutters, a little too loudly. Everyone turns to stare at the father figure of the group. He curses silently. “I…uh, had one as well. Before him.”

“I don’t think you did, Yifan-hyung.” Jongdae said. “I remember that there was still a whole batch of it in the fridge.”

“Jongdae, what flavor was it?” Baekhyun asks.

“Um…it was some kind of orange cheesecake.” Jongdae replies.

“Kyungsoo—how many pieces are missing in your orange cheesecake?”

The large eyed, short vocalist stands up and walks toward the fridge. “Only one, hyung.”

Everyone once again stares at Yifan. Luhan speaks up. “Yifan. What happened between you and Jongdae last night?”

“Nothing.” Yifan lies, focusing on his food.

“He kissed me.” Jongdae says, not helping Yifan’s cause.

A lot of people gasp, but there’s a few who just chuckle knowingly. Namely Minseok, Junmyeon, Jongin, and surprisingly, Zitao. Yifan facepalms and rubs his temples. If Jongdae wasn’t so angelic looking, Yifan would so kill him. Then again, he’d feel a little guilty and sad for killing someone he loves. He sighs and stands up abruptly.

“Jongdae. My room. We need to talk.” Yifan demands, walking up to the angelic vocalist and grabbing his wrist.

There are lots of coos of ‘Oh’ around the table. Zitao pats Jongdae’s arm and wishes him luck. Jongdae blushed slightly, and then got dragged off by Yifan. In the room, Yifan turns to him and gestures for him to sit on the bed.

“Jongdae, you need to listen to me.” He says.

“Seeing how you never talk to me, I feel honored to listen.” Jongdae responds.

“It’s not like I don’t want to talk to you, understand that.” Yifan insists. “I just know that if I talk to you, I’ll end up saying something I don’t want to. So I stick to complimenting you only in interviews because I know I can’t say something like that. But just because it’s only on an interview, it doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

“And that something you don’t want to say…?”

“Lots of things. Lots of compliments and flirtatious things.” Yifan’s eyes drop. He bites his lip and adds in an almost inaudible voice, “And that I love you…”

“I’m sorry, hyung…what was that last part?” Jongdae asks innocently. His confused voice just makes Yifan want to squeeze him.

“I…” Yifan falters. He’s never felt this flustered—it’s frightening to him, really. “I l-love you, Jongdae.”

Jongdae freezes for a split second and Yifan is afraid of what he’s going to hear. Then the vocalist with an angelic voice breaks out in a beautiful grin that almost makes Yifan’s legs turn into jelly.

“You could have told me that last night, you know.” Jongdae says jokingly. “But you know…I love you too.”

Yifan almost falls over in shock. He doesn’t know what to feel right now. He wants to cry, run off, and hug the singer all at the same time. Well, he could easily do all three, but that would be weird. Instead, he just does the last thing on his little ‘list’. He launches himself towards Jongdae and envelopes him in a bone-crushing hug, Jongdae just chuckles and returns the hug with a smile. Finally, Jongdae has been noticed by the one person he’s been wanted to be noticed by ever since he seen Yifan and his tall, lean body and handsome, Godlike face. 

Word count: 1,862

A/N: A'ight. So once again, no one suggested anything. So I posted ChenRis. My second favorite pairing that involves Chen. This one isn't based on anything that happened...I don't even know why. I was writing a ChenRis fic before on paper, then I ended up re-writing it on here (completely differently from how I had it on paper)...then I figured 'Hey, since I already have Chenris written, I'll just use it for Everybody Loves Kris!'  So yeah...but I find this pairing so cute. Still not my favorite--third on my list of favorite pairings that involve Kris; second on my list of pairings that involve Chen. (I'm sure most of my subscribers know what my first favorite pairing that involves Chen is)

Sorry for the lame, cheesiness of this chapter though...also bestfriend!Taochen FTW. Enjoy this--my second (I think) longest chapter~ (It seems with free-roam chapters, I end up writing more...I guess 'cause it's easier. xD)

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AceNguyen291 #1
Hello, I'm from a small fanpage of Kris(Wu Yifan) in Viet Nam [http://tulamcac291.wordpress.com/], i have read your fic, it's so cute!!! Could I translate your fic into Vietnamese? I'll let your name on author's name with this website. My apologies if I'm writting something wrong! My english is not good ^^ I hope you will accept me soon ^_^ thank you very much!!!!
By the way^^ my page is very new! Maybe your fic will be my first translate fic >~<
Lee_Haneul #2
Chapter 4: Kris is so cute in the first Gif :)))
Chapter 13: OMG! This was just hilarious, cute, fluffy at the same time. Ooh, it makes me love Kris more, hahaha. Even though Tao is my bias, I think Kris is trying to ruin it and it's actually working halfway? Lol
I still like the Krisher too. Did expect it somehow, because I've seen this ship from time to time. Those two are really close, from how I see it though
sapphireblu #4
Chapter 6: I always love leaders pairing >.<
Chapter 13: I dont know why, but suddenly i become fall in in love with this couple
funnygirl #6
Chapter 13: Mimi just posted a photo with Kris on weibo
Chapter 12: omegeed zhou mi and yifan <3 my favorite members ;u; yifan you slow giant u__u just let mimi love you okay?

wow i really enjoyed all the stories here since i'm kris biased and you wrote some of the rarer pairings which I totally love! Thank youu :)