

Kim Jonghyun is the type of guy who loves to be the first in everything.


Well, not literally everything, of course. He’s a human after all, and he’s not perfect. And thankfully, Jonghyun understands his limit pretty well. But he always makes sure that he’ll do his best to get into the first place, no matter if it’s in school, career, social life....


Including saying “Happy Birthday” to Key on 23rd September.




Since Key became his boyfriend, Jonghyun has vowed to always be the first one to send birthday wish to the diva every year. He would stay awake all night until 00:00:01 a.m., and then he would send the prepared birthday wish, either via phone, KakaoTalk, Line, or directly if Key was on his side.


And tonight is not an exception.


Jonghyun sits on his bed, waiting, eyes glancing back and forth from the clock to the message he’s typed for Key. It’s a sweet one, but simple enough and not too cheesy because he knows Key hates that kind of message. If only the damn clock moves faster....


Finally, the clock hits 00:00:01 a.m. Jonghyun literally jumps out of his bed, his hands shaking a little as he presses the “Enter” button.


Immediately, he hears the ringing tone of Key’s cellphone, indicating that his message has been received.


Jonghyun smiles. He knows Key will love it.




Jonghyun also puts his birthday wish for Key on his twitter.


Happy birthday for my best friend Kim Kibum!” Jonghyun types as soon as he wakes up on the morning.


He gets a lot of “are you crazy”s from his fans afterwards.




Jonghyun hates cooking, but on this special day he cooks for Key.


He tries to make some pancakes – with emphasize on the word try.


After long hours of enslaving himself in the kitchen and Onew’s complains about the peculiar smell coming from the oven, finally he succeeds – well, at least he thinks so. Actually, the pancakes don’t turn out very well, because Jonghyun leaves the pancakes on the stove too long that they’re partially burnt, and he pours too much maple syrup on them afterwards. But he serves the pancakes proudly for s.


“Are you trying to kill us, Jonghyun-hyung?” Taemin whines.


Jonghyun simply shrugs at the maknae’s remark. “Key won’t mind,” he replies.




Jonghyun brings a giant canvas and markers in rainbow colors to SM building, then asks his company members to write a Happy Birthday card for Key.


“He’ll like it,” Jonghyun pleads. “Please.”


Everyone gives him weird looks, but they sign the canvas anyway, and thankfully most of them are generous enough to write some birthday wishes.


For Key or him, he doesn’t know.




Finished his dance practice, Jonghyun stops by the bakery, and then the florist to buy Key birthday cake and flowers.


It takes him quite a long time to choose but finally he decides to buy a pink heart-shaped cake and a bouquet of pink roses.


He knows, Key is going to scowl at him and say those roses and cake are way too cheesy and too girly, but he’ll accept it and that’s all that matters for Jonghyun. Besides, no one can say the diva hates pink anyway.




“Happy birthday to you....” Jonghyun hums all the way inside his car.


He wonders if he shall sing louder for Key to hear.




The only thing left to do is, of course, visiting Key.


As he reaches the place, Jonghyun closes his eyes and the image of Key appears on his mind, his fresh laughter ringing in Jonghyun’s ears like waves crashing the shore. Jonghyun sits on the diva’s side and starts speaking to him.


He tells Key about his daily life. He tells Key about SHINee’s upcoming comeback. He tells Key about the new award they’ve just received. He tells Key about the members and the birthday card they’ve given him. He describes the birthday cake he’s bought for Key and assures Key that it tastes good. He even admits how much he misses Key, his voice cracked when he reaches that part.


When Jonghyun finally finishes his stories, he stares at Key’s name for a few painful seconds, as if waiting for a response. But of course Key doesn’t say anything. Hearing answers from the dead when you’re visiting their grave only happens in the books and movies.


So, Jonghyun only sighs and puts the bouquet of pink roses down. Patting the grass, he rises on his feet and takes a few steps back.


“Happy birthday, Key,” Jonghyun whispers to the empty air, a smile on his lips and tears on his eyes.



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ichigo960103 #1
the first time I read it I was like "whoaaa it's more to fluff than angst" but the more I read, I got that feeling telling me that something's not right. And yeah I remember I cried while reading it TuT

btw keep the good work, author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: I was actually feeling happy and all bubbly inside but... Now I can't stop crying, thank you very much. T^T
Chapter 1: -sobs- is all I can write... I have no idea how to respond to this >.> -more ugly sobbing-
Chapter 1: bam. Dead (literally)
At the start, I was thinking that it was all very sweet (but then why were all the fans and company members so weirded out?) and then the end is just. I definitely did not expect that ending, but when it came. It just made sense because of what you had written earlier. It's so subtle!
Thank you for writing and posting this!