Chapter 16

Most Valuable Players

Taemin wandered the halls until he stood in front of a door that read, "Necromancy".

Curiosity got the better of Taemin as he decided this is where he'd spend his inspection period.

However, once he entered the room his face was as pale as a sheet of paper. 

The room was filled with dead animals, dead flowers, the room smelled rotten.

"Yes, can I help you?" The professor has asked when he noticed the shocked and disturbed boy in the room.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry to intrude, but I'm--"

"Lee Taemin!" Someone finished for him.

"Mm yes, I'm Lee Taemin and I have inspection during this hour..."

"Ah! Taeyeon's boy! Well, please, stick around, learn about the beauty of necromancy and feel free to pick a partner to show you the basics." The older man smiled and turned to return to his desk.

"Taemin! Over here!"

Taemin turned his head in the direction of the voice and was blushing instantly when he saw the guy that was gazing at him. "Sit with me if you like!"

He's pretty enthusiastic, Taemin thought to himself as he stood beside the man.

"My name is Kyuhyun."

"Nice to meet you, but how do you know my name?"

"That's easy. I've been admiring you since the day you stepped foot on this campus."

Taemin couldn't help the blood rushing to his cheeks as he decided to avoid looking at Kyuhyun's face.

"So, why is this room soooo... dead?"

"Because we bring these back to life," Kyuhyun answered with a dazzling smile.

He pointed to a dead piglet, then had his hands open and hovering above it, waving them around a bit as the pig regained it's color and started to twitch.

Suddenly, the little thing was up and oinking!

"W-wow, that's amazing!" Taemin admired.

Kyuhyun flashed another smile as he wiggled his fingers above a pot of wilted tulips, sending them back to perfect health. The flowers stood proud beside the little oinking piglet.

Taemin couldn't help but gape at the miracles of this power. Sure, he had powers, but this was insane!

Ahh, such a lovely smile.

Taemin turned to face Kyuhyun who was gazing at him, the elder's cheeks were a faint pink.

The boy's eyes widened as he realized that this wasn't some attempt to be his friend. Just when I thought making friends was easy.

Kyuhyun saw the change in Taemin's mood and stopped his staring. 

"Why don't you try? Maybe necromancy is your hidden power?" Kyuhyun suggested as he brought back more flowers from their previous wilted state.

Taemin nodded and lifted his hand above a single withered daisy.

"Just picture it coming back to life."

The boy nodded again and imagined the flower white in its' original color, rather than the brown it had turned into.


"Ah," Taemin laughed sheepishly, "I guess this wasn't my power after all." He bowed towards Kyuhyun and bowed towards the professor before he turned to leave.



"Can I get your number?" 

Ugh. Taemin smiled and tried not to roll his eyes. "I don't think my boyfriend would like that very much, sorry." But I'm not sorry at all.

Taemin held back his smirk when Kyuhyun's face fell, but he waved to the elder and left. He gives me a bad feeling...

"I still have 30 minutes, should I go pester Jinki?" He asked himself as he slowly walked down the hall.


Jinki was still in bed, skipping class.

Good thing Taem's not here, otherwise he'd scold me. Jinki thought to himself, laying face down in Taemin's bed.

"Damn right I'm gonna scold you!" Taemin shouted as he pounced on his boyfriend's body.

"Ahhh!" The elder let out a shrill shriek.

"Oh relax, I nag you, I don't hit you!"

"Yeah but you came from nowhere!! Shouldn't you be in inspection?"

"I was, but this guy was giving me the creeps, so I left. I was going to your English class and I scanned for your voice, when I heard nothing I figured you were back here."

"Stupid powers," Jinki mumbled.

"Nu-uh! You're going to end up stupid if you continue to ditch your classes! You know I don't mind when you ditch your power lessons, but education is key!!!" Taemin scolded while hitting Jinki with a pillow the whole time.

"Okay! Okay! I'll go to my classes.... Starting tomorrow!" Jinki pounced on his boyfriend and began kissing his face and neck.

"If you end up stupid, I'm leaving you~" The younger stuck his tongue out.

"As if! You know you can't live without this!" Jinki began wiggling his body, doing silly dance moves which had Taemin giggling.

"I love you so much," Taemin smiled.

Jinki returned the smile and leaned down towards Taemin's face, "I love you too," and placed a small peck on Taemin's lips.

The two were laying in bed, in a comfortable silence when Taemin finally spoke up after a couple minutes.

"Tokki, I can't shake off this feeling..."

"What is it?"

"I told you, it's just a bad feeling. It went away but came back when I met that creeper during inspection."

"Minnie just relax, I don't think anything bad will happen. People are creepy, it happens."

"Babe it's not that, I have this strong feeling that someone corrupt--"

Taemin's words were cut off when his eyes gleamed the familiar beautiful golden color, but this time his body was snapping and shaking much more intensely than other times.

"I will be the next Counselor, no matter what anyone says! I WILL be in control!!" Kyuhyun yelled angrily.

Taemin's body was up against Jinki's, who was leaning against the walls of the school.

"I tried to love you Taemin, I tried giving you chances. Even though I want power, I also want a beautiful trophy wife."

"Shut your ing mouth, !" Jinki shouted.

"Oh, someone's feeling cheeky I see."

A low growl came from Jinki as he transformed into a large beast from behind Taemin, his power kicking in from the hidden crowd of students behind another building.

"Jinki, please, don't.." Taemin whispered, tears building in his eyes. "Don't put yourself in danger."

"I'd do anything for you Taemin, I love you."

And with those words, Jinki pounced on Kyuhyun. In an all out brawl, the two used powers to their advantage. But Kyuhyun had the upperhand, he had a hidden power. He was a bastard child of Death, and though he was bitter about being left without a family, keeping it a secret was his ultimate advantage.  It was funny though, his two powers contradicted each other, and that's why it was perfect.

While Jinki mauled him with tremendous claws, he lifted his hand and gently pet Jinki's head.

And slowly did Jinki's dead body roll off of him. Taemin was shaking from watching the fight, but the second he saw Jinki take his leave to the afterlife, he let out a loud cry. A cry that took all his energy and all his strength, because without Jinki, he couldn't move on with his life.


WELP. Taemin's vision is super depressing! 
Is this gonna happen forreal? 
Stay tuned!

anyway! I hope you guys liked this chapter, though it was kinda everywhere. 
my favorite part to write was Taemin's vision, because I've had it planned out since the very beginning :3

thank you so much for reading and subscribing!
please comment and share your thoughts! ♥



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Sorry for the lack of updates, i have a few days left of break and haven't started my homework so... ^^;;


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Chapter 17: was surprised that kyuhyun's there but hes the bad guy n the vision shows hes gonna kill jinki, my ultimate bias T_T
Chapter 17: I'm so glad that they've come to a truce, I really hope that Jonghyun can help to save Jinki, and wow he took having a sibling very well, I bet he's so pissed at his dad right now, he just needs to keep his cool and not blow up at his dad; update soon hun.
Chapter 17: I would've been surprised to find out I have a hidden sibling, but Jonghyun took that pretty well
Chapter 4: Woah... didn't expect that. Poor Jinki tho
Chapter 18: Yess please continue!!
Chapter 19: Aww.... well I'll keep reading your other stories!!
Yeaaa I like this!!
Chapter 16: NOO. Don't kill Jinki!
Nooooo!!! And I liked you kyu. I really did.