

Ever since school ended, Kyuhyun found himself staring into space for the most part of the day. A month ago he had just graduated from high school; his friends were all enjoying themselves having fun overseas or occupied their spare time by working part-time. The university entrance test results were not to be released till another 2 months. One can say that this would be the most carefree that kids their age could enjoy, not being plagued by homework or having to attend extra classes at academies.

But no, Kyuhyun could not find the joy to celebrate, to go out and have fun. He would usually have held a big party and invited everyone, but not this time.

Not when he's leaving.

Kyuhyun pulled open his drawer and took out a book. He flipped through that book, revealing pictures of him and him. As he sat there looking at each picture and tracing his fingers over the other him's face, he couldn't help but reminisce about the time they used to spent together.

Has it really been 2 years since they've met? It felt only like it was yesterday he met the boy who has his heart.

He remembered clearly, the very first time his eyes found his face as he walked into the quiet classroom on the first day of school. That boy had big expressive eyes and white smooth skin. His mouth was perpetually in a little pout, making it look like he was constantly upset over some trivial stuff. Absolutely adorable looking. Kyuhyun sat in the only empty seat in the class which happened to be next to him.

"Hi, Kyuhyun-imnida," Kyuhyun, being the well-mannered kid that he is, extended his right hand and offered a handshake. "Are you new in this school? I haven't seen you before." Their school had been a private school and Kyuhyun, being the model student of his batch, practically knew everybody at least by face.

The new boy turned and faced him. He was looking at the ground but slowly lifted his head up to look at Kyuhyun in his eyes. "I-I am Sungmin," Sungmin took Kyuhyun's hand and gave it a light shake before retracting it. "And yes, I am new here." He said shyly.

That look, Kyuhyun can never forget it. For some strange reason, Kyuhyun felt something stirring inside him. Something he never felt before, something that was strange yet pleasant. He felt the need to protect Sungmin, and he made up his mind immediately to be best friends with him.

From that day on, Kyuhyun and Sungmin had been inseparable. Sungmin was an extremely shy child who wouldn't approach people unless the other took the initiative, so he pretty much stuck with Kyuhyun for the first couple months of school. Not that Kyuhyun actually minded. He really rather enjoyed spending his time with Sungmin, sharing their likes and dislikes with each other. They studied together, formed project groups together, had their breaks together and sometimes even take turns walking each other home together.

"Yah Lee Sungmin!" Lee Hyukjae shouted in class one day. "Because of you Kyuhyunnie doesn't play with us anymore! All you do is hang around him, stop being so clingy won't you!"

Sungmin shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Kyuhyun was summoned to the teacher's office earlier on. He has had lunch with this kid Lee Hyukjae and a few others on a few occasions before, but only because Kyuhyun was there and had literally begged him to join them. But Sungmin, being the sensitive kid that he is, could tell that Lee Hyukjae didn't really take a liking to him. Sungmin looked down at the ground.

"Say something won't you? What, do you like Kyuhyun or something? Because if you do, get in line! There are lotsa people who likes Kyuhyunnie too and why would he go for you?" Lee Hyukjae taunted.

"No! I-I-I am just his very good friend," Sungmin said, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.

"Yah Lee Hyukjae! What are you doing to my Sungminnie!" Kyuhyun, who had stepped into class right at that moment, saw how sad Sungmin looked and an ache in his heart overwhelmed him. This boy he said he'd protect on the first day, and he definitely will. "Stop being mean! If you continue with your antics I will stop being your friend!"

With that, Kyuhyun took Sungmin's hands and led him out of the class. He brought him to the pond located at the corner of the school and sat them both on an wooden bench.

"Ming ah, don't mind Lee Hyukjae," Kyuhyun put a hand on Sungmin's shoulder and patted him slightly.

Sungmin tried hard to choke back the tears. Taking a few deep breaths, he managed to do so.

"Kyuhyun-ah, you shouldn't always be spending your time with me. You have other friends as well, I'm okay by myself."

Kyuhyun threw a look at Sungmin and noticed how upset he looked. His heart ached.

"Nah," Kyuhyun said. "Lee Hyukjae is starting to get on my nerves anyway, he's really possessive and competitive and I don't like that.

Kyuhyun hesitated and wondered whether he should do it, but he did it anyway. He rested his right hand on Sungmin's left. When Sungmin didn't resist, Kyuhyun grabbed his hand and turned it around so that their fingers interlocked. Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun briefly before looking away shyly. It was break time for them, and both of them sat like that at the park until the bell rang, without uttering a single word to each other. The silence between them wasn't an awkward one; it was one where both of them simply felt comfortable in each other's presence.   

The two of them didn't verbally acknowledge their feelings for each other, but it was understood between them. At 17, their love for each other was a pure and innocent one. Puppy love, some say.

Kyuhyun flipped through the photo book page by page. It was a scrapbook that Kyuhyun had put together; memories of them over the past two years. He had intended for this to be a parting gift before Sungmin leaves.

Kyuhyun's attention was drawn to a picture of Sungmin holding up a card and baring his bunny teeth in glee.

"Ahh, I remember this well" Kyuhyun mumbled to himself, a small smile escaping his lips.

It had been Sungmin's birthday, the first birthday that Kyuhyun celebrated together with him. It was also New Year's Day, hence Kyuhyun used it as an excuse to prepare gifts for his Sungminnie since bunny min had specifically prohibited presents from Kyuhyun.

"We're still students! The money can be better spent else where! Besides, I have everything I need and I don't need anything else!" Sungmin had said.

Kyuhyun threw a mischievous look at Sungmin. "Oh, really? What about... me? Do you need me then?"

Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun shyly. "Y-yes, I need you."

"What is it you just said? I can't hear!" Kyuhyun playfully said.

"Yes I need you! I need you Cho Kyuhyun!"

Kyuhyun couldn't resist his bunny's big teary eyes and pulled him into a hug.

"Come here you silly bunny." Kyuhyun could smell the shampoo that Sungmin used, and he loved the fragrance. "I need you too, Lee Sungmin."

Still, even though Sungming had said no presents, that didn't stop Kyuhyun from preparing a few surprises for him. The night before his birthday, Kyuhyun had stayed up the entire night. He was never an arty farty person, but he put in extra effort for the card that he was making his bunny, hoping that it will turn out as nice as possible. The end product was at least decent, thankfully.

He had arranged to meet Sungmin for a picnic on the day of his birthday. When Sungmin opened the door of his house to go meet Kyuhyun, he was met with a giant present at his doorstep.

"Hmm?" Sungmin scratched his head a little, realizing that only his Kyuhyunnie would have done that. "Ahh, I already said no presents. Kyuhyun! Cho Kyuhyun! Where are you, get out here at once!"

No response.

"Aishhh, what can i do with this kid?" But Sungmin was in fact really happy that Kyuhyun had even bothered. He approached the present and untied the ribbon. He was about to take the cover of the present when -

"Surprise!" Cho Kyuhyun jumped out of the box. "Happy Birthday my favourite bunny!"

Sungmin got a shock but recovered from it fairly quick. He eyed Kyuhyun from head to toe.

"Why are you dressed in all pink...?" Sungmin asked, knowing that pink isn't Kyuhyun's first choice of colour. "And that ribbon on your head.......?"

"Because it's your birthday! That's why I'm in pink, it's your favourite colour." Kyuhyun beamed, looking proud of himself for even daring to step out in that colour. "And you said you need me, didn't you? Well, I am your present today! And here, I made this card myself. I hope it looks alright though..."

Sungmin took the card from Kyuhyun and flipped through it. Reading his words, Sungmin's eyes welled up in tears. "Kyu... Thank you Kyu, for doing all this. Thank you."

"You silly boy, it's your birthday, you shouldn't be crying!" Kyuhyun cupped Sungmin's face with his two hands. All of a sudden, Sungmin leaned in and kissed Kyuhyun on his lips.

Kyuhyun stood there, surprised. He hadn't expected this. The kiss was pure and innocent, but it conveyed Sungmin's love for him so well.

And that, was his first kiss. And his first kiss, as well.

Kyuhyun continued flipping through the scrapbook. This time, his eyes landed on a series of photos that were snapshots of conversations both of them had on MSN.

He remembered them clearly. Even though they met in school nearly everyday, it was like they could never have enough of each other. Like they could never run out of things to talk. Their conversations would usually last way into the night, sometimes even nearing dawn. Kyuhyun enjoyed so much chatting with his Sungminnie; he usually gave the best advices and listened to the problems and stories that Kyuhyun had to share. Most of the time they just talked about anything and everything though. From discussing aliens in outer space to God and the ancient Egyptians. Most people would think they are weird but they really, really enjoyed each other's company.

When it was nearing exam period, either one would stay over at the other's house and both would study together well into the night. Their study sessions would start at 10pm, after a short nap had re-energized them. Studying together was a joy, too. Kyuhyun was strong in subjects like languages and math, while Sungmin was stronger in humanities and sciences. Whatever queries one had, the other could answer. Sometimes they would discuss answers and have a debate over whose answers was better. And that itself too, was something both enjoyed. It didn't hurt that the results of both had improved as well.

Kyuhyun looked at the clock; it was already 5.15 am. Again, he had stayed up late. But staying up today was unlike the previous times. In the past, staying up meant that he had Sungmin's company, be it chatting on MSN or studying together or even preparing a surprise for Sungmin. Today, he stayed up alone. In 4 hours, Sungmin would be in a plane heading towards the States... That day's memory burned in his mind and he could still feel the ache.

Sungmin stood outside Kyuhyun's door and knocked on it furiously. "K-kyuhyun-ah! Kyuhyun, open up!" It was the night of the last day of examinations. Both had agreed to go to the theme park the next day to celebrate, but here Sungmin was, standing outside Kyu's door and all drenched for the rain that was pouring.

"Minnie?" the door opened and Kyuhyun's head peek through the gap. He opened the door wider when he saw how drenched Sungming was. "Minnie! Why are you so wet! It's raining, why didn't you call me instead! Where's your umbrella?" Kyuhyun's voice was full of anxiety as he worried about Sungmin falling sick, like catching pneumonia or something. "Quick come in! I'll get you a towel to dry yourself." Kyuhyun ran away in a hurry.

Sungmin entered the house, wanting to remaind composed but found that he couldn't. His legs gave way and he slumped to the floor. He pulled his legs close to his chest and hugged it. He struggled to take deep breaths, like that time when Lee Hyukjae had bullied him. But it wasn't working, that knot in his throat was still there, the tears were gathering even more quickly in his eyes. He bit his lower lips in an effort to prevent himself from crying. But no, that pain and ache he was feeling in his heart was too much bear and a sob left his mouth. He buried his head in knees, letting the tears flow out.

Kyuhyun came back with a pink towel; the one that his bunny always uses when he slept over. "Ming! Why are you on the floor? Why are you crying, tell me Ming, what's wrong?"

Kyuhun shook Sungmin's shoulder slightly but didn't receive a response. He heard the soft crying from Sungmin.

"Ming, what's wrong? Is it the exam today? Did you not do well? It will be okay, alright? Ming, look at me!" Kyuhyun cried out in worry.

Sungmin finally lifted his head, and Kyuhyun saw the saddest look he's ever seen on his bunny.

"Kk-Kyu ah" Sungmin sobbed. "M-my father i-is tr-transferred to the states!"

"That's good news isn't it! Only capable people gets transferred! It means your father is daebak, don't cry ming, it's good news!" Kyuhyun said, and then he suddenly fell silent as realization dawned upon him.

"Minnie..." Kyuhyun Min's hair. "Does this mean... you're leaving...?"

Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun, slowly nodding his head.

"H-how long?" Kyuhyun managed to ask before his voice broke completely.

"At least," Sungmin hiccuped. "At least until after I graduate from university," Sungmin couldn't take it anymore and burst into tears.

Kyuhyun fell silent for a while.


He pulled the still crying Min into his embrace.

"You'll be fine, won't you?" Kyuhyun, despite his own sadness comforted Min. He knew there was no way Min's family would leave him behind. "You'll be fine, my little bunny. You'll be a good boy and study hard when you're there, right?" Kyuhyun had to be strong, not just for himself but for his little bunny too. That boy was as sensitive and as vulnerable as no one else he's met.  

That night, after Sungmin had calmed down considerably, both of them laid on Kyuhyun's bed. Their hands tightly holding on to each other, they reminisced about the past 2 years they had spent together.

"Kyuhyun," Sungmin suddenly said just as Kyuhyun was drifting into dreamland.

"Mmm Minnie?"


Sungmin's voice was soft yet full of conviction.

"I love you too, Minnie."

Kyuhyun turned around to face Min. Then, he gently placed his lips over Sungmin's. Sungmin responded by pushing his head forward. They held that position for about ten seconds, before releasing it.

"Thank you Kyu, for always being there."

"No Ming, I should thank you. You have no idea how happy I am to have you."

And that night was the first time both of them verbally confessed to each other their true feelings.


Kyuhyun couldn't sleep a wink even though he tried to get at least an hour of sleep. He arrived at the airport at 730am, just as Sungmin and his family were checking in their luggage. When Min saw him, both could only flash a sad smile at each other.

They spent the time before Min had to enter the departure gates together. Both hearts were heavy, yet both were helpless in this situation. Right before Min left, Kyuhyun embraced him in a tight hug.

"My bunny, my silly bunny, remember that I love you," Kyuhyun whispered.

"I love you too, Kyuhyun. I really do." Sungmin placed a gentle kiss on Kyuhyun's forehead and then lips before he broke apart from the hug.

"I have to go now, Kyu"

"Wait, this is a gift for you," Kyuhyn took out he scrap book from backpack. "D-don't forget me, alright?"

"You know I won't, silly boy." Sungmin ruffled Kyu's hair. "You, don't forget me too."

Sungmin gave Kyu's hand one last squeeze before he turned around to leave. He was determined not to let Kyu see him cry; he had promised Kyu that he'd be strong for him.

As he left, Kyu turned around at the same time, not able to bear the sight of his bunny walking away from him. He ran away, tears spilling out as he did his best to stop himself from turning around or doing stupid things like stopping Min from leaving.

Sungmin took out the scrapbook as soon as the plane took off. He flipped through the pages slowly, poring over each and every photograph carefully and remembering that day's events. A letter fell out from the book.

"Hey my silly bunny,

I really hope you like this scrapbook! I have spent the entire month working on it and I think it turned out pretty well, didn't it? ^^

My little bunny... I just want you to know that even though we may be on different sides of the world now, my feelings for you will never change. I can still remember the first time I saw you. You were so beautiful and I had already decided there and then that I want to protect you.

We spent a lot of time together the past two years. And I am glad that at least we have this memory together rather than nothing at all. I love you my little bunny, I really do. This is going to be a short letter because I'm gonna bombard you with mails after you've arrived! Remember to drop me postcards too, alright?

Before I sign off, I just wanna thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance to know you, to have you, to love you. Thank you for always being there for me, and for allowing me to be there for you. We never know what the future may bring, but if today was going to be the last time that we will see each other, then i have to let you know that I have never once regretted being with you and even losing Lee Hyukjae as a friend over you.

Please bunny, remember to have your meals and don't snack on junk food so much! I want to still be able to recognize you in the future, okay? Remember to live your life well, because I will live my life well for you too. I will be working hard and anticipating the day that we will see each other again!

Lee Sungmin, I love you. Always remember that, okay!

Forever only yours,

P/s - watch your weight! =p"

Sungmin let a single tear drop as he finished reading the contents of the letter. Carefully, he folded the letter and placed it back in the book. He slowly drifted off to sleep while hugging the book, his lips breaking into a smile as he dreamed about the times that Lee Sungmin and Cho Kyuhyun had spent together.


Hi guys! submitted this stop for a competition here! please do comment okay since "vi. I encourage the readers to comment in participant's entry. (You Guys will play the big part. Please.)"

it's not the best story out there but encouragement hellps dunnit!

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kyussi #1
Chapter 1: Awww :) innocent pure love <3
Chapter 1: It is a very beautiful story!
meacuiza #3
Chapter 1: Come here again after reading Letter To Ming...

Very nice and moving story...but as I said in will be nice if there's sungmin POV's.. well you know, from the LTM, it looks like Min trying to distanced himself from please....don't let me put the blame on him...^.^
Chapter 1: Solo touchingggg
zuttoo #5
Chapter 1: nice story...simple but moving:-)
emperty #6
Chapter 1: Nice story^^
are you going to write the sequel? Im looking forward for that^^
elmokyu #7
Chapter 1: Nice, pure and innocent. I hope you will write a sequel... like wrapping up Kyu's graduation and maybe you can start another story from there...
anyway.. nice story.. all the best in your future writings!