~ Chapter 2

Forever My Bride ~ (Sequel to Always Be Mine)
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I sat there on my mother’s floor, my now dead mother. Staring at what Kyungsoo wrote in her blood.


I can’t believe he killer her, how could he? My own mom, I’m never going to see her again.  No more visits from her, my mother telling me she loves me. Tears flowed faster down my cheeks while I thought about her, hearing sirens in the background coming closer and closer, I called the police, and told them what happened about 5 minutes ago.


Hearing car doors slam and footsteps soon after that, they came into the bedroom one by one taking a look at the scene before them. My vision started to blur, and it felt like the room was starting to spin. I tried to speak but nothing came out.

“Miss, miss are you alright?” I heard a voice coming from the distant, the last words I heard before I out.





Soft voices and beeping, that’s what I heard when I came into consciousness. Slowly the beeping and the voices seemed to get louder as my senses came back to me. I looked around slowly noticing that I’m in the hospital, the beeping coming from a machine next to me, the voices coming from two police officers. Trying to get up, I threw my hand up to my head as I instantly got dizzy.

“Are you okay ma’am?” One of the police officers rushed over to my side, helping me sit up. “Go get the nurse.” He told the second guy.


“I’m fine, thanks.” I croaked out. Starting to wonder why I was here everything rushed back to me. The roses, poem, my mother, instantly my eyes welled with tears. I cried and cried, with the police officer sitting right next to me, trying to comfort me.


Eventually the nurse came back, followed by more police officers. Once the nurse made sure I was okay, the police started questioning me about everything and I told them what happened.


Hours had passed and police came in and out of my hospital room, still questioning me. They told me they didn’t find the roses, the poem, or the writings Kyungsoo left at my apartment building. The police think it was just a random murder, they didn’t think it was Kyungsoo, but I knew it was him. He used words from the first letter he gave me.

"I'm coming for you baby, Don't try to escape or something bad will happen! ~ Your love, Kyungsoo" Ready or not, here I come


Kyungsoo wrote those in the first letter I ever got from him, so it had to be him. I just wished I still had that letter. I threw it away the same day I got it, not wanting to keep it.


They were finally done questioning me and the doctor said it was okay to go home, but I didn’t want to go. It wasn’t safe anymore. Everywhere I went I knew Kyungsoo would find me.




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S7lEncEr #1
Chapter 6: I'm rooting for the new ff .
By the way, FMB is awesome!!
Chapter 6: This is so good. Cannot wait for the next update.
Chapter 6: im really in love with this story T.T cant wait for the next chapter please update it soon authornim.. <3
JulliaKim #4
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the next update
flowergirl137 #5
Chapter 6: can't wait for next chapter ^^ i hope you can update asap and fighting !!
kkbyebyehaha #6
Chapter 5: I cant wait!!
YoonSena14 #7
Chapter 6: Wow!!cant wait ^^
jvcgzb #8
Chapter 5: Dear old authornim's cousin, could you please tell her that I really like this story, it's such an unfortunate that i couldnt read until the ending of the old plot. but nevermind, perhaps yours would be great! btw, i thank her so much that she inspired me to write a fanfic called 'Psychotic or Love?' for a writing competition. i hope people wont take it wrong to think that i copy her ideas /: i dont copy her story, but inspired by her. btw, goodluck for her exam! ^_^ i really love this story!!
momo752 #9
Chapter 5: Ah.. Im glad that you will continue this story!! Its such a waste if abadon this great story.. Thanks in advance both of you ^_^