It's high school all over again

Viva Glam Jiyong



“Hey Choi, are you still up for our FIFA match tonight? Or you’re too busy applying lip balm in front of a camera for your mom.”

“Shut the up, Seungri. Or you and your over the top self confidence is out of my apartment.”

“Aww baby girl, I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings.”

I chew on my bottom lip as I try my best to hold back streams of angry curse words that are threatened to spill from my perfectly shaped mouth. The guy with a provocative way of speech is surprisingly my best friend named Lee Seunghyun. As stupid as it sounds, he likes to go buy the name of ‘Seungri’ rather than Seunghyun since ‘Seungri’ actually holds the meaning of victory, and this guy believes there’s no one else that will suit this name better than himself.

“If I had a choice, you know that I would never, in a million year, do something like that.”

“Wanna trade?”


“I’m more than willing to be in your shoes.”

“What makes you say that?” I ask, amused. Seungri has this special ability, something uniquely his that nobody could mimic, to make you feel very overwhelmed. You can be furious with him in one minute then be immensely amused by him in the next. Ridiculous?- yes. Maybe it’s Seungri’s charm?- maybe... Does it make me hate him less?- no.

“Actually,” Seungri looks around the apartment as if there are curious eyes and ears around him when in fact it’s just me and him in this spacious apartment- a compliment from my mom for my accomplishment of getting into a prestige university, and beckons me to go closer.

I sigh dramatically, being forced to share my lovely abode with him as my mom who fell for the whole I’m-a-great-guy-that-can-be-a-good-influence-on-your-son thing Seungri had put up on display when she paid a visit.

“I consider myself to be as good looking as some actors out there.”

Grinning as if I agree with the narcissistic chatterbox, I emit an enormous burp straight at his face before heading back to my peaceful bedroom, leaving Mr.Victory squealing in disgust with a satisfied smile on my face.





“Mom? Can I call you back later? I’m kind of gonna be late for class already and I...”

One fine morning, well not that fine since there’s only five minutes left before the class starts and my sorry is still at the hall way of my luxurious apartment outside of the campus, I receive a call from my mom who has never bother to call her son when she misses him and solve that problem by occasionally visit him in flesh at his university- making him feel like having an heart attack every now and then.

“No, Hyunnie, this is some serious urgent business and I shall speak with you now!”

“But,” I try my best to end this phone call, the same way as I’ve been trying to avoid this conversation.

“You know I’ve been generous enough to pretend to be fooled by your lame excuses, but now, there’s deadline up ahead, which is the next three days and I need this advertisement to be done before that. So after this lovely morning class of yours, I’ll send Yang to pick you up and you will be there. Do you understand, my adorable Seunghyun?”

I stay silent for a few seconds, still amazed by how my mom never had to catch her breath between her long lines, before dejectedly obey.

“Yes, mom. I understand.”

“That’s my boy! See you in the afternoon then.”

The phone stays in my palm as I fist my hands into tight balls, trying to calm the urge of throwing my damn phone at the wall then make a getaway from all of this crap.

Five minutes after the call, my neighbor Soohyuk who is also a student at the same university, finds me knocking my head against the wall like a madman. I smile sheepishly at him with red face from embarrassment and red forehead from smacking it against the hard surface of a cement, and take his amused expression as my cue to leave.



I’ve never been one of the students who stay behind in the classroom, but today is an exception- because today is not an ordinary day. Today is the day that Choi Seunghyun is going to get dressed up like some lifeless doll and forced to fake a smile and look pretty in front of a camera.

Frustratingly growling, I gather my things slowly while observing the almost empty room. From a distance I spot Sandara, a girl who is known for her beauty that comes along with a head filled with nothing but air, making her towards where I’m sitting. In normal circumstances, I’ll be gone before she even reaches half way to where I am, but as I said, today is not a normal day.

“Hello Seughyun,” She greets me with a shy smile. Her flawless cheeks are tinted with a nice shade of pink which I’m not sure if it’s her natural blush or an artificial one.

“Hi Dara,” I give her a small smile that I know is enough to make every girl swoon.

Yes, yes, I’m quite a looker myself and I’m not going to deny the obvious truth. However, I skillfully use that as my advantage to make things easier for me, like winking at Professor Park once in a while for the sake of my assignments.

“You stay behind today? That’s rare.”

“Yeah, kind of feel like hiding in here.”

Sandara giggles and I find her not as annoying as I thought.

Perfectly on time, my mom’s personal chauffer Yang arrives at the scene spots me right away though he has a ridiculous pair of sunglasses on.

“Master Choi, please allow me to you to your mother’s company.”

I sigh loudly, annoyed that Yang and his way of speech never fails to irritate me. I mean, this man must be spending too much time in front of a TV to be able to speak the drama language that fluent.

“I’ve you a million times that I’m no Master Choi. Keep that title for my dad, will you?”

“Excuse the dissatisfaction I’ve caused you sir, but,”

“Hold your tongue right there. I don’t care what my mom calls me in front of you but call me Seunghyun when it’s just us or I swear I’ll somehow convince my mom to transpose you to be a gardener at our house instead.”

“Y-yes sir, I understand,” Yang stutters for the first time and I find myself very satisfied to be able to successfully threaten this old man.

Turning back to Dara who is surprisingly still there, I apologetically smile at her. “It’s nice chatting with you Dara, but I’m afraid I have to go.”

“Nice talking to you too Seunghyun! I’ll catch you later?” Dara replies, a little too energetic and hopeful but it’s understandable since I’m a hottie of this place and everybody wants a piece of me.

“Yeah, see you,” I wink at her as I grab my things before heading out of the room with grace.

Not even properly out of the classroom yet, I hear Sandara and her friends who are in the classroom to observe our interaction screams and bawl with excitement.

“You’re indeed popular with women, sir.”

I clear my throat and take the opportunity to slightly brag about myself, “I suppose so.”



As the car approaches the building with a huge billboard with my face on it, I feel like I’m getting closer to hell. No offense to people in the industry, but those long hours of fitting, getting makeup and posing in front of the camera is not enjoyable one bit. After have benn experiencing all of that since a few years back in high school when I accomplished in losing weight, leaving the chubby Seunghyun behind, and it benefited in making my features more distinct since most of them were hidden behind all of the weight I lost, my mom was inspired to show off her son to the world: casting me as a model for her lip balm brand.

Thank you mom, you’re the best.

“We’ve arrived, Seunghyun-shi.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that. Thank you,” I snap back, not quite ready to spend some quality time with the woman who gave birth to me.

Yang leads me inside the building, as if I were here for the first time, and heads towards the high levels elevator that only executive directors can have access. The ride is short, thanks to the high speed elevator, and we step out of the box to find my sister patiently waiting with a cheerful painted on her hot pink lips.

“My dear brother!” Hyeyoon wastes no time to pull me into a crushing embrace.

“Yes, yes, nice to see you to noona.”

“You don’t sound too excited. Still not used to this?”

“Not yet and will never be,” I huff and pout at her knowing that with my sister, acting cutely always gain some pity points from her (but not with my mom, of course).

“Aww, Hyunnie, do you realize that after you’ve started modeling for our products, the sales grew consecutively?”

“Look, I’m glad that with my picture plastered everywhere in town is making mom’s company do well, but this is against my will. It’s a crime you know!”

“What crime, Seunghyun?”

Hearing my mom’s silky voice sends shivers down my spine. This woman must be the reincarnation of Hitler or Mussolini in order to have this kind of intimidating presence. Or is it because I’ve been seeing this woman taking control of everything in our household since childhood that I feel that way? Sometimes I wish my dad would stop being such an artist- escaping to his sanctuary in an isolated place to gain inspirations for his writing, and come back to save me from this bossy woman. Sadly, I could only wish as the last I’ve heard, my dad is still somewhere in Saudi Arabia.

“Just discussing the morning news mom,” I reply, voice shaking uncontrollably with fear.

“Well, are you done?”

“Yes, mom.”

“Good. Now let’s move to the meeting room. We’re discussing the theme of this ad with our creative director and he’s already there.”



“So basically, I have to be in front of the camera?”

“No, Seunghyun, you’re just topless, not from head to toe.”

“I have to be and reveal my droopy stomach for the rest of the world to see,” I go on, not in the right state of mind to acknowledge anything else but the fact that I have to reveal my precious body in public.

“Are you a girl? I don’t understand why you have to make a big deal out of it.”

“Now everyone will know that my tummy is as big as Santa Claus and they’re all going to laugh at me.”

“Oh my god. Mom, Hyunnie’s gone crazy.”

Mrs. Choi spares only a tiny peek at her off his nut son. “Let him be. He’s just being his usual drama queen self.”

Later that day, I’m dropped off by the same old Yang at my apartment. Still feeling like today’s the doom’s day of my life, I’m function on auto-pilot. Loyal legs bring me to my door and as I fumble with the security code, the elevator arrives at my floor and a few seconds later, my neighbor Soohyuk appears right beside me.

“Are you alright?”

His voice is rich and deep, very surprising for a guy with such a pretty face like him, I would say. Man, he is also slightly taller than I am too.

“I’m fine, thanks,” I reply neutrally, suddenly feeling inferior to him as I realize that he might be my competitor in beauty, which is rare since my appearance is in such a high level that you may sprain your neck while trying to get a good look at it.

“Are you sure? You don’t look well though.”

“I’m sorry but why do you bother? You’re not a doctor and I’m not your patient so stop being such a model citizen already as I’ve said that I’m fine and I don’t need your help.”

I know I’m being an but I can’t stop myself from venting all of my frustrations on my innocent victim who deserves to be praised by the mayor of this town for having such a kind heart and maybe build a statue of him then put it in the city hall.

Breathing hard, I swear silently under my heavy breath as my clumsy finger still fails to hit the right pad. To my surprise, the person who should be blown away by my amazing rudeness is still there and reaches out his long finger to press the correct digit for me.

“Succeed in the first try,” He laughs childishly, making his sharp features soften and he looks less like a marble statue- always expressionless, and his skin is freaking pale so I give him that nickname without him knowing.

“Man, you’re ing weird,” I laugh along as I don’t know what else to react to the situation I’m in. Still, his weirdness makes me laugh wholeheartedly for the first time of the day.

“Hi, I’m Lee Soohyuk.”

“I know that already,” I say, rolling my eyes to the fact that is already known.

“Oh, then nice to meet you too, Choi Seunghyun.”

“Yeah, yeah. See you later.”

I shake hands and exchange smiles with him before I successfully gain access to my room. As I’m taking off my shoes and putting them on the racket near the front door, I hear some strange muffled sound coming from Seungri’s room. Stading in front of my friend’s room which the door is slightly opened, I try to stay as calm as possible then fail miserably as the same sound becomes stronger and more...

“You ing nuthead. When will you learn to use an earphone and shut your door properly, god damn it!”



A day before the shooting, I receive another call from my mom in the morning. With a wishful thinking, I pick up and blurt out the first thing on my mind.

“Is it cancelled?”

“I love your positive way of thinking, my dear son, but the answer is no.”

My shoulders droop automatically as I feel like my balloon of hope is once again deflated, stomped until it’s flattened on the ground.

“What is it this time mom? Do I have to really pose now or what?”

“I believe that’s a very good idea.”

“Mom!” I whine, not caring that I probably look like a pre-school grader.

“I’m calling to inform you that, there’s a slight change in the plan as our previous makeup artist suddenly called in sick a few minutes ago.”

“Okay. So what does this have to do with me?”

“Because the replacement will be your friend from high school so I thought you should know.”

“My friend from high school? Who is it?”

I quirk my eyebrow up, utterly surprised at the information I’ve just received. No matter how hard I try to think of someone in my circle of friend who is likely can be a makeup artist, I still can think of none. I mean, most of them don’t possess that kind of delicate hands or artistic idea so who could it be?

As if sensing my confusion, mom gives me the answer, “It’s Kwon Jiyong.”

Kwon Jiyong? Who the hell is Kwon...

“Kwon Jiyong?” I practically shrieked out in astonishment.

“So you do know him. Congratulations Seunghyun, your friend is going to join us for the shoot tomorrow. You’ll get to catch up with your friend back from high school, aren’t you excited?”

The one and only Kwon Jiyong. After all these years, Kwon Jiyong is finally back.


“Y-Yes, I’m looking forward to that.”

Yes mom, I’m so looking forward to getting ually molested in any possible ways by Kwon Jiyong- the guy who had always tried to get in my pants.

Someone please slap me across the face and wake me up from this nightmare; it's high school all over again.




A/N: A short intro chapter for you to get the feel of the story. ;) Our makeup artist will make an official apperance in the next chapter which I promise, will be longer.



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Forigneer #1
Chapter 1: in update dude..
Chapter 1: Hahah xD perfect~ upload soon author nim~! ^^ cannot wait ;P
Chapter 1: TeeHee this story sounds like it's going to be loads of erted fun! Bring it on! xD
Mii-yoh #4
Chapter 1: huhuhuu sounds great :D
but maybe Ji will be more mature now than in high school..? no..? that's ok with me kekekekekek~
mimi_qitchi #5
Chapter 1: I hope ji will come out, i want to See naughty jiyoung. Hahahahahaha
Chapter 1: Excited for the next chapter!!! :DD
Chapter 1: Oh my god! that was the best first chapter ever!!! haha can't wait to read the next chapter!!
lovelydarling #8
Chapter 1: hahahahaha Seunghyun freaking out about seeing Jiyong is sooooo funny. Excited for the next update.
Chapter 1: LOL. I can't wait for the make up artist Kwon Jiyong to appear. XD
ForeverRainGTop #10
Chapter 1: Wow, that was a great first chapter!! It was fun seeing a baby acting Hyun!! Looking forward to see him interacting with Ji!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! Please and thank you for the next update!!!!