"You'll be mine soon."

I Have To Smile To Hold Back Tears.

You had been talking to Kai for two months now, y'all have became REALLY close since the day y'all met in class.

Y'all were so close, people thought y'all were together.

In fact, Kai has saved your life. You have stopped cutting, you're actually happy, Jooyeon hasn't been picking on you as bad, nor anyone else, because you had Kai right by your side taking up for you. It felt really good to feel happy again.

It was a Friday morning, you woke up and seen how bright and beautiful it was outside, you smiled and looked at the time on your phone, it read "8:30".

"Whoops, I better get in a hurry, school is at 9." you said jumping out of the bed and getting ready.

While you were heading out the door, you got a text from Kai.

*Blue is Kai, pink is you.*

Need a ride to school?

Sure. :)

Be outside, I'm about to pull up.

Uh, alrighty then. Lol.

Kai pulled up, you giggled to yourself.

"Thank you." you said getting in the car and smiling at Kai.

"No problem." Kai smirked pulling out of your drive way.

You heard your stomach growl, you held it.

"You didn't eat anything?" Kai said giggling.

"No, I got up to late."

"We'll go get something."

"But, we'll be late."

"Hey, it'll be all on me. I want you to eat, I don't want you hungry during class." Kai smiled brightly.

"What would I do without you?" you said hugging Kai.

"Hmmm, I dunno." Kai said pulling up into the drive way of an breakfast cafe.




Y'all walked in the cafe, Kai pointed to a table, telling you to sit down.

"You don't know what I want!" you said punching his arm lightly.

"Bacon, eggs, and girts." Kai crossed his arms.

You stood there giving him a murder look.

"Whatever, I'm sitting down." you went and sat down, acting like you were mad.

Kai laughed to his self and ordered y'all some breakfast.

He came back with the food and sat down across from you, handing you your food, and orange juice.

"I have a surprise for you after school." Kai suddenly said, breaking the silence between y'all.

"Really? What is it?" you said excitedly.

"I said I have a SURPRISE for you, which meant I can't tell you."

You glared at Kai, and he smiled and went back to eating.




Y'all arrived at school, you and Kai walked in the class, and the teacher looked at y'all mad.

"Hmm, I see y'all are late."

"I-I'm sorr-" you started to say before Kai spoke up.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. She didn't have anything to eat this morning, and I wanted to buy her something."

"Okay, since you're a new student, and [Y/N] hasn't missed school days, I'll let y'all pass." the teacher smiled.

You heard Jooyeon huff and smack her lips.

You and Kai went and sat down ignoring her.

"Okay class, open your science book up and turn to page 220." the teacher said closing the class room door.

"Great, project." Kai said.

You chuckled. "Oh shush it lazy ."

"Okay, this project is for teams. Find you a partner."

Jooyeon raised her hand.

"Um, yes, can I be partner's with Kai?" Jooyeon looked at you and smirked. That .

"Uhh, I'm being partner's with [Y/N]." Kai said grabbing your hand under the table.

"Sorry Jooyeon, find someone else. He's got someone." the teacher said pulling some craft stuff out.

Jooyeon rolled her eyes and sat down pissed.

You and Kai looked at each other and laughed, because the way she was acting.




*RING RING RING* The class bell rung and everyone started packing their things.

"Okay everyone, some of y'all didn't finish your project, so sit up right over here, and people that did finish, sit it right over there." the teacher said pointing to places.

You and Kai finished your project, so y'all headed out the door and ran into Jooyeon.

"Hi Kai, I was wondering if me and you could hang out sometime and maybe get to know each other and become more than friends?" Jooyeon said smirking at you.

"No thank you, I have a girl."

When you heard that, your heart dropped to your feet.

But why did you feel so heartbroken?? Do you have feelings for Kai?? You're so confused.

"...Oh... Okay." Jooyeon walked off, and y'all headed to Kai's car.

While Kai was taking you home, you looked out the window the whole time. His words "I have a girl." ran through your mind a million times. You tired your hardest not to cry.

Kai arrived at your place and you got out not even looking at him.

"I'll see ya later on, okay?" Kai said so happily.

You forgot about the surprise later on.

"Sure." you said, walking on up to your door, unlocking it and walking it.

You called Min-Jung as soon as possible to ask her about Kai having a girlfriend.

Min-Jung was one of them people that could find out things, without anyone even noticing it. At times, you wonder if she knows stuff about you, that you don't even know about.


"Hey! Quick question, does Kai have a girlfriend?" you said bitting your lip.

"As far as I know, nope. Why?"

"Because, me and him ran into Jooyeon, she asked him do they wanna hang out to get to know each other, and he said no thank you, I have a girlfriend. I don't know why, but I felt so heart broken when I heard them words."

"Ooooohhh, what did I tell you two months ago?? Y'all were gonna get close, and have feelings." Min-Jung laughed.

"Shut up." you couldn't help but laugh with her.

"Hey, I'll talk to you later, I gotta help my mama. Bye, love you."

"Bye, love you." you hung the phone up and laid it down on the table.


*Kai's POV*

I was heading back home, still thinking about [Y/N]. Why is she all of a suddenly acting strange?? Maybe she's just having one of them days about missing her dad. Tonight, is gonna be perfect. And I'm gonna make it perfect for her, I just hope it goes the way I want it too. You said talking to yourself.

Your parents were gone for a week to spend some time together alone. So you had the house to yourself. You parked your car, walked in the house and started getting it ready for [Y/N] tonight.

"You be mine soon." Kai said to him self smiling.


Sorry it's short.

Chapter 3? :)

Comment. Hope you enjoy. <333


P.S; Thank you everyone for liking my story, adding, and subbing to me. It means a lot. I hope I can do better in the future and make y'all happy with my stories.


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Chapter 3: Hehehe. I love your story's fluffyness so much!!
Chapter 2: Update soon please author-nim :3
Qwertyuiop22 #3
Chapter 2: Update please author-nim !!! :)))
Chapter 2: yes another chapter please!!!
uyenddd #5
Chapter 2: Yes!!! Another chapter pleassseee~
Taeminnie_Zelo17 #6
Chapter 2: Next :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Taeminnie_Zelo17 #7
Chapter 2: Next :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
romancefreaks #9
Chapter 1: Yes chapter 2 ,3,4, keep going!!!!