Initial Encounters

Closer by the minute

"I -- what..?!" Hana spluttered, the red on her cheeks brightening more with a mixture of embarrassment and anger at the boy's teasing smirk. Her initial thoughts of not minding having this chocolate boy around vanished in a minute as she flipped her hair behind with her hand, eyes narrowing at him (not unappreciatively) while scanning his features, trying to make her voice as haughty as possible. "Owe you, how?" Her question was received merely with a snicker that irritated her further. Just as he opened his mouth, another voice cut across. Distracted by the deep voice that resonated, both heads turned towards the source, a tall lanky red headed boy who seemed to be particularly fixated by her. Seriously, another country ogler. Rolling her eyes and glancing at her watch, she spun on her heels, trying to figure which way to go just as she heard the deep voice again. "Hana..? Choi Hana?" 

Hana froze, her forehead creasing momentarily before resuming her blank look and turning to face the boy whom she definitely did not recognize. Her eyes once again scanned the handsome, boyish features of the second newcomer. Her arrival had probably already spread across the town. She made no signs of acknowledgment at him, merely staring back. "So you're back. Finally." Something clicked the wrong way as Hana's jaw dropped slightly as she blinked at him who was now smiling. This smile was different from Jongin's. The newcomer's was almost welcoming and sincere only causing the doubt in Hana's chest to grow as she mustered her courage. "Maybe." Was the best retort that she could think of at that moment.

To her immense surprise, the guy took no less than two long strides and enveloped her in a bone crushing hug. "WELCOME BACK!" What the -- In the heat of the moment, Hana was lost for words. Blinking for a second, she regained her senses and placed both her hands on the guy's chest, shoving him away with a dumbfounded splutter of words. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! WHO ARE YOU?!" Chest heaving with the sudden hug and her heart beating with a mixture of embarrassment at the scene as well as the look on Jongin's face (arrogantly amused), she glared at the tall guy who was positively beaming at the moment.

"You don't remember me?!"

"The hell I don't, BYUNTAE!"


"YOU HEARD ME, you ert. !"

"Woah calm down, I only --"

Without waiting for the guy to complete, Hana her heels and walked away, her head and heart still reeling. Her ego prevented her from really asking - Who are hell are you?


It took Hana several phone calls to her father and a constant paranoia that made her turn back every two minutes to ensure she was not attacked by that giant alien once again to make her way home, empty handed after three hours. Needless to say, her dad was highly amused (by her getting lost, she chose to skip updating him on the encouter with the two weirdos). He later accompanied her to the nearby store, which she made a mental note of (considering she really was directionally challenged).

Post dinner, the girl made her way to her room (the curtains of which were securely shut, just so she didn't happen to chance upon that y boy's once again - she couldn't bear that smug look on this face any more). She faceplanted into her pillows, her mind still trying to jog her memories to try and place that face. With nothing but the two faces running on her mind, she fell asleep.

Needless to say, it was a very peaceful sleep. Indeed.


Morning dawned sooner than Hana would have liked. And for some reason, she beat her alarm, waking at 6 AM. She sat up with a groan, rubbing the crick in her neck, rather disheveled and with hair that tousled in the most ridiculous ways. The bed that seemed so inviting the previous night now just seemed to want to get rid of her. With a groan, she trudged out of bed and downstairs. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she flopped herself down on the table. The house was quiet, meaning her father was still fast asleep. And she did not blame him, considering the amount of moving he had done all by himself the previous day. Sighing, she finally glanced around the accumulated mess in the room. "How am I going to get all this cleaned?"

A groan escaped as she finally pushed herself off her feet to stride towards the door. The milkman should have been here by now. Opening the door she stepped out, taking in a breath of the fresh morning air. This was definitely one of the few perks of living in the countryside. At that very moment, she wouldn't have minded telling anyone that she loved that place. Though the sight of the next thing that fell in her range of vision totally made her change her mind. As her gaze fell on the neighboring house, from the very house of the chocolate boy trudged out the giant alien.

Hana's eyes grew wide in a mixture of shock and surprise, her hand clutching the milk cartons, hair tumbling down in a wild manner. He, on the other hand, walked out casually in his pajamas (looking like a damn model), stifling a yawn before he caught sight of her. He blinked for a moment before breaking out into a grin. The panic that had set in her head slowly eased out, pushing out possible explanations. He's probably just sleeping over at that other kid's place. Yes.

He waved wildly, walking over to the fence (that thankfully separated the two houses). "Morning neighbor."

The second word just set off the worst fireworks in the pit of Hana's stomach as a groan escaped her lips.

Life here was going to be tougher than she had imagined.



Author's Note:

Annyeong my lovelies! Author nim has resurrected from the dead, sorta. ;__;

I know it has been months since I updated, but the life wind pushed me in a whole different direction that made me have the worst writer's block ever T__T

But hopefully you like this update and I shall try to churn out more as soon as I can!


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LunaMKai #1
Chapter 1: Authornim are you going to update? :(
LunaMKai #2
Chapter 1: Woah I enjoyed it a lot! Looking forward to the next chapter!! Author-nim fighting!! <3