
Closer by the minute

Choi Hana. Sixteen years, five months and twenty days old. Boiling inside her chest was resentment that had built up ever since she could remember. Her mind seemed to numb out as she did not process the words her mother was throwing in her direction. Bits and pieces of sentences hit her, but they simply bounced off, unnoticed. "Be good.... You can visit mama anytime.... Appa will take good care of you.... Say bye to your brother... Don't do useless things there... Hana!"

With a sneer, Hana her heels pushing away what was left of her ties with her mother. Just as she approached the waiting car, a warm pair of hands grabbed her shoulders, shaking her out of her reverie. "Hana-ya." Her sullen eyes rose to fix themselves on a similar pair of worried ones gazing at her. "What is it?" She snapped as she struggled weakly against her brother's firm grip. "..Oppa is sorry. Forgive me." Who am I to forgive? She simply brushed away his hands before her eyes turned into a waterfall. "Have a good life."

Her Oppa's words fell on deaf ears as she got into the car that whisked her away from the one place which had turned out to be her solace for the past six years. Hana refused to acknowledge the presence of the man in the driver's seat and he seemed fine holding the silence. The dull throb in her head numbed out any of the leftover feelings which remained and began to black out as her father the radio, which soon had her drifting off into an uneasy slumber.




A sudden brake made Hana jolt out of her slumber. She blinked several times before she stretched her legs in the uncomfortable seat. "We're here." Her father's voice seemed the happiest in a long long time. And she wouldn't blame him. The one and only reason she had agreed to return to this wretched town was for him. As the car sped past the scattered houses upon the dusty roads, Hana felt her heart sink more and more. A shiver rattled her body, sending chills down her spine as memories of a summer six years ago hit her. With one firm shake of her head she comforted herself. I'm sure that person is not around anymore. Positive...

As the car screeched to a halt, Hana had reached a point of internal panic. But her face betrayed none of the turmoil she felt inside and she finally began noticing that their arrival had actually attracted a lot of attention. It was not often that this town would see a "posh" car standing in the driveway. As she hopped out, a small crowd had gathered already and a few shouts of recognition were made. Of her father, of course. He seemed to have visited the town quite a few times, unlike her. Nothing had made her come back here. But suddenly Hana felt exposed and queasy at the fact that these people seemed so interested in their new neighbors.

Perhaps this was their way of being friendly. But all she wanted was to be alone. Appa, what have you gotten me into?




Hana had holed herself up into the empty room which was to be hers the entire day. The sun had now set, but her father was still downstairs entertaining guests who had actually proved themselves useful by helping Hana and her dad with setting things up. The house was actually quite pleasant. And unlike the apartment back in Seoul, this one was an independent house with a lawn and garden. Something which Hana had always wanted. Maybe these small pleasantries would compensate for... Hana shook her head as she looked around from where she had squatted on the floor. "Maybe I should get a dog." She mumbled to herself as her eyes fell on the light that shone through her open window.

Bored, she crawled over to the window and propped herself up on her knee only to have her jaw drop as well. Her window was aligned directly opposite the neighboring house's window. It was like in those movies where one would spy on the other and Hana found herself to be in such a situation. It was the boy that seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that there was someone less than ten feet away from him. The boy seemed to be shirtless and the orange rays of the sun seemed to highlight his chocolate abs. His blonde hair too glistened and Hana was somehow tongue tied at what she saw, her heart pounding at the unexpected sight.

Much as this seemed wrong, she stuck only her head above the window sill, watching his movements. He seemed to be swaying with a pair of headphones on and obviously emitting an aura that was nothing but y. "I'll be damned.." Hana mumbled to herself as she felt her face turn a bright shade of red. Here she was cursing her life out at being sent to a small town, but perhaps it might turn out well after all.

Just as she was about to quietly pull her gaze of him, the boy with one swift sway had turned in her direction and froze as their eyes met. Both their eyes went wide with the realization that the other had been caught.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Hana pushed herself away from the ledge before crashing on the floor. "Ouch." She winced, more embarrassed than anything, but not in the least sorry.




Hana woke early the next morning, deciding to explore the town and its market. "Appa, I'm heading out to buy groceries." It wasn't the only reason that had made her want to bolt out. But that gorgeous boy next door. It wasn't just his aura that made him so attractive. But that dance was simply a feast to her eyes. Closing the door slowly behind her, Hana lingered in her porch of a few minutes, glancing at the house next door. No sign of life. With a disappointed sigh, Hana walked down the driveway and down the adjoining pavement, trying to remember the directions her father had given her. 

A few turns and she knew she was lost. "Damn it." The only thing to do was to call her father for help. Just as she fumbled around the pocket in her jacket, an accented male voice cut across. "Want me to show the way around?"

Hana spun across, coming face to face with the owner of the voice. For a moment, she lost her breath as it was the same boy from next door. But damn, he was still as y while clothed and even that wolfish grin made him look good.

"Kim Jongin." He said pointing to himself. "And you, miss, owe me something. Don't you?"





Author's Note:


Kai is just so y, that I had to. /sobs fangirl tears/

I also need a banner for this story. 8| probably when I'm not lazy or if I find someone nice enough to make it for me.

Anyway, tell me what you think of this!


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LunaMKai #1
Chapter 1: Authornim are you going to update? :(
LunaMKai #2
Chapter 1: Woah I enjoyed it a lot! Looking forward to the next chapter!! Author-nim fighting!! <3