Chapter 2

♤♠Chapter Two
It's been a month now since YoungJae last encounter with DaeHyun.
YoungJae's not sure himself why he counted the days after that incident though . Since he is practically out of his life now, -not that YoungJae admit that 'he' is a part of his life before- He finally feels at ease. 
Although he did not want to admit it, he feels like there is something missing. Like there is something that's supposed to be there, but it wasn't.
Perhaps because he was stupid.
Or blind.
Or stubborn.
Or just plainly stupid.
That he didn't want to admit,
Not even to himself.
That maybe. .
He's missing the older.  
                                                                           - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - 
"Jae, you've been working on that assignment all week now. It almost time for lunch. Let's go eat something."
"Just a sec, I need to-." YoungJae feels his hand being pulled slightly by someone.
"Nu-uh, I said let's go eat. NOW!."
"But I-" 
YoungJae didn't have the chance to finish his sentence as he's being dragged away by his one and only best friend. He is a senior in YoungJae's college. And they live in the same apartment.
The cafeteria isn't that far away from the library. But it takes forever when the two grown-up boys were quarrelling and bickering with each other with one of them being dragged away harshly, and unexpectedly knocked his forehead on the signboard. It was a pathetic sight, to be honest.
YoungJae hissed and rubbed his forehead frantically. "Let go of me! I can walk by myself!"
"What! You knock your head on the signboard and hurt your nose. Not to mention you're walking like a dead zombie!."
"Zombies are dead, genius. By the way, how could I hurt my nose when it's my head were being knocked off, huh?"
"Are you questioning me? How dare you talk to Kim HimChan like that?! You-"
And they go on like that all the way to the cafeteria.
After they -finally- arrived, they walked to the food counter and figure out what they will have for lunch. Again, after a long discussion that suddenly turned into a childish argument, they finally decided what to eat and walk towards their favorite seats in the cafeteria.
HimChan slumped on the chair and take a sip of his americano. "Oh God I'm so exhausted!"
YoungJae huffed.  "I wonder why. . "
"Shut up and eat smartass." HimChan groaned at the younger and start eating.
They were eating peacefully until the older decided to ruin the -finally peace- moment. Well, -according to YoungJae- their 'peace' moment never lasts anyway when you have to deal with someone called Kim HimChan.
"Say, about that DaeHyun guy. What happen to him? I didn't hear you complaining about him anymore."
YoungJae cringed at the mention of DaeHyun's name and HimChan takes a mental note of that.
YoungJae calmly put the spoon on his plate an took a sip of his orange juice.
"Dae who?."
HimChan look at him in disbelief. "Sheesh, Jae, why did you hate him so much? He seems like a nice guy. He doesn't even do anything bad to you."
"Yet. . " YoungJae said quietly.
"Just tell me, why did you hate him?."
YoungJae growled loudly at that. "Seriously, why did everyone always ask me that?! It sounds like I'm the one who's in fault here!."
"I'm just asking! No need to be so uptight!.
HimChan immediately regret the second he said those word. He knows how much YoungJae hate it.
As expected, YoungJae gritted his teeth and give him a dead-serious look. ""
"Fine, fine, whatever." HimChan lets YoungJae cool off for a moment and take a big sip of his Americano.
After YoungJae had calmed down. HimChan made a wise decision to, yet again, destroyed it.
"You know, you're always turned into bad mood whenever someone mention him."
"Are we still talking about this?!!."
YoungJae sigh. "What exactly you want me to say huh?!."
"The reason you hate him!."
  • At this rate, virtually everyone in the cafeteria had turned their heads toward them and it was obvious that they were not happy about it but the two boys were so into their 'discussions' to notice.
"Why are you so eager to know anyway? You've never asked the reason I love or hate Yong-.YoungJae suddenly stop.
HimChan eyes widened in surprise and he waves his hand dramatically. "Dude, you've got to be kidding me! Is it still because of that guy?! I thought you've moved on?!."
"I've moved on!. Can't you see?!!"
"So why? You've never been like this before. You're more friendly and opened up to others."
"I -I just. . ." YoungJae was lost at words. 
The people who were looking at them before slowly loose their interest on them and start to mind their own business. It seems like there's nothing happened before and everything is back to normal. HimChan sigh and moved closer to YoungJae. 
"I asked you because I care about you. I've known you for years YoungJae. I know you're the type who     bottle up their feelings to themselves. Sometimes, there a things that you can't handle yourself. You just have to let go. Why are you being like this?." HimChan rub soothing circles on his back slowly and it's
obvious that he's worried about the male beside him.
Guilt starts to creep into him when he saw the worried look in his hyung's face.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. . I mean, I just. .I- "
YoungJae sigh and covered his face with both of his hands.
                                                                  - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - 
"Hyung, wanna grab some lunch?."
"Do you really need to ask?."
JongUp chuckled at his Hyung, who was quickly getting ready to go to the cafeteria. They were playing video games before and he was in the middle of cleaning the mess they created -since DaeHyun is a lazy--
JongUp's and DaeHyun's family were really close and they were likely a childhood friend. Unfortunately they didn't go to the same college. But the distance between their respective college wasn't that far anyway, so they end up living together.
"Wow, nice and neat. Good job dongsaeng." JongUp look at DaeHyun who was standing at the door.
He watches as DaeHyun come closer to him and gave him a thumbs up but JongUp playfully shoved it away.
"Next time, it was your turn to clean up."
"Nope. It was your job." DaeHyun stuck his tounge out at JongUp.
JongUp pouted. "What's your job then?."
DaeHyun smiled mischievously. "I'll make the mess. You have to clean it."
"What? It's not fair!."
"If I don't make any mess, you don't have anything to clean. So, we both have our own part to be done. It seems fair to me." DaeHyun smiled proudly.
"Isn't it the other way around?."
"Whatever, I'm starving."
                                                                        - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - 
DaeHyun tapped JongUp's shoulder "Hey, I'm going to the restroom. Wait for me here and don't go anyway okay?." 
JongUp rolled his eyes. "Hyung, I'm 18 now. Don't treat me like a 5 years old!."
"You seem like a 5-years-old to me!" DaeHyun shout and ran away to the restroom, leaving an annoyed teenager behind.
Aish, he's lucky he's a hyung. Or else. .
JongUp look around the cafeteria to see something entertaining. When he doesn't find any, he walked to the food counter, just to kill some time before DaeHyun gets back. I might as well figure out what to eat. He thought to himself. He scan through the food and suddenly his stomach growled loudly. JongUp chuckled and patted his stomach. Don't worry, I'll feed you soon. 
After he had decided what to eat, he made his way to the place he waits for DaeHyun before. But his steps halted when he saw a familiar figure in front of him.
HimChan hyung?
                                                                  - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - 
"HimChan Hyung?." JongUp watch as the man in front of him stopped his movement immediately and look around to find the one who was calling his name. Oops, did I say that out loud?
HimChan looks around and he was surprised to see JongUp who was waving at him shyly.
"J- JongUp?"
JongUp flashes his brightest smile. "Yeah. You're having lunch here too?."
HimChan was dumbfounded and didn't know what else to reply. He just managed to squak a simple
"Are you here alone?." JongUp looks around as if he's searching for someone.
After regaining his sense, HimChan finally able to utter a coherent word. He took a deep breath and calmly said "Nope. I'm here with YoungJae. You know him?."
JongUp thought for a moment. "You mean the one you always told me about?"
"Yes. Wait, you never met him right? Let's go! I'll introduced you to him!!." HimChan says excitedly and
didn't give JongUp any chance to respond. He just simply dragged him away. Just like he did with YoungJae earlier. Poor them.
                                                                           - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - 
What took him so long? YoungJae shook his head when a thought crosses his mind. Don't tell me he had found someone to flirt with. I will not cope with that again.
YoungJae immediately turned his head to the side and saw his hyung dragged a boy towards him. He is smiling. His hyung is smiling. Genuinely smiled.
I have a bad feeling about this. .
"Hyung, what are y-."
YoungJae was cut off immediately when HimChan said "YoungJae, meet my friend here, JongUp. JongUp, this is my lovely dongsaeng, YoungJae."
Lovely. .dongsaeng? What is going on here? YoungJae look at HimChan suspiciously and turn his attention to JongUp. Wait, this kid is familiar.
"Hi YoungJae-ssi. Nice to meet you." JongUp extended his hand and YoungJae gladly accepted it. JongUp suddenly widened his eyes as if something clicked in his head.
"Oh wait, I know you. We're in the same college, am I right?."
 YoungJae blinked and suddenly he remembered something. Ahh, I remember now. He is the Dance & Performing Arts student. And this is the JongUp HimChan hyung always blabbering about. He is head-over-heels with this guy.
YoungJae just nodded at him and gave him his well-known smile.
JongUp giggled. "We all in the same college but I didn't even figure out that it was you HimChan hyung always talk about."
"JongUppie! There you are! I've been looking around for you!. I thought you were lost!"
YoungJae freeze and he feels the hair on the back of his neck stands up. 
This voice. . .Is it. .
YoungJae hesitated a bit, but he decided to turn his head behind anyway. Well, he shouldn't have.
D- DaeHyun?. .
JongUp look at DaeHyun who were smiling at him. He gulped and smile awkwardly at DaeHyun. He knew DaeHyun hated it when he doesn't get food in time, and he knew that DaeHyun doesn't like the fact that his lunch time was wasted -according to DaeHyun- for searching him.
Uh-Oh, this is not good.
                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - 
A couple of minutes earlier. .
DaeHyun shook his head in disbelief and rub his temples. Aish, this kid. I'm just away for about 15 minutes and this kid is nowhere to be seen!!
DaeHun took a mental note not to leave JongUp behind next time he goes to the restroom.
Where is he? This is a ing cafeteria! He can't be lost in it?!
DaeHyun wandered around and he sighs in relief when he saw the younger. He smiled and took a step closer to him when he realized that the younger is not alone. Who are they? Looks familiar. Are they JongUp's friend? 
As he walked nearer, he noticed that the man who was standing beside JongUp is not around his age. Is it a Hyung? Then, he turned his attention to the other man who was sitting on the chair. The guy was back facing him, so he can't quite figure out the guy feature. But he can't help the familiar feeling when he saw the guy though. 
Then, it hit him.
Wait, is that. .
DaeHyun's feet stop as he stares at them. He watch as JongUp smile brightly and extended his hand to the guyThe guy slowly stood up and took JongUp hands for a handshake. 
It can't be him, can it?
He keep on staring at them. He doesn't even know why he stares at them. He was oblivious to the surroundings and didn't aware of the weird look sent by the people passing by. But he decided not to care anyway, so he just keeps on staring. He stares for God knows how long until he heard a loud grumbling. Finally, he realized something.
Oh yeah, I'm hungry.
DaeHyun immediately forgot about the guy and walked quickly towards JongUp. All he cares now was he has an appetite to feed. He smile at the thought of that and shout when he arrived at the table where JongUp and his friends were sitting at.
"Hey, JongUp! There you are! I've been looking around for you!. I thought you were lost!!"
DaeHyun smirk as he saw JongUp expressions. 
You are so going to pay for this. .
"O- Oh, Hyung. Umm, sorry. I just have a little catch up with my friends here." JongUp sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of his head.
"Oh, it's okay. Come here. I have something to tell you."
JongUp hesitated a little, but he doesn't want HimChan and YoungJae to sense the awkwardness between them, so he merely nodded and turned his attention to HimChan, who apparently doesn't have a pleasant expression on his face.
"Umm, Hyung. Excuse me for a while. I'll come back later."
HimChan raised an eyebrow at him and said "Come back?."
"Oh, umm. .I thought maybe we can have lunch together so, yeah. B- but it's okay if you don't want to. I just. .I mean. Uhh-"
HimChan chuckled as the younger stuttered. "Don't worry. It was a great idea. I'm sure YoungJae didn't mind it either." HimChan stole a glance at YoungJae, and suddenly a frown appears on his face.
What's up with him? Why is he staring that guy like that? 
"Okay Hyung. I'll be back."
JongUp made his way closer to DaeHyun. He doesn't like the way DaeHyun smile at him. He knows that smile.
He knows it all too well that he wish he didn't.
"Jong.Up." DaeHyun gritted his teeth while having that smile on his face. He grab JongUp arms and tighten his grip.
JongUp flinched. "Y-yeah."
JongUp gulp. "Uhh, you told me to wait for you."
"Don't go anywhere until you gets back."
"And what did you do?."
JongUp turn his head to look at HimChan and YoungJae, and then back to DaeHyun.
"Sorry Hyung. It wasn't practically my fault. That guy over there dragged me here and I didn't even have a chance to-."
"I don't want to hear any excuse. You waste my lunch time by searching for you, and now I'm starving. You made the food waiting!"
JongUp wanted to rolled his eyes, but he immediately forgets it once he saw a dead-serious look on his Hyung's face.
"I'm sorry Hyung. Let's go eat now, okay?"
DaeHyun's tempered almost immediately gone once he heard the word eat and he smiles at JongUp. Genuinely this time.
"That's what I want to hear. Now, let's -"
"Uhh, wait Hyung!." JongUp tugged at DaeHyun's hand.
DaeHyun glared at JongUp. He growled. "What is it this time?!."
"Umm, can we eat with them?." JongUp pointed at HimChan and YoungJae.
Without even looking at them, DaeHyun huffed. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now, let's go! Move! Move!."
                                                                     - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - 
YoungJae sighs in relief when he saw DaeHyun and JongUp walked away. He still a bit surprised at the fact that he met the older here, since they didn't go to the same college.
Maybe he's here with JongUp.
YoungJae blinked. He feels his heart slightly hurt when he thought of seeing JongUp and DaeHyun together. He frown and bit his lip.
This is weird. What's wrong with my heart?
Then, he feels the pain in his heart again when he looked upon the possibility of why the other had been missing for a month.
Is it because he's getting bored with me? Or has he found someone else to mess with? Is that 'someone' is JongUp?
YoungJae hated when his heart hurts like this. Because he knows all too well what it means. And he didn't want to admit it. He tried to think of another reason his heart feeling this way. He uses his genius brain to think of another explanation, but he couldn't find any.
YoungJae bumped his forehead on the table and sighed loudly.
My heart and brain were having war with each other. Who should I listen to?
Suddenly, he hears a loud grumbling.
He sigh and sits up.
Screw this. I will listen to my stomach and get something to eat.
YoungJae was about to get up and go to the food counter when he hears someone talk to him.
"Dude, do you forgot that I'm here?."
YoungJae blink and look at HimChan. He mentally facepalmed and smile sheepishly at his hyung.
"Uh, sorry hyung. I'm a little lost in my thought."
HimChan pouted. "That's just rude."
YoungJae just shot an apologetic face to HimChan and he stands up.
"Wait, where are you going?."
"I'm going to buy some food."
HimChan looks at YoungJae's plate. 
"When did you finished your food?."
"I don't know. But I'm still hungry."
HimChan rolled his eyes and motioned YoungJae to go.
                                                                       - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - 
HimChan tapped his fingers on the table impatiently as he was bored alone.
Where are they? 
"Hey Hyung!"
HimChan look at the two boys in front of him and he smiled. JongUp sits beside HimChan and DaeHyun sits on of the empty chairs in front of them. JongUp had a confused look when he saw the empty chair beside DaeHyun. 
"Eh, where's YoungJae Hyung?."
DaeHyun froze. 
Y- YoungJae? So it was him after all. .
"He goes to get some food."
DaeHyun watch silently as JongUp pick his fork and start eating. Then, he shifted his gaze to HimChan. He swallows the food he had stuffed in his mouth earlier. He didn't want to think of YoungJae, so he needs to find something to distract him.
DaeHyun suddenly scoffed. "Umm, JongUp. You didn't introduce your friend to me."
JongUp look up at DaeHyun and then to HimChan. He swallow the remaining food in his mouth and took a sip of his drink. 
"Oh, sorry. I forgot. DaeHyun-hyung, this is Kim HimChan. He is 23. So, you have to call him Hyung. He is a Traditional Art student." JongUp smiles. "And hyung, this is Jung DaeHyun. My childhood best friend. We live together."
"You two live together?!!"
DaeHyun and JongUp startled at HimChan's sudden outburst. HimChan realize that he said that too loud and he scratches the back of his neck.
"Uhh, sorry. I mean, JongUp had never told me he has a housemate. I believe that you didn't go to the same college as JongUp right?." HimChan manages to smile.
JongUp and DaeHyun look at each other and DaeHyun giggled. They told HimChan about their family and they had a nice conversation. HimChan actually like DaeHyun when suddenly he realize something.
Wait, is this the Jung DaeHyun? The one YoungJae hates so much? Oh my God! How can I miss that? What if YoungJae sees him?!
As if on cue, He saw YoungJae coming closer and HimChan mentally scream.
"Sorry Hyung, I bumped with someone and -"
YoungJae almost dropped his food when his eyes met with DaeHyun's. It was like the universe had stopped spinning and the time had frozen. They hold their gaze for a moment until YoungJae hears DaeHyun scoffed. He blinked. 
"Hi, YoungJae. It's been a while."
YoungJae couldn't move his leg, so he just stood there. He ignores DaeHyun and he looks at HimChan who was having a worried look on his face. He knew that the older somehow feel guilty but he didn't blame him though. It wasn't HimChan's fault he had to meet with DaeHyun anyway.
"Umm, Hyung. I think I'm going home now. I still had to finish my assignment."
"Wait, how about your food?."
YoungJae looks down at his tray.
"Don't worry about it. I'll eat it at home."
"If you say so."
With that, YoungJae walked away.
JongUp was confused with the situation at first, when something clicked in his mind.
"Hyung, is he. ."
Despite his cheerful tone, JongUp can't miss the hurt look on DaeHyun's face. DaeHyun then look at HimChan. 
"HimChan hyung, I know we just met a couple of minutes ago, but I'm pretty sure you know me."
"Yeah. YoungJae always talked about you."
DaeHyun looks at HimChan in disbelief. "He- He talked about me?."
"Yeah. But I don't think you want to hear what he told me though."
DaeHyun chuckled. "I kind of figured that out."
There was silence for a moment. Until DaeHyun said
"So, you know he hates me right?."
"And do you know why?."
DaeHyun widened his eyes. "You know?."
"Would you like to tell me why?."
"Ohh hyung come on~!." DaeHyun whines.
HimChan sigh. He look at the pouting male in front of him and observes DaeHyun's face.
"Do you. ." He wavered a moment. He took a deep breath and assure himself that he did this for
YoungJae's sake.
"Do you know Bang YongGuk?."
 - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - 
Author's Notes
Is it just me, or this chapter is too long it's annoying? --". Well, sorry for the crap. It was hard to edit this chapter. And tell me what you think of this story. It wasn't too cliche was it? Thanks for the comment! I hope there's more.


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-Hate- I seriously don't know why Chap 3 and 5 is Rated. It's only contain kiss scene. Maybe AFF had changed? Because I couldn't unrated it like I used to.


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Chapter 6: Note: Stained cheeks not Strain cheeks.
Chapter 1: Note: You can let down the Windows in a car but not the Windshield of a car.
Chapter 6: 'And they all live happily ever after'..sound like typical fairytale stories..i was 'awwww' at that..n then,there were 'puked rainbow' at the end(⊙.⊙)..i literally laughing out laugh at the cute..glad all went well ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
well,except for banglo ヘ( ̄▽ ̄*)ノ
Mimox123 #4
Chapter 6: Omoooo~kyeopta...great job unnie
Hoho! I act mean unnie xP
Chapter 6: Ahhhh~ why is it so cute and made me crack like hell?! Thanks so much for this awesome amazing ending author-nim! It's nothing near bad, ok??

I'll miss you! Hope to see such great story again ^_^
Chapter 6: Wahhh happy ending for daejae~~~ and also himup~~~ xD
Chapter 6: Too adorable!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Chapter 4: Hell, will he decide to go or not?

Unnie! You're the best o/