Chapter 2: Week 2


"Look at what I found." Himchan sang as he slammed a magazine on Yongguk's desk on an early Monday morning.

Yongguk raised an eyebrow, actually a little curious on what Himchan had to show him this time. Himchan had a habit of presenting Yongguk with his findings lately. Some were interesting, some were just plain stupid, and other's not worthy of fawning over or batting an eye.

Yongguk picked up the magazine as Himchan took his, now permanent, seat next to Yongguk, swinging his bag over his head and dumping it carelessly on the floor.

"Zodiac Signs?" Yongguk read the overly flashy, glittered covered title before putting it down. Other than the pictures of weird symbols on the cover page, Yongguk saw nothing in particular interesting about it. "So?"

Himchan, noticing the apathetic look across Yongguk's face, grabbed the magazine out of Yongguk's hands and began to flip the pages. "Remember when we were talking about our birthdays?"

"Vaguely." Yongguk said honestly, but also in a disinterested tone.

Himchan lightly guffawed, knowing that he had do something to catch Yongguk's attention before the boy decides to ignore him completely. "Well I do, clearly." Himchan said smugly, and Yongguk just blinked. "Anyway I was in my sister's room borrowing some things from her and this magazine was on her desk. It caught my attention and reminded me about my zodiac sign and then I started thinking about your's too. I wondered if we act like the zodiac signs we have. Don't worry, I haven't read anything yet. I wanted to share this moment with you."

Himchan then concluded by giving Yongguk a look that meant "See how caring I am?"

Yongguk once again blinked then sighs, "What things?"

Himchan hums, making the ending long as if he was asking "What things?"

'You were in your sister's room to get some things,  if I remember correctly. What were they?" Yongguk asked out of natural curiosity and because he knew that Himchan obviously left some details out because he rarely does. The guy was known to tell you every single detail every time he recalls a past occurrence.

Himchan smiled slightly wavered and his cheeks turned a very light shade of pink, barely noticeable unless you were concentrating hard enough to see it. There was a reason why Himchan didn't specify on the items he was retrieving from his sister.

It was makeup. Concealer, if you wanted to know. And yes we all know how Himchan feels about makeup. Well, who can blame him? Besides he was trying to take a selca and post it as a profile picture. He had to look flawless for it of course. Nothing's wrong with that, right?

Although Himchan was unsure how Yongguk would react if he told him. Wouldn't he find it weird that a boy, a teenaged one, wearing makeup? Himchan was already used to his friends making fun of him for it and he does know that Yongguk is over things like that, but he wasn't sure if Yongguk would just secretly judge instead.

But wait.

Doesn't Yongguk do that anyway?

Yes he does. Then why was Himchan over thinking it then?

"I was borrowing my sister's concealer. You know, to hide any blemishes." Himchan smiled and gestured his hands to present his face.

Yongguk grunted, not really caring for the items Himchan wanted from his sister any more. He wasn't even surprised, because Himchan was just full of surprises and besides, Himchan proved himself to be unlike most of their classmates by dealing with all the time anyway.

"Well back to the magazine." Himchan folds the magazine in half and points to an article called, "Personality Traits". "Wanna see if it's accurate?" Himchan asks.

At that, Yongguk's interest sparked and Himchan could immediately tell from the way Yongguk's eyes sort of light up. And the only reason why Himchan was able to look into Yongguk's eyes and know how he was really feeling was because he learned that he was most likely going to see how Yongguk feels if he studies his eyes and not his continuous nonchalant face expressions.

Yes, Himchan was that dedicated. What did you expect? There's 500 dollars on the line and he liked the challenge of becoming friends with Yongguk.

"I knew you would be intrigued, my friend." Himchan laughs. "So your birthday is on February 3rd, right?"

Yongguk nodded. More or less impressed that Himchan remembered such a small detail.

What Yongguk didn't know is that Himchan made sure to write down every detail Yongguk. His likes and dislikes and his types of habits. Although he doesn't have that much written down, he did this to truly understand Yongguk.

"You're an Aquarius. The symbol of the water bearer. That's interesting." Himchan commented. "By any chance do you like swimming, water bearer?"

Yongguk scoffs, "Sure."

"Now for your keywords, Aquarius."

Yongguk shook his head and frowned, not understanding why Himchan continued to use anything, but his actual name.

"So Aquarius, your witty, clever, inventive and original." Himchan put down the magazine and furrowed his eyebrows. "What does inventive mean?"

"It means to be like creative, artistic, and gifted." Yongguk explains.

"Oh." Himchan taps his bottom lip, telling himself he has to remember that. "Well, witty and clever sounds like you. However I have yet to see your inventive and original side. I'm sure you have them, so I can't wait. Other than that, it seems about right. Don't you think?"

"If I said yes, would it amuse you?" Yongguk slightly tilts his head, eyes screaming hilarity.

"Yes, it would."

"Then no. It doesn't. I'm very skeptical about it." Yongguk replies.

However Himchan knew that Yongguk was just being sarcastic.

"Oh Yongguk, just learn to go with the flow. You don't have to 100 percent believe it. Even I'm skeptical and you know how gullible I can be."

Yes, Yongguk knew very well that Himchan can be a bit naive. Like the time he told Himchan that smiling too much can cause health problems, only because he wanted to see how Himchan looked without being such a happy camper all the time.

It didn't work, but Himchan did overreact and cause a scene in the middle of the street they were crossing.

Never again.

"Aquarius's personality is very independent, any attempt to hold them down or restrict them, causes them to flee. That's kind of funny. I wonder what would happen if I tried to corner you?  Well, this does explain why it's natural for you to be alone them." Himchan says while flipping the page. "Oh! Here we are."

"And what's that?" Yongguk crosses his arms.

"Aquarius and Friendship. Exactly what I'm looking for."

Yongguk proceeds to roll his eyes and mumbles, "I bet it is."

"Beneath the detached , unemotional exterior lies a kind hearted friend that will go out of their way to help another......They do not expect anything in return, for this, could put a damper on their freedom. They live with no strings Aquarius friend always make life fun." Himchan took a deep breath before saying, "Wow."

What he read made some sense to him. And also gave him a good feeling about his and Yongguk's future. Although he said he was skeptical about this magazine, he can't help, but believe every word he read. It meant that Yongguk was much more than he presents himself as and that gave Himchan the motivation to continue stick close to him.

"What about your sign?" Yongguk, unlike Himchan, wasn't affected by the reading, as he already knew himself much better than a magazine that claim it does.

Himchan, pulled out of his dazed state, began to search for his sign. He said a little, "A-ha!", when he found it by just turning four pages.

"I'm an Aries. My symbol is a.....ram!" Himchan laughs at the last word. " Well my mom always did say I was a little hard headed.

Yongguk felt the corners of his lips twitch, agreeing totally with Himchan's mother, because only someone so hard headed and stubborn would become his friend after being insulted many times.

"Anyway my keywords are  independent, generous, optimistic, courageous and enthusiastic."

"Optimistic and enthusiastic definitely defines you." Yongguk points out.

"Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?"

"Depends. Do you like being compared to a ball of rainbows and sunshine?"

Himchan grins. " I like sunshine and I love rainbows. Compliment it is then."

Yongguk somehow knew that Himchan would.

"Being the first of zodiac signs, Aries venture out and are go getter, often leading others......their personalities entices others to follow their lead because Aries personalities bring excitement to other's lives." Himchan finishes with an even wider smile. "Cool, I'm a leader. I guess that's why I have many friends." Himchan pats himself on the back for apparently being the awesome leader he is.

Yongguk was unsure on who and why would others follow Himchan of all people. If he didn't know any better, Himchan seemed like the type to do some crazy things like convincing people to bungee jump off the Empire State building.

"Aries are good friends, they always look out for their friends with care and generousity......if confronted Aries can turn to be quite childish and they are known to be have temper tantrums, should they not get their ways. I agree I'm a pretty good friend, but hey! I don't have tantrums!" Himchan throws the magazine on his desk in a huff.

"Yeah , because you're totally not having one by throwing things right now." Yongguk  voice practically dripped of nothing, but sarcasm and amusement.

Himchan froze, realizing that he was throwing one.

Then at that moment. Yongguk and Himchan lock eyes for a split seconds before Himchan burst out laughing at himself. And for the first time since they've been together, Yongguk cracks a smile.

And Himchan clearly sees it.

Himchan sees Yongguk's pearly whites and his pink gums and the delighted expression he's been trying to get Yongguk to show him for the past weeks with all of his hilarious jokes, no matter how much Yongguk kept telling him that they weren't.

And he was beyond happy. He was ecstatic, overjoyed and every other synonym that was related to the emotion Himchan was being overwhelmed with. Because this, this was a step up for him. A step closer to actually being able to calling himself a genuine friend of Yongguk.

"I think you just made my day." Himchan told Yongguk before pulling his books out for the beginning of first period.




Took a practice Act test, my brain completely shut down on me afterwards. Gawd it was horrible. I fear for the actual test now.

Anyway, how are you guys? Doing well?

Well since I have nothing else to say, I might as well tell you guys I'm a gemini. Yes, it's awesome being one. Just look up on the personlity of one and you have me!

What signs are you guys? I'm pretty curious myself.

Well, goodbye and see you next time.

(Ps. My subscribers I love you! And 4 upvotes?! Wow! )

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Chapter 3: Ah really that so great this story !!!
It's so cute I'm melting ^^
Chapter 2: AISH!! Sooo cute together !!!
Chapter 1: Haha way to go Chanie!!!
Chapter 3: Awks, that was such a cute chapter omfg XD And ooh~ you're a gemini? I know quite a few geminis XD I'm a taurus, and I think I fit it pretty well ;D
Chapter 3: I cant stop thinking about what will happen after the bet... i know yongguk knew but still i cant stop thinking that he may be hurt by that awwwwuu this is cute, himchan trying his best to befriend guk.... but also he 500$
Chapter 3: wuuuuuuuuuhhuuuuu yongguk smiles~~~~
week 3 week 3 pleaseeee
chjb2uty #7
Chapter 3: Yeay.. finally Yongguk's smile :-D
Chapter 3: Oooow himchan with his abnormal friendly attitude XD
Keep the good work author-nim ! ^^
Oh i'm a virgo btw kkkk
chanchanxx #9
Chapter 3: im loving this story sooooo much it makes me smile a lot :)
Chapter 2: Yay ! They get closer and closer !
Banghim ftw ! ^^