Chapter 1: Week 1


"Now that I think about it Yongguk, are you my hyung or my dongseng?' Himchan turned to Yongguk after their homeroom teacher left to the main office, leaving the class to have study hall.

Of course no one really studies during study hall so it's kind of misleading that the free period is called study hall. If anything, it should be called conversing hall since everyone just basically talk to one another.

"Depends."  Yongguk closed his science book realizing that he wouldn't be getting any studying in, the only guy in class who would, because he's been "friends" with Himchan for 3 days. (Quotations for "friends" because that's what Himchan wants to be and he labels their relationship as so, although Yongguk was not sure how to define whatever they supposedly had.) And since Yongguk has known Himchan for 3 days, he knows that Himchan is a social person. And when he means a social person, he means someone with a big mouth who never stops talking even if you tell them to.

"When's your birthday?" Yongguk asks.

"I was born on a beautiful sunny morning in spring, April 19th." Himchan announced proudly, as if it was actually something to be proud of.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, something he's been doing more often because of a certain someone, Yongguk says, "I'm your hyung."

Himchan cups his face with his hands and slightly frowns. "Well I sort of saw that coming. I was hoping that I was older so I could make you say hyung in that deep voice of yours. It would've sounded cool and disturbing at the time." Himchan then begins to smile again. " When is your birthday?"

"February 3rd."

"On such a cold month. No wonder you're so cold and distant." Himchan pretends to catch the chills and rubs his arms to warm up.

Yongguk narrows his eyes at Himchan, who caught the look Yongguk was giving him and burst out laughing.

Now if this was a few days ago, Himchan would've froze in fear and immediately apologize, but now, after getting used to Yongguk's constant eye rolling and death glares for the past few days, they had almost no affect on Himchan. Since Himchan is  naturally cheerful and an  easy-going person, it's not all that surprising. Besides, not to forget, Himchan is a social person, and social people know how to adjust themselves with all kinds of people.

"It's just a joke. Sheesh, hyung." Himchan emphasizes hyung thinking it would calm Yongguk's nerves, because who doesn't like being called one?

However Yongguk did not look happy in the least, not that he ever showed happiness before, well not that the whole school's population and Himchan knew of. Instead he even looked more annoyed.

"Are you really that mad at me. Sorry, hyung. I didn't mean to make you mad. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?" Himchan tried to act cute, mostly because most people really can't stay mad at him if they find him cute, or in his friend's case, dying of lack of air because they really can't stop laughing their butts off because Himchan looks just plain ridiculous.

Expectedly, Yongguk was not affected by Himchan's cute act. He was not amused nor was he charmed. And he was definitely not cracking a smile.

When the first time Himchan tried to be cute for him after accidently spilling apple juice all over Yongguk's bag, he was surprised, Yongguk must admit. But any time after that, he only found it to be even more annoying than the normal, always smiling, Himchan.

"Quit it." Yongguk demanded. Himchan immediately dropped the cute act and crossed his arms. He knew Yongguk was never really affected by his act, of course he knew this, but he tried every so often if Yongguk would even find it funny. Which he didn't. So Himchan began to sulk and he wasn't even trying to hide it.

"Look," Yongguk rubbed his eyes. "I'm not mad. Maybe extremely annoyed like most of the time when I'm with you, but not mad. I'm used to your stupid jokes anyway."

"My jokes aren't stupid, hyung!" Himchan defended himself.

"Yes they are." Yongguk said as it was final and nothing Himchan could say would change that fact. "Also stop that hyung thing."

Himchan's eyebrow's rose. "Why?" He didn't understand why Yongguk would not like being called one.

"Because one, it's irritating. And two, because we're the same age." Yongguk then looked at Himchan. "I thought you wanted to be friends?"

"I do!" Himchan exclaims loudly enough to gain most of their classmates attentions.

Yongguk put his hand on his forehead and sighs. Himchan's knack for ALWAYS putting attention on them never seems to fail.

"Then shouldn't 'friends' call each other by their names?" Yongguk questioned Himchan.

A wave of realization hits Himchan's face and he clasps his mouth. "You're right." Himchan begins to softly knock his fist on his head. "How could I forget? Geez, I can be so blank sometimes. I'll continue to call you  Yongguk  and you can continue to call me your most awesome friend in the world, Himchan."

"I don't find that funny." Yongguk opens his science book when he sees the that the homeroom teacher has returned. However before he could even begin to read, he snaps his head to Himchan, who now had his hand on Yongguk's back.

Himchan was grinning then says, "One day you will."




Yongguk was standing in front of his locker, gathering his things before he goes home.

Math textbook, check.

Highlighters, check.

English homework, check.

Black journal, check.

Yongguk zips his bag closed and locks his locker. He sighs and leans against his locker.

Yongguk waited. He waited for Himchan, the person who told Yongguk to wait for him so they could walk home together. Yongguk didn't understand why though. Yongguk figured that Himchan would free himself from him and hang out with his usual friends after school.

He just assumed this as every "friend" before Himchan has done this before, not wanting to spend another second with him after the last bell rings. Not that Yongguk cared. He never cared. He preferred to be alone anyway.

However Himchan wants to be around him afterschool. Himchan wants to actually get close to him. And Yongguk has to confess, that bothered him a little. It also kind of bothered Yongguk that Himchan accepted every eye roll, every glare and insult with a smile, sometimes even laughing to them. Most would get offended, start yelling at him or just burst out in tears, but no, not Himchan.

Himchan was odd. No, he was optimistic. Very optimistic. Actually he was both. The double O. Which is a combination, Yongguk believed, that no one should ever have. Being optimistic is one thing but unpredictable and odd is another.

As Yongguk was deciding to not wait anymore, he told Himchan he's not waiting more than 5 minutes, he saw Himchan rounding the corner with his normal group of friends.

Yongguk saw how lively the group was, mostly centering around Himchan and another boy Yongguk recognized as a classmate but the boy's name didn't pop up. All he knew was that the boy had a busan accent and loved stupid jokes and smiled almost as much as Himchan.

Everyone in the group was either smiling or laughing. No frowns or grimaces seen anywhere. Now that was the group of people Himchan should be hanging out with, Yongguk thought. Not him.

Yongguk caught Himchan's eye. Himchan waved in his direction, with the goofiest  grin like he was actually happy to see Yongguk still waiting for him. And he was. Very. 

Yongguk nodded his head and felt the corn of his lips twitch. As if they wanted to go upwards. As if he wanted to smile back. But that was preposterous, Yongguk almost never smiles. Or so many would think.

Himchan said good bye to his friends, departing straight to Yongguk. "Ready, walking buddy?" Himchan asked when he stood shoulder to shoulder with Yongguk.

"Why?" Yongguk questioned.  His expression was blank but his eyes showed pure curiosity. He wanted to know, no, that's not right, he wanted to understand why would someone like Himchan be willing to hang out with him. It made no sense and as he's very honest with a lot of things, even with himself, he needed to the truth.

"Uh... what?" Himchan tilted his head. He knew Yongguk had a habit of always asking why, but never on what specifically. Like the time he said why when Himchan bought pineapple juice instead of fruit juice.

"Why do you want to walk home with me? I'm sure you would like their company better than mine." Yongguk looked towards the exit. Not that he was trying to avoid Himchan's puzzled eyes but because he was ready to leave.

"I know. I would enjoy their company. They're easy-going, funny and fun to hang out with. They know how to take a joke, keep their noses out of books all the time and don't ignore me all day." Himchan said referring to we all know who.

Yongguk's grip on his bag straps tightens and his frown deepens. He didn't know why he was standing there when he could've been half way home by now.

"But you know what, Yongguk?" Himchan nudged Yongguk's side, making Yongguk break his focus on the exit and onto Himchan's eyes full of mischief and Yongguk's reflection. "I'd much rather hang out with you."

Himchan then walks ahead of Yongguk and was halfway through the door when he turned around and noticed that Yongguk has not moved from his spot. "Are you coming or do you want to stay in school overnight?"

Yongguk was in a daze. He was knocked off his feet and trying to process what Himchan said to him. He couldn't possibly believe that Himchan, the boy surrounded by those who were enjoyable to be around, wanted to be with him, the anti-social kill joy. But that was sort of the problem, Yongguk did believed it.

And that was very unsettling.

So he decided that he shouldn't care about it anymore. He shouldn't care about the fact that Himchan is always around him even though Himchan has a chance to be free of him. And he shouldn't care about Himchan's social life. He doesn't care, or so he tells himself.

Yongguk slowly begins to walk towards the exit and stops besides and says, "I still don't find you funny."

"I can see that. But I will also say that one day, you'll definitely find me hilarious." Himchan lightly chuckles.

Yongguk takes a deep breath and fully leaves the school building. He immediately walks off campus and goes straight home.

of course, with his "friend", Himchan, right beside him, telling him jokes the whole way there.





I..I...I'm sooooo tired. You know the usual, school. Yup anybody else here that hates it because I know I do.

So I've been writing this story in this journal and I was actually able to finish this chapter a few hours earlier. So I thought, what the hay! I might as well type it up tonight and update. So here you are my wonderful subscribers. (YES ALL 22 OF YOU! I LOVE YOU ALL!)

I tried to proof read but as the first sentence says, I'm already half asleep so if you see any mistakes, please tell me. Thanks and goodnight my peeps!


- Connection




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Chapter 3: Ah really that so great this story !!!
It's so cute I'm melting ^^
Chapter 2: AISH!! Sooo cute together !!!
Chapter 1: Haha way to go Chanie!!!
Chapter 3: Awks, that was such a cute chapter omfg XD And ooh~ you're a gemini? I know quite a few geminis XD I'm a taurus, and I think I fit it pretty well ;D
Chapter 3: I cant stop thinking about what will happen after the bet... i know yongguk knew but still i cant stop thinking that he may be hurt by that awwwwuu this is cute, himchan trying his best to befriend guk.... but also he 500$
Chapter 3: wuuuuuuuuuhhuuuuu yongguk smiles~~~~
week 3 week 3 pleaseeee
chjb2uty #7
Chapter 3: Yeay.. finally Yongguk's smile :-D
Chapter 3: Oooow himchan with his abnormal friendly attitude XD
Keep the good work author-nim ! ^^
Oh i'm a virgo btw kkkk
chanchanxx #9
Chapter 3: im loving this story sooooo much it makes me smile a lot :)
Chapter 2: Yay ! They get closer and closer !
Banghim ftw ! ^^