‹ 전쟁이야 — teaser one。

‹ 전쟁이야 — the uprising。≣ apply open
t e a s e r    o  n  e
an impromptu meeting
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For some, the day had barely even begun but Siyeon was already late. It’s not that she was a terrible timekeeper, it’s just that being two hundred and fourty four years old, attending a class wasn’t exactly something she had time for these days. Her patience with homework and text books and learning from a book had long since disappeared. It didn’t help that she could feel the inner sigh from across the room as she searched for her other black, heeled boot.

Siyeon looked up through her messy bangs that fell over her eyes and glared half heartedly at the muscular figure standing by the door.

“Stop judging me.” She whined, not missing the minor eye roll before the dirty blonde cleared his throat.

“You’re the one that wanted to learn Japanese.” He replied, the hint of a smile hiding in the corners of his mouth.

“Yeah, as a hobby.” Siyeon mumbled, straightening up and brushing lint off of her shirt. “I thought you’d just teach me instead, I didn’t expect to be taking an actual class.” She grumbled, frowning a little and fixing her hair in the mirror by the door.  This comment actually elicited some kind of short laughter from the taller man.

“I’m not assigned to you to teach you Japanese, Siyeon, I’m here to keep you safe.” Siyeon frowned. She hated being reminded that she had to have a babysitter.

“I’m not a babysitter. You know that.” He smiled opening the door and holding out a black handbag, all text books and pens already accounted for, by him of course. Siyeon narrowed her eyes.

“You’re a werewolf, not a mind reader.” She took the bag reluctantly and stepped into the corridor.

“It’s called knowing you too well.”  Siyeon took her turn to roll her eyes. She cleared and looked at him carefully.

“I need to drop by the office really quickly before class, but I’ll meet you there, okay?” She tried walking away quickly but it was to no avail. “Simon,” She whined, “Please, you don’t need to follow me everywhere, it’s not even on the other side of the building.” She forced herself to make eye contact and did her best to compel him to agree, though she could tell just by sensing around him that he was extremely cautious and not overly keen with her suggestion. “I promise I’ll be quick.” She added. She felt his resolve waver just a little. He didn’t say anything, because he knew he’d already lost. “Thanks, I’ll see you over there!” She grinned and darted down the corridor before he could even try to change his mind.

By the time Siyeon reached the long corridor that lead to the main office, she stopped. She rubbed her forearm a little where she’d started to feel goosebumps and tried to shake the uncomfortable feeling that something was wrong. The closer she got to the large, wooden, double doors the more she frowned. Sensing the emotions of others was not something she had managed to get used to, even though it had been nearly a decade since the ability had reared it’s head. She raised her dainty, pale hand in a fist to knock but the slight raise of a voice she knew well stopped her completely. Instead, she unconsciously held her breath and leaned towards the door and listened.


At that moment, the general morale inside that office wasn’t a cheerful one. The office itself had sun filtering through the large wall of windows whilst overlooking the numerous acres of land that make up the grounds of De la Morte Academy. However the men inside the office were becoming increasingly tense after their unscheduled last minute meeting began early that morning.

“We can’t be sure that anything is wrong.” Dongwan reasoned, missing the sceptical and slightly alarmed look on the face of the woman by his side. He may have missed the disagreement on her face, but the other division leaders did not, and not three seconds went by after his statement before Hyesung spoke up.

“Clearly there is something wrong and we’re not overreacting.” He raised his voice a little out of frustration. They’d gone over this countless times already and he was losing patience with the human. He straightened his sandy coloured hair down again trying to hide the slightly pointed tip of his ears- they got a little red when he got flustered and the other leaders would always point it out, and he wasn’t in the right mood to deal with their snide jokes.  

“Hyesung’s right,” Junjin shrugged, lifting his leg to rest over his knee as he reclined a little on the satin couch. Everyone ignored the small, sarcastic thank you muttered under the fairy’s breath. “We all feel it, it’s not just the psychics. Your psychic is concerned, and by that deduction, so should we.” He sighed, speaking so calmly as he began to fix his hair. To his left, Minwoo nodded but it seemed as if he were barely paying the conversation any attention as he fiddled with the clasp of his gold watch strap. His nonchalance was nothing new, nor unexpected.

“So, tell us,” Minwoo, who had decided to speak up, though attention still on his watch as he sat leisurely in the large arm chair, was interrupted before his sentence was complete.

“Stop,” All attention fell on Eric, who up until now had remained pretty silent, as per usual, shifted a little in his seat in the corner and looked straight at the set of double doors. Minwoo bit back the remark about letting the dog out for the bathroom and cleared his throat, trying his best not to let the fact he’d been interrupted get to him. “We’re not alone.” He didn’t take his eyes off the door. Hyesung, who still remained on his feet frowned and strode towards the door, pulling it open in one smooth motion. He let out a noise somewhere between a groan and a sigh when the dark haired girl stumbled in order to keep her balance.

“Siyeon,” He ran a hand through his hair. He looked like he was about to open his mouth to scold her but another thought entered his mind. “Where’s Junho?” Siyeon blinked at him and opened to explain but she knew that with the mood she felt around her uncle, there was not a lot she could say to get out of this one. “You know you’re not supposed to go anywhere without protection.” He mumbled quietly sounding mildly irritated mixed with a hint of disappointment- and that made it five times worse. “I don’t have time for this right now, just go back to your room and I’ll drop by when I’m done here.” He sighed.

“I have a class right now.” Siyeon corrected him.

“Then go straight there! No pit stops, go straight to that class!” He told her with obvious exasperation. “I’ll be seeing you and Junho later. This needs to stop, Siyeon.” Siyeon could see the tiredness in his eyes and she felt kind of bad, but she wasn’t sure if she did feel bad, or if it was the mood of everyone else overwhelming her. It wasn’t a nice atmosphere inside that office, and she was only in the doorway.

“Sorry, Uncle.” She mumbled. A comforting hand ran briefly over her shoulder before Hyesung shut the door and walked back to collapse into his chair.

“You need to control your niece.” Minwoo shook his head with a judgemental smirk as he repositioned his elbow on the elaborate arm of his chair. Hyesung glared upwards,

“Excuse me? How about controlling your own daughter! She’s all over the place.” He retorted, exhaling as he shook his head in annoyance before muttering again under his breath, “Let’s not forget your son.” It took just one second for Minwoo to spring from his chair, face thunderous as he crossed the room with fire in his eyes. In no time, the two were squaring off against one another, despite Hyesung towering over the shorter Vampire.

Whilst Junjin and Eric leapt from their seats to pull the two away from one another, Junjin enjoying it a little more than Eric, Dongwan sat painfully still in his chair, swallowing a little as his skin paled. He’d been in his position as the Human Division representative for a good eight years now, but when fights broke out amongst others, he couldn’t help but fear a little for his safety. After all; he didn’t have superhuman strength, nor any sharp fangs or claws, he didn’t even have mind powers. He could read Tarot cards pretty damn well, though, but something told him that wasn’t going to do him much good in a fight against a Vampire or a Werewolf. Not even a Fairy.

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‹ 전쟁이야 — LKSDJGDS. why hasn't anyone applied?!


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I feel like setting an actual deadline for apps will make people more aware of the fact that they need to turn their in. Like update, with a new chapter titled 'DEADLINE: _insert date here_'
Also reviewing some of the apps that /have/ been turned in might be nice. Just sayin'. :3
Realmz #3
I don't really see anything new here.
Where's the Update? or Is it the writing inside the little circle on the foreword?
I Have applied for quite some time now... But then the fic suddenly went cold just like that.
chasingmondays #4
Chapter 10: I really want to apply. Going to start now and hopefully finish by tomorrow.
Realmz #5
I have applied!
I was going for sojin as my love interest.
Too bad she's a vamp... since i'm choosing shapeshifter as my char.
I'm soooo going to apply. Too awesome a plot not to :D I'll whip up an app as quick as I can, 'cause you guys deserve applications.
wait for me omg bdhsjabhsdja
i just want to say ill be working on my app soon c:
but i was just wondering, is there no sample application? c:
omgggahh, how did i miss this??
+ added to my to do list...
Chapter 9: I want to apply, but can't find where you list the members of each division??