
Just Another Day


"I still don't see why I have to go get the stupid bananas," grumbled a less than happy Taecyeon. Even though he was wearing the warmest thing he owned, he was still freezing. He looked like a walking marshmallow, a very bright marshmallow. He was wearing a bright red jacket with a yellow scarf that a fan had bought him and he decided to top the abnormally bright outfit off with a lime green hat he had bought the other day. From a distance, the man looked like a street light.

"Because," replied Jaebum, "Chansung was angry and when Chansung's angry, he gets what he wants. You should just be happy that this is ALL you have to do. You know as well as I do that when he's angry, hell would be a happier place than wherever he is."

"Ya, but still... why NOW? I'm freezing over here," complained Taecyeon.

"It's not like I wanna be out here either. What do I look like, a penguin?" asked Jaebum.

Taecyeon found this rather funny because in his black jacket and pants, Jaebum actually did look like a penguin. His height didn't really help in denying the comparison either. Despite his best efforts to resist laughing, a slight chuckle escaped Taec's mouth. Upon hearing this, Jaebum glared at Taecyeon.

"Are you laughing at me?" asked the leader incredulously. "I come out here with you out of the kindness in my heart and you laugh at me?"

"I'm sorry, Jay," Taecyeon said as he continued laughing. "It's just, it was funny. You do look like a penguin, I mean," Taecyeon couldn't continue his sentence because by now he was laughing so hard that tears were forming and he couldn't breathe.

"That's great. Just in great," said Jaebum as he began walking away, angry. Before he got too far though, Taecyeon grabbed his arm.

"Wait," he said between gasps for breath, "I'm sorry." Taecyeon took a large breath of air and calmed himself down. "See? All better."

"Whatever," Jaebum said as he jerked his arm away from Taecyeon. Taecyeon, seeing that his friend was still angry, wasn't about to let him walk away. He grabbed the older man's hand and held on very tightly.

Jaebum's POV

I was mad. No, scratch that. I was pissed. There I was, in the middle of winter, walking with a man that looked like a giant street light just to buy bananas. And why? Because I was the leader. I was supposed to be the one that kept the peace. That's the whole reason I came out of the toasty apartment to walk in the cold. So why the h*ll was I being laughed at?

That's it, I'm going back home.

However, just as I turned around and began walking away, I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to find that it was Taec, the reason I wanted to go home, that had stopped me.

"Wait, I'm sorry," he said, still trying to catch his breath. He took a deep breath and smiled. "See? All better."

All better my foot. "Whatever," I replied angrily. I wanted to go and I wanted to go NOW. There was nothing he could do to stop me. As I jerked my arm away from him and started walking again, I felt another pull on my arm, but this time, instead of it being my arm that Taec held it was my hand.

Wha-? What is he doing? Doesn't he know we're both guys? And more importantly, that we're in public? Wha-?

Return to 3rd POV

"What the- What do you think you're doing?" Jaebum asked angrily. He was trying to shake off Taec's hand, but it was useless. The man had a grip like steel. His hand was there and it was there to stay.

"If I don't do this, you'll leave," Taecyeon said matter-of-factly. He was either naively unaware or he just didn't care that it was strange for two men to walk down the street holding hands. Especially if said men were about 11 centimeters different in height and were members of a popular band known for being manly.

"THIS is your brilliant plan to keep me from returning home? Making us look like fools?" Jaebum asked, half angry and half bewildered. He's not serious, right?

"Yes, it is and it's a pretty good idea if you ask me. Now, let's go get Chan's stupid bananas and hurry home. I'm freezing," said Taecyeon as he proceeded to drag Jay with him.

Despite the darkness, fan girls noticed the two men walking hand-in-hand and it wasn't long before the two could hear whispers.

"Is that-?"

"No, it couldn't be. I mean..."

"Ya, I guess..."

"No, I think it IS..."

Taecyeon just continued walking as if he couldn't hear the whispers and accusations that surrounded them. Jaebum, however, was bothered by it. He couldn't just ignore them.

"Taec, let go," Jaebum hissed at the larger man. He was embarrassed and wanted to save what little dignity he had left by requesting this quietly.

"No," was Taec's simple reply. He didn't care what others said. Why should he? What was so wrong with holding someone's hand?

"Taec," the leader hissed again, "let me go right now or else."

"Or else what?" Taecyeon challenged, turning around. "You'll do what? Yell? Scream? I don't think you'll do that. Not with all these people around. Not with all these girls around. You wouldn't want to damage your manly image, now would you?" Taecyeon stepped closer to the smaller man as he said this. Now, he was no more than half a foot from him and was looking down on him.

Jaebum just stared up at the other man. He knew he was right. He wouldn't yell or scream or make a commotion. He wouldn't do anything to ruin his image. He was helpless against Taec's statement.

"Fine," Jaebum sighed as he resigned to his fate. After all, what was a few pictures of them holding hands to him? His manly image could resist a few images. Couldn't it?

The two men continued walking in silence, surrounded by voices, and soon the super market came into their view. They walked inside and made a bee-line for the produce section. The two were so focused on their goal, however, that they failed to notice that a horde of girls had followed them into the store and that the group was growing larger with every step they took. This fact was not easily missed when they turned around, however. Every girl had their phone and camera out, taking pictures of the chummy men.

"Oppa, can I have your autograph?" a girl from the group asked as she began inching towards the men.

"Uhm..." was all Jae managed to say before the mob of girls descended on the two like wolves would their prey.

Taec, having sensed the danger that they were about to be faced with, had tightened his grip on Jae's hand. The effort proved useless though, when the girls managed to shove their way between the two. Taec, being taller than Jaebum, was still able to see where his shorter counterpart was. All that Jaebum saw, however, was the crazed fan girls that had surrounded him. The girls pushed and shoved their way towards the man.

"Oppa, here- oof" a girl had tried to hand a CD to Jaebum to sign, but before she could extend her hand completely, she was violently pushed out of the way by the other girls.

"Um, girls," Jaebum began uncertainly,"I don't think you should be so... energetic."

The girls were steadily becoming more violent. They began not only pushing each other, but, due to their desire to be the first to get Jay's signature, pushing Jay. Jay backed away from the girls as quickly as he could until his back was against one of the shelves. The girls didn't seem to care that Jay was backed against the shelf and continued pushing.

Jay felt the shelf behind him begin to sway. The shelves had not been built to withstand the assault of approximately fifty-some fan girls. The force of the girls was too much for the shelf and it began to rock back and forth. The momentum of the shelf began to carry in the only direction that it could. Down. Right on top of Jay.


Note: Yup yup. Second chapter. Drama. Suspense. Oh my. >_<" Thank you if you've stuck with me this far. <3


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