
Her, Him, Them


The last words are vaguely heard by Seohyun. For the nth time, her heart breaks again, because of his sdenial to the love she has for him. It’s upsetting that he doesn’t love him in return and to make the matter worse, he doesn’t believe that she is indeed in love with thim. The last layer of her wall starts crumbling down. And her tears pour uncontrollably and for this time, she doesn’t hold it in. She lets it out, all the sad and helpless feeling that she has now.



He keeps walking until he reaches the next floor. He turns around to see her. He stops walking, wondering why  she is standing still. Curious, he also stands still, waiting for her to move. Then he sees saw her hand movig up to her face do the the wiping gesture. Could it be that she is crying? “Impossible!”, he says out loud in his mind.” That crazy girl isn’t serious right?, he said to himself.



Two weeks have passed after their last encounter. It’s a new day and she tries to be more cheerful to hide her wounded heart. It’s Monday, and she knows that it’s not a zero probability that they will bump into each other today. He is the head of the security guard of the Mall she endorses after all. Half of herself wants to see him, half of it wants her heart to stop bleeding. Meeting him only reminds her of her one-sided love and it surely just makes her broken heart worse .

She puts on her actress-face, the tough and serious look, the one she shows to the public and starts walking in the hall, heading to the President’s office. She’s meeting him for the talk of the renewal of her contract with him.When she almost reaches the office, she catches the glimpse of his figure. She sees her coming her way. She holds her glasses up, hiding her swollen eyes, continues walking as she holds her head high, trying to calm her beating heart. She nods at him when they pass each other, and succeeds to utter a ‘good morning’ when her eyes meet his. Then she continues walking. She curses herself  for acting not like herself, but she can’t help it. She is not as strong as she thinks she is. He still affects him in such a way. She turns around t to see him only to find him looking at her way. Startled, she abruptly turns away and walks.



Two weeks have passed and she never shows up again. Normally, she’ll show up to the Mall every now and then eventhough she doesnt have a particular business to attend to. When he asked her long time ago why she always showed up here, she responded by saying “ Why can’t I? I’m the new face of the Mall. Beside, this beautiful face is to be shown, not to be hidden somewhere”. Well, that  surely left me speechless. Her daring personality is surely one of a kind. I guess she needs that since she lives in that world.

Anyway, I heard that she’s coming today to meet the Sajangnim. Well, it’s about time she shows up. It’s been two weeks, and eeeeennnnggggg, well, you know, I, kind of, .............................miss her. That’s it. I say it. My heart has been weird lately. It has this funny feeling whenever I think about her. Well, maybe because what happened the last time. I finally see her as a person, not an A-list actress Seo Joo Hyun, as a girl, as a woman who’s in love, with ME.

I see her walking to my direction. I try to slow my walk pace down, hoping that she’ll greet me with that flirtious grin, the one that I now realize she only shows when she looks at me. I feel stunned as she only nods and mutters a slight ‘good morning while walking past me. What the ..? What did she just do? It’s unbelievable. I stand motionless for a few seconds then turns my back to watch her walking. Still looking at her direction, I stand still when she suddenly turns around to see me. Startled, she turns away and starts walking away.



He stares for a few seconds then starts running to her direction. Seohyun realizing that he is running towards her, starts running too.

“YAA, why are you running away?’, he yells at her.

“I dunno. Why are you chasing me?’, she asks back.

“YAA, STOP”, he yells again.

“No, I dont want to”, she says while panting.

It’s predictable that she’ll get caught easily. She is no runner, and he wont be the Head Security if he’s not that great in sports. He manages to catch her before she enters the lift and drags her all the way the hallway ignoring people’s stare to them. He bets it will be on the news later, but he just doesn’t give a damn. This is more important. No, this the most important of all.

She keeps struggling to get out of his hold but she fails it of course. He is way stronger than her. She realizes people are staring towards them, too but she tries not to pay attention. She’s in big, big trouble now. She bets her manager will go berserk when he knows about it. Ah MOLLA.

They keep walking to the tower where he mostly stays during his watch. Nobody’s there since he already asks everybody to leave the room. He keeps holding her hand until they are inside the room. He lets the hands go once they are inside. He turns around to look at her in the face.

“Why are you avoiding me?”, he asks while looking straight to her eyes.

“I am not”, she says sternly as looking at him with her fiercing eyes.

“Yes, you are’, he responds with that determination in his voice.

“No I’m not”, she says with stubbornness thick in her voice.

“So why are you running away?”, he bombards her.

“Because you’re chasing me”, she answers a ‘matter-of-fact’ly.

“That’s because you’re ignoring me”, he reasons, not willing to give up on her excuse.

“Am not”, she answers while playing with her fingers.

“Here we go again”, he sighs and looks at her in the eyes. He won’t let her get away with this..

Knowing exactly he stares at her, she just keeps silent.

“Another question then. Why don’t u look at me while you’re talking”, he gives her another straight-to-thepoint-question again.

“YAA, is this an interrogation?!! Why do you ask me so many questions? ”, she asks.

“You’re avoiding my question. Would you just answer my questions?”, he’s running out of patience now.

“Well, what do you want me to do? It’s not like I can act the same to you, right? Not after you threw my confession right back at my face. I have a heart too. It’s not like I can pretend that it doesn’t affect me at all’, she finally answers. Finally, her emotion is taking control.

“YAA, why so serious?”, Yonghwa is taken aback looking the woman in front of her bursting in tears.

“See? You’re always like this. Act like nothing happens. It’s better if you just reject my confession rather than this cold hearted act”, she says to him bluntly, revealing what is in her heart. She’ll let everything out. It’s now or never.

“Hey, I’m not like that”, he sounds not so sure now.

“So answer me then. Do you like me or not?”, she asks him directly.

“Huh?”, surprised in his tone.

“I’ve confessed many times to you and this will be the last. Now just answer that question and I’ll put my case to rest”, she looked at him anxiously, waiting for his response.

“Eeeng ...”, he tries to buy some time.

“I’m waiting’’, she warnes him.

“Well, there is this possibility that I like you”, he says those words carefully, worrying that she may get the wrong idea.

“MWOYA?!! What kind of answer is that?”, she asks him annoyedly, surely not believing what he just said.

“Well, that’s how I feel, believe it or not”, he

So, you like me huh?

“Hey, I said it’s a possibility”, he told her.

“Well, taking from someone who is always so sure about everything, how can the word “possible” come out of your mouth? You would never say such doubtful things. I know you that much. That’s why I fall for you”, she said it while nodding hard as if the man in front of her will assure wit that.

“Hahahaha, you like me that much, HUH?. You even held my hands earlier. WOW DAEBAK”, she giggles.

“Well, she caught me. I need to turn the table”, thought in his mind.

“It’s just like, you know It’s not love”, he tries to save his pride

“WOW, you said it. You like me. Don’t take it back. I’m gonna change it into LOVE”, she says it with undenying determination.

That startled him.  “Where does this confidence come from?”, he asks himself

“Dont you know how i become like this just because i like this acting thingy. It took years for me to become what i am now just because of a mere crush. Can you imagine what I can do for something that I reaallly, realllllly love’, She says all of those words with sparkles in her eyes.

“I think i’am already fallen”, he thinks when he sees those sparkling eyes, but he won’t let her know that. Not yet. Not now. Let him be the winner for today as he knows that days onward he’ll be in her palm.








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millionswag #1
Chapter 2: Are u inspire by masters sun character authornim? But I love your interpretation,.. Kekeke~
sawa93821 #2
Chapter 2: haha love the ending its so cute and sweet ^^
SeiraAiren #3
Chapter 2: hmmmmm.... still manage to read this all storry more again and again.. just in case.. I dont get it #slapped ㅋㅋㅋ
smileaddict #4
Chapter 2: this is a cute story <3. too bad it's only 2 chapters hehe
I hope u will write sequel of this >__< :p

onlyYS #5
Chapter 1: Update soon authornim
sawa93821 #6
Chapter 1: this story sounds really interesting can't wait for the second chapter for this ^^