Her and Him

Her, Him, Them


Gosh, I hate feeling so helpless like this. How come does he have such a power to do that to me? I’m  the tough Seo Joo Hyun, I won’t let something big dishearten me, yet the little things he does makes me all weak like this. I hate it. I hate this feeling. I was fine on my own. Never things got in my way to have what I desire. Why cant he just give it to me? Am I not lovable enough? I can try. Am I not cute? I can learn. Why cant he just give it to me? What can I do to make him give it to me? IT, the so-called-heart of his.


She’s such a nuisance. Why does she keep showing up wherever I go? Does she have anything else to do? She is a mega star,  for Pete’s sake, she needs to do a lot to keep her popularity, not fooling around me.

And what did she say? She likes me? Like I’m gonna believe that. She has that many men around her  sticking to her like glue. And what’s withthe stubbornness of her to always confess to me everytime she sees me? You think I’m that easy? Well, you find your match, Seo Joo Hyun.  I AM NEVER GONNA FALL FOR YOU.


I confess to him again and he just smirks. What a jerk! How come can he be so heartless? Refusing to believe that I like him that much. This is the farthest I have gone, from the beginning of my existence. Never I act this lunatically to a man. Why can’t he accept me? Or at least, just acknowledge my confession? I’ve been so bold to him about my love to the term that I’ve been so shameless in front of him.


 “What’s with the attitude?”, she asks.

“What’s with my attitude?”, he talks back to me.

“Why don’t u believe me whenever I say I like you?” She asks in angry tone

“Dont say those ridiculous things. I’m not gonna buy it”, he barks.

“Why?”, she asks in disbelief.

“well, just because ...”, he dryly answers.

 “What kind orf reason is that?!!! You’re unbelievable. Why on earth do  have to fall for a jerk like you”, she says bitterly.

“Hey, enough with your game”, he warns her.

“Why don’t u just fall for me? I’m falling head over heels for you”, she says weakly.

“Stop kidding me!! I’m leaving”, he says as he starts walking.

“YAH. I’m not kidding”, she says it almost yelling.

“Yeah right”, he mumbles in his sarcastic tone while walking away.

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millionswag #1
Chapter 2: Are u inspire by masters sun character authornim? But I love your interpretation,.. Kekeke~
sawa93821 #2
Chapter 2: haha love the ending its so cute and sweet ^^
SeiraAiren #3
Chapter 2: hmmmmm.... still manage to read this all storry more again and again.. just in case.. I dont get it #slapped ㅋㅋㅋ
smileaddict #4
Chapter 2: this is a cute story <3. too bad it's only 2 chapters hehe
I hope u will write sequel of this >__< :p

onlyYS #5
Chapter 1: Update soon authornim
sawa93821 #6
Chapter 1: this story sounds really interesting can't wait for the second chapter for this ^^