In Between



"Bukankah ini terlalu aneh jika disebut sebagai kebetulan?”

“Apabila ini terlalu aneh jika disebut sebagai kebetulan, mungkin ini takdir."


Hello ^^

I wrote this fanfiction based on my dream. Its funny because I'm not Shinwha's fan, but I dreamt about them kkk

And that dream is too sweet to forget, so I wrote it :) 

This fanfiction is written in Bahasa, because I'm too lazy to translate in English :P

Because I'm not Shinwha's fan, maybe the characters aren't really accurate. But this is fiction right? So I can made their character by myself kkk

I hope you enjoy it :) And I'm really really appreciate if you leave your comment :)

Happy reading ^^


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