Chapter 2

Mei's Revenge


Mei went down to the starbucks which laid just a few blocks away from the office. It was 12:05pm and herds of people dressed in suits and office wear, were entering the cafe. Of course,  there some were dressed in jimmy choo heels and blazers from barneys; obviously workers from the fashion department. You see, Mei works at Oriental publications- the largest magazine publishing constitution in all of Asia. She would consider herself lucky, that is if, she got the job she wanted. Oriental publications have several departments, all in which, are successful for their magazines. Originally Mei applied for La mode magazine but didn't get a chance for an interview after being replaced by little Miss Jung, who now works as an assistant for the head of the magazine. Jo Kwon, the receptionist who works at the main lobby of Oriental publications suggested that Mei should apply for Successful Savings as interviews were being held on that day. He also mentioned how Oriental publications is a family of magazines, that 'acts' like a family. Though Mei, never understood what he meant by that. 


Sipping her chilled Americano, Mei pondered and couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the thought of working as a financial journalist for Successful Savings. A job where she hardly knows what she's doing yet still gets paid. 


"You know for a second I could've mistaken you for a complete psycho" Mei's smile instantly dropped when noticing her boss, Kim Jaejoong, standing beside her table. "I need you now" he blurted out almost making Mei spit out the Americano from . Just then, the waiter arrived with Mei's nicely heated bagel with Salmon and cream cheese. "Your order is here, Ma'am" the waiter placed the plate down on the table as Mei noticed Jaejoong eyeing the bagel in disgust. "I believe the bagel has to go. Choi communications is having a press conference soon and I need you to come with me". Mei watched as Jaejoong took the bagel and placed it in the bin. "YAH!" Mei screeched making people stare at the two in shock. "Did you just yell at your own boss, Miss Ahn? Don't make me deduct your pay" he warned, obviously threatening Mei. 


"You can't do that!" Mei fought back but Jaejoong shrugged his shoulders making Mei frown. "Oh, I can" he whispered loud enough for Mei to hear. 


In the car, Mei found herself glued to the side of the passenger door, trying to avoid Jaejoong as much as possible. "The conference will go on for roughly around an hour" he continued,"Then there's a buffet after; which will make up your lunch for the day. I'm telling you that bagel does no justice for you" Jaejoong said, his eyes never once leaving the road. "Since when did you care for me?" Mei questioned in curiosity. "I don't. I'm just saying you should watch what you're eating. Nowadays, you're starting to look a little…frumpy?" Mei frowned, as she stared down at her stomach, then down to her thighs. 


"Curse you and your mouth! I hope you get food poisoned and choke on your food!" Mei gasped and quickly covered with her hand. "Are you threatening me, Miss Ahn?"the car stopped at a red light and Mei could feel Jaejoong's eyes piercing through her soul. Oh heck yeah, I am! "No" Mei blurted out, as silence filled the whole car ride. 


At the conference room, Mei found herself standing alone with a glass of Champagne in one hand. It appears that her boss, Jaejoong, had taken off and chatted away with a few fellow journalists. With time to spare, Mei sipped on her glass of Champagne, observing the people in the room. In the far corner of the room, Mei could see Tiffany Hwang, the news reporter from SBS. She's been pinned into a corner by two earnest men in suits and is nodding at them, with a glassy look in her eye. Her lips are in the color fanfare from the mac line, while her hair is styled into a bun; a stand of hair tucked behind her ear. At the other end of the room, Mei could spot Hara from Investors Weekly, chatting away with other women dressed in dress suits. Rumor has it, she is in a relationship with one of the models from La Mode magazine after breaking up with long term boyfriend, Junhyung, from Vibe magazine. Turning to the side- 


"Oh don't tell me you're observing the people in the room" It was Jaejoong, once again. "Can you at least make an effort and talk to other journalist. You're giving the magazine a bad name" he whispered, dragging Mei along to a group of people. "What do you mean? I'm only-"


"Hi, I'm Jaejoong from Successful Savings and this is-" Mei's eyes widened as she felt Jaejoong nudge her elbow. "Mei! I'm Mei! I w-work for Jaejoong" Mei nervously smiled, gesturing her hand for a handshake to the man with the glasses. "Ah what a nice name. I heard so much news about your magazine" he chipped in, politely shaking her hand. As the other two men who were with the man with the glasses left, Mei found herself awkwardly standing between two men. Suddenly the sounds of a bell ringing two times were heard, signalling the conference was about to start. "I guess I'll see you around, Jaejoong" the man with the glasses uttered as he walked away,  leaving Mei confused. "Who was that? Do you know him?" Mei questioned as Jaejoong rolled his eyes. "His name is Yoochun. He's one of the main directors for time magazine in New York" he muttered, his eyes trailing Yoochun's every move.


"Are you two in some conf-"


"Shutup and lets go to the conference" he hissed, pushing Mei to the line of people. 

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Interesting story so far, I like it. I like the main female's character appearance...pretty and totally fitting in the story line.
-lovedust #2
Hi @mskpd333! She is a chinese actress who goes by the stage name 'angelababy'.
mskpd333 #3
who's the model in your poster?
anneanne #4
Chapter 3: kekeke seems interesting ^^
heart-warming #5
Chapter 3: Oooo! Can't wait to read more!
will be reading the first chaps later. BTW, looks interesting. :)))
Chapter 1: Aigooo.. Strict jaeboss..