Third Act

   Youngmin sat on the ground of his room. He promised himself that he will always protect his brother, because he didn't want Kwangmin to be afraid of him. They were brothers. They had a band which connected them if they wanted or not. 
   He didn't like the fact that his brother got bullied again. He wanted to protect him, to take revenge for Kwangmin so that no one would bully him again. That was what he had done and got in trouble. But he was the one who did it, who got in trouble and he won't let Kwangmin atone for his mistake.
   He jumped up from the ground, took his jacket and wanted to leave the flat but suddenly his mother appeared in front of him. "No, Youngmin. Stay at home!"
   "Mom, the one who went to Kwangmin's school today was me. I have to go", Youngmin said.
   But his mother grabbed his wrists and looked up to her son with a begging glance. "Wasn't Kwangmin bullied? They won't blame him. Just stay."
   "Then what about Kwangmin? Have you forgotten? We left Kwangmin alone for seve years."
   "I know. Still, you can't. You absolutely cannot", his mother talked loudly and shook her head quickly.
   "At the orphanage, Kwangmin didn't even know he had a mom and brother", Youngmin spoke calmly, "It took three years for him to call me hyung. Every time Kwangmin is quiet. I think that it could have been me. I feel sorry like crazy." And slowly Youngmin's eyes filled with tears.
   "I'm very sorry too. I feel very sorry too", his mother said, "But no matter how I try, Kwangmin is not like you. Youngmin, if I were without you I might have gone with your father long ago. Please. Please stay." Then his mother started crying and hugged him tightly.
   "Mom, he just got hurt a bit. If i apologize, it may pass very easily. Let's not treat Kwangmin like that."
   "Youngmin, nothing will happen to Kwangmin!"
   "I have to surrender. Otherwise, I won't be able to see Kwangmin. I might not be able to calmly face myself my whole life", Youngmin talked and looked deeply into his mother's eyes, before he passed her and left the flat.
   Youngmin entered the room and saw his mother waiting for him behind the glass. She smiled brightly as she saw her son finally and Youngmin sat slowly down and gave her a slight smile before looking up. His mother's eyes grew big as she saw that her beloved son was beaten up.
   "Youngmin, what happened?", she asked worried.
   "I just fell", he said calmly and looked behind his mother, "Where is Kwangmin? Why didn't he come? He doesn't want to see me?"
   "How could Kwangmin face you? This is all because of him."
   "I said it was my fault. You're always like that", Youngmin said and looked down for a while, before he slowly looked up again, "I didn't get their understanding, right?"
   "No. I'll go and plead with them. Don't worry, Youngminnie!"
Youngmin smiled slightly and leaned back. "I want to eat the food you make. With Kwangmin. The three of us." His mother slowly started crying. She wanted to hug her son, to comfort him, to take care of him but she couldn't because her son was locked up in prison.
   "It's all right, Youngmin. It's all right."
   "Don't cry."
Flashback end
   Kwangmin pointed the gun on his brother, holding it tightly in his hands not moving an inch. He couldn't believe what he saw, neither what his brother did. He acted to be him, Kwangmin; and even worked with his worse enemy Song Jiseok.
   "Mom said you were a good child", Kwangmin said coldly, "When you were in prison, Mom only thought of you. Continually as before. Staying at mom's side was like a crime. But you can't just be this kind of person, right? Why are you here? What have you done here?"
   Youngmin looked surprised and shocked around. "Y... You saw? T... the drugs?"
   "Shut up!", Kwangmin yelled", Drugs... that kind of thing, can't come out of your mouth. Even if you were to kill again..."
   "Even if you were to personally kill me, you shouldn't have given the drugs to that guy, Jo Youngmin!" Kwangmin shouted and suddenly a loud bang were hearable because Kwangmin shot the gun. Youngmin's eyes grew big in shock and the seconds passed but it felt like the time stopped.
   "Kwang... Kwangmin... It's me... your brother", Youngmin babbled shocked while Kwangmin kept pointing the gun at him, giving him a dark, pissed glance, "Put that down. Put it down." Youngmin pointed at the gun. "Please."
   Kwangmin slowly put the gun down but he never stopped watching his brother, while Youngmin checked out his body to look where Kwangmin shot him, but he couldn't find anything. "I'm all right", Youngmin said surprised.
   "That's right. You don't even have the right to die", Kwangmin spoke coldly.
   "Even if you die, you don't have the right to see Mom."
   "Kwang...min. I know why you're so angry right now, but it was all to save you", Youngmin tried to explain.
   "Save me?", Kwangmin interrupted Youngmin and turned completely to his brother, "Commiting murder with that excuse and you use that excuse to deal with drugs?"
   "That 'commiting murder with that excuse'... Kwangmin you can't say it like that. That day, why did I put on your uniform and go to your school?"
   "Because of me. For what? I had already survived by myself, you don't remember? By myself. Without you. Without mom! At the orphanage, I had survived", Kwangmin shouted the last sentence, "You didn't show up when I waited for you. What do you mean for me? It was your own presumption that led to that."
   "My own presumption?", Youngmin asked and thought about his brother's words, before nodding in agreement, "Right. It was my own presumption that destroyed my life. You think that only that kid died that day? I died too."
   "That's right!", Kwangmin yelled, "Kill everyone! Kill him! And me!"
   "What are you saying", Youngmin asked with teary eyes.
   "You don't remember? Jeongmin", Kwangmin talked, "I saw you coming out of the car at the accident. I was also in that car. You wanted to kill me too."
Youngmin suddenly shook his head quickly while fighting against his tears; shocked about the fact that his brother was really thinking that he would kill him. "Hey, Kwangmin. What nonsense are you talking about? Why would I?"
   "Because you're a murderer", Kwangmin shouted angrily, "You were that kind of person from the start!"
   "Do you really see me that way? You really think I don't have boundaries? I don't wat to loose myself. I'm scared. In order not to return to prison, I worked hard to live. If I went inside again, I'm afraid I'd loose you too", Youngmin explained and the tears started running over his cheeks but Kwangmin just smirked, "You are not the Kwangmin I know either."
   "The Kwangmin you know died a long time ago. Back then, that Jo Kwangmin... the one who killed him... was you, Jo Youngmin."
   "Kwangmin... when Mom went to the orphanage to bring you back, I should have stopped her."
   "I never once felt happy at home. I might as well have been by myself."
   "Then why didn't you leave again?", Youngmin suddenly shouted because he couldn't hold it back anymore. He was shocked about the way his brother talked, the way his brother thought about him, the way his brother looked at him. And Kwangmin was even a bit shocked about Youngmin's sudden reaction but at the other second Youngmin was calm again. "Mom and I, without you, would have been even happier." Then Youngmin turned around to leave and walked slowly away.
    "Stop right there!", Kwangmin shouted and shot the gun two times again, forcing Youngmin to stop again. Youngmin didn't move an inch for a second before he pulled his brother's wallet out of the jacket and let it falling down on the ground together with the keys of Kwangmin's car. After that Youngmin walked off without looking back to his brother. He walked down the road and pulled out the leather gloves which Jeongmin presented him.
   "Aren't twins identical aside from fingerprints?", Youngmin remembered Jeongmin's voice, "With the gloves you are identical." Then he thought about everything what happened since Song Jiseok forced him to act as his brother. He thought about everything he did to safe his brother and at the end his brother hated him even more than before. He looked up to the sky, trying hard not to cry again while taking deep breaths.
   "How come Chief Jo hasn't come back yet?", Donghyun asked as he entered the office after the questioning with the drug dealer.
   "He called earlier", Officer Baek said while checking out some papers, "Did he really go to Gwang Yong Su San?"
    "Gwang Yong? Choi Inseon was caught, and there's concrete evidence. Why'd he go there?"
   "That's what I'm saying. But team leader Kim, why do you suppose he didn't call my cell but called the office phone? This time as well, it didn't feel right to say I was hanging up", officer Baek told Donghyun.
   "This time? You hung up on Chief Jo before?"
   "No earlier... some prankster said he was Chief Jo... It doesn't feel quite right. Something's fishy."
Suddenly Kwangmin passed the office. "Chief", Donghyun said as soon as he saw him, "Why'd you go to Gwang Yong Su San by yourself?" Kwangmin stopped and looked at the officers, whose eyes grew big in shock because Kwangmin was bleeding and looked terrible beating up.
   "What's wrong with your face?"
   "Why didn't you come? Didn't you hear me tell you to come?", Kwangmin talked pissed and his voice grew bigger, "Disregarding the words of your boss?!"
   "I'm sorry, Chief. We were busy investigating the case", Officer Baek said.
   "Where's Choi Inseon?", Donghyun asked.
   "The goods... Chief, why did you return empty-handed?"
   "Did you head out with me?", Kwangmin laughed, "I just got to work. Who on earth did you go to work with?"
   "Pardon?", Donghyun asked confused, unable to understand what was going on.
Kwangmin looked pissed around and gave all the officers an angry glance. "You can't even recognize your boss' face? Do you want to be reprimanded?", Kwangmin talked coldly, "When your boss is missing for a long time, you should look for him! Do you go on vacation together? It's really maddening." Then Kwangmin went ahead to go into his office while Donghyun and Officer Baek exchanged confused looks.
   Donghyun followed his chief because he had to make up the misunderstanding and because he wanted to know what was going on, Donghyun wasn't a fool, he knew something was wrong. It already felt like he was talking to someone else this morning but not to Chief Jo Kwangmin and Kwangmin explained him what happened out of his view.
   "Do you really issue an arrest warrant? He's your biological brother", Donghyun asked.
   "Is Jo Youngmin a police officer? So according to his orders, you gave him the goods and handed Choi Inseon over to him?"
   "That's not it..."
   "Posing as an officer, violating drug regulations. Those are all against the law", Kwangmin talked strictly and Donghyun nodded while turning away, "Team leader Kim, look at me. Look at my face clearly. From now on, don't treat irrelevant people as me."
   "If you had said you were twins-"
   "This is the most unreasonable excuse for an officer", Kwangmin interrupted him, "You may leave now."
Donghyun frowned and went out of the office, where officer Baek already waited for him and quickly walked over to him as soon as he came back. "Issue of warrant?"
   "His brother has a murder conviction. It's too disgraceful. And you followed orders from that kind of person?"
   "Although the goods and Choin Inseon were lost, but he helped us a lot", Officer Baek said, "Those people we caught today have quite the connections."
   "That's why you have to tell everyone to keep their mouths shut", Donghyun ordered, "If it spreads outside of the bureau, there'll be turmoil."
   "I understand."
   Kwangmin entered his apartment. It was dark and just one small lamp lightened him the way. He was breathing heavily and kept leaning his hand against the wall to support himself because of his shaking knees. He stood in the middle of the living room as Minwoo came out of the bedroom, already in pajama and sleepy.
   "You're back?", Minwoo talked quietly and stepped closer so that he could see Kwangmin's face. As he saw Kwangmin's bloody face, Minwoo's eyes grew big in shock. "Kwangmin. What's wrong?" Kwangmin leaned against Minwoo and he laid his arms supportingly around Kwangmin.
   At the same moment Song Jiseok discovered that the basement was empty and Kwangmin was gone. He threw the boxes and chair angrily around and turned back to his assistant who stood in the door. "You can't even watch one person?", he yelled.
   "I'm sorry, we're looking for him already."
   "He's a police officer and a chief of the criminal division!", Song Jiseok kept yelling, "What if he returns to the police bureau?"
Minwoo helped Kwangmin to sit down on the bed and to change his clothes, after washing while Minwoo got the first aid kid to vet Kwangmin's wounds. "You don't need to go to the hospital?", Minwoo asked worried while wetting the cotton wool ball with the medical germicide. As soon as Minwoo softly touched the wound with the cotton wool ball, the police officer groan in pain but Minwoo kept taking care of it as suddenly Kwangmin's phone rang and Minwoo handed it to his fiance. 
   Kwangmin didn't want to answer the call but he couldn't stop starring at the phone and so he answered the call.
   "Chief Jo Kwangmin", the voice at the other end said and Kwangmin recognized Song Jiseok immediatly, "Jo Youngmin. Youngmin? Hello?" Kwangmin hung up again and laid his phone next to him on the bed, while Minwoo watched him worried from aside.
   Song Jiseok looked confused on his phone, before realizing what was going on. "You've returned to your places? Jo Kwangmin. Jo Youngmin..."
   "Today's been a long day", Kwangmin sighed and laid down while Minwoo nodded in agreement, caressing his face until the detective fall asleep.
   In the meanwhile sat Youngmin in Hyunseong's car, who saw him on the street and picked him up. "If I didn't wait for you, it would have gone bad", Hyunseong said after getting some coffee in a supermarket, "I thought there was a statue standing on the street. Drink up first, you must be freezing. Your hands are frigid." But whatever Hyunseong said, Youngmin didn't show any reaction. "Youngmin. Jo Youngmin!"
   "Hyunseong... Jeongmin died...", Youngmin suddenly said quietly.
   "What did you say? Why should Jeongmin die?", Hyunseong asked confused, "You want to die? Making such a joke..."
   "Jeongmin's boss killed him. But my brother, Kwangmin, said I killed him."
   "Your brother, Kwangmin?"
   "Didn't you save him?"
   "I saved him because I thought it was you, of course", Hyunseong babbled surprised.
   "Why'd you save him? Why?", Youngmin suddenly shouted with teary eyes and looked the first time since he was sitting in the car at Hyunseong.
   "Youngmin... You're saying that Jeongmin... It's not true, right, Youngmin?", Hyunseong asked shocked because he started realizing that something bad happened. He always knew that his boss did more than just being the boss of the night club, but he never knew what exactly was going on, neither he wanted to know because he didn't want to get in trouble.
   "Who do I live for?", Youngmin asked himself loudly, while the tears ere running over his cheeks, "I really shouldn't have come to this world."
   "No... What's the matter? Youngmin!"
   "Can you please take me home?"
Hyunseong nodded without making a noise because he decided to let his friend rest, while taking him home. But he was sure that he will find out about what was going on because he wanted to help his friend.
   On the next morning Kwangmin sat down in the kitchen, where Minwoo prepared a coffee and a small breakfast for his fiance. Kwangmin started eating quickly since he hadn't eat for a while already.
   "Are you really all right?", Minwo asked worried, "Rest for today. Yesterday was too tiring."
   "Please eat Minnie, it's good. Let's eat the seaweed soup."
   "Your brother didn't have the soup. Probably because it was your birthday", Minwoo talked with a smile while Kwangmin gave him a strict glance, "I didn't even know it was your brother. I thought you wouldn't be too alike but you're actually very alike."
   "Minwoo, lets leave it."
   "Like you, he looks lonely. It feels like he's all alone."
Kwangmin let his chopsticks drop down, took some tissues to clean his mouth before he wanted to stand up. "I should go to work."
   "See him", Minwoo said and grabbed Kwangmin's wrist to stop him to leave, "He want to protect you. He looks to be in a lot of pain."
   "Pain? What pain? He looks lonely? Those words can only be said of those who were abandoned.", Kwangmin answered.
   "Those who have no choice but to do that hurt too, Kwangmin! He's your brother."
   "Minwoo, are you hurting when you throw out the trash?"
   "Lets leave it", Kwangmin said and took Minwoo's hand tightly, "When I'm with you, I want to forget all that."
   "Those words mean you haven't forgotten your brother for one moment. It's only that you don't know yourself."
   "You're wrong", then Kwangmin stood up to leave for work. He didn't want to talk about his brother, he wanted to arrest him and Song Jiseok for all they have done to him and for their crimes.
   "The application has been submitted for Jo Youngmin's warrant. It will be issued very soon", Officer Baek talked while following Kwangmin through the office, "But Song Jiseok, that guy is the greratest scoundrel. Is he going to be let go just like that? Wow to a police officer... Arrest him immediately. Otherwise-"
   Suddenly Kwangmin interrupted him with a handsign after hearing some loud noises from the open offices. They went ahead to check out what was going on as they as they saw Song Jiseok and some hostesses, who treated the other officers with food.
   "What are you doing right now?", Kwangmin shouted as soon as he saw what was going on.
   "Gwang Young Su San's Song Jiseok, do you know what this place is?", Officer Baek asked seriously and wanted to cuff the president but Kwangmin stopped him causing Song Jiseok to laugh out loud.
   "Isn't this Chief Jo Kwangmin?", he asked and stepped closer to Kwangmin, who looked strictly at him, "Isn't it the new year? I just brought some rice cakes. If I don't come to send greetings, the police will always come to greet me. So eat! Eat well everyone! Go ahead. This isn't a bribe. It's etiquette to those who protect our homes." Then the assistant handed Song Jiseok a small box, which the president wanted to hand to Kwangmin, who just looked at him emotionless.
   They lead Song Jiseok into the investigation room to ask some questions but Kwangmin just stared at him while the president was eating some of the rice cakes. "Have some. It's fresh and still warm."
   "Come to turn yourself in?"
   "Why would a good person like myself turn himself in?", Song Jiseok asked and tried to look innocent since he was a good actor, "Have I committed a crime? Witness. Evidence. What's the crime?"
   Kwangmin nodded and took a deep breath and leaned forward while talking. "Don't turn yourself in. You mustn't recieve a reduced sentence. I will make an emergency arrest. You still have the goods right? Where's Choi Inseon? If you killed her it will be an additional murder charge." Kwangmin pulled out the handcuffs out of his jacket and throw them on the ground, while Jiseok rolled his eyes annoyed.
   "And I took you to see the sea. Looks like you didn't enjoy it. If you make an emergency arrest, you have to get an arrest warrant without 48 hours. Will you be able to find anything?"
   "The stuff you got yesterday from Jo Youngmin guard it well. That amount is sufficient to put in prison for life. If we go and search now, having it thrown into the sewers would be a pity."
   "That's right", Song Jiseok nodded and turned back to Kwangmin, "But that precious stuff, will you have the opportunity to see it?"
   "We'll see. Later on when you go to prison, you won't be able to recover for the rest of your life. Be prepared. Leave now."
Song Jiseok stood up to leave the investigation room but he stopped next to Kwangmin and leaned down again, facing him closely and pinched Kwangmin's wounded cheek. "Looks like your injuries are light. Next time I'll prepare a trip to hell for you."
   "Then we will go together."
Then Song Jiseok left the room and went back to the open offices where he wished everyone a happy new year again as Donghyun came in. He actually wanted to asked about the arrest warrant for Youngmin but Officer Baek stopped him immediatly. 
   "Oh, team leader Kim, have you just gotten in?", Song Jiseok laughed.
   "What are you doing here, President Song?"
   "He brought rice cakes and gave New Year's greetings", Officer Baek explained.
   "I bought some rice cakes, I was really frightened yesterday with you finding your way to our place of business. It seems like you were just speaking about something important. Who are you arresting?"
   "It's national matter", Donghyun said and walked ahead, leaving Song Jiseok behind, "Where's Chief Jo?"
   "He's here, in his office", Officer Baek spoke and Donghyun went ahead to meet Kwangmin, while Song Jiseok left the police department. He sat down in his car and pulled out his phone, while ordering his assistant around.
   "Go find out if Jo Kwangmin is really wanted by the police bureau. The older brother kneeling for the younger. The younger brother wanting to catch the older", he laughed, "We have to find Jo Youngmin first."
   "Chief Jo", Donghyun talked while Kwangmin throw the rice cakes away, "Why did you let President Song loose?"
   "Why do you suppose I let a guy who kidnapped and assaulted an officer loose?", Kwangmin asked.
   "Exactly. Why? Why?", Officer Baek came up but he did't know what to say else so he shut up again.
   "Choi Inseon who was takes from Jo Youngmin's hands yesterday, there's surely a pupose for the transfer. He has the goods. There will surely be a deal", Kwangmin said.
   "You want to catch the big fish."
   "Correct. Immediately go undercover", Kwangmin ordered, "If you can't find the location of the deal, I won't let the matter go. Everyone be alert and on the look out. If you fail, be wary of dismissal. And for Jo Youngmin, immediatly go and catch him." 
   After his orderings ended Kwangmin locked himself in his office and it took some hours until he came out again. He actually wanted to think about what happened but then he didn't want to waste any thought about his twin brother Jo Youngmin again and so he took care of some important documents and the upcoming investigation.
   "Team leader Kim", Kwangmin called for Donghyun after coming out of his office again, "Has Jo Youngmin been found? The errands centre? Have they gone there?"
   "They're currently looking", Donghyun said and gave his Chief a serious glance, "I heard someone took the body of the boy named Jeongmin. Wouldn't it have been Jo Youngmin?"
   "Jeongmin's body?"
   Youngmin stood on the empty pier scattering Jeongmin's ashes into the sea. It was sunny and almost all the snow were melt again although the wind was still cold. Youngmin wanted to let Jeongmin see the sea one last time, since he planed to take Jeongmin to the sea for a small vacation before the accident happened. Besides that Youngmin wanted to take leave of his one and only first love.
   "Why did you come?", Youngmin asked, because he felt when his brother appeared behind him, who looked with a sad glance to the urn in Youngmin's hands.
   "It was Jeongmin's wish. He wanted to see two identical faces together", Kwangmin said with a calm voice.
   "Why were you together with Jeongmin?", Youngmin asked while scattering the ash slowly.
   "I needed someone to find out about President Song's schedules."
   "I went near the club and he treated me as you, because he mistook it but I didn't pretend to be you", Kwangmin explained.
   "Kwangmin you... you knew there was danger, right?", Youngmin wanted to know and turned to Kwangmin, facing him the first time since the last night, "Because of that, Jeongmin died."
   "I know."
   "Why didn't you find me? I could have helped you. Where I lived, what kind of life I was living... you've heard it all, haven't you?"
   "I didn't want to see you", Kwangmin answered coldly.
   "That's right. I already know all about how you feel. Kwangmin, do you know what my wish is? It's to hold Mom's memorial together with you. But now, I don't want to either. This is our last meeting. I'm going to leave."
   "No", Kwangmin said and Youngmin gave him a confused glance, "We'll meet once more. You're wanted." Then Kwangmin turned around to leave again.
   "I know", Youngmin spoke loudly and Kwangmin turned back to his brother, "Then catch me now. Why are you leaving?"
   "About Jeongmin... I'm sorry", Kwangmin talked honestly and turned around to leave but this time he really left and went back to the police department, where he greeted the officers with a nod and stopped as Donghyun appeared in front of him.
   "Choi Inseon, who was transferred to Song Jiseok through Jo Youngmin, she's the middleman in the drug deal between the Chinese and the Japanese", Donghyun explained and Kwangmin nodded in angreement.
   "He wants to use Choi Inseon to make international deals."
   "We found out who the Japanese dealer are from Choi Inseon's men", Donghyun continued, "We verified with the border entry list and sent people to be on the look out." Kwangmin nodded before he went into his private office, where he wanted to talk about the next steps with Donghyun. 
   After a while Officer Baek suddenly banged into the office. "From the hotel, I received news that we lost the Japanese", he said loudly before he entered the room and sat down on the empty chair.
   "There's surely a deal within these days", Kwangmin talked, "Where is Song Jiseok now?"
   "He's still at the club."
Kwangmin nodded and turned to Donghyun who sat on the other side of the table. "Team leader, tell the undercover officers an emergency search must be conducted wherever Song Jiseok goes."
   "Doesn't he need to be arrested at the scene?", Donghyun asked.
   "The goods aren't at the club. We can't guarantee we won't loose Song Jiseok", Kwangmin said.
   "Then what should we do?"
   "We need someone else to take it over."
   "What? Who?", Officer Baek almost shouted surprised.
   Song Jiseok sat in his office in his club, drinking some fresh coffee, while his assistant entered his room and two others followed him, who brought in Hyunseong. They pushed Hyunseong on the the ground in front of the huge desk, while the two bodyguard like men stepped behind him.
   "President, what is this?", Hyunseong asked confused, trying to hide his shivering voice. He knew that his boss was the one who killed Jeongmin and now he was afraid he would kill him also.
   "It's nothing", Song Jiseok said and looked at his employ, "Our Youngmin is very capable."
   "I don't know someone who's called Youngmin."
   "Hyunseong-ah! Lets not create a commotion", the president talked with a cold voice, "You heard about Jeongmin, right?"
   "P...President... I..."
Suddenly Song Jiseok's phone rang and the president ignored Hyunseong completely, while answering the call. "Hello?"
   "Yes... it's Jo Youngmin."
   "Jo Youngmin?", Jiseok asked and Hyunseong's eyes grew big in shock.
   "Yes it's Jo Youngmin."
   "How do you know my number?"
   "3824. Didn't Gwang Yong Su San call for take-out before?"
   "Ah, right, right, right. That's right."
   "President, I'm wanted."
   "I know. I'm really sorry. I was just wanting to reach you."
   "This happened because I helped you deliver goods. You have to help me."
   "Oh, of course. I put the stuff elsewhere. Help me bring it back. Lately, the police have been following me to closely."
   "I'm also wanted, President."
   "Even if you're wanted, with that face, is it not the face of an officer?"
   "Yes, that's right."
   "Then I'll be relying on you, Jo Youngmin. We join forces again", Song Jiseok talked, "Then, I'll see you at the place of transaction at 8pm."
Then Song Jiseok hung up and gave his workers a handsign that they could bring Hyunseong out again. So they grabbed the smaller man and pushed him out of the office again, leaving their boss all alone in the depressing room.
   "Does President Song really believe it?", Donghyun asked after Kwangmin finished the phone call.
   "Don't you all believe it too?", Kwangmin asked. What Youngmin could do, could he also do; Pretending to be someone else. "You thought that Jo Youngmin was Jo Kwangmin."
   In the meanwhile his brother was actually standing at a train station, paying for his ticket which would bring him somewhere else, just out of the city first. He just had to pay the last money as something from the inside hold him back, so he pressed the button to stop the action, got his money back and walked off. Youngmin didn't know what he should do. He felt like his brother would need his help and he couldn't just leave like this and even if he would leave, he wanted to visit his old home; the place where he grew up with his mother and brother.
   He walked up the mountain, looking right and left at the older houses, which still looked like the last time he saw them, like the last time he left his home to go to the police to protect his brother.
   He went upstairs to the door of their old apartment. He knocked and opened the door slowly. "Is anyone there?", he asked and put his head inside but it was dark inside and no one answered so he was sure that the flat was still empty and stepped inside. He slowly walked inside, walking down the small hallway that he stood in the middle of the kitchen quickly. 
   The dust had covered the floor and the last furnitures who stood and laid crisscross around or were broken. He sat down on the floor in the kitchen and let his look wandering around. He noticed a small mirror laying on the ground, which actually hung in his and Kwangmin's room. He stared at the face in the mirror and wasn't sure of he saw himself or Kwangmin or someone else.
   As he accidentially bumped against the mirror, if fall on the ground so that Youngmin could see the back of the mirror. He picked up the mirror and saw lots of writings on the backside.
   "No one looks at the back of the mirror just like me. When did Kwangmin write this kind of thing? Mom smiled, the first time since hyung left. It's because of the drugs she drank. It seems I'm lesser than drugs. 'Youngmin', Mom is calling hyung again. I put on hyung's school uniform. Mom thought it was hyung. She smiled. It's fortune, my face is identical to hyung's. Mom has finally quit drugs. And life.", Youngmin finished reading and suddenly realised why his brother choose to take the path as Chief of the criminal and drug department, "Drugs killed Mom. Drugs..."
   He threw the mirror angrily away. "Don't lie! Why would Mom take drugs?", he screamed angrily while crying, "You should have stopped Mom!" Then he looked back at mirror and noticed another sentence.
   "Hyung... if it were hyung, he could have stopped her. If it were hyung, Mom could have been saved. I'm sorry, hyung. I killed Mom.", Youngmin swallowed hard and fight against more tears and shook his head slowly, "No... No, Kwangmin, that's not it." 
   He picked up the mirror again and turned it around to face himself, but this time he saw his younger brother, who must have had a hard time too without him, while he was in prison.
   Kwangmin styled his hair down like Youngmin always wore it, after he dressed up like his older brother. Now it was his time to act he was someone else, that he was Jo Youngmin. 
   He left his private office to order his team once again, while Donghyun followed him closely as he stepped in front of the open offices where the other officers sat. "Who am I?", Kwangmin asked in a strict tone.
   "Jo Kwangmin, chief of the criminal division", Officer Baek said.
   "Don't get it wrong again", Kwangmin ordered and his team nodded in agreement, "You have to hurry up and find Jo Youngmin. The moment President Song finds Jo Youngmin first, our plans will be wasted."
   Then he left the police department and drove near the area where he would met Song Jiseok as Jo Youngmin. He parked near there to walk the rest of the way because he couldn't risk to be seen in his car otherwise the plan would fail also. He entered a store for instruments how Song Jiseok ordered him. "Hello? I'm here for the instrument President Song left here", Kwangmin talked as soon as he saw the store owner.
   "One moment", the man said and picked up a case from the counter and hand it over to Kwangmin after checking a photo of Youngmin on his phone, "You have to guard it carefully. This instrument is very expensive."
   "Yes", Kwangmin said, bowed and went out of the store again.
   As soon as the store owner couldn't see the young man anymore, he called Song Jiseok to tell him that the young man picked up the instrument. "So quickly? Very quick, Jo Youngmin", Song Jiseok said while sitting in the car on his way to the place where Youngmin should give him the instrument.
   Kwangmin reached the place near the harbour quickly. It was night already and the barely light caused that no one could see Kwangmin easily because of his dark clothes and dark hair. He entered a hugh storage building and quickly saw Song Jiseok, who was standing near the door together with his men.
   "Oh, Jo Youngmin, you've come."
   "President Song, I brought the stuff. This is it, right?", Kwangmin talked, acting as Youngmin so he laughed lightly while talking.
   "Our Jo Youngmin has run a lot of errands. You're fast-footed", the president laughed and checked Youngmin out from tip to toe and the young man handed him the black case, "What are you doing? The guest will come soon. Why aren't you leaving?"
   "Ah, no. Let's wait together."
   "Pardon?", Kwangmin asked and turned back around to Song Jiseok with a confused glance.
   "I'll have you earn some money. Don't you need travel expenses to escape?"
   "I do", Kwangmin smiled weakly.
   "Isn't that right. You must be very sad. Well family isn't anything. It seems someone at home did drugs", Song Jiseok talked calmly and Kwangmin looked confused up to him while his smile vanished.
   "I... I didn't know. Is that so?"
   "If not, forget about it. It really isn't too good", the president nodded.
   "Yes it's true."
In the meanwhile the police officers peeked around the storage building, while Officer Baek and Donghyun sat in the car near the scene in the dark corner, waiting for the sign to start their operation. "It's already past eight", Donghyun said after checking his watch.
   Then suddenly another car appeared and a bulk of people came out of the van. They were sure the men were the Japanese drug dealer and Donghyun and Officer Baek exchanged serious looks. 
   The men entered the storage building where Song Jiseok, his men and Kwangmin already waited for them. "You've come. It was hard on you to come to Korea", Song Jiseok talked and the man in front of him gave is partner behind him a confused glance before he turned back to Song Jiseok.
   "You don't seem to be the person I know", the man talked in broken Korean.
   "Our Lady Choi isn't feeling well."
   "Is that so?", the man asked and looked behind Jiseok and stared at Kwangmin, who looked down on the ground to hide his face.
Song Jiseok looked over his shoulder for a second before he turned back to the Japanese. "Speaking doesn't work. Why don't we look at the goods first? Did you bring the goods?"
   They showed each other their goods and closed the cases quickly again before they exchanged their cases with each other. Then Song Jiseok and the Japanese drug lord shook hands as suddenly a lot of men stormed inside the storage building, who were about to catch the drug dealer, while Song Jiseok stood in the middle of everything.
   Officer Baek stepped close to the president to cuff him as Kwangmin interrupted him. "Officer Baek", the chief said and stepped in front of Song Jiseok, "Do you know who I am?"
   Song Jiseok looked slowly up and faced the young man in front of him. "Jo Youngmin."
   "Jo Kwangmin", the police detective said, "I learned it from you. Switcheroo." Then Kwangmin let him hand the handcuff, which he laid around Song Jiseok's wrists, while the president stared at him with a smirk before the police officers hauled the men off.
   "You're not going?", Donghyun asked when Kwangmin stood all alone in the storage bulding.
   "I'll go in a bit. He was caught too easily."
   "It wasn't easy. It's just that the moment of capture was short", Donghyun said and tried to cheer up his chief.
   "I really waited a long long time. It's over now."
   "Do you feel empty?"
   "I thought I'd feel joy inside", Kwangmin talked quietly and turned back to Donghyun, "I will head back in a while."
   "Suit yourself", Donghyun answered with a smile before he left and Kwangmin looked after him. Then he looked around with his eyes without moving an inch. He kneeled down and touched the white powder on the ground, but he felt different and suddenly he noticed why he felt it was too easy to catch Song Jiseok. He pulled out his phone to call Donghyun.
   "Team leader, have you tested the drugs? Test it quickly. Those... those aren't drugs. I'm heading back now. First, hold on to Song Jiseok", Kwangmin ordered and hung up again. He wanted to run to the next door to head to the police department as suddenly a gate opened and and a bulk of men came in. The men wore black suits and hold weapons in their hands and Kwangmin immediatly noticed who they were and why they appeared so suddenly. Kwangmin only see to run as fast as he could before they could surround him but it didn't need long until someone hit his back and Kwangmin almost fell on the ground. But he was able to fight back so that he could keep running.
   Youngmin stood at the phone box to call his friend, because he needed to find Kwangmin but since he was wanted he just couldn't enter the police department to visit his brother.
   "Hyunseong, it's me, Youngmin. I have to go turn myself in. I don't want to be caught by others. Can you help me find Kwangmin? Before going to prison, there's something I have to ask him and I feel like I own him something. I'm unable to give Kwangmin a call."
   "Did you run errands for President Song?"
   "E... Errands?"
   "Didn't President Song tell you to go to the place of transaction? You spoke on the phone."
   "Why would I speak with that guy? It's because of him that I'm in this state. Why would Kwangmin do that to me?"
   "Hey, he clearly said it was Youngmin. I heard it from right beside."
   "It... it's not me. This time... it's not me", Youngmin said and realized that Kwangmin acted to be him this time. He hung up and remembered what Hyunseong had said that they wanted to meet at the place of transaction.
   Kwangmin in the meanwhile had locked himself in a separated room in the storage while the men tried to open and get inside. Kwangmin hold tightly on the doorknob that they won't come in.
   "Hey! Get out! Punk! Come out!", they yelled and hit against the door but Kwangmin hold tight on the knob as suddenly someone appeared behind him and Kwangmin had to fear that the men had the idea to enter the storage bulding from the other side. But instead of one of the men his older brother suddenly stood there. He wore a cap which he took slowly down to reveal his face.
   "Jo Youngmin..."
   Youngmin stepped closer and put his cap on his younger brother's head and Kwangmin could see that his older brother cried a lot because of his swollen eyes. Then Youngmin caressed his cheek and petted his shoulder before he pushed him away and opened the door to step outside, leaving Kwangmin in the dark room behind.
   Now they were back at the places they belonged to. Youngmin in front of the bullies to protect his brother with everything he had, Kwangmin behind him, hiding in a dark place, waiting for everything to be over again. Now it was like it could have been when they were brothers like Youngmin wanted it to be.
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Chapter 5: Any sequel? I want to see the brothers new life. It's must be beautiful.
Chapter 3: Uwaaa....please update soon. Can't wait any longer. Pleaseee........
SenpaiJecho #3
Boy.... you wanna kill meh~~
Chapter 2: awwwww.....what will happen to kwangmin????
please update soon
koko91 #5
Author nim , does the fanfic have youngkwang or kwangyoung ?
duviet #6
Uhhh :3~ A Boyfriend, no Minwoo Story x3~~ Update soon & Hwaiting ..keke ^-^