Final Chapter

Forever Love

At Sooyoung’s Office

“I think we can see the progress of this project in the next month, and we will have an evaluation meeting.”, said Sooyoung as she ended the meeting with her co-workers.

“Sooyoung-sshi!”, Siwon called his partner as she walked out the meeting room toward her own room.

“Yes, Siwon-sshi?”, she stopped and turned her body to Siwon’s direction.

“We still have to make sure the project is under control, soo we’re still work together until the next month, right?”, he asked her and gave his typical smile to her.

“Eh,,sure, Siwon-sshi!”, Sooyoung could felt his cheeks turned red because she was soo happy knowing that she would spent most of her time together with Siwon.

It’s been three months since she worked together with him.
Their relationship is getting closer because it turned out that they had some similarities, soo it didn’t take long time for them getting closer each other.
Sometimes, they would hang around just two of them.
They would go to the book fair, or watching a football match at the café.
At that time, Sooyoung felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

“Siwon-sshi! Sorry I have to go earlier. My Secretary, Miss Kim was sick, soo I have to visit her in the hospital.”

“Oh, that’s why I didn’t see her.”

“Wanna go together, Siwon-sshi?”, Sooyoung prayed soo hard silently hope that Siwon would come with her.

“I wish I could, but sadly I have to pick my sister at the airport this afternoon.”

“Oh..ok, then! Maybe next time.”, Sooyoung couldn’t help but felt soo dissapointed.

“Yeah..sorry, Sooyoung-sshi! But I’ll promise next time we’ll go together. Please send my greeting to Miss Kim.”

“Sure, I’ll tell her.”

Sooyoung was in her car when she remembered that she had to call Jessica

‘I have to call Jessica I can’t pick up and drive her home today.’

“Hello, Sooyoungie!”

“Sica-chu~! I’m sorry I can’t pick you up at your office. Taeyeon is in the hospital and I’m on the way for visiting her.”

“Oh….it’s ok, Sooyongie! By the way don’t forget send my greeting to her, ok?”

“Ok, babe! Bye Sica-chu!”

“Bye Sooyoungie!” *click*

Now Jessica confused.
She’d been in front of Sooyoung’s office to surprise her best friend, but now, she knew that her plan was failure.

“*sigh* Now I’ll take a bus again.”, when she just waked out the office, suddenly,

“Excuse me, Jung Jessica?”

The baritone voice of him shocked her so much.
She immediately turned around to see whose voice was that, and then she saw a familiar guy

“Eh, Siwon-sshi?”, she still had shocked on her face

“Oh, glad that you remember me.”, Siwon gave the woman warm smile, and he asked a handshake.

“Long time no see, Jessica-sshi.”

“How are you, Siwon-sshi?”, while Jessica giving him a handshake back.

“Good, thank you. Anyway, it such a random I met you here. What are you doing here, Jessica-sshi?”

“Oh, I want to see my friend. She works here. We usually go home together, but today unfortunatelly she had a sudden arrangement.”

“Oh that’s bad. Soo, are you going to go home now?”

“Yes. I can take a bus from here.”

“Let me drive you home, Jessica-sshi!”

“Oh no,it’s ok. Thank you Siwon-sshi. I’ll take the bus instead.”

“Come on, Jessica-sshi! If I let you go home by yourself and my sister know it, I’m sure she will mad at me.”

Jessica couldn’t help but accept Siwon to drive her home.

At Siwon’s car

“Tiffany always tell me the story about you. She always say that you always help her with her assignments. In behalf of my sister, I would like to say thank you so much for your help, Jessica-sshi.”

“It’s not a big deal Siwon-sshi. We’re friend, so it’s my pleasure to help her as her friend.”, Jessica smiled at Siwon and it made he blushed slightly.

And then, there’s a silence between them.
They both thought so hard to bring up the topic to start the conversation, and thanks to Jessica as she found the topic,

“How about Tiffany? It’s been long time since the last time I met her.”

“She works in a company at Tokyo, Japan. But this week, she’ll have holiday for the whole one week. I’ll pick her at the airport right after I drive you home.”

“Eh? Is it ok to pick me home before? Tiffany will wait because of me. If only I knew, I wouldn’t agree about you drive me home.”, Jessica sudenly felt guilty.

“No, it’s ok! She’ll arrive about half hour from now, so I still can make it.”, he said it while smiling at Jessica, and Jessica suddenly felt her heartbeat faster than usual, and her cheeks was red now.
‘What happened with me?’

Jessica was busy with her feeling and didn’t notice that the guy beside her felt the same.
Siwon felt really happy, it reminded him when Jessica and Tiffany still a college mate.
Jessica always came to their house to help Tiffany did her assignments.
Although Siwon didn’t meet her directly, but for him, it’s a great feeling to see her almost everyday in their house.
He could watch from a far her angelic face, and for that, he was so thankful.
And at this time, he could be so near with the girl in his dream, it’s absolutely the greatest day in his life so far.
He silently prayed that there’ll be more great days like this in the future.

It’s been more than a month since Taeyeon was sick, and because of that, Sooyoung had a lot of works to do by her own.
She would go earlier in the morning and went home in the late of night.
Jessica who was worried with her always wait Sooyoung at her house and then she would stay the night.

At Sooyoung’s House

Sooyoung walked toward her room and went inside, then she looked that there was Jessica who slept on her working desk.
Maybe she felt tired for waiting Sooyoung who didn’t home although it’d been really late.
Sooyoung looked at her affectionately, and because she didn’t want to wake her up, she decided to carry her to the bed.
She did it very carefully so that Jessica wouldn’t wake up.
Unfortunately, because of the shaking that was caused by Sooyoung’s movement, Jessica woke from her sleep when she was placed on the bed.

“Sooyoungie~! You’ve been home.”, Jessica said it and was heard like a mumble while rubbed her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Sica, I don’t mean to wake you up.”

“It’s ok, Sooyoungie, because I want to see you. What time is it?”, Jessica looked at her watch and can’t believe that it’s been 3 AM.

“Oh my God, Sooyoungie! It’s 3 AM and you have to go again on 6 AM right?”, now her sleepy face was dissapeared and was replaced by worried to her dongsaeng.

“Easy, Sica-Baby! Today I’ll off the work. Today is Sunday, so I think after I pushed my self to work so hard last month, I think I’ll have my holiday today and tomorrow. I think it’s better to take a rest little bit, right? Besides, I won’t let you keep worried about me, Sica-chu!”, as Sooyoung pinched her cheek softly.

“Oh great then. Now, better you get a shower then go to sleep!”

“Ok, and you, just go to sleep. Don’t wait for me, ok Sica?”, Jessica nodded at her and then Sooyoung walked to the bathroom.

On Sunday Morning

Sooyoung didn’t have enough time before paying attention to Jessica because of her busy schedules.
Now she had much time to spent together with her, and she could notice there’s slight change in her best friend attitude.
She hadn’t seen Jessica was soo cheerful and bright like that.
Seeing the sight, Sooyoung couldn’t hep but smirk.
Jessica who was preparing the breakfast that time, suddenly notice Sooyoung’s smirk.

“Something’s wrong?”

“I’m just ask you that question, Sica.”

“Hm? Why?”, Jessica looked puzzled with Sooyoung’s words.

“Something happened when I was not around, wasn’t it?”

Jessica only let out a smile because Sooyoung’s question, and it made the younger felt excited so sudden.

“Oh my God, Sica! There might be something happened? Yah~!! Tell me!!”

“Yah~! It’s not that special. I just have a good time when you were not around.”

“WHAT?! How could you have a good time without me, Sica? I thought you’re gonna miss me so much. You mean~~!”, as Sooyoung pouted to Jessica

“Yah~! It’s your fault for being busy. Hehe,,kidding Sooyoungie~! I miss you so bad. You know I always wait for your coming home.”, Jessica stood up behind her tall best friend and wrapped her hands on Sooyoung’s waist and placed her head on Sooyoung’s shoulder.


“Sure! You need another proof?”

“Nope. I believe in you, Jess! Anyway I’m sorry for being busy these day. I worried about you too about how your day without me, but I’m pretty sure the good things happened, right? I know you too well, Sica.”, Sooyoung broke her hug and now faced Jessica who was slightly blushing.

Sooyoung now placed her hands on Jessica’s shoulders.

“Soo, who’s this guy? Do I know him?”

“I don’t know. I met him at your office when you suddenly have to visit Taeyeon in hospital. He said he just temporary there, then he drove me home. Actually, he is my college mate’s old brother. He’s Tiffany’s old brother.”, and an ‘o’ shaped out from Sooyoung’s mouth.

“Tiffany had her holiday here in Seoul for a week, so before she came back to Tokyo, we spent the time together with her oppa too, although he could join us in the afternoon after he finished his work.”

“Soo, that’s the time you spent your day together with him. Soo, how is he? Is finally this ice princess find the prince who can melt her?”, Sooyoung .

“I don’t know yet, Youngie~~! I’ve just know him better this time. I think I need more time to decide it, is he the right guy or not.”

Even Jessica said so, Sooyoung could tell that her bestfriend was in love this time.
She had never seen her best friend so cheerful like this.
Sooyoung felt so happy knowing that finally, her best friend find her love.

“Yah~! Don’t take the time too long. You know, something good won’t be last for long time. If you take too long time to think, he might be go away. Or you need my help to decide it? You have to introduce him to me first, right?”

“Yah~! You promised me first, before Sooyoungie. And after more than 3 months you haven’t introduce me to your prince yet.”

“Hm..ok then, how about this Saturday at the amusement park? We’ll have a double date then.”

“Ok, I’ll try to call him. And you too, Sooyoungie.”


*tuuuuts* *click*

“Hello, Sooyoung-sshi?”

“Hello, Siwon-sshi! How are you doing?”

“It’s good. It’s been a moment since we didn’t meet. How about the works, Sooyoung-sshi? Still busy with them?”

“No, finally I can be free from it, hahaha!”, and now Sooyoung felt her heart beated faster, she hope that Siwon will accept her invitation.

“Anyway, it’s been long time since we didn’t hang out together. Do you have any plan on this Saturday, Siwon-sshi?”

“Oh, unfortunately,, I have an appointment with a friend on that day.”

“Emh,,how about Sunday?”

“Sorry, Sooyoung-sshi! I have to go to Gwangju. The companies told me to see their other project there.”, Siwon felt guilty toward her.

“Oh, it’s ok, Siwon-sshi. Next time I think we’ll make it. Ok then, sorry for disturbing you. See you next time, Siwon-sshi!”

“I’m sorry Sooyoung-sshi! See you!”


And now, there was Sooyoung who felt soo dissapointed right now.


“I’m sorry he could make it, Jessica. He had another appointment with his friend.”

“It’s too bad. I want to see him badly. Soo, you’ll meet with my friend then. It’s ok, I think you and him will be close soon because I think you both have lot of similarities. If I talked with him, I feel like I’m talking with you, Sooyoungie.”

“Oh, really? Now it proves that you really can’t stand without me, eh Jessica?”

“I told you before! I can’t escape from you, Sooyoungie.”, then Jessica planted her kiss on Sooyoung’s cheek.

“Because I love you so much, Sooyoungie~!”

“Heh,,I love you too, Sica-chu!”, then she hugged Jessica affectionately.

Saturday At the Amusement Park

“He told me that he’s been here.”, Jessica said while scanning the park where she had the appointment with her guy’s friend.

Sooyoung is trying to help her by looking for him too, although logically it won’t help because she didn’t know about Jessica’s friend at all.
And then suddenly they could hear someone called.

“Jessica-sshi!”, that voice made the two woman turned their direction to face the guy who called before.

“Siwon-sshi! Finally we find you. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”, Jessica gave her slightly bow to show him her apologize.

“Oh, No it’s ok! I’m just arrived here.”, Siwon was soo happy to see Jessica.
He stared at her for a while untill Jessica spoke up.

“Oh, Siwon-shhi. Let me introduce you to my best friend. Sooyoungie, it’s Siwon-sshi, Siwon-sshi, its Sooyoungie.”, their shocked face could be seen clearly as Siwon let out his gasped.


“How are you Siwon-sshi?”, Sooyoung looked so shocked with the situation, she tried her best to be calm but inside, her mind was going to explode. ‘How could the thing is going like this?’


The date, or whatever the name, was going well.
Siwon and Jessica talked each other in sync, and Sooyoung, she pretended that nothing happened.
She join their chat, although her heart was in ache right now.
For her, the time went so slow. She wanted this date over soon.
And then finally time to go home was arrived.

“I had a great time, Jessica-sshi! And you too, Sooyung-sshi! Thank you!”, as Siwon smiled to Jessica and Sooyoung.

“Yeah, sadly it’s time to go home. Soo, better I gotta go! Jessica, you have Siwon-sshi to drive you home, is that ok, Siwon-sshi?”, Sooyoung said to Siwon coldly without seeing Jessica.
Siwon had just want to answer when Jessica cutted him

“What? What are you talking about, Sooyoungie? I’ll go home with you as usual.”

“No Sica, you have Siwon now. Don’t make me ruin your time together, ok? Soo see you guys!”, Sooyoung leaved as soon as she could, but still she could hear Jessica called her

“Sooyoung, wait!”, but Sooyoung pretended not to hear.

“Jessica-sshi, Sooyoung-sshi has leaved.”, Siwon hold Jessica on her shoulder so she couldn’t go any further to catch Sooyoung.

Jessica now felt sad and guilty because she thought she already knew the reason behind Sooyoung’s behaviour.

‘I have to talk with her.’

At Sooyoung’s car

Sooyoung didn’t understand what happened.
She was really mad and lost in her mind now.
She wondered, is this really happened, or is it only her dream?
Why does this coincidence happened to her and her best friend?
Many questions appeared in her head now, as she couldn’t hold any longer, she finally let out her anger and her frustation,

“AAAAAAAARGHH!!!! EFF!!! Why did this happened to me?”, as she yelled to her self.

It made her breath uncontrollable, and her eyes were filled with an anger.
Now that eyes were teary, she found it so hard to accept the fact that her best friend was falling in love with the guy whom she loved.
She even never thought about that, even once in her life.
‘Why did I falling in love with you, Siwon”

At Sooyoung’s house

“Thanks, Siwon-sshi!”, then she out from Siwon’s car immediately and went to Soyooung’s house.

Siwon coud only looked at Jessica, he even didn’t have any time to talk to her.
After make sure that Jessica was rally went to Sooyoung’s house, then Siwon leaved that place.


Jessica who seemed worried and wondered about what happened earlier then arrived in front of Choi Family’s front door.
She knocked it several times while expecting that Sooyoung who will open the door for her.
Then, suddenly a click sound heard from the door lock. The door was opened and there was Mrs. Choi.

“Jessica?”, Mrs. Choi smiled warmly to her. She bit shocked because didn’t expect that Jessica would come in this late of night.

“Auntie, where’s Sooyoung?”, Jessica asked her with worried.

“She’s been in her room. She seemed tired when she was home. I think she’s sleeping right now. Was something bad happened, Jessica?”

“Oh,,,no Auntie. Nothing. I’ve just arrived not long time ago, so I want make sure that Sooyoung has been at home.”

Mrs. Choi knew something happened.
She could see from Jessica’s sad face, but because it’s been late to talk, she thought she would find out tomorrow by asking her daughter.

“She’s been home a moment ago and immediately went to her room. You can meet her tomorrow, sweetheart. You need to take a rest, too.”, she said as she Jessica’s hair.

“Alright, I’ll go home then. Thanks, Auntie!”, then Jessica walked weakly to her house.

Tomorrow morning at Sooyoung’s House

*knocks on the door*

“Sooyoung-ah~! Wake up! It’s been 7AM. Don’t you go to your office?”, Mrs. Choi stood in front of Sooyoung’s room, waited for her daughter’s response, but there’s nothing happened.

She’s been there for 10 minutes, and suddenly she heard the knocks from the front door.


“Jessica?”, she looked at the guest who has been in her suit and ready to go to the office.

“Auntie, I want to see Sooyoung. Is she ready to go?”

“Not yet. She even hasn’t out from her room yet. I’ve been called her for ten minutes but still no response from her. It’s unusual. Maybe you can help me, Jessica.”

Jessica was shocked about what Mrs. Choi said.
Then she immediately went to Sooyoung’s room, leaved Mrs. Choi behind.
She knocked the door and called her.

“*knocks* Sooyoungie~! Wake up! Open the door, Sooyoungie! I need to talk to you.”, still no response from the people inside.

“*knocks* Sooyoungie~! Please open the door. I know you’re awake. Please we need to talk. Sooyoungie open the door!”, Jessica felt soo sad and didn’t know what to do.

Her eyes were teary now.
As long as they’ve been together, Sooyoung never treated her like this before.
It made her soo frustated, then Mrs. Choi came to Jessica,

“Jessica, there’s Siwon. He said that he’s here to pick you up to your office.”

“No Auntie, I won’t go to before I can meet with Sooyoung.”

“Jessica, just leave her alone for now. I don’t know what happened between both of you, but better if we let her alone. And you, don’t let Siwon go waste to pick you up here. Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll take care Sooyoung for you. I’ll call you if Sooyoung has been out, ok? Now wipe your tears and meet Siwon at the front door.”, Mrs. Choi try to comfort Jessica who had been cry now.

Then, Jessica wiped her tears and walked toward the front door.
She looked at Siwon who was standing there, and shocked seeing Jessica’s eyes was red.

“Jessica, are you ok?”, Siwon asked her in concern

“...I’m ok, Siwon-sshi. Let’s go!”, Jessica’s voice almost like a mumbled as she walked to the car with the head bend down.

Now Siwon felt puzzled.
Why did this happened so suddenly.
They had great moment together before at the amusemet park, but now why Jessica and Sooyoung acted so weird.
He couldn’t ask it to Jessica right now. Maybe next time.
‘Did I do something wrong, Jessica?’

Lunch Time still At Sooyoung’s House

“Sooyoung, it’s been lunch time and you don’t have your breakfast yet. Come on, hunny open the door!”, Mrs. Choi tried to open the door but the door still locked from the inside.

Then she knocked the door again for the thousand times since the morning.
Suddenly, the click sound came from the door, and suprisingly, Sooyoung finaly open the door.
Mrs. Choi went toward her daughter immediately and hugged her.

“Oh my sweetheart, finally!”, then after she hugged her daughter for a several minutes, she broke the hug and looked at her daughter with concern.

“Look at you. You’re in a totally mess, hunny! What happened with you?”, Mrs. Choi really shocked with the sight in front of her, a woman with messed up hair, red and swollen eyes because of cried all the night long and lack of sleep, and she still use the clothes which she wear when she went to the amusement park yesterday.
The clothes was really good before but now they are totally mess because she wear it all the night.

“Better you change your clothes before you have lunch, ok? And I bet you’ll need your breakfast too, so you can have both of them at the same time then.”

Sooyoung nooded weakly then she went back to her room to do what her mom told her.
After changed her clothes, she went to the dining room with her mom and having the meals together.

After Lunch

Sooyoung was sitting on the sofa, she kept silent as her mother sat beside her, wait for her to said a word, but still, she didn’t say any words.

“Sooyoung-ah!”, she hugged her daughter affectionally

“You know you can share everything to umma, right?”, Sooyoung kept silent. Then Mrs. Choi her daughter’s hair.

“Anyway, it’s been long time since you spent your time with umma. Since you have to go to work, you’re so busy and didn’t have much time with together umma. I was alone at the home and I miss my time with my little princess like this.”

“Umma~!”, and finally Sooyoung let a word out from . Now she hugged her umma tightly.

“My Sooyoung-ah~!”, she kissed her daughter’s forehead lovingly. Then she cupped her daughter’s cheeks in her palms and she looked into her daughter’s eyes.

“Now, mind to share what happened between you and Jessica to umma?”, Sooyoung eyes now teary. Her tears rolled down to her cheeks, as she started to tell her umma the story.


Mrs. Choi had heard the whole story.
She could only stare at her daughter who were in her hug.
And then, she smiled to her daughter.

“Soo, what will you do, hunny? You know you can’t keep avoiding Jessica like this.”

“I know, umma. but this time, I need to think. I don’t want to meet Jessica yet because I don’t know what to do and what to say.”

“Sweetheart, Jessica has been my daughter too, and I know you really love her, and so does she. You should know what to do, don’t make her worry about you for too long.”, she her daughter’s hair softly.

“I understand, umma! But please, I don’t want to see her at this moment. If she come, just ask her to go home, umma.”


“Thanks, umma. I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

At Jessica's office

Siwon was at Jessica’s office.
He came to drive Jessica home, besides he want to know what happened exactly between Jessica and Sooyoung.
He felt something wrong, and he had a feeling that maybe he was involved in their problem. After waited for few minutes, he could see Jessica was rushing out from her office.
Siwon then catched her direction, and Jessica noticed Siwon there and suddenly she stopped.
Jessica wanted to avoid him so much.
He’s the person whom she didn’t want to meet now.
As Siwon could see the confusion on Jessica’s face, Siwon talked to her,

“Jessica-sshi, what happened?”

“Just leave me, Siwon-sshi. I don’t want to see you at this moment.”

Siwon shocked about what he heard. Why was it so sudden?

“Wh-what?! Why did you say that, Jessica-sshi? What did I do that cause you mad at me like this? I thought eveything was ok before.”

Jessica was so confuse about what should she said to Siwon.
He was right, he did nothing wrong, and she wasn’t sure too about what exactly happened.
Seeing Jessica look so confuse, Siwon felt so worry about her.

“Jessica, I’ll drive you home, you seems so tired, ok?”

Jessica couldn’t say anything. She only nodded her head weakly and walked together with Siwon to his car.


On the way home, they kept silent.
Siwon didn’t know what to say, when Jessica was busy with her mind.
She was thinking about Sooyoung, why if she still didn’t mind to see her.
That thought made her cried.
Siwon who was driving while occasionally looking at Jessica all the time shocked with that sight.

“Jessica-sshi, why are you crying?”, Siwon looked so panick with the situation.

“Jessica-sshi, you can share your problem to me. If its hard, I’ll make sure to make it easier for you. If it’s a secret, I’ll promise I won’t say even a single word to anyone. You can always trust on me, Jessica-sshi.”, Siwon said it with full of concern.
Then he tooked Jessica’s arm and hold it.

“You can always count on me, Jessica-sshi.”, as Siwon looked into her eyes.

Jessica felt soo relieved now.
She felt the warm in her hand was flowing through her whole body.
Siwon always make her feel so comfort around him.
Jessica knew that she could only feel like that if only Sooyoung was with her, and now, she found that she felt the same if Siwon with her.
Her thought about Sooyoung snapped her out from her thought about Siwon.
She pulled out her arm from Siwon’s arm.

“Oh…I’m sorry, Jessica-sshi! I only want to make sure that you can share your problem to me. You can believe in me. I promise I’ll help you with my best. I don’t want to see you sad like this, Jessica-sshi.”

Jessica could only stare at him without say any word.
Then she turned her gaze out the window.
She thought how could she shared her problem to him, while the problem was probably him self.
Now she felt like thousand knives stabbed her heart.
How could she didn’t notice at once that her best friend’s crush was this guy?
And how could she falling for the same guy whom stole her best friend’s heart?
Then she decided to her self that she had to speak to Sooyoung.
She had to make the things clear.
She even didn’t bothered to let Siwon being with Sooyoung because she would do anything for her beloved friend.

At Sooyoung’s House

“Thanks, Siwon-sshi.”, then she came out from Siwon’s car and immediately went to Sooyoung’s house.

Once again, Siwon could only stare at Jessica leaved him and went toward Sooyoung’s house.
And after make sure that Jessica went inside Sooyoung’s house, then he went house.


“Auntie, I want to talk with her so bad, please~!”

“Jessica, just give her time alone. She’ll find you when the time is right.”

Jessica was hesitating and now she was looking at Mrs. Choi,

“Has she told you anything, Auntie?”

“Yes, sweetheart, and soon, she’ll tell you. Don’t worry too much about her, Jessica! She’ll be back.”

Jessica, again in hesitate.
She wasn’t sure about what she going to do.
Then she realized that she had no choice than follow what Mrs. Choi said.

“Thanks, Auntie.” And then Jessica hugged Mrs. Choi.

“But please, let me go to Sooyoung’s room before I went home, Auntie.”


Jessica was standing in front of the door of Sooyoung’s room.
She let out a sigh, then talked to the door as she talked to Soooyoung.

“Sooyoungie, I’m so sorry! I’m sorry for everything. Please, I want to see you so bad, Sooyoungie. That’s all what I need this time, to see your face again. You can blame on me, you can yell at me, Sooyoungie. I’ll accept it, if it can make me seeing you again. Sooyoungie, please~!”, Jessica was sobbing now.

She couldn’t hold her tears to not rolling down.
She touched the door with her fingers.

“Sooyoungie~ I miss you!”, Jessica’s sobbing is harder now.
Mrs. Choi who was standing beside her all the time, now hugged her.

“Jessica~ don’t cry! As I said she’ll meet you soon. She’ll be back because you and I know, she must be really miss you so much right now, ok?”, Mrs. Choi kissed Jessica’s forehead.
Jessica nodded her head and then she walked home.

For all the time, Sooyoung who was standing behind the door was crying too.
She had her back on the door, she heard everything that Jessica said.
She felt so much guilty toward Jessica.
She didn’t want to make Jessica sad like that.
It’s not Jessica’s fault at all.
At the first time, it wasn’t anybody’s fault.
But she couldn’t meet with her yet.
She had to prepare her self, especially her feeling to Siwon.
She didn’t expect that she would feel this hurt because of her one side love.
She could see that Siwon loved Jessica too because he was different if Jessica was around.
She could see it from his eyes.
His eyes were different when he was only with her.
And then, she knew what she had to do.
‘I have to talk with him’

It’s been three days since the last time Jessica came to her house.
Finally, Sooyoung ready to clear the mess.
She decided to talk to Siwon first.
She called Siwon to make an appointment to meet with him.

“Hello, Sooyoung-sshi?!”, Sooyoung could hear clearly that tehere was a surprise tone in his voice.

“Siwon-sshi, are you busy? I need to talk with you.”

“I’m not busy, Sooyoung-sshi.”

“Then, can you meet me at Triple S Café on the lunch time? And don’t tell Jessica about our meeting.”

“Sure, Sooyoung-sshi. I’ll be there.”


At Triple S Café

Siwon had been there, he was waiting for Sooyoung.
His curiousity about what happened exactly between Jessica and Sooyoung would be answered soon.
He was busy with his mind when suddenly someone tapped his shoulder.

“Never seen you lost in your mind, Siwon-sshi.”

“S-s-Sooyoung-sshi?!”, he shocked because of her sudden appearance.

“How are you doing, Siwon-sshi?”, Sooyoung smiled at him and took a seat across his seat.

“Fine. How about you, Sooyoung-sshi?”, he still felt the shock but better now.

“Never been better. I think I had great holidays. It refresh my mind for sure.”, she grinned at Siwon who was puzzled with the situation.

Sooyoung noticed the confusion on his face.

“I know you must be wondering about what happened between Jessica and I.”, Sooyoung looked at Siwon who was looked at her back.

“I’m sorry Siwon-sshi for involving you in our problem. I know what was happened between you and Jessica. I’m so sorry.”

“No, it’s not your fault, Sooyoungsshi. I mean, I even don’t know what happened. Jessica-sshi didn’t say anything too.”

“Soo, do you want to know what exactly happened, Siwon-sshi?”

“If you don’t mind, Sooyoung-sshi. I’ll try to help with my best, besides I can’t let Jessica sad for whole time when I saw her while I don’t know what happened. I really want to help.”

“Glad to hear that you want to help. So you don’t mind if I’m asking for your help, Siwon-sshi?”

“Sure, Sooyoung-sshi!”, as Siwon looked so serious, and it made Sooyoung smiled.

“Thank you. I know you’ll help us.”, after a moment silent between them, Sooyoung started to speak again.

“Soo…you know I don’t like waste the time, then I’ll go to the point, Siwon-sshi.”, Sooyoung stopped as she tried to breathe first before she continued her speak.

“The thing is….that I like you, Siwon-sshi. It’s not an usual feeling between friend, but more than that. I think you do understand what I mean, right, Siwon-sshi?”

It shocked him so much.
He couldn’t believe what he heard.
He looked at Sooyoung with unbelieveable look.
He could only let out a gasp because of the shock.

“”Wh-WHAT?! I-i-I d-don’t understand, Sooyoung-sshi.”, he said stuttering.

Sooyoung laughed as she looked at his reaction.
Looked at her laughed, Siwon felt embarassed.
He felt like he was being played by her.

“Sooyoung-sshi, I thought it was seriuos!”, Siwon bit angry to her because she was playing when he was serious.

“No, Siwon-sshi. I’m serious.”, Sooyoung then stopped her laugh.

“I’m really serious.”, now Sooyoung looked so serious.

“I like you since the first time I saw you at my office. And that feeling is growing as long as the time we spent together, then I realize that now I love you, Siwon-sshi.”

Siwon looked at the woman across him.
He didn’t know how to react, besides he still didn’t sure about what Sooyoung said is the truth or not.

“The time we spent together, like do our work, went out to watch a football match, or just a simple cheating. For me those are the best moment I had in my life. I fell so happy when I’m with you, Siwon-sshi.”

Siwon still didn’t know what to say.
Sooyoung words just like a big rock that hit his heart so hard.
He felt like he hard to breathe right now.

“You said you want to help us, right?”, now Siwon looked into Sooyoung’s eyes, wondering what will she said next.

“Now, tell me, what do you feel about me, Siwon-sshi?”, and that question hitted him so hard again.

After Sooyoung’s confession, he thought that impossible for him to say that he didn’t have the same feeling like hers.
It would hurt her, and he really didn’t want to hurt her.
Actually, he think Sooyoung as his best friend.
He love her like an oppa love his dongsaeng, besides because Jessica love Sooyoung too.
He really confused what shoud he said.
Siwon didn’t notice that Sooyoung stare at him all the time.
She could see the confusion on his face.
Then she let out a smirk.

“Without you tell me, I think I know the answer, Siwon-sshi.”, she smirked at Siwon who was still confuse, and now he felt guilty toward Sooyoung.

“It’s ok, Siwon-sshi. I’ve been used to be rejected by the guys, hahaha!”, Sooyoung laughed but unexpectedly Siwon looked angry.

“It’s not ok, Sooyoung-sshi! And I’m not like those guys who rejected you.”

Sooyoung shocked with a sudden change from Siwon.
She could tell that Siwon was angry now.
She felt guilty too because she didn’t mean to compare him with her crushes in the past.

“I’m sorry, Siwon-sshi, I don’t mean to….”

“Listen, sooyoung-sshi!”, he cutted Sooyoung’s words.

“I don’t know that you have that feeling to me. If you ask me what do I feel for you, I can answer that I love you, Sooyoung-sshi. I love you as an older brother to her sister. I feel guilty right now because I never realized your feeling and I don’t know that it turns to be like this. I’m sorry I don’t mean to reject you. You deserve someone better than me, Sooyoung-sshi.”

It hurted Sooyoung to hear Siwon said that he love her, but only as an older brother.
It made her remembered all the guys in her life before.
They only thought Sooyoung as their friend or a dongsaeng, and now, Siwon felt the same to her.

“No, it’s not your fault, Siwon-sshi.”, as she tried to hide her feeling.

“It’s ok, I’m feeling better now after know about your feeling to me, Siwon-sshi. Let’s just be friend. I don’t want to loose a friend and an oppa like you.”, Sooyoung smiled at him.

“Sure, Sooyoung-sshi! I’ll promise to be agood friend and a great oppa for you.”, as Siwon smiled back at her.

“And I think you don’t need any formalities, Sooyoung-sshi. I’m your oppa, soo start from now, you should call me oppa.”

“Ah, really?!”, Sooyoung asked him with wide smile.

“Sure!”, Siwon smiled affectionately to her and made Sooyoung blushed with seeing his smile.

That smile who melt her heart at the first time, the smile that she love so much.
‘Sooyoung, don’t let your self off your guard. You’ve been decided to let him go’


“It much better, Sooyoung-ah!”, and Sooyoung could feel that she was happier now.

She loved him so much but she realized that he would be much happier if he could be together with Jessica, and that was the thing she would do, to help them to be together.
Sooyoung then looked at Siwon who was drinking his coffee, as Siwon then noticed her

“What’s the matter, Sooyoung-ah?”

Sooyoung hesitated for a moment, then said to Siwon,

“Now oppa, what are you gonna do with Jessica?”

Siwon shocked for the several times today and he could only looked at Sooyoung who was looking back at him.

“You know, oppa, I’ve been with her since more than 10 years, so I know her so much. She doesn’t have to tell about her feeling to me. I can tell it from her eyes, the way she looked at you and the way she talked with you. It’s love, and as far as I know her, it’s the first time I see her act that way.”, Sooyoung hesitated again to see how Siwon’s reaction before she continued her speaking.

“You are her first love, oppa! You’re special for her.”

“But why did she treat me like that? She’s been avoided me all the time.”

“She didn’t avoid you. She just want to make sure if you’re the right person. If you love her, you will fight for her, right? So she want to see how much you love her, oppa. And for this time, she treated and avoided you, it’s because of me. Do you realize it, that she traited you worse since we went to the amusement park, right?”

“Yeah, if I think about it.. soo, it’s maybe because…”, Siwon looked at Sooyoung. He seemed to know the answer but he didn’t sure so he let Sooyoung answerd it.

“Yeah, like I told you. Me and Jessica have been together since forecer, soo she must know that I have a feeling for you, oppa.”

Then they were silent for few moment.
They were busy with their own mind.
Sooyoung then looked at Siwon, and suddenlt she thought about Jessica.
‘I know you love him, Sica, and he loves you too. And me, I’ll do everything to make both of you happy.’
She let out a slight smile and the talked to Siwon.

“The problem between me and Jessica, let me handle it, oppa. You don’t have to worry about it. And you, you’ll take care the rest between you and her, ok oppa?”

Siwon the looked at Sooyoung.

“Why do you let me with Jessica, Sooyoung-ah? I mean, maybe I’m not the right guy for her.”

“Why do you think like that, oppa? You want me to go against you and let Jessica with another guy?”

Siwon sighed, he confused with his thought.
He really loves Jessica but he thought what if he couldn’t make Jessica happy.
Now he looked at Sooyoung, the woman who was sitting across him, then he thought about what has Sooyoung done for Jessica.
She did everything, even she let him self to be with Jessica.

“I think that I’m afraid that my love for her isnt enough. Just look at you, you do everything for her, Sooyoung-ah, and me, what did I do? Nothing. I think even your love is bigger than mine.”

“Hahaha! It’s a sure thing, oppa! No one can beat my love for her.”, then Sooyoung stare into Siwon’s eyes.

“Oppa, if you really love her, it’s enough. I’m pretty sure you will do everything for her, right? And Jessica loves you too, so I’m sure you can make her happy. And believe me oppa, I’ll make sure to keep my eyes for you. If you ever tried to hurt Jessica, I’ll be your enemy in your whole life, oppa.”, as Sooyoung made a gesture with her finger and middle finger pointed her eyes and then shifted to Siwon’s eyes, and it made him laughed.

“Sooyoung-ah! You don’t know how lucky I am having a friend like you. Now I know why Jessica always depend on you. She can’t get you out off her mind as she always tell the story about her best friend, and I’m sure the best friend whom she always talk about is you, right?”

“Heh, she always like that, oppa, fall for my charm,hahaha! Now you know who’s you’re rival, it’s me, so you better careful, oppa!” sooyoung smirked as she .

“Hahaha! I’ll try my best, Sooyoung-ah! I’ll take your place in her heart soon.”

They ended their conversation as they laughed together.
Sooyoung felt her heart was lighter than before.
She thought that she would never regretted her decision, Siwon is the best guy for Jessica
About the best guy for her, Sooyoung is sure that he will come someday, and she will wait for him.

Jessica’s Office

Siwon had been waiting for Jessica.
After he had meeting with Sooyoung, he immediately went to Jessica’s office and waited for her to drive her home.
And there, he looked at Jessica, then he stood up and walked toward Jessica.


Jessica only looked at him coldly as she kept walking.
'I have to avoid him. I have to make him mad at me and then he’ll leave me.’

“Jessica-sshi, let me drive you home.”, as Siwon followed her and tried to get her attention.

Jessica still avoiding him as she kept walking and didn’t bothered to look at Siwon.
Siwon couldn’t hold it, he stopped and grabbed her wrist.


“What is your problem, Siwon-sshi?! Why do you keep disturbing me? Leave me alone. I’ve never asked you to drive me home and now I want to go home alone. I can do it by my self!”, Jessica glared at him and then leaved the shocked Siwon.

At Jessica’s House

Jessica walked into her house and met her mother.

“Jessica, you’re home, finally.”, as she hugged her daughter tightly and lovingly.

“What happened, mom? It’s not like it’s a special thing that I’m home earlier.”, as he looked at her mom with a quizzically look.

Mrs. Jung stared into Jessica’s eyes, then she cupped her daughter’s cheeks.

“Sooyoung want to meet you. She’s been waiting for you since the afternoon. She’s in your room now.”

Jessica couldn’t believe what she heard.
She immediately run toward her room, she opened the door and looked around her room search for her.
She found nobody’s there, but then, her gaze was on her bed.
She knew that there’s someone was sleeping on it because she could see there was slight movement on the blanket.
Then, she walked to the side of her bed and she could see the face that she missed so much these days.
Seeing that face who was sleeping peacefully in her blanket made her unconciously cried.
She really missed her best friend, as she bend down her body so they were closer now.
Jessica kept her position as she stare at Sooyoung’s sleeping face.
She didn’t want to wake her up.


It’s been around 20 minutes and Jessica was still there, when suddenly, Sooyoung made a movement. Sooyoung streched her body and opened her eyes.
She really shocked when she saw Jessica’s face was soo close in front of her face.

“Sica~! You’re home?”, she said as she rubbed her eyes because she still not believe with her sight.

Jessica was still there, kept stare at Sooyoung without saying any single word.
Sooyoung who was really awake now sit properly on Jessica’s bed and looked at Jessica.
She noticed that Jessica’s eyes was teary.

“Sica~! I’m so sorry. I don’t mean…”, her words was cutted when suddenly Jessica hugged her soo tightly.
Sooyoung was shocked for a while and then she hugged Jessica back.

“Sica~ really I’m so sorry…”

“Ssh..Sooyoungie~!”, as Jessica placed her finger on Sooyoung’s mouth.

“It’s not your fault at all, Sooyoungie. Why do you have to apologize?”, then Jessica looked into Sooyoung’s eyes, then she cupped her cheeks.

“You don’t know how I miss you so bad, Sooyoungie.”

Jessica made her way forward to Sooyoung as she placed her forehead and her nose with Sooyoung’s.
Jessica was crying madly now.

“I really miss you, Sooyoungie. Please don’t treat me like that.”

Sooyoung felt soo guilty right now.
She had made Jessica in misery, although she knew it wasn’t Jessica’s fault.
Then Sooyoung hugged Jessica.

“I miss you too, Jessica! You know I never missed any single day without you before. And for those days without you, I always miss you.”

Sooyoung tighten the hug and they kept hugging for long time.


They were cuddling on Jessica’s bed as Jessica’s head was lying on Sooyoung’s shoulder.
They had been like that for almost an hour without saying anything.
Then, Sooyoung looked at Jessica who was hugging her and loked like she wa sleeping.

“Sica-chu! Are you sleeping?”

“Mmm…”, as Jessica only mumbled without move any inches.

Sooyoung let out a slight smile as she looked at her best friend.

“Sica, I need to talk to you about something.”

Jessica looked at Sooyoung immediately, then she looked sad and worried.
She’d been tried to forget about what had happened lately between her and Sooyoung, but of course it was impossible because finally Sooyoung would talk about it.
Sooyoung noticed about the sadness on Jessica’s face, the she cupped her face and stare into her eyes.

“Look, Sica! I’m sorry for everything.”

“Sooyoungie, I told you that you don’t have….”

“Ssh! Listen!, Sooyoung shooked her head as she cutted Jessica

“Listen to me first, Sica! And promise me, no cutting what I’m saying until I finish it, ok? Promise!”, Sooyoung asked Jessica’s promise as she gave Jessica her little finger.

Jessica who was not sure about what would Sooyoung said couldn’t help but obeyed what her dongsaeng asked, then she gave her little finger.

“Ok, Sooyoungie, I promise!”

“Great!”, as Sooyoung grinned to Jessica, and then after hesitated for a while, she started to speak.

“Soo, first I want to say sorry to you…”, Jessica was about to say something but Sooyoung gave her a glare.

“Yah~! We have a promise!”, and it made Jessica closed immediately while pouting.

“Hahaha! Good girl~!”, Sooyoung pinched Jessica’s cheek affectionately.

“But really, Sica~! I’m really sorry for avoiding you. I did it because I need time to think. In those days, I thought about lot of things. Mostly I thought about us, about our friendship and our time together. It made me realize the important thing, and it’s you, Sica! Whenever I cried, it’s you who wiped my tears and hugged me to make me comfort. Whenever I felt down, it’s you who always cheered me up with telling me a joke, although I cracked up not because of you’re joke, but more because your famous Jessica’s effect.”

Jessica hitted Sooyoung’s arm softly and caused Sooyoung laughed at her action.
Jessica’s head then lying on Sooyoung’s shoulder as she hugged her.

“It’s because you’re so important for me, Sooyoung-ah! I will do everything to make you happy because that is what you always do to me all the time.”

Sooyoung then hesitated for a moment, she thought about Siwon.
Jessica wouldn’t mind if she asked her to leave him because she asked her to.
But she knew if she did it, she would lost both of them, the most precious person in her life, and she didn’t want it happened.
Besides, before she had been decided to let Siwon with Jessica, and now, the thing she really going to do was told Jessica about Siwon.

“You really will do everything for me, Sica?”

Sooyoung asked Jessica to make sure, though she didn’t expect any answer from her because she already knew the answer.

“Soo, will you go to Siwon-sshi and tell him about your true feeling?”

Jessica was shocked with Sooyoung’s said as she immediately sat on the bed and glared to Sooyoung who was shocked too with Jessica’s reaction.

“Wh-WHAT?!”, Jessica was stuttering

“I’ve told him already about my feeling, Sica. And now, it’s your turn.” Sooyoung smiled to Jessica who still shocked.

“Sica, it’s ok with me. You don’t have to worry about me anymore. I can take care of my self. Me and Siwon now are best friend. I know he’s really a great guy, if you know what I mean.”, Sooyoung looked into Jessica’s eyes.

“Both of you are my best friend and I want to make you happy.”

“How can I be happy when you’re not, Sooyoungie?”

“Who said that I’m not happy, Sica?”, Sooyoung then hold Jessica’s arms in her palms.

“You’re my source of happiness. If you’re happy, so am I. you’ll find your own hapiness in Siwon. Don’t waste it, Sica. I know you love him.”

“But you love him too, Sooyoungie.”

“Yeah, but only one sided love, Sica, hehe! You know it used to happen to me. It’s only a simple crush like my another crushes, Sica.”

“No, Sooyoungie. This time is different. I can feel it. You really love him, sooyoungie.”, then Jessica cupped Sooyoung’s face.

“If you really love him, fight for him. If you keep showing how much you love him, someday he will fall for you, and I’ll help you for sure.”

Sooyoung looked at Jessica seriously.
She felt bit mad with her.

“How could you be soo stupid, Jessica?! You told me to fight for him? Are you serious?!”, Sooyoung spoke bit furious to Jessica

“You’re asking me to betray my best friends! Do you think I’ll let my self do it, Sica?!”

Jessica felt guilty now. She didn’t mean it, she only wanted to help Sooyoung with Siwon.

“Sooyoungie, I’m sorry. I mean….”

“Sica, I’ve told you! You don’t need to be worried about me. I can take care myself. Just think about yourself. You have Siwon there, he’s such a great guy, kind and nice person. And the important thing, he loves you so much.”

Sooyoung then hesitated.
She could feel her eyes now teary when remembered about how Siwon loved Jessica, not her.
Jessica who was staring at Sooyoung could see that Sooyoung was crying now.
She hugged her and comforting her but she also crying seeing her best friend cried.


“Sica, I’m so sorry. I’m little bit emotional.”

After she had calm her self, she then spoke seriously to Jessica.

“Sica, listen. Promise me…you’ll tell Siwon about your true feeling, ok? Sica,you have to know that he really loves you. You don’t have to think about my feeling. It’s ok. Thing you have to do now is to be honest with your self.”
“You said you want to do everything for me, right? So this is what I want from you. Please, Sica be happy!”

Heared that words, Jessica’s crying was soo madly.

“Thank you, Sooyoungie~”, as she said in her sobbing while she hugging Sooyoung tightly.

8 months later, when summer in the middle of winter

She was soo beautiful with her white gown, she looked like a Goddess.
She was sitting alone on the bench in not too large beautiful garden with many different flowers inside.
From far away, she could hear slight noise of people spoke.
It was soo obvious because there was a party near that garden.
That garden was a part of a big hall, and from that hall the noise came from
She then looked at the blue sky above the hall, and everything that happened a moment ago was clearly visible in her mind.
She let out a slight smile because of that memory.


Flashback about two hours ago

The bridegrrom was standing in front of the altar.
He was really handsome, with white suit that fitted with his masculine body, he was the most outstanding guy at that moment.
His eyes which showed his charisma couldn’t stop staring at the entrance of that building which far behind him.
He was waiting for someone, it was his bride.
Although that wasn’t the time for the bride came, but still he felt anxious.
He could tell that was the first time he had that sort of feeling because he was sure that day would be his unforgettable moment in his life.
After such a few minutes, the noise was heard from the entrance, and immediately he looked at the entrance.
He was stunned by the sight who walked into the church.
She was really beautiful, her angelic face was soo bright and her blonder hair made her appearance was brighter.
She was dressed with long white gown and she wear a beautiful tiara on her head.
She was really looked like a princess, the most beautiful princess he ever seen in his life.
He could only let out a gasp when she looked into his eyes.
If only he didn’t remember that it was the most important day in his life, he would faint on that place immediately.
Now she just few steps from the altar, where the bridegroom was standing.
Then, she looked at the woman beside her who had been with her since before they arrived at the church, she was her best woman.
She then hugged her best woman woman as she whispered to her

“Thank you, Sooyoungie~ I love you.”

That best woman had her eyes teary but she hold her tears not to roll down.

“Love you too, Sica-chu!”, then she let Jessica to walk toward the altar.

Sooyoung took her seat and from there, she looked at her two best friend who were on the altar.
They were preparing to pledge their vow to be as one forever.
As they said their vow, Sooyoung cried madly now.
That crying wasn’t because of her sadness, but because finally she could see her best friends promised each other to love and took care forever.
At that time, she could feel that she was really happy for them.
Although most people would think that it was bull when you could let the one you love go with another person, but for Sooyoung, seeing the guy she loved ended with her beloved best best friend, that was the best thing that ever happened to her.
She really thankful of that.


Back to the present time

Sooyoung still at the garden, she was enjoying her self alone.
She thought about the time she spent with Jessica.
She always being a crybaby and Jessica who alawys comforting her.
Now, she realized Jessica wouldn’t always be there for her anymore.
She wondered how this life could be without Jessica beside her.
And Siwon, he would always be her first love. He was the first guy who really took her heart, as he could make her happy all the time.
She wondered would she found another guy like Siwon.
For Sooyoung, Jessica and Siwon were the most precious thing she had in her life.
They would be her forever love, and she prayed that their love each other would last forever, as she sang that song for her best friends

Nandomo nandomo utauyo (Time and time again I'll sing for you)
Taisetsu na kimi no tameni (My precious one)
Kono yo de hitotsu no tashikana (The single most undeniable)
Takara mono BELIEVE IN LOVE (Treasure in this world, BELIEVE IN LOVE)
You're the only love forever

She hummed the song when suddenly she was surprised by the man’s voice came behind her

“You really have a beautiful voice.”

Sooyoung then immediately looked at that voice owner.
The tall guy, wear a white suit that fitted with his sculpted body.
He had that adorable face with the mis-matched eye smile, made him looked soo cute.

“I heard you sang that song for the bridegroom and his bride before, and not a moment ago I heard you sang that song again. That is my favourite song too, soo it’s great to hear it when you sang it beautifully.” , as he walked toward Sooyoung who was still sitting on the bench, stunned because his sudden appearance.

“Oh, sorry if I bothered you. I just walked around when suddenly I heard your humming. I wondered who was it and later found out it was you.”, as he smiled with his typical eye smile.

Sooyoung who was silent before, now she could let her self spoke something to the stranger.

“I think surprising someone whom you don’t know without introduce yourself before wasn’t a big problem and it didn’t bothered me at all.”, as Sooyoung said in sarcastic way and gave him cold look.

Unexpectedly, he wasn’t mind at all with Sooyoung’s behaviour toward him, even he laughed at it.

“You’re sure really funny, Sooyoung-sshi.”

The fact that he knew her name before she could intoroduce her self made Sooyoung shocked.

“How could you know my name?”, as she glared at him and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

The stranger noticed that the woman he talked to was annoyed with his appearance and immediately he felt guilty.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Sooyoung-sshi. I don’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. About how can I know you, it’s so obvious, Sooyoung-sshi! You’re name is popular, being a president of a big company like Choi Company is more than enough to be well known. Besides, I’m Siwon hyung’s best man. I think you didn’t notice it, right? Siwon hyung is my cousin. We’re really close and he told about you many times since he worked for you before.”, as he ended his story with his smile.

Now Sooyoung felt relieved, she knew this guy wasn’t mean to bother her.
He really accidentally passed by the garden and heared her.

Thing that they didn’t know was their meeting wasn’t an accident at all.
It’s been written as that day was the start for their own story.
Destiny always plays its role and just like for today, when these two person didn’t know where the destiny would bring them.

“Oh, anyway, sorry for the late introduction. My name is Changmin, Shim Changmin.”

“If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were. ” - Kahlil Gibran


Part 2

- END -

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Chapter 2: it is a nice chapter
please write more
killthemall #2
Chapter 2: soosica please!
SooNa247 #3
it reminds me to what sooyoung said on strong heart<br />
'love is all about waiting' xD
yay soosic!!!!!!!
This is a fic bout their friendship right? :D<br />
Glad that Sooyoung gave Siwon up.<br />
Shes so kind =)<br />
At the end she found CHANGMIN!<br />
Awww :D<br />
The_AJ #6
What.... Sooyoung and Sica not together.... :( I thought they were... *sniff sniff* but nice story...(:
The_AJ #7
Umm is this gonna be mainly abt soosic? Just asking cause i kinda like them LOL kekeke, nice chapter by the way... Sad to hear abt Sooyoung's dad... Sooyoung fighting !!!<br />
<br />
Update soon please~(: