Chapter 1

Forever Love

“Yah~! How many times I’ve told you, you have to make it simple before. Look!”, the older girl showed the younger how to solve the math problem

“(x2-1) is equal with (x+1)(x-1) and you can change cos2x + sin2x with 1, now you have simple equation and you’ll find it much easier with the rest problems.”


“Yah~!! Choi Sooyoung! You’re mind is not here, isn’t?”

“I don’t know, Sica. I’ve tried my best to understand your explanation, but my brain seems can’t absorb it.”

The older sighed deeply. Couldn’t understand why she could be soo patience to have a deal with the younger.

The older, Jung Jessica, was one year older than Choi Sooyoung.

Although they were separated with a year, but their friendship would never been separated.

They had been together since Jessica moved to Seoul from San Francisco 6 years ago and their house is side by side as they were neighbour.

Although they had their own friends, but their friendship still strong.

Their strong friendship maybe because they different each other.

Jessica was a calm, girly, and bit introvert girl, when Sooyoung was on the otherwise.

Sooyoung had an outgoing personality, she could be a friend with everyone she met, even just once.

She’s bit boyish too, it’s because she usually hang out with the boys.

Soo, with that difference, they attract each other.

Jessica though Sooyoung as her dongsaeng, friend, and at some moment, Sooyoung became her unnie.

When Jessica had a hard time, Sooyoung was the only one to be there for her.

Although Jessica seemed tough outside, but she actually weak inside, she would only tell Sooyoung about her problems, and Sooyoung would hear every single word that Jessica said and comforting her, so that Jessica would feel comfort and safe if Sooyoung was around.

Sooyoung would do anything funny to cheer up Jessica, such as did a dorky dance, told a funny story, anything she would do so Jessica’s smile was back.

That described how strong the bond between them.

And today was another day when Sooyoung asked Jessica to help her to do her homework.

She found it hard to do with her own soo she would come whining to Jessica , and Jessica would teach her patiently.

“Ok, ok let’s try again from the start.”, Jessica was about to re-explained the explanation when Sooyoung said,

“ about we have another snacks, Sica? Since we are running out the snacks here. Besides my brain can’t work properly right now.”, suddenly there’s a noise came out from Sooyoung’s stomach and it could be heard clearly because the room was soo quiet.

“…Oh God, Sooyoung! I should know it at the first place. Your problem is not with your brain, but THIS!”, said her while hitting Sooyoung’s stomatch. Jessica couldn’t believe with her friend’s diggestion system.

“We had lunch only two hours ago and we had cookies which only you who ate it all, and now your stomach have asked to be filled?”, Jessica said it to her with her eyes got wide and Sooyoung could only give her typical grin and the sparkles in her eyes.

“You seriously should check your self to the doctor, Sooyoungie. I think they have their way to remove the worms inside your stomach. I’m sure they ate all the food for all time, so that’s why you stay skinny like this although you can’t stop to eat.”

“There’s no need to do it, sica! Let’s go! Let see if auntie still has the food for us.”, Sooyoung pull my wrist and walked toward the kitchen.

“Yah~! It’s not us! It’s you!”

And that happened almost all the time. This time, Sooyoung spent her time in Jessica’s house, and in the other time, Jessica did it.

“Sica~, wake up! Now it’s your turn to take a shower. Come on, princess wake up RIGHT NO~W!” Sooyoung oatted Sica’s shoulder to wake her up

“Mmh..ok,ok, I’ll wake up.”, Jessica wake up lazily but she let out small chuckle when she heard Sooyoung’s English. After she sat a while in the bed, she walked to the bathroom

Last night, Jessica stayed at Sooyoung’s house because this morning, Sooyoung would have an English test, so that’s why Jessica stayed at Sooyoung’s house last night to teach her English.

For them, staying at one of their house was been a common thing.

Why Sooyoung asked Jessica to teach her, It’s because Jessica was really good in english as she grew up in America until she moved to Korea when she was 11 years old.

She didn’t being bothered to teach Sooyoung English, since the one who taught Korean was Sooyoung.


“Come in!”

“Sicha-chu~! Here’s your uniform!”

“Thanks, Sooyoungie! I’m sorry for bothered you, you have to take my uniform to my house.”

“Yah~! It’s ok! It’s not a big problem. Besides, I’m the one who should say sorry because you have to stay the whole night because of teaching me.”, Sooyoung then walked to the bed and sat there waited for Jessica while she dressed up. Because there was nothing to do, Sooyoung could only stare at Jessica who was wearing towel and was giving the lotion to her thighs. She kept staring at Jessica, as she didn’t realize that now, Jessica noticed her doing.

“Soo, do you like what you see, Soyoungie?”, Jessica . Immediately, Sooyoung back to her self and could feel the warm on her cheeks.

“Yah~! It’s not like you think, sica! It’s because I have nothing to do,and why does it take you so long only give the lotion on your body, gee!”, she said it with stuttering.

“Just accept it Sooyoung, you adore my gorgeous body, don’t you?”, she said it as she had a smirk on her face.

“Aish~!”, with her red face as tomato, she walked out of her room, leaved Jessica who was laughing so hard seeing the younger was blushed so madly.

They were sitting at the café, wait for their order came. Sooyoung treated Jessica for helping her last night in English subject.

“Soo, are you sure you’ll past the test, Sooyoungie?”
“Sure! Thanks to Jessica seonsaengnim I could do the test very well because of you.”, Sooyoung gave Jessica a 90 degrees bow and it made Jessica laughed

“Hahaha! Don’t tease me, Sooyoungie!”, then it ended with their laugh together.

After they finished eating, they still sat at their seat. There was a silence between them, then suddenly, Sooyoung broke the silence,

“Say Sica, do you want to have a boyfriend?”

Jessica had known this kid since forever, she knew where this conversation was going to be. Then, she looked at Sooyoung and smirked,

“Hmh, you start it again. Soo, who’s this guy now? Do I know him?”

Sooyoung let out a deeply sigh, “Hh..No, Sica. There’s no guy. I’m just asking you. It’s because I just wondering why do you seem have no interest with the guy.”, she said it with sad face while looking at her glass and playing it with her fingers. Jessica looked concern to the younger girl, and smile

“Of course I have an interest with the guy, but not like you, Sooyoungie. In your case, if you find a guy with good looking and broad shoulders, you’ll immediately fall for him. You will adore him so much and you’ll tell me about him all the day. For me, I’m searching for a guy not from his appearance, but how can make me feel comfort and safe. I can fall for him because of his charm.”

“Yah~! I didn’t fall for a guy only because of his good looking and his shoulders!”, she pouted disagree with what Jessica said before

“Oh yeah? How about your first crush to Yunho-sshi? Or a guy you called prince, Nickhun? Oh,oh and don’t forget Taeyang-sshi! You told about him all the night as his story is a story tale before you sleep.”, Jessica rolled her eyes as she remembered when she couldn’t sleep because Sooyoung unstoppable story about her crush to Taeyang.

“But…they are raelly awesome. They’re so popular, it’s imposibble you wouldn’t fall for them..”, Sooyoung tried to defence her self

“Me is an exception, Sooyoungie! And I still have the name list of your crushes, and it will take time till dinner if I mentioned them one by one”, Jessica cutted her friend’s words before she started to admire those guys.

“Listen, it’s ok if you like their apperance, but it doesn’t mean that they’ll be a good boyfriend. You’ll need more than just an outer appearnce.”, Jessica said while looking to her dongsaeng seriously

“Hh..I know, Sica! I just feel desperate. I can make good friends with everyone, both guys and girls. You know I always hang around with the boys, but they only look at me as their friend or as a dongsaeng.”, and now her face was sadder than before. After silence for few minutes, she talked again,

“Sica-chu! You’re soo lucky. You’re soo amazingly beautiful. Most of the guys I know, they adore you soo much. They always say how beautiful you are, how smart you are,,, and honestly sometimes, it makes me hurt, Sica. It’s not because they adore you instead of me, but because what those guys think about me. Don’t they think of me as a girl?”, now her eyes glistened and make Jessica shocked. She didn’t know that her friend thought this thing so seriously. Before, she knew that Sooyoung enjoyed to hang out with the boys and didn’t seem that nothing happened. The fact that she didn’t know about Sooyoung’s feeling before made her sad and felt guilty. Then she reached Sooyoung’s hands and placed them in her palms.

“Sooyoungie~! I’m sorry that I never realized it before. I don’t know that this turn to be a serious matter for you.”, now Jessica could see Sooyoung was crying, and then she pulled her dongsaeng in her hug. After a moment, Jessica broke the hug and know placed her arms on Sooyoung’s cheeks while her thumbs erase the tears.

“You know what, Sooyoungie? You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known. Just llok at your self. You have nice body, beautiful legs, amazing skin tone, and these adorable cheeks. You shouldn’t look down your self.”, Jessica cheered up her dongsaeng.

“And inside your beautiful apperance, there’s more beautiful things. You have your beautiful soul too. You’re really kind, you’re mature for your age. You’re perfect in a package, Sooyoungie. Someday, I’m pretty sure that the right guy will come to you with you don’t have to look for him, he’ll show up to you someday by his own.”

Now, Sooyoung the tears was running down crazily.

Not because she sad, but happy instead. She’d never been so happy like now.

She felt dumb right now because how could she felt so desperate because of not having a boyfriend when she had Jessica with her.

She should be very grateful because Jessica always be there for her and Sooyoung knew, Jessica would always be there for here, forever.

Then Sooyoung hugged her bestfriend tightly.

“Sica~! Thank you so much! You don’t know how happy I am right now. I feel so lucky that I have you.”

“It goes to you too, Sooyoungie! You’ve been helped me many times. You always listened to my problems and you will do everything to cheer me up. I cant imagine live without you, Sooyoungie. I’d rather die than had to live without you.”

“Yah~! Don’t say the scary thing like that, Sica!”, she broke their hug and glared at Jessica and placed her arms on Jessica’s shoulders.

“But I’m serious, Sooyoungie! You’re the most precious beside my parents. Don’t you think the same about me?”, the question shocked Sooyoung.

“Of Course, Jessica! You’re my precious one too. I’d rather die than live without you. But keep it in your mind, I’ll never let you die, Sica! Soo I promise, I will never let my self die before I can see you live happily. I’ll find you a guy who can make you happy, soo you won’t need me anymore.”

“No~! even if someday I find the guy whom I love, my love for you will never change. Nobody can take your place, Sooyoungie. And I’ve never take my words back!”, Jessica said seriously with her eyes looked through Sooyoung’s eyes.

“Ok, ok, fine! I can’t win the debate if the oppenent is you.”, Sooyoung could only let out the sigh this time. With that sight, Jessica smiled victoriously to her friend. When Jessica wasn’t look at her, Sooyoung looked at her best friend and smiled
‘I hope someday you’ll change your mind. I’ll never allow you died because of me.’

8 years later
In the morning

“Sooyoungie~!”, the woman with black suit were standing, called the other woman who was in the black suit too.

There was just only two of them in that graveyard.

The other woman who was squating for almost 20 minutes then stood up, but her eyes still glued to the tombstone.

It was a year ago when her father died because of a heart attack, and now, she was standing in front of her father’s grave.

She then turned her head to the woman who called her, she was standing all the time behind her.

“I’m sorry, Sica for keep you waiting.”

“It’s ok. Soo, can we go now?”

“Yeah, Let’s go!”, and then the two of them walked out of the grave yard.

At a café in the lunch time on the same day

“The time goes so fast. It’s been one year since Appa was gone, but it seems yesterday he was still beside me. I miss him so much.”, Sooyoung finally spoked after she was quiet since the morning on the way to the office.

“Yeah, I miss him so much too, everybody does, Sooyoungie. How about Auntie?”

“She’s much better now. This morning, she told me that she would go to Appa’s grave by her self. She called me about 10 AM and said that she was on way home from Appa’s grave. It proves that she can accept his death now.”, she said as she smiled, but Jessica could see the sadness in her eyes.

“Sooyoungie~!”, Jessica grabbed Sooyoung’s arm and placed them in her palms.

“It’s ok, Sica! I just need a time. Everything’s gonna be back again soon, I promise.”

“I miss you so much, Sooyoungie.”

“I’m sorry Sica, I make you so worried about me. And thanks for all of your concern.”

And as usual, Sooyoung drove Jessica to her office before she went to her own office since Sooyoung worked at her Father’s office one year ago.

Sooyoung would pick up her to her office in the morning and drove her home.

In lunch time, Sooyoung would pick up her in her office so they had lunch together and she drove her back to her office.

They did it everyday now.

It different when Sooyoung’s Father still alive.

It because Sooyoung worked at the another company where the location not in Seoul.

She worked there as a manager. And now, since her Father’s death, she worked at their family’s company as the owner and the president.

Jessica, after graduated from the college, she worked at her family’s company too and now her position was the vice president.

Sooyoung and Jessica was soo popular as both of them had a great career in young age.

They are both beautiful, smart, success, and the most important, they are both still single.

Many guys admired them so much but still there’s no one who could get their attention.

Before, Sooyoung really want to have a boyfriend, but not after the last moment happenedbetween Sooyoung and Jessica.

Now, she didn’t take it seriously.

She was sure what Jessica said, that someday The Prince Charming would come to her without her realize it.

At Sooyoung’s Office

*knocks on the door*

“Come in!”, her eyes then moved to someone at the door

“Miss Choi, the client is here.”

“Oh, please let them come in, Miss Kim!”, and then her eyes back to the paper on her desk.

“Excuse me, Miss Choi!”, suddenly the baritone voice could be heard from the door. She stopped her doing then looked at the owner of the voice, and there, she looked at the tall, handsome, and charming guy who was standing near the door. She couldn’t stop stare at him and it made the guy felt awkward.

“Emh..excuse me, Miss Choi! I’m sorry for disturbing you!”, he said while formally bowing at her.

“,no! it’s my fault. I think those paper make my brain freeze for a moment. Please, have a sit!”, Sooyoung could feel the temperature around her was higher and her heartbeat was faster than usual. ‘What the heck is it?’

“I’m Choi Siwon, Miss. I’m a consultant from S.M Company, and I’m here to talk about our project.”

“Oh, yes I’ve heard it from my secretary that S.M Company will send their people here, soo it must be you. Nice to meet you Mr. Choi!”, they had a handshake and then Sooyoung could feel that her heartbeat was faster and faster seemed about to explode.

“*coughs awkwardly* Fiuh…sorry about that, Mr. Siwon. It’s my allergic of warmer temperature. Anyway, would you like to drink?”, as Sooyoung tried so hard to keep her self calm.

“Thank you. I’ll have a mineral water, please.”

“Eh, really? Only a mineral water?” she asked him suprisingly.

“I usually have mineral water. It’s simple but the best.”, his charming smile made Sooyoung couldn’t hold for it any longer.

“I’m sorry I have to go to the restroom. Excuse me!”, she said it quickly as she stood up and walked so fast to the restroom, leaving the guest who looked astonished.
In the restroom, Sooyoung was looking at her reflection on the mirror.

“Oh, God! What happened to me?”, as she asked her reflection in front of her. Then, she slapped her cheeks several times. She then stopped it and looked back to her reflection again.

“Sooyoung, he’s just another guy in your world. Same with Yunho, Minho, Wooyoung, Jonghyun, Taeyang,…….and the other. So better you go back to yourself NOW!!!”, she said seriously to her own reflection. Then she breathed the air deeply and let them out slowly.

“Fighting~~!!”, as she cheered her self through the mirror before she walked out from the restroom.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Choi. So, where were we?”, and the two finally started discuss their project as Sooyoung could control her self now, but still, she could feel that there’s some butterflies in her stomach.

In front of Jessica’s office

Sooyoung looked at the woman who was standing in front of her office, looked like she was waiting for someone.

“Soo, Princess! Ready to go home?”, as Sooyoung whispered it to Jessica’s ear without her notice it before and it made her soo surprised because of the sudden voice in her ear.

“Sooyoungie!”, she immediately turned to her bestfriend, and she could notice that her friend finally looked happy for the first time in the last a year and absloutely it made her happy too.

“Wow, Sooyoungie, I miss you so much!”, Jessica hugged her dongsaeng affectionately.

“Hey, we just met not long time a go when we had lunch together.”

“Heh, you know what I’m talking about, Sooyoungie. It’s about you and your bright face. I’d never seen you soo happy right now before for the whole year, and I miss it so much.”, now she cupped her palms on Sooyoung’s cheeks.

“Like I told, Sica! I’ll be back, right? Now you can stop worried me.”, as she placed her palms on Jessica’s arms that on her own cheeks.

“I know you so well, Sooyoungie! Soo, something really good happened, wasn’t it?”, now she introgated her, made a gesture as she placed her arms on her waist.

“Hahaha! Nothing really happened, Sica! Come on! The temperature is going lower. We could be frozen out here if we stayed any longer.”, Sooyoung pulled Jessica’s wrist and dragged her in to her car.

“Yah~! You owe me your story, Choi Sooyoung! I wont stop interogating you utill you spill it!”, Jessica glared at her who pretended not hear what she said.

“I’m serious, Sooyoung! And to prove it, I’ll keep my eye to you, I’ll stay at your house!”

“WHAT?! Oh my, Sica! You’re being stubborn again. I said there’s nothing. It’s just about a guy. I think you’ve been tired to hear my story about them, don’t you?”

“Oh, finally you found a new guy? This time who is he? Do I know him?”, she asked the driver who was driving them home enthusiastly.

“Heh, why so suddenly? Why do you have an interest to my story this time?”, she said it with smirk on his face.

“Because this time is different. This time, that guy can bring my Sooyoungie back, soo he should be very special and I wonder how is he.”

Sooyoung looked at Jessica afectionately and with her one free hand, she reached Jessica’s arm and hold it.

“No, Jessica, it’s not because that guy. It’s because of your patience and your concern for all the time. I’ve made you worried and I can’t let it any longer. I can’t let my self being selfish forever, soo I’m back because of you, Sica!”

“But still Sooyoungie, that guy was in the right place in the right time. He pushed your “happy mood” button. I bet you have some weird feelings that makes you cheerful when you saw him, right? Just tell me now, Sooyoungie, how is he?”, she asked her exitedly while turning her body to Sooyoung’s direction and shaking Sooyoung’s body.

“Fine, fine! I’ll tell you, gosh! Look who’s the kid here?”, Sooyoung couldn’t help but laughed at Jessica’s behaviour. While driving, Sooyoung then explain the guy to her exited friend.

“Hm.. ok, let see.. at the first, I was captured by his eyes. He has a pair of an eagle eyes. You’re melting immediately when he looked into your eyes. And then his smile, wow Sica! His smile attracted me most. Just look at his smile, you can feel that all of your your sadness was gone and replaced by the happiness. You’ll keep that smile forever in your mind. And the last, he has tall figure, and perfectly board shoulders, his body is just an art, Jessica! God must be smiling when created him. He just soo perfect.”, Sooyoung was gazing out blankly then suddenly Jessica screamed,

“Yah~! Choi Sooyoung!! You’re driving! Watch where’re you going!!”, Sooyoung woke from her day dreaming because of Jessica’s dolphin voice.

“Aish~, Sooyoung, seriously. I’ve never seen you lost your mind like this before.”, Jessica could only shooked her head amazed with the younger.

“You really have no choice but introduce him to me, Sooyoungie!”


Part 1

- END -

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Chapter 2: it is a nice chapter
please write more
killthemall #2
Chapter 2: soosica please!
SooNa247 #3
it reminds me to what sooyoung said on strong heart<br />
'love is all about waiting' xD
yay soosic!!!!!!!
This is a fic bout their friendship right? :D<br />
Glad that Sooyoung gave Siwon up.<br />
Shes so kind =)<br />
At the end she found CHANGMIN!<br />
Awww :D<br />
The_AJ #6
What.... Sooyoung and Sica not together.... :( I thought they were... *sniff sniff* but nice story...(:
The_AJ #7
Umm is this gonna be mainly abt soosic? Just asking cause i kinda like them LOL kekeke, nice chapter by the way... Sad to hear abt Sooyoung's dad... Sooyoung fighting !!!<br />
<br />
Update soon please~(: