It's now or never.

Timeless Love.

    "Perfect night isn't it?" Kris says looking up at the sky that was draped with twinkling stars that night. Everything was perfect. The perfect night, the perfect wheather and of course, the perfect companion. "Hmm, yeah. It's even more perfect cause you're here." Tao said shyly while looking at the moon. Kris sat up and looked at Tao. He brushed his fingers through Tao's hair. He loved this boy so much that he'd trade his soul for him if he had to. He bent down and gave Tao a small peck on his forehead. Tao smiled and rolled over resting his head on Kris' lap. Tao's hand searched for Kris' hand and he held it tight. They stayed in that position for a long time without saying much to each other. When you love someone, words are not even needed, just the presence of that one person is enough. 


     Kris checked his watch, which was a gift from Tao on their 1st anniversary. "Tao ah, it's 1 am. My parents are gonna murder me when I get home late." Kris said with a slight giggle at the end. Kris didn't mind the nagging or the scolding. As long as that allowed him to spend time with his one and only, it was sufficient for him. "Really? Gosh, how long have we been here? Since your extra class ended right? Time always past so fast whenever I'm with you. It's not fair." Tao said while sitting up and pouting like child. Kris smiled at Tao, brushing his hand against Tao's chin and said, "I know, that's why I gotta make every second count. I have to make sure every milisecond spent with you is memorable. Who knows one day you might leave me." Kris said joking ly. But Tao took that joke a little too seriously. "Seriously Kris? Seriously? You really think that I would do that? What kinda person do you think I am? You're such an sometimes you know." Tao said facing his back towards Kris. Kris couldn't hold back his laughter and burst into a ball of laughter. "Okay, okay! I know you won't do that. I'm just teasing you, boy. I know you couldn't leave me even if it meant you had to die. I know you love me. I'm sorry, but I just like seeing you throw a tantrum." He said while trying to refrain from laughing. Tao turned around and hugged Kris. He didn't have to say anything but Kris knew what exactly was on his mind. 


      " I'll pick you up tommorrow babe. Remeber to bring your schoolbag. You're such a absent minded person you know." Kris said as he Tao got off his car. Kris followed behind and grabbed Tao's waist. He kissed Tao on the lips and hugged him. Tao broke into a smile and said " I love you too. Okay, now go, quick. You're so screwed when you get home. I'll call you tommorrow morning!" Kris got into his Mercedes and zoomed off. Tao had to walk up a few flights of stairs to get home. When he reached home, it was dirty and messy, unlike the condition he left it in this morning. Tao was just so tired of cleaning up he just made his way through the trash and all the mess and went to his room. He stripped and took a nice shower while thinking of the time he spent with Kris that day. Just as he was getting dressed, he heard the front gate open with a tweaking sound. "Dad? Is that you? Where have you...' just as Tao open the door to greet his dad, his father threw him a slap right across his face. Tao was caught so off guard he fell on the living room table and knocked his head. "You useless piece of rubbish. Why did God even create you. What have I done to deserve a hopeless son who killed his mother." his dad slurred. It was obvious, he was drunk, again. Tao's legs wobbled as he struggled to stand. He approached his father and said " Dad, you're drunk let me hlep you to your room." Just as he was putting his father's arms around his neck his father ounched him in the rib and slapped him again. Tao fell to the ground. HIs father kicked him and swore at him. "You're ing hopeless. you and your existence." Tao did not retaliate nor did he try to defend himself. He seriously thought that he was gonna die that night. All that came to his mind was his deceased mother and Kris. He was apologizing to Kris in his head and tears were streaming down his face. Though the pain he was experiencing on the outside hurt, but the pain in his heart was far worst. The thought of  never seeing Kris again was enough to kill him. 


     Kris had an uneasy feeling as he was driving home. His heart was racing for no apparent reason and he was breaking out in cold sweat. His palms were getting sweaty and he started feeling anxious. "What's wrong with me? Why do I feel like this?" he asked himself. He could feel like something was gonna happen. He didn't want to think of the negative things, so he tried to maintain calm and brushed it aside. When his car finally pulled into the driveway of his 4 storey mansion, he calmed down alittle. He creeped in to his room via the ladder near the balcony of his window. Just as he though he was safe, he saw his father sitting in his room with the lights on. "3 am, Kris. Sharp. New record I see." his father said in a stern voice. "Dad, what are you doing in my room?" Kris asked feeling nervous. "Well, who are you to be questioning me. You have alot of explaining to do young man." with that his father left his room no forgetting to slam the door hard behind him. Kris rolled his eyes and slumped on his bed. He unlocked his cellphone to be greeted by a  cute picture of Tao and himself that he had set as his homescreen wallpaper. He smiled like a child seeing that. He texted Tao "Hey my favourite boy! Finally home, and my dad is freaking pissed. R.I.P Kris tmr. Haha!" and he clicked the 'send' button. 


     Tao was laying on the cold hard ground like a dead body. He heard his father walk to the kitchen and seemed like he was searching for something in the drawers. He saw witht he corner of his eye, his father was holing a knife in his hand. Tao lost hope, he just wanted to surrendewr his life to fate now. But then, the image of Kris' smiling face popped into his messed up head. He told himself he would not let himself die this way. He stood up and hobbled all the way to the door and made a dash for it. He was holding on to his ribs as they hurt so bad. He wasn't even wearing his shoes and his clothes were all bloody and torn. He limped down the flight of stair and did not bother looking back. He didn't know where he was going to go. He didn't care anymore, all he wanted was to live. Just then, it started raining ctas and dogs. The rain was so heavy it blinded his sight. Tao saw the children's playground nearby and walked towards there. He crawled into one of the slides and he just out. 


      "The person you are trying to call is curently unavailable, please try again later." Kris was in utter panic. That was the 6th time he called Tao and no answer. No replies. No nothing. Kris didn't know what to do. He grabbed his keys and rushed down the stairs. He walked past both his parents and totally ignored whatever they were saying. He started his engine and raced to Tao's house. He rushed up those flight of stair leading to Tao's house and knocked the door. He even turned to kicking and slamming the door when he got no reply.Then he saw blood on the floor and a bloody handprint on the door. His hands were trmbling, his legs were going weak. He couldn't stadn straight. With those trambling hands, he puched in Sehun's number. " ah. what do I do now... I.. I ... think something happend to Tao. He's not answering my calls and he's not even home." Sehun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Luhan and Kai all rushed to Tao's house after hearing the news. "Okay, let's spread out. Baek, you go with Luhan, Kai, go with Sehun and look for him on the other side. Kris, you come with me. He's injured so he can't possibly go far." Chanyeol ordered. Without any further delay, the boys spread out in search of Tao. All except Kris. He was so frozed up and in a daze. It was as if his soul had left him. Chanyeol shook Kris " Kris! Look at me. You have to stay strong, do you want to find Tao or not! Listen to me! Kris! Look at me, be strong. We'll find him." Chanyeol shouted at Kris. Kris jumped out of his daze and nodded his head. They were all searching high and low, covering every corner of the area looking for Tao.


        "Luhan ah! Look! There's sopme blood there and also around that children's playground. I think Tao is there!" Baekhyun said anxiously. "Hurry, let's go there. Baek, call Yeollie and Kris. Tell them to get Kai and Sehun too." Luhan said as he ran towards the playground. He looked in one of the slides and found nothing, as he made his way to the other side, he saw a pair of legs hanging out from on of the slides. "Tao! Oh my god. Tao!" Luhan screamed at the sight of Tao. He was all bloody and pale. He was bleeding everywhere and he was shivering. His body was so hot that Luhan thought he was gonna die. Baekhyun ran over and he clasped both of his hands on his mouth when he saw Tao's condition. He dialled for an ambulance as quick as he could.The ambulance came right at the same time as Kai, Kris, Chanyeol and Sehun. The paramedice carried Tao and placed him on a stretcher. Kris saw his beloved Tao. All battered and bruised. He broke down into tears and slumped onto the ground. Kai picked him up and said "Ge! Are you ok? Do you need medical attention too? " Kris did not say a word and shoved Kai. Kris was furious now rather than heartbroken. He felt his cheeks flush and he fist clenched tightly. " That bastard. I'm going somewhere. Don't bother waiting for me. I might not make it back.


                                                                                   It's now or never." 



so hey guys! Here's chapter 3! Sorry fot the long delay. was really busy, I hope you like this chapter because it's kinda intense and stuff. Keep on reading if you wanna know what Kris is going to do! And also, do subscribe if you're loving my story so far!



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smtaon #1
noooo dont kill kris later ;(