
Timeless Love.

           "Urgh. I can't get this right, I just can't. No matter how hard I try, I just can't. No wonder I lost. Urgh, stupid, stupid. Huang Zi Tao, you're stupid!" Tao was very agitated and annoyed as he was punding on his own head. Tears filled his eyes and soon his vision was blurred by the wetness in his eyes. Frustration, disappointment and sadness rushed through his system all at once. Tao clenched his fist till his nails ate through the skin of his palms. Without thinking much, he threw a fist towards the wall. Kris jumped out of his chair and ran towards Tao. As usual, they were skipping class again, in the Biology lab. "Tao! Are you mad? Are you ok? Let me see your hand." Kris did not expect that from Tao. Though he knew he had a bad temper but he also knew that Tao treasured his hands the most. How else would he perform his swift tricks and moves then? Tao shook Kris' hands off his fist. " I don't need your help!" Tao snapped at Kris. Kris was dumbfounded. He knew there was something more to this. He knew this aura that Tao is giving out is not entirely for losing in the competition. It was one of those rare occasions where Tao snapped at Kris. Tao was all red, his eyes were bloodshot, and he gritted his teeth. His breathing was painfully loud in a quiet lab. HIs back faced Kris because he felt bad for what he had done and he didn't want to let Kris see him in tears. Kris just knew something was of, he could feel it. 


           Without questions, and interrogation, Kris went up to Tao and turned him around to face him. Kris hugged that almost lifeless body of Tao's. He rubbed Tao's back to give Tao assurance that he was there for him. Always. Tao tried to squirm a little before finally giving in. He stood there and just cried his heart out. "Tao ah, it's ok, just let it all out. I'll be here. Don't forget I'm here with you." Kris said assuring Tao. When you really love someone, you just know that something is wrong although they pretend like nothing's ever happened. And this was exactly the case with Kris and Tao. Kris rubbed and patted Tao's back continuosly. Towards the lower back of Tao's back, he felt a lump of some sort. Curious, he patted it a little harder. It was then Tao let out a squel in pain. Kris was worried, what was this lump here? "Tao, why do you have some lump on your back. What happened?" "'s... Just.. I fell down during practice." Tao stammered while breaking free of Kris' embrace. "Don't lie to me. Is it him? It's him again isn't it? Tao, I've told you before. You're ing trained in martial arts, could you just defend yourself. Why let him do this to you?" Kris said, this time raising his voice. "I knew you would say this. He's my father, ge. He's the closest thing I have to family. Without him I'm nothing." Tao did not hesitate to fight back. "But still, a father does not have the right to beat his son up into a pulp like this everytime he's drunk or when he lost all his money gambling. Your father is nothing but an !" "what did you say? Say that again!" this time Tao was way beyond pissed. "I said, he is the biggest I've ever known. Beating his child day in and day out... like seriously who-" before Kris could finish his sentence he heard the door slam hard behind him.


            It was a hard day for them. Tao was mad at Kris for not understanding why he did not fight back and Kris was mad at the fact that Tao would just let someone hurt him like that, rather than mad, Kris was more hurt than angry. Everytime this happens, Kris' heart just breaks into a million pieces. But everytime he mentions his father, Tao just seems to lose it. Kris felt the same pain Tao did, but he just didn't know how to express it. He wants to help Tao feel better, but he just didn't know how to put his words. Everything he says just seem to hurt Tao even more. 


            "The person you called is unavailable, please try again later." Kris tried calling Tao for the past few days. But Tao refused to answer or reply any of his texts. When they saw each other at school, Tao pretended that Kris wasn't even there at all. "Tao ah, what happened between you and Kris ge?" Luhan asked, sensing something was wrong. "Kris? Who's Kris?" Tao answered while glaring at Kris who sat just opposite of Luhan. Kris gave Tao the stare and their eyes were locked in a stare-off for a good 2 minutes. Tai rolled his eyes and walked away not before kicking his chair. Tao walked to the field to get some fresh air.Although he seemed calm and normal, on the inside he was a wreck, he misses Kris so bad it's slowly eating him on the inside. "Huang Zi Tao, how long are you gonna keep this up." Tao snapped out of his daydreaming when he heard that familiar voice. "Baekhyun? How did you-" "How did I find you? Well its not difficult spotting someone of your height. Tao ah, I'm not sure what is going on between you and Kris ge, but you guys should really talk." Baekhyun said with a tinge of sadness in his voice. "Why should I? He was such a jerk, he just doesn't understand." Tao said, looking at the blue sky. "Tao ah, I don't know if I should tell you this, but the other day, I was walking past a bar, and I saw Kris there. Alone. He was drinking pretty heavily you know. I didn't wanna disturb him, but I could see he was crying. Tao, Kris ge really loves you. It takes alot for a grown man to cry, he must've have really felt bad. You see, if he doesn't understand, make him understand. It takes time, but you'll get there. Communication is the key to a happy relationship. Trust me. I know."  Baekhyun said while placing his hand on Tao's shoulder. "And how would you be so sure that communication is the key here. You seem to have experience eh?" Tao said with a smirk. "Let's just say me and a certain Chanyeol have special feeling towards each other." with that BAekhyun walked away. Tao snickered behind him and shouted out "I knew it!". 


           Tao was pondering over Baekhyun;s words. Baekhyun was right, he shouldn't just let this relationship wither away like this, he knew for sure that he loved Kris. Kris on the other hand was desperate to talk to Tao. They both stood up at the same time and ran. Destiny has a funny way of showing itself doesn't it? Both Tao and Kris ended up at the same place, at the same time. The place where Kris first asked Tao to be his one and only. They both looked at each other with meaningful eyes and they both smiled. Kris walked towards Tao and hugged him. 


                                                     "Don't you ever dare ignore me again. It hurts too much."



So hey guys! Thanks to those who actually took time reading this.  It's my first time writing a typed kinda story. I used to find it weird but now I'm fine with it. So Taoris are one of my favourite ships. I hope youre enjoying the story so far. I'll try to update as much as I can, hopefully twice a week. On thursdays and fridays. Expect alot more from this story. Once again thanks for reading and subscribe if you like it! Kamsahae!!! 



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smtaon #1
noooo dont kill kris later ;(