#3 - A Pet Peeve

The Truth About Fanfics


It's in third person

(So I'm not gonna read)



Okay so, right off the bat I'm going to apologise in advance for this one, because it's a complete pet peeve of mine about fanfics these days and I've noticed it's pretty much EVERYWHERE (but again, let's make this clear, these are my opinions. I'm fine with people discussing, but not bashing.) This may not be everyone opinion.


So, it seems there are ALOT of second person Fanfics floating around these days, and quite frankly. I HATE THEM (But before you judge me and give me backlash, let me explain why...)


For those of you that don't know, a second person fanfic may go a little like this:


"You approach Taemin slowly, your eyes locked with his as you gage his reaction. He doesn't move, his own dark, almond shaped eyes watching your every move intently, as though he's memorising  every move that you make. It's the dancer side of him, you realise. It never really shuts down. But that's okay... You realise with a sensual smirk. You think it's hot."


(Oh dear god I wrote that off the top of my head please excuse the yness...)


But yes, that is second person Fanfic. They allow the reader to immediately put themselves into the story, rather than feel a detachment when reading about others in those situations. You allow them to experience the scenario you are describing, and the world you are ing them into and your letting them back some important decisions. (I like to think of them as low budget simulators...)


Okay, so why do I PERSONALLY avoid (note the word personally, please) them? Because everyone of them that I'VE seen have been written lazily. Instead of fleshing out a character, describing their quirks, their unique personality, thoughts and opinions - they instead make the reader do all the work. Don't get me wrong, they CAN be written in a way as to be engaging with the reader, have decent descriptions and have an actual meaningful character, but honestly, I've never seen it done. When I read them, they always seem to have been written along the lines of;


You (____) decide you like Taemin. So you go talk to him.

"hi." Taemin smiles.

You smile back and greet him.

"Hello." You feel embarrassed because ___________. 


Honestly, they make me feel like just slamming my head against a wall, since that would be a less painful way to loose brain cells. Where's the description? Where's the premises and development? Why do they always seem so SIMPLE? What's worse, is that there are SO many, that fanfics in third person seem to have become a dying breed, which is a damn shame. It also feels like all the second person fanfics are the ones with the most subscribers, the most votes and the most comments. Maybe I'm missing something here, or maybe I've just not found one yet that's good enough to break the mould I feel has been set. 


For me PERSONALLY, the second person narrative is one that needs to be done extremely well to pull it off, and I'm just not seeing it done. It feels like they're taking priority over third person, and that third person fanfics are taking a backseat and looked over for those set in second person. This saddens me.


All I know is:


If your fanfic is set in third person - People aren't interested.



Whats your opinions on second person fanfics? 





How can you decide for me what I'm like and my characteristics? Your telling me what I look like, often even my name and personality. What's the point in this? It's NOT me, so why pretend it is? You've clearly got a character there why ask me to BE her? She's her, I'm me, now just let me read about her please. 

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Chapter 6: Anjrit...

My thought exactly.
hoyaual #2
Chapter 3: Your point on second person fics are my exact thoughts on them.
Chapter 3: It's really weird but I agree with all if the points you're making. ESPECIALLY the second person fics. There are way to many at it saddens me because there are loads of amazing first and third person fics out there which aren't getting noticed. To be honest I don't know why second person fics get all the love from. But I personally stay way away from them
TAOpandy #4
Hua I love these. You actually make some valid points that I think about sometimes when I see others fics. Maybe we're just a judgemental race... We need :(
oneshotBAP #5
Chapter 5: Thank you all for your comments :-)
-FanGirl- #6
Chapter 4: I tend to have a good length and update pretty fast according to my readers.
So, I don't really know. But personally, I'd chose length over update.
But I have to agree that it having to wait too long for an update.
Still, I understand what you mean. And that just brings me back to most of AFF's users are either in high school or middle school.
Granted there are some great writers still in high school.
Either way, this is how I've come to see things on AFF.
Chapter 4: Length over update but not if that means waiting a month between chapters. You should add a chapter about that. Some stories update so slow I forget what the last chapter was about and don't care about the story anymore so if a see a story that rarely updates I don't even bother.
I try hitting the 3000 word mark in every chapter and my last finished story was 100 chapters long.. I write how I want and are just appreciating the people who like it.
You got great points not only with this chap but the others as well.
PockyKiss #8
Yes, yes and YES to all of these! I'm madness!
-FanGirl- #9
Chapter 3: Yes! I completely agree.
Personally I hate second person stories!
Since they lack depth.
I've attempted writing one, and personally, I abandoned the project.
Even going to read them, it's rather annoying.
But still, I test them out everyday.
I still go to read them to see if I could find at least ONE good second person story I can enjoy.
You're not alone here.
-FanGirl- #10
Chapter 2: Again you make a great point here.
When writing the first story to my series "floWER" I've noticed my main character is a bit plane.
But not many readers will notice this right from the beginning.
Because even though she's pretty ordinary, the things that happen to her aren't.
So in that way the reader can related.
You make valid points.
Can't wait to see what else you have to say.