Moving on

Twisted Love

( 5 moths later ) ( all toghter 10 months later )

Niel- No One have found her yet

Chunji- I know

Changjo- Sorry. But I think she'd dead

Niel- I KNow!

L.Joe- Calm down!

( Angelena and Su Min )

Angelena- I earned 500,000 won.

Su Min- How did you earn so much in least then 3 hours?

Angelena- Let's say i have friends

Su Min- You have friends?

Angelena- Yep

Su Min- Lead me to them

Angelena- okay

( Su Min and Angelena goes there )

Su Min- Hi

Angelena- Hi guys, This is my sister Su Min.

Soo Young- WOw! You weren't kidding

Su Min- If you don't mind may i take a shower in here

Ari- We don't mind

Su MIn- okay

Yuju- Wow she's pretty!

Ae Sook- Ya she's pretty to be in the woods for 15 years!

( Ring Ring Ring )

Yuji- I got it!

( Phone )

Changjo- ANy sign of Angelena?

Yuji- ( looks at Angelena )

( Angelena Shook her head no )

Yuji- nope

Changjo- Uhh! Niel over here is gettinf drunk, and dating to much girls in a day!

Yuji- can't you contro him!

Changjo- I'm afraid not

Yuji- oh

* Yuji ends call *

Yuji- Why did you fake that you weren't alove anymore

Angelena- What do you mean?

Ae Sook- Niel is so worry about you!

Angelena- Who's Niel?

Ari- What. You forgot them?

Angelena- Oh i forgot to tell you! My head hitted something when i went hunting.

Soo Young- You go hunting

Angelena- Anyway My head hitted something hard and it made a mark

Ari- So your telling me you forgot your boyfriend?!

Angelena- Who's my boyfriend!! All I can remember is Chunji, Changjo, Ricky, Cap, and L.Joe!

Ae Sook- NOOO!!! I perfect romance can not end up like this!

Su Min- Angelena Lets go

Angelena- Okay

Ari- ( Grabs Angelena's Arm ) No

Su Min- Come ON

Ari- Stay

Su Min- Let go of her

Angelena- Let go of me!

Ari- We have to take you to a hospital

Su Min- No!

Soo Young- Angelena Please you need to get fixed!

Angelena- Su Min Lets stay

Su Min- No

Angelena- Stay, You can trust them

Su Min- No i can't Lets go

Angelena- Go by yourself

Su Min- I will

Soo Young- Get in the car Angelena

Angelena- Oka

Ari- I got the keys

( Got at the Hospital )

Doctor- Well I see the problem. Her Brain is Losing touch with her most important person in her life

Soo Young- So Your saying her brain is melting!

Doctor- No, Who she use to love is not gone forever

Ari- What!

Doctor- If you can find who ever she used to love within 5 months she will regain her memory.

Ari- Wow that's going to be easy!

Doctor- Great

* While the way to New York, already at the United States *

( Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom )

* Before Angelena knew it They all died except Angelena *

( Angelena runs for her lives )

Angelena- I need to get to shelter face

* ( You ) knock on a door *

Person- Opens the door

Angelena- Please let me in!

Person- Angelena!

Angelena- Chunji?

Chunji- Come in

Angelena- Thank you!

Chunji- I thought you were dead!

Angelena- That's what everyone thought

Chunji- Wow you look horrible!

Angelena- Thank you!

Chunji- I mean..I have to teel Niel about this!

Angelena- Who's Niel?

Chunji- What do you mean?

Angelena- I lost my memory about the person i love

Chunji- really?

Angelena- yes

 Chunji- Then why don't you take a shower

Angelena- Okay

Chunji- You can wear some of my clothes if you want.

Angelena- Do i have a choice

Chunji- Nope

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