World Tour

Twisted Love

( Angelena waking up in Niels arm, Angelena trying to get up but Niel Pulls her down and says.. )

Niel- Stay with me

Angelena- No! Let go of me I have to go cook

Niel- I can starve

Angelena- I am not letting a handsome guy starve, Now let go of me!

Niel- ( Pulls her down and kisses her then lets go of her )

Angelena- Thank You

Niel- Oh and I am going on World tour for 2 years

Angelena- What! Your leavign me! I am not cooking for you anymore!

Niel- I am leaving today

Angelena- When

Niel- at 5:00pm

Angelena- Why so late?

Niel- DOnt know

Angelena- ( Climbs on top of Niel and kisses him ) Do you really have to leave me

Niel- Yes

Angelena- Meeny!

Niel- Sorry

Angelena- You better not go cheating! ( Kisses him again )

Niel- I wont

Angelena- Lets go to the other boys

Niel- Okay

( They Went there )

Chunji- Hi, Angelena! ( Gives her a bear hug )

Angelena- I am about~~~ Die

Chunji- Oh sorry

Changjo- Have you heard?

Angelena- About what

L.Joe- World tour

Angelena- Yes

Niel- I told her ( Grabs her waist )

Angelena- I am going to miss you guys

Ricky- I am going to miss you also! ( gives her a tight hug )

Niel- DOn't kill her!

( 5:00 Pm )

Angelena- Bye!

SoO Young- Bye!

Ari- Bye!

Ae Sook- Bye!

Yuji- Bye!

Teen Top- Bye!



( 5 Months later )

( At The United States )

Niel- Ahhh!!

Changjo- Dont be sad you and Angelena only been 5 months apart!

Niel- No thats not it look

Chunji- A Missing photo about ( You aka Angelena )

Ricky- Ahh! She's gone missing

Changjo- Don't be sad their are more than 1 fish in the sea!

Niel- I want this fish though!

L.Joe- Niel! DOn't worry someoen will find her!

Niel- What if they don't and she ends up dead!

L.Joe- Okay 50/50

Niel- Uhhhh!!!

Angelena's POV-

I ran away from home. I ran away from my abusive Parents. I once had a sister but now she probably is dead. I Probably will die also in the woods.

( Sees a house )

Angelena- I see a house! I better go in theire, before i get eaten

( Looks around the house )

Girl- Who are you!

Angelena- I.I....I am Angelena.

Girl- I meant who are you and why are you here!

Angelena- I can leave if you want!

Girl- I can just kill you!

Angelena- I have Abusive parents and i ran away from home! Please don't kill me! ( crying )

Girl- Fine ou can stay but u may not touch anything

Angelena- Thank you! May i ask what your name is?

Girl- My name is Bak Su Min.

Angelena- ( Looks at what neckles The girl is wearing ) Ahh!!

Bak Su Min- What

Angelena- Were sisters!

Su Min- How!

Angelena- When we were little we stole a neckles to show Love. And your wearingn the necklace


Su Min- Angelena?

Angelena- I finally met my sister in ages

Su Min- Is Mom and Dad Drunk

Angelena- I am so happy you lived!

Su Min- Why did you wait for 15 years to escape!

Angelena- I dont know

Su MIn- Follow me to your room

Angelena- Okay

Su Min- Here

Angelena- Wait ( grabs Su Min's wrist )

Su Min- What

Angelena- Since you welcomed me in i will cook

Su Min- Sure what ever


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