Is That You? O____o

❦ ✿Love is Sweeter the second time around✿ ❦


You ran out of the big crowed circle full of B1A4 fans and called Katie immediately…….. “Hello?” “HELLO IM _______ AND WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!!??? I CAN”T FIND YOU!!” “Ohh _______ , Im at the place where you sign in and go to the aeroplane, come quick or your going to miss the plane!” said Katie. You hurried to the plane


Luckily you made it, you went to sit next to Katie but you saw someone else sat next to Katie, you whispered to Katie “Why the hell is the girl sitting next to you?” “Sorry! I think I accidently put you into a different spot, hehe.”whispered Katie. “OMOGAWD! * sigh *

Ugh who cares then, we will meet when we go out.” said you “Tehe~ Sorry.” said Katie.


You walked for a short distance then you find your number, (45) you sat down and you saw a boy sitting next to you. He covers his mouth and his also covering his hair by wearing a black hat, you sat next to him and asked “Hello? :D um… here i got some medicine in my bag if you want them, it seems like you're sick.” you said quietly. He didn’t say anything, you just slowly turn your head around awkwardly thinking * Oh my gawd such a rude person! Doesn’t he know manners, geez *


Then you just started to read some K-pop magazines you bought for entertainment, you saw B1A4 on the first page, you stared at gongchan and smiled, then you the next page its B2ST! You screamed really, really loud and everyone around you turned and stared at you. “ Sorry.” said you awkardly. Then you just awkwardly flip the page over its MBLAQ, you just straightly flipped the page over.

Then you heard the boy next to you screamed “Why don’t you look at MBLAQ, what did they ever did to you? Aye!!?” then everyone looked at you again awkwardly. “Its not me its him!!!” you pointed at him then you hear him say nothing but putting his head down pretending to sleep. You apologized again, you turned to him and said “Dude, do you have any manners its my choice if I want to flip over MBLAQ or not ok! You don’t have to scream and shout!” “Girl if I show you my face you will scream and you will apologize to me ok!” said the boy next you. “Mmmnn.. I wont believe until you show your face!”said you. The boy take of his hat and mouth protection.


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