
EPISODE 3: The Choices We Make


Tuesday, December 1, 2013

Eunji ran to the bus that was about to leave, yelling, “Wait, wait!”

Thankfully, the bus driver waited for Eunji who quickly hopped on the bus. She leaned against the pole to catch her breath from the cardio, glad she didn’t miss the bus.

“Hey, friend~” A voice called out. Eunji looked up and saw Baekhyun sitting in the back, smiling and waving. He animatedly pointed at the empty seat next to him. Eunji rolled her eyes and ignored him and sat in the middle of the bus, away from him. She put on earphones and stared out the window. Eunji suddenly felt the bud leaving from her ear and heard, “Way to embarrass me in front of all these people, Friend.”

Eunji looked over and saw Baekhyun sitting next to her. She gave a tight lipped smile, “Friend, since when were we on close terms? And also, there’s like only two other people on this bus.”

“I was just trying to be friendly. No need to be sassy.” Baekhyun said, “I was just happy to see a familiar face so unexpectedly.”

Eunji gave a nice smile that quickly changed into a blank face, “Now that you saw my face, why don’t you just go back to your place in the back.”

“I can sit wherever I well please.” Baekhyun said, smugly. Eunji just rolled her eyes and stuck the earphones back in. The bus came to a stop and more people came onto the bus. Eunji looked up and immediately brightened as she saw a blond head.

“Yoseob Sunbae!” she called out, waving at him.  He was a senior at Kirin when she was a new freshmen. Yoseob was always nice to her and she may have harbored a teeny crush. Just maybe. The said man smiled and walked over to Eunji… and, well, her friend.

“Eunji-yah, what are you doing here?” Yosoeb asked, awkwardly sitting at the seat in front of her.

“I’m visiting Jiyeon at the hospital. She just had a surgery.” Eunji replied.

“Ah, I see.” Yoseob replied, “Is this your friend?”

Baekhyun looked over and gave him a cheeky grin, “Hi, I’m Baekhyun, nice to meet you.”

“What do you mean, friend?” Eunji said making a face at Baekhyun. She turned to Yoseob and said, “I don’t know who this guy is.”

Baekhyun made an incredulous face at her while Yoseob just laughed. “Still just as cute as ever.”

Eunji blushed as she heard Yoseob say those words.

“Cute?” Baekhyun asked with a shocked face, “Her?!”

Eunji just smacked Baekhyun.


Wednesday, December 2, 2013

“What’s with all the food?” Kyungsoo asked, walking into the kitchen. Luna was packing Tupperware of food into a bag.

“It’s for Jiyeon,” Luna said, not looking at Kyungsoo and just continuing packing.

“Is she feeling better now?” Kyungsoo asked, grabbing a piece of meat and putting it in his mouth before Luna could close the lid. Luna gave him a playful glare before saying, “The surgery was successful. Whether or not she can sing depends on the healing process from here on out. So I made food that’s good for the vocals.”

“Wow, what a considerate friend,” Kyungsoo said, “I wonder if you would have done this for me…”

“Of course!” Luna said cheerfully. Kyungsoo looked at Luna with a grave face.

“Wait, what?” Luna said, “Is something wrong?”

“Is this really Luna?” Kyungsoo asked. She gave him a weak laugh, “We’ve been friends since I can remember. I think I would do that much for you.”

Kyungsoo still looked at her. “You’re still not back.”

Luna paused and looked up at him, “What do you mean?”

“Your usually happy and optimistic self.”

Luna gave a weak smile, “Well, I don’t know. I guess I need some recuperating, too. It’s not super bad anymore though, at least. Although there are some random moments… but overall I think I’m doing better.”

“Kay. Just don’t take too long.” Kyungsoo said with concern. Luna nodded, “I’m a pretty cool girl, I can brush it off.”

Luna laughed as Kyungsoo shook his head.

“Anyway,” Luna said, “I’m gonna go the hospital now. Oh, now that I think about it… what are you doing here?”

“Oh, I wanted you to listen to a new composition I made.” Kyungsoo said, pulling out a USB.

“Ah, sorry Kyungsoo, but I actually promised to meet Eunji and Jieun at the hosptial, and” she looked at her watch “I’m running a wee bit late. I’ll listen to it later, okay? Sorry. Oh, and eat food. I left the remainder in the fridge!”

And with that, the bubbly girl was out of the house, leaving poor Kyungsoo alone with his USB.  He scratched his head.

“Food it is.”


Thursday, December 3, 2013

The amplifier was blasting the musical noises of the electric guitar. The loud noise suddenly stopped and the young man playing placed the instrument down and lied down on the ground of the music room. Chanyeol had been playing non-stop for the past… who knows how many hours. He massaged his hands as he stared up at the ceiling. Five more days. His audition was in give more days. Second cut, mind you. He thankfully passed the first round, and Chanyeol was now one step closer to being mentored by… well his musical idol.

Chanyeol’s composition wasn’t going super well though. There was something missing. He wasn’t sure. But the past couple hours of playing brought no inspiration to the poor young man. Which is exactly why said man was just lying on the floor.

Suddenly there was a light knock on the door.

“Come in.” Chanyeol said, still lying on the floor. The door slowly opened and Sulli’s head poked in.

“Oh, Chanyeol sunbae!” Sulli said as she entered the room with papers in her hands.

“Ah, hi Sulli” Chanyeol replied as he sat up, “How did you know I was here? Were you looking for a handsome oppa?”

Sulli gave him an awkward laughed before saying, “Actually… I’m here to tell you that your reservation on the room is over and it’s actually my turn.”

“Oh. So you’re kicking me out.”

Sulli nodded. Chanyeol stood up and stretched. “You couldn’t have played along with the joke?”

Sulli laughed, “So it would increase your already big ego?”

“What?” Chanyeol said, “I’m offended, dear hoobae.” He started packing his guitar in the case while Sulli just laughed.

“What were you practicing?” Sulli asked as Chanyeol slung the guitar case on his back.

“Just trying to compose a song. I have an audition very soon.” He said.

“Oh, wow!” Sulli said with an impressed smile, “I wish you best of luck, sunbae!”

Chanyeol grinned, “Thank you. You practice hard too, now.”

Sulli nodded as Chanyeol left the room.


Monday, December 7, 2013

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas~” Jieun sang happily as the friends (minus Jiyeon who was still in the hospital) sat down at their usual bench.

“Seriously, I just love this season!” Eunji said dreamily, “So are we gonna have our usual Christmas tradition?”

“Of course!” Jieun chirped, “Christmas shopping at the mall and then making cookies and watching Elf at Sunyoung’s house!”

“Is that okay if we do it again at your house?” Eunji asked Luna. Luna looked up, a bit dazed. “Sorry, what?”

“Sunyoung, are you okay?” Jieun asked, concerned. Luna looked up and gave them a weak smile, “I’m just having an off day. I’m gonna just get some fresh air and I’ll be fine.”

She got up and left the school building. Jieun sighed, “You think she’ll be okay?”

Eunji nodded, “It’s probably because of what happened in class today.”

Her phone then beeped and Eunji grinned while texting back the person.

“Dude, who keeps texting you?” Jieun asked, “You keeps smiling like a dummy.”

Eunji gave Jieun a sly grin, “It’s Yoseob Sunbae. I randomly ran into him last week and I’ve been texting his since.”

“Omo,” Jieun said, “The guy who graduated a couple years ago? That’s so random. Oh… yeah. You had like the fattest crush on him. Aigoo, it got reignited?”

“What got reignited?” Baekhyun asked while sitting down next to Jieun.

“Nothing of your concern.” Eunji replied, before looking back down on her phone.

“Yah” Baekhyun said to Jieun, “Your friend is very cold-hearted.”

Jieun laughed, “Don’t bother with her right now. She’s in major ‘work mode.’”

Baekhyun blinked. What the heck did that mean?


Luna sighed as she sat down on one of the benches at the front of the school. She had her huge red scarf wrapped warmly around her and she had her hands stuffed in warm fuzzy mittens. She tried to fight the tears that were trying to fall.

But to no avail, the tears spilled and Luna just let out another sigh. She was such a failure. She was scolded again in class today for messing up on her singing lines. The teacher exploded on her, saying that Luna never improves and that she really needs to step up her game.

The frustrating part was, Luna does practice hard. She practices really hard, but it never seems good enough. Maybe she’s just not good enough, ever. For anything. She’s just a failure… who is always outshined by her amazing brothers. She’s failing at impressing her teachers, she failed her musical auditions… heck she even failed with love.

Maybe she wasn’t meant to be a singer. Maybe this was all just a waste of time and Luna should just drop out and go find another job to pursue. Luna felt so pathetic, sitting there and crying by herself in the cold weather.

Suddenly, she felt an earbud being placed in her left ear and a soft piano melody came on. (Song link: http://youtu.be/QhCTTXSvcq4) Surprised, Luna looked next to her and saw Chen with the other bud in his ear, looking forward. Luna quickly looked away and wiped her tears as the soft music kept playing. She looked down at her mittens and the two just sat there, listening to the beautiful music playing. It was an oddly comfortable silence.

“This piece was written by Chopin during a really hard time in his life,” Chen said, still looking forward. Luna turned to look at him. Chen continued, “He was always pretty weak most of his life, health wise, I mean. He would always dream of traveling far and wide to compose his music, but he was always sickly. So people said he could never do it. This was the piece he wrote during those times. There’s something beautifully peaceful and comforting about it, huh? Sooner or later, his health got better and he was able to continue composing and living his dream. Now, when musicians look at this piece, they call it a masterpiece that uplifts the soul. Encouraging people to keep fighting and trying, in a way.” Chen looked at Sunyoung and smiled, “So don’t give up, Sunyoung.”

Luna stared at Chen with a slightly flushed face, either from the weather or the words, in awe. Her heart started beating a bit faster and stared at his smile that was so… warm. He pulled out the earbud from his ear and placed it in Luna’s other ear. Chen placed his ipod in her hands and then got up, saying, “You can borrow it. You can return it to me the next time I see you!”

Chen waved goodbye as he walked into the building and Luna waved back, as if she was in a trance. The soft music continued to play and Luna looked down at the ipod in the hands and smiled.


Wednesday, December 9, 2013

“What are you writing?”

Eunji looked up and glared at Baekhyun, who sat across from her at the coffee shop.

“What are you doing here?” Eunji asked, “And who said you can sit here?”

“It was cold so I came in to get some coffee before going back to practice. And then I saw you so I came to say and now here I am, answering your question.”

Eunji smiled cheekily, “Then you should buy your coffee and go back to practice.”

Baekhyun nodded, “I could… or I can just stay here and bug you. It seems a lot more fun.”

Eunji sighed, “Do whatever you want.”

She went back to writing her letter and ignored Baekhyun. He looked over and grabbed the paper.

“Hey!” Eunji yelled loudly, standing up. People in the café looked at her. Eunji sat down quietly, embarrassed at her outburst. She glared at Baekhyun who was reading her letter, “Give it back. It’s personal information that is none of your concern.”

She reached over for the letter when Baekhyun started reading out loud, “Yosoeb sunabe, I was always mesmerized by the beauty of your voice and the kindness in your smile. ”

Baekhyun laughed, “You think this kind of stuff works? You call this a confession?”

Eunji angrily grabbed the paper from Baekhyun, and huffed, “No one asked you!”

“Alright,” Baekhyun said, grinning, “I wish you the best of luck, friend.”

“Aish, I need to write it over now,” Eunji complained, trying to unwrinkle the paper. Baekhyun quietly got up and said, “I think that is my cue to leave. Goodbye, friend. Good luck with your confession~”

Eunji frowned and threw the balled up letter at him. 


Sunday, December 13, 2013

Chanyeol let out a deep breath before signing in on the computer. His heart was beating crazy fast. The results were out. He nervously tapped on the enter key before he finally pushed it.

His heart stopped beating.

He got in.

Chanyeol couldn’t really believe it. He shook his head and slapped himself. Oof, okay, yeah. This definitely wasn’t a dream. He got in. He was going to be mentored by the most respected rocker in the whole world. Okay, maybe not the whole world, but in all of Korea, at least. Chanyeol didn’t even know how to react. He got up from his seat and opened the window of room and let out a big scream.


A huge smile formed on his face and he excitedly looked back at his computer screen.

Dear Chanyeol Park,

We congratulate you for being chosen by Kim Tae Won to be exclusively trained and built up in your extraordinary skills.

Chanyeol happily sighed. This was so crazy. He could almost cry. Almost. 


Luna cringed. What the heck was that noise coming from Chanyeol’s room?

“What’s going on in there?” Jieun asked, looking up from doing her homework.

“I have no idea.” Luna said as she tried thinking hard. Today… today was an important day? Today… today was results.

“RESULTS!” Luna shouted. As if on cue, Chanyeol ran from his room into the dining room where Luna and Jieun were studying. Luna got up as she excitedly faced him, “Oppa! OPPA! What happened? What happened?!?! Did you get in?!?!”

Chanyeol grinned widely, “ACCEPTED!”

“YEAH!” The two cheered as they jumped up and down.

“Chanyeol Sunbae, you got in?” Jieun asked cheerily, “Congratulations!”

“Thank you!” Chanyeol said happily.

“Wow, my oppa is pretty cool right now!” Luna beamed.

“Anyway, I’m gonna go celebrate with the guys. You two gonna come?”

Luna dejectedly looked at her homework on the table and shook her head, “I really have to study. Mandarin is so hard now.”

“C’mon Sunnybuns, when else can you go out and celebrate with your soon to be very successful oppa?” Chanyeol said, grinning widely. Luna sighed and let out a smile, “Okay, I guess Mandarin can wait. Jieun-ah, you down, too?”

Jieun smiled and nodded.

“Okay~ It’s on this oppa today!”


Thursday, December 17, 2013

Luna sat alone in the library, finishing up on her Mandarin stuff. Yes, it was a week before Christmas, yet here Luna was… studying alone in the library. Winter break would start soon, but she has a Mandarin essay due tomorrow. Luna sighed as she looked out through the window. It was snowing and students were outside, celebrating. Yet here she was, alone in the cold library, studying a language she couldn’t understand.

“I still have to write 2 more pages. What more am I supposed to write?” Luna whined to herself, banging her head on the table.

“Dude, be careful, Sunyoung, you don’t want to lose your brain cells, now.”

Luna looked up and saw Chen walking over to her table, with a big fat book in his hand.

“What is that monstrosity?” Sunyoung asked, eyes wide open. Chen smiled as he set the book down on the table and sat down across from her.

“It’s the history of Korean music. Quite fascinating, actually.” He opened the book with a loud thud. Luna gave him a disgusted face.

Chen laughed, “I’m just kidding. It’s ancient and dull. Just trying to keep that positive mind set, if ya get what I mean.”

Luna sighed, “You should pass on some of that positive energy to me. I’m dying right now. Mandarin is SO STINKIN HARD.”

She made a pouty face as she stared down at her essay.

“Let me see.” Chen said, as he reached over and grabbed her notebook.

“I didn’t know you knew Mandarin!” Luna said, “Are you still taking it?”

Chen shook his head, “I grew up for a while in China.”

“YOU DID?!” Luna asked. Chen just nodded while he looked at her notebook. He scanned the paper and tried to stifle his laughs.

“Hey, hey.” Luna said, “What’s so funny?”

“Some of your characters are written wrong here. And this sentence makes no sense whatsoever. And wow, I didn’t know your competition with Chanyeol was this intense!”

Luna frowned at him while grabbing her notebook back from him.

“Well, I tried. It just isn’t clicking.” Luna said. Chen got up and sat on the chair next her. He leaned over and grabbed the notebook and a pen, saying, “Here, I’ll help you write the essay.”

Luna looked at him with big round puppy eyes, “Really? You really will?”

Chen nodded.

“But don’t you have to read the Korean history bible?” Luna asked. Chen shook his head, “It’s not urgent.”

“Wow!” Luna beamed, “Jongdae oppa is the best!”

Chen laughed and told her to focus on her paper. They worked on the paper for a couple hours. When they finished, Chen and Luna packed up and started walking home. Er, to Luna’s home.

“Seriously,” Luna said, “Thank you so much! I will buy you food next time!”

Chen laughed, “It’s no bigs. And I should be buying YOU food. Hoobaes don’t pay for their sunbaes.”

Luna shook her head, “But I must! I will!”

“You can try,” Chen said. Luna pouted, shivering a bit.

“Are you cold?” Chen asked. Luna shook her head, “I’m alright. I’m made out of tough steel.”

Chen chuckled as he took off his scarf and wrapped it around Luna’s neck.

“Wait, Oppa, I don’t need it!”

“Uh huh. Then why is your nose so red?”

Luna blushed, “But you’ll be cold.”

“I’m made out of tough steel, too.” Chen replied, mimicking Luna.

“HEY!” Luna shouted. Chen laughed as he walked ahead, making Luna run to catch up to him.

“Oh, by the way!” Luna said as she stuck her hand in her coat pocket, “Here.”

She handed in the ipod Chen gave her a couple weeks ago.

“Thank you for letting me borrow it. It actually helped me a lot. I think I’m back to my normal self.” Luna said, grinning. Chen smiled back at her, “Good to have you back, Sunyoung.”


Thursday, December 24, 2013

“Aish” Baekhyun said, as he rubbed his body to make himself warmer. His mom sent him out to go buy some wine for the family to make their Christmas Eve dinner a bit more classier. Beer or soju would match their family much better, in Baekhyun’s humble opinion. But for the sake of family unity on Christmas Eve, he complied with his mother’s wishes, which is precisely why Baekhyun was now walking back home in the cold with a bottle of wine.

He was on one of the bigger streets of town, which was decorated nicely with lights and ornaments. Couples were walking around him, all snug and warm. Baekhyun grumbled. Hey, he’s a normal teenage guy. He can feel a bit lonely on Christmas Eve, too.

Baekhyun continued walking when he saw a familiar face. He squinted and saw Eunji, sitting on one of the sidewalks near the park. He smiled a bit while walking over and sitting down next to her.

“Fair maiden, fear no longer, the prince has come to sweep you of your feet.” He said animatedly. He turned to her with a huge grin plastered on his face. Eunji just turned her face away and sniffled. Baekhyun blinked, “Yah. Are you crying?”

Eunji sighed before yelling, “Yes, I’M CRYING. GOSH. AM I NOT ALLOWED TO CRY, HUH?”

People who were walking by started staring and murmuring things. Eunji’s crying just became bawling and Baekhyun looked frantically between the crying girl and the passing people. He held his hands up, shaking his head, “It’s not me. I’m not the one-” Eunji’s wailing became louder as she sniffled and wiped the tears off her face. Baekhyun looked at her uncomfortably. Baekhyun wasn't good with girls. On top of that, he wasn’t good with crying girls. He regretted sitting down to tease the young girl… as he was now in this awkward predicament. What to do.


Chanyeol sat in the dark, alone in the corner of his room. His laptop was sitting in front of him, being the only source of light in the darkness. He absentmindedly kept tapping on the keys as he thought.

Chanyeol excitedly met Kim Tae Won a couple days ago, to get the signing and the logistical part done. It was all so exciting and unreal to him. It almost seemed too good to be true.

Until the representative told him that he was to go on tour with Boohwal for the January to February showcase.


“Showcase?” Chanyeol asked, in shock. The rep nodded, “And then afterwards, you’ll probably be in intense training with the others Kim Tae Won chose and then he will see who actually can make it in the rock world.”

Chanyeol blinked. “Does that mean I can’t go to school anymore?”

“Ah,” the rep said, “You're still a student. Then yes, you don’t have to drop out per se. But maybe defer for a year.”

“I- I didn’t know that was a part of the contract.” Chanyeol said. The rep nodded, “Well, you can have a couple more days to think about it before agreeing or not. Talk to your parents and whatnot. But I will tell you; this is an opportunity that doesn’t come often. I’ll look forward to your reply.”

End flashback

Chanyeol sighed. Obviously, he should just quit school and go do this program. But he couldn’t bring himself to say yes. Like 100%. Maybe he was scared… and he didn’t want to leave. Maybe Chanyeol didn’t want to leave behind the life that he became so comfortable with. His friends… he would leave them behind. They will all graduate together, leaving Chanyeol alone. And what if at the end, he doesn’t even get chosen. And he goes through all that training to be dropped… and friendless.

Chanyeol just kept staring at his computer screen.


“Merry Christmas.” Luna said. Her and Kyungsoo were doing her annual “best friend” Christmas eve celebration on the roof of Kyungsoo’s house. They were warm and snug in their huge jackets and a cup of warm hot chocolate in her hands. Oh, and the extra marshmallows.

Kyungsoo frowned. “It’s eve, actually. And what is this? This is a gift?”

He held up a small cell phone key chain that had a dinosaur on it.

“Yes, that’s a gift! It’s cute. Look, it’s you!” Luna said.

“That joke is getting very old now, Sunyoung.” Kyungsoo said, “But thanks I guess.”

Luna nodded as she looked at Kyungsoo expectantly and held out her hand.

“What?” Kyungsoo said, still looking at his keychain. Luna coughed, “My present!”

Kyungsoo laughed as he handed her a bag. Luna excitedly opened it and found a white scarf inside.

“Hey,” she said, “It actually looks okay.”

Kyungsoo frowned, “What do you mean? I always get you nice gifts. Unlike you.” He lifted up his keychain.

“Do you remember that hideous granny sweater you bought me three years ago? And hey, I think that keychain is a pretty nice gift.” Luna said.

“Whatever.” Kyungsoo said, “Anyway, I have another surprise.”

He got up and brought two beer cans.

“What the,” Luna said, “Where did you get this?”

Kyungsoo handed one to her and smirked, “I don’t think my parents will notice a couple beers missing from their stock.”

Luna laughed, “Since when did Kyungsoo become a rebel?”

She opened the can and lifted it up. “To our friendship.”

Kyungsoo took a deep breath as he looked at his happy friend. He smiled as he lifted his can, too, “To our friendship.”

Luna voiceover: Decisions. Every day, in our lives, we make decisions. What to eat. What to wear. Who to hang out with. What dreams to pursue and what actions to take. Every day, every minute, every second, we make decisions. And…


Eunji let out a deep breath as she tried to calm herself. She looked over and saw that Baekhyun had disappeared. Honestly, she was too caught up in her feelings to even care or whatnot. She groaned. Her face was probably super puffy now.

A cup of hot chocolate suddenly appeared in front of her. She followed the hand, up the arm and saw Baekhyun, looking at the ground. Eunji just stared at the boy.

“Hey, are you gonna take it or not?”

Eunji, a bit shocked, grabbed the hot chocolate and held it with her hands. Ah, warmth. Baekhyun sat down next to her and coughed.

“Are you feeling a bit better?”

Eunji shook her head no. Heavy silence swallowed up the two… and even the bench they were sitting on.

“I got rejected.” Eunji suddenly said, staring at the hot chocolate in her hands. Baekhyun looked at the girl who suddenly seemed so small at the moment.

“Yoseob oppa wanted to meet up today. So… I thought it was a sign. I mean it’s Christmas freaking Eve. So I excitedly met with him at the café. I brought him a present and my letter. But the whole time he was talking about Jieun. Now that I think about it, I was so dumb for not noticing it before… how much he talked about her. But I foolishly gave him the gift and confessed.” Eunji took a deep breath, “He said he didn’t see me that way at all. He just… wanted to know more about Jieun. And… well, I don’t really remember what else he said.”

Eunji gave a forced laugh, “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. I’m so embarrassed.”

Eunji looked over at Baekhyun who remained silent and gazed at the sky.

“It’s snowing.” Baekhyun said softly as a small snowflake landed on his nose. Eunji looked up and saw the small pieces falling down. She lifted her hand up to let the flakes fall on her hand.

“It is.” She confirmed. Baekhyun suddenly got up. Startled, Eunji looked up at him.

 “This Saturday. At 4 PM. Let’s meet at the theater. You can choose whatever movie you want.” He said. Eunji looked at him confused, “I don’t understand.”

“Give me your phone.” He said. Eunji blinked as she handed him her phone. He punched some things in and then handed it back to her.

“My number.”

“Wait, you don’t need to give me a pity hang out.” Eunji said, looking up at him. He turned to look at her directly.

“I’m not.” He said. Eunji blinked in confusion.

“I’m asking you out on a date, Jung Eunji.”


Chanyeol clicked the send button.

He let out a huge breath before jumping onto his bed. He did it. Chanyeol said yes. He said yes to this whole crazy competition. Even though he wasn’t super confident and he wasn’t the best… this was his dream. Chanyeol’s heart beat so fast just thinking about his internship he will have with the prodigy. This was his chance to follow his dream and take risks for that dream.

Chanyeol the lamp and looked at the picture of him, Chen, and Baekhyun back when they were in middle school. He had a sad smile. Things were going to be different. So, so different. But his homies will still be there to support him. And Chanyeol will always be there for them.


“I can’t believe I’m drinking alcohol with Kyungsoo right now.” Luna giggled, her face a bit red.

“Kyung. Soo.” Luna said animatedly, “goody two shoes Kyungsoo. He is breaking the law!”

Luna kept giggling. Kyungsoo shook his head, “I’m never gonna drink with you ever again.”

She just kept smiling and put her arm around her friend. “I’m only kidding. Man, what a memorable Christmas.”

A comfortable silence ensued when a snowflake fell on Luna’s lashes.

“Ah, it’s snowing!” Luna said happily as she looked up at the sky. Kyungsoo stared at his friend who looked so joyful from a simple snowfall. She giggled as she stuck her tongue out to catch the snowflakes on her tongue. Luna laughed as she looked over at Kyungsoo.

He just stared at her who gave him a big smile. And then Kyungsoo didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system. Maybe it was from the romantic ideals in Christmas spirit. Maybe it was his unsearched feelings. But Kyungsoo leaned over and held Luna’s head with his two hands. She looked confused as she blinked at him.

He leaned in and softly pressed his lips against hers.

Luna voiceover: And these decisions that we make shape our future. It shapes our relationships. It shapes who we are and how we will be. Some of these decisions… make up our lives. And sometimes, that one decision may change your whole pathway.

Kyungsoo slowly pulled away from the kiss and Luna just blinked, still in shock. She looked at Kyungsoo who just stared back.

“YAH!” She yelled, hitting Kyungsoo. “Ah” Kyungsoo held up his arms to defend himself from Luna’s attacks.

“You crazy bastard! How dare you!” Luna kept hitting the poor kid. Kyungsoo got up to run away, “Ow. I’m sorry, Sunyoung, stop!”

“This is gonna be one hell of a Christmas to remember, Do Kyungsoo!” Luna yelled as she chased him on the roof, “Merry Christmas!”


A/N: What a chapter. I had so much fun writing this! ^___^ Please please please leave a comment or two. Ya know, so I can at least see if ya'll like it or not. Who to choose, who to choose? CHEN OR KYUNGSOO?!? Oh, and a nice dose of Baekji. WOOT. So... CHENA or KYUNGNA? hehee... until next time~

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rutdame #1
this story was really great just like your little miss sunshine. every of your story about luna was really beautiful. you are really a daebak author-nim
Chapter 10: i really love this story poor chen
i think something will happen after kyungsoo travel
Chapter 10: I honestly admit that this is one heck of an amazing story. It had so much meaning and love. So much Luna and Kyungsoo Love. *_* I love this so mcuha and it's so sad to know it's ending. BeakJi was cute too xD the somehow arrogant Beakhyun and the dreamer girl Eunji! I love Eunji, Jiyeon and IU! They're all perfect to be Luna's gal pals! It was a good twist also with Chen, and him liking Luna, obviously. I feel sorry for him. Chen's such a sweet, romantic guy but he just got rejected :(Also I do feel sad for him and IU since they're both single in the story. :( I also had this hunch with Chanyeol and Sulli. I just thought something might happen xD lol so many feels running through my mind xD Authornim saranghae! KAMSAMNIDA! WE LOVE YOU! <3
Chapter 10: At first, I was like, 'Im gonna comment all my feels down here and no one's gonna stop me from typing all this feels inside but then when I noticed NO ONE COMMENTED YET. O_O so that's what I did just there. Lol. NOW, time for the feels. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG T-T IT'S DONE! OVER! FINISHED! AAAAHHHH! OMG KYUNGNA!!!!
Chapter 10: FIRST! O_O
Chapter 9: Do Kyungsoo! I love you so much! I want you to love and take care of Luna Unnie for us Lunarians :) Your a good guy and we know you're the best for her! And that if you love Luna she'll love you back with just as much love you can give her, or more <3 KYUNGNA FIGHTING!!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH <3
Chapter 9: I seriously cried in the last two chapters lol~ but I really love this story!!
please update soon author nim~


make a sequel :D
Chapter 9: Do angst... I feel like reading those... It will be cool
Chapter 9: WAHHH this was really an amazing chapter!! Im glad luna finally confesses to kyungsoo, it was super cute for kyungsoo to confess through a song hehe, and "Goodbye Summer" was perfect! It would be great if you could write a Luna-centric oneshot series :) my heart can't take angst very well haha, but it's up to you anyway i would love to read it!:) Looking forward to the next chap, great job with this one author-nim :)